SAILOR 6222/6248/6249 VHF
User manual
and SAILOR 6300 MF/HF Service Tool

SAILOR 6222/6248/6249 VHF
and SAILOR 6300 MF/HF Service Tool
User manual
Document number: 98-133342-C
Release Date: 19 December 2013

SAILOR 6222/6248/6249 VHF and 6300 MF/HF Service Tool
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Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the
accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane. The information in this
manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice and
may contain errors or inaccuracies. Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane are periodically
revised and updated. Anyone relying on this information should acquire the most current
version e.g. from cobham.com/satcom or from the distributor. Thrane & Thrane is not
responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole or in
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Thrane & Thrane A/S trading as Cobham SATCOM.
© 2013 Thrane & Thrane A/S. All rights reserved.
Record of revisions

SAILOR 6222/6248/6249 VHF and 6300 MF/HF Service Tool
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Table of contents
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Connecting the radio to the service tool .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Connecting to a radio without a network .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Connecting to a radio using a network .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Precautions using the service tool .................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Using the service tool ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Getting access to the radio ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Status of the device ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Working with channel tables ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Channel tables for VHF ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Channel tables for MF/HF .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.3 Private channels for VHF ................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.4 Private channels for MF/HF .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Configuration of the radio .................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.4.1 Configuring the VHF radio ............................................................................................................................................ 15
3.4.2 Configuring the MF/HF radio ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Software Upload ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5.1 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
4 Index .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

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1 Introduction
The S6000 radio series1 has a built-in web server with a web interface to set up the radio and
channel settings. This web server constitutes the service tool and is intended for use by
authorized personnel only. The web interface is accessed from a computer connected to the
LAN and is displayed in an Internet browser. Currently only Mozilla Firefox is supported. No
additional installation of software is needed.
2 Connecting the radio to the service tool
2.1 Connecting to a radio without a network
The radio can be accessed using a standard PC with automatic network configuration.
Connect the radio to the computer using a LAN cable and the Ethernet interface. After startup of the radio, the radio’s current IP address will be visible in the SYSTEM SETUP menu on
the radio. For installed control units, the IP can be found in the menu CONTROLLER SETUP.
In these menus the item IP: appears with the radio’s IP-address.
Use Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and type the radio’s IP address in the address line of the browser.
This will open the default configuration page of the radio. Now you can configure the radio.
2.2 Connecting to a radio using a network
As soon as the radio is connected to the network and switched on, it attempts to require an
available IP address from the network. If this process is successful, then the radio has
received a network IP address. This address can be read out in the SYSTEM SETUP menu of
the radio or it can be found in the configuration of the network’s DHCP server. For installed
control units, the IP can be found in the menu CONTROLLER SETUP. If you want to see
the IP address in the DHCP server configuration, see the manual for the DHCP providing
Use Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and type the radio’s IP address in the address line of the browser.
EXAMPLE: http://
This will open the default configuration page of the radio. Now you can configure the radio.
Exception: SAILOR 621x VHF radios.

SAILOR 6222/6248/6249 VHF and 6300 MF/HF Service Tool
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2.3 Precautions using the service tool
WARNING: While using the service tool the network cable must not be removed
or disconnected from neither the PC nor the radio.
WARNING: Do not operate the radio while using the service tool.
WARNING: While using the service tool power to the radio may not be switched off.
Violation of the precautions above can result in a defect radio, which only
can be repaired by the manufacturer.
WARNING: When the changes are applied in the service tool, reboot the radio before
WARNING: Changes made with the service tool are the service agents’ responsibility.
Changes must be in conformance with radio specifications and regulations.
WARNING: Power cycle the radio before use of radio after end use of the service tool.
3 Using the service tool
The service tool in the radio is used to perform changes to settings and enable new features
such as adding channels or updating the radio.
The following sections of the service tool are described in detail:
Getting access to the radio
Status of the device
Configuration of the radio
Software Upload
3.1 Getting access to the radio
In order to protect the radio from inadvertent configuration by the ordinary user, you need a
password to enter the service tool and get access to the radio configuration. Password can
be entered in the ADMINISTRATION menu.
Click the ADMINISTRATION page to display the following view:

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Figure 1: ADMINISTRATION page for a VHF.
To login and use the service tool you must fill in these two fields with the following
Username: admin
Password: sailorsailor
After correct entry of the username and password, the service tool displays:
User is now logged in as Administrator
Now the radio is ready for configuration. You can configure channel tables, change the
configuration and upload new software to the radio.