This product utilizes batteries or an external power supply (adapter). Do NOT connect this product to any power
supply or adapter other than one described in the manual, on the product, or specifically recommended by CME.
WARNING: Do not place this product in a position where anyone could walk on, trip over, or roll anything over
power or connecting cords of any kind. The use of an extension cord is not recommended! If you must use an
extension cord, make sure that the cord has the ability to handle maximum current needed by this product. Please
consult a local electrician when possible.
This product should be used only with the components supplied or recommended by CME. When used with any
components, please observe all safety markings and instructions that accompany the accessory product.
The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. However, CME reserves
the right to change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obligation to update existing units.
This product, either alone or in combination with an amplifier and headphones or speaker(s), may be capable of
producing sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. Do NOT operate for long periods of time at a
high volume level or at a level that is uncomfortable. If you experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you
should consult an audiologist.
IMPORTANT: The louder the sound, the shorter the time period before damage occurs.
Some CME products may have stands and/or accessory mounting fixtures that are either supplied with the
product or as optional accessories. Some of these items are designed to be dealer assembled or installed. Please
make sure that stands are stable and any optional fixtures (where applicable) are well secured BEFORE using.
Stands supplied by CME are designed for the respect products only. No other uses are recommended.
Service charges incurred due to a lack of knowledge relating to how a function or effect works (when the unit is
operating as designed) are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, and are therefore the owners
responsibility. Please study this manual carefully and consult your dealer before requesting service.
CME strives to produce products that are both user safe and environmentally friendly. We sincerely believe that
our products and the production methods used to produce them, meet these goals. In keeping with both the letter
and the spirit of the law, we want you to be aware of the following:
Battery Notice:
This product MAY contain a small non-rechargeable battery which (if applicable) is soldered in place. The
average life span of this type of battery is approximately five years. When replacement becomes necessary,
contact a qualified service representative to perform the replacement.
This product may also use “household” type batteries. Some of these may be rechargeable. Make sure that the
battery being charged is a rechargeable type and that the charger is intended for the battery being charged.
When installing batteries, do not mix batteries with new, or with batteries of different type. Batteries MUST be
installed correctly. Mismatches of incorrect installation may result in overheating and battery case rupture.
Do not attempt to disassemble, or incinerate any battery. Keep all batteries away from children. Dispose of used
batteries promptly and as regulated by the laws in your area. Note: Check with any retailer of household type
batteries in your area for battery disposal information.
Disposal Notice:
Should this product become damaged beyond repair, or for some reason its useful life is considered to be at an
end, please observe all local, state, and federal regulations that relate to the disposal of products that contain lead,
batteries, plastics, etc. If your dealer is unable to assist you, please contact CME directly.
This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC
requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by CME may void your authority, granted by the
FCC, to use the product.
IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high
quality shielded cables. Cable(s) supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation
instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the
NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential environment. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the
users manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices.
Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations.
If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the unit
“OFF” and “ON”, please try to eliminate the problems by using one of the following measures:
- Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.
- Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC
line filter(s).
- In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is
300 ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to co-axial type cable.
If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer
authorized to distribute this type of product. If you cannot locate the appropriate retailer, please
contact CME.
The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed in the USA.
Table of contents
SPECIAL MESSAGE SECTION.........................................................................................................................2
FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A).............................................................................................................................3
THE BITSTREAM 3X ..........................................................................................................................................7
INSTALLATION OF THE DRIVERS AND SOFTWARE...............................................................................9
GETTING STARTED WITH THE BITSTREAM 3X.......................................................................................9
CONNECTION TO A COMPUTER ..................................................................................................................................9
CONNECTION WITHOUT A COMPUTER .....................................................................................................................10
DESCRIPTION OF THE FRONT AND REAR PANELS OF THE BITSTREAM 3X.................................................................11
FRONT:TYPE OF CONTROLS AND NUMBERING ........................................................................................................11
DESCRIPTION OF THE LCDSCREEN ........................................................................................................................13
The LCD Screen in « Normal Mode » ..........................................................................................................13
REAR PANEL: DESCRIPTION OF THE INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ......................................................................................14
THE EXPANSION PORT...................................................................................................................................14
OPERATING MODES OF THE BITSTREAM 3X .........................................................................................15
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STANDARD MODE AND USER MODE ..................................................................................15
STANDARD MODE...................................................................................................................................................15
USER MODE............................................................................................................................................................15
CONFIGURATION AND USAGE OF THE BITSTREAM 3X......................................................................16
THE RIBBON CONTROLLER .....................................................................................................................................16
THE CROSS-FADER .................................................................................................................................................17
THE JOYSTICK.........................................................................................................................................................17
SELECTION OF THE «CURRENT FUNCTION» ............................................................................................................18
Role of the up-down buttons and the encoder............................................................................................18
SELECTION OF THE GROUP ......................................................................................................................................19
SELECTION OF THE MIDI CHANNEL ........................................................................................................................19
SELECTION OF THE SCENE MEMORIES .....................................................................................................................20
ANALOG BEHAVIOUR ..............................................................................................................................................20
DIGITAL BEHAVIOUR ..............................................................................................................................................21
MIDI AND USBINPUTS ..........................................................................................................................................23
MIDI AND USBOUTPUTS ......................................................................................................................................24
Complete Schematic Of the MIDI and USB Routing.............................................................................................25
HAIN OF CONTROLS ..............................................................................................................................................26
Example of Usage...........................................................................................................................................26
ASSIGNING MIDI EVENTS TO THE CONTROLS OF THE BITSTREAM 3X........................................26
STANDARD VERSUS USER MODE ............................................................................................................................26
USING THE CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................26
USING THE « ASSIGN » MENUS ...............................................................................................................................27
CONFIGURATION OF THE CONTROLS OF THE BITSTREAM 3X...................................................................................28
MIDI events associated with the Standard mode .......................................................................................28
MIDI events associated with User mode......................................................................................................28
The common parameters in Standard and User modes ...........................................................................29
Selection of MIDI and USB Outputs...............................................................................................................................29
Exclusion of a control of scene memories......................................................................................................................29
Digital Behaviour ............................................................................................................................................................30
The parameters dedicated to Standard mode ............................................................................................30
Number of the CC or Note .............................................................................................................................................30
The parameters dedicated to User mode ....................................................................................................30
Min & Max values...........................................................................................................................................................30
Selection of the MIDI Delay............................................................................................................................................31
Checksum Management for exclusive systems .............................................................................................................31
Chaining the Controls.....................................................................................................................................................32
Control value positions 1 & 2 .........................................................................................................................................34
Split control value...........................................................................................................................................................34
THE TRANSPORT BAR ....................................................................................................................................35
SYNCHRONIZATION OF THE BITSTREAM 3X............................................................................................................35
USAGE OF STANDARD BUTTONS ..............................................................................................................................36
SCENE MEMORIES...........................................................................................................................................37
RESTITUTION OF SCENES .........................................................................................................................................37
SAVING THE SCENES ...............................................................................................................................................38
Selection of the Waveform.............................................................................................................................39
Adjustment of the frequency and synchronization......................................................................................40
Synchronization of the LFO from the internal or external MIDI clock ......................................................40
Adjustment of the offset value .......................................................................................................................41
Recording a Sequence...................................................................................................................................50
Restitution of a sequence...............................................................................................................................51
NAVIGATION OF THE MENUS......................................................................................................................54
PRINCIPLES OF NAVIGATION ...................................................................................................................................54
HIERARCHY OF THE MENUS (SUMMARY)................................................................................................................56
OTHER USEFUL FUNCTIONS........................................................................................................................60
Blocking MIDI Data .........................................................................................................................................60
Access to supplementary digital controls.....................................................................................................60
Increasing the range of value changes........................................................................................................60
Access to multiplexed parameters................................................................................................................60
INITIALISATION OF THE BITSTREAM 3X ..................................................................................................................61
REGULATING THE CONTRAST..................................................................................................................................61
UPDATING THE FIRMWARE......................................................................................................................................62
REVERSAL OF THE VIDEO MODE ..............................................................................................................................63
USAGE EXAMPLES OF THE BITSTREAM 3X............................................................................................64
USAGE WITH A SYNTHESIZER SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................64
DEFINITION OF THE EXCLUSIVE SYSTEMS OF THE BITSTREAM 3X .............................................68
GENERAL FORMAT OF EXCLUSIVE SYSTEMS ...........................................................................................................68
LIST OF THE GLOBAL PARAMETERS ACCESSIBLE VIA SYSEXS..................................................................................70
Example of communication................................................................................................................................72
DEFINITION OF MIDI DATA ASSIGN ACCESSIBLE VIA SYSEXS .................................................................................72
DEFINITION OF THE LCD ASSIGN DATA ACCESSIBLE VIA SYSEXS ...........................................................................74
NUMBERS AND CONVENTIONS ................................................................................................................................75
MIDI DATA FORMAT...............................................................................................................................................75
SYSTEM MESSAGES .................................................................................................................................................76
COMMON ................................................................................................................................................................76
SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE ...............................................................................................................................................77
ADDITIONAL STATUS NOTES ...................................................................................................................................77
RUNNING STATUS ...................................................................................................................................................77
UNDEFINED AND UNIMPLEMENTED STATUS ............................................................................................................77
Table 1: MIDI byte value summary...............................................................................................................78
Congratulations, you have just purchased a MIDI Controller from Wave Idea: the Bitstream 3X.
The Bitstream 3X is a part of the latest generation of high performance MIDI controllers dedicated to
use in home studios or on stage.
Featuring all the required inputs and outputs for the applications below, the Bitstream 3X was
developed with the musician in mind to give him all the necessary controls to get maximum usage out
of the latest software or MIDI compatible material.
We made this user manual as complete as possible, and if you need more information check the
website of Wave Idea:, or contact the support team
The Bitstream 3X
The Bitstream 3X is an entirely advanced programmable universal MIDI controller, designed for both
amateur and experienced users. It offers a large number of controls of all types (sliders, buttons,
joystick, ribbon controller …) allowing maximum usage of the machine or software to which it is
Besides a MIDI controller, the Bitstream 3X gives you many necessary automations for on stage use
(arppeggiator, LFO, motion sampler…); allowing to automate the release of MIDI notes and events.
V 1.2 - Page
The terms below are widely used throughout this manual, and we explain them here to make sure
their exact meanings are understood in order to make this manual clearer.
Analog Controls of which values can vary from 0 to 127 (as opposed to digital controls)
Arppeggiator Feature allowing the generation of MIDI notes depending on user parameters input
Assignable Controls of the Bitstream 3X which can generate MIDI events
Assignation MIDI configuration of a Bitstream 3X control
change CC
Control Any knob, slider, button
Digital Two states of control (on/off), as opposed to analog control
Download Action to send a new assign configuration to the Bitstream 3X
Driver Program that allows to a computer to recognize the Bitstream 3X
Firmware Embedded software of the Bitstream 3X, also called OS
Footswitch Digital input allowing the connection of an external pedal
Global Bitstream 3X parameter which doesn’t correspond to an assignation
Group Set of configured controls of the Bitstream 3X
Hook Controls behaviour that avoids ‘jumps’ of their values when changing from one group
Jump Control behaviour that reflects the physical value of the control
LCD Display of the Bitstream 3X
LFO Low Frequency Oscillator
MMC MIDI Machine Control : transport function MIDI events, allowing synchronization
Note On/Off MIDI Message controlling musical notes
NVM « Non volatile memory » : internal memory of the Bitstream 3X, allowing you to save
Push Digital control behaviour of the Bitstream 3X (as opposed to ‘toggle’)
Scene Physical position of all the Bitstream 3X controls. Can be saved at any time.
Slider Vertical potentiometer, 8 of them are present on the Bitstream 3X
Sync-24 Synchronisation protocol of vintage (pre-MIDI) instruments like TB-303…
Sysex System Exclusive : device/manufacturer specific MIDI event
Toggle Behaviour of a digital control as opposed to ‘push’
Upload Action to read from the Bitstream 3X a configuration assigned
User Parameter defined by the user
Standard MIDI event recognized by any MIDI device or software
to another
your configuration even without it being powered
V 1.2 - Page
Installation of the drivers and software
The Bitstream 3X is a « plug and play » device, fully compliant with the MIDI over USB specification.
This means that it doesn’t require a particular driver on any operating system OS’s compatible with
this specification, which is the case for almost any OS including Windows XP, MacOS X, and Linux.
Just connect your Bitstream 3X USB cable to a PC or a Mac, and it’s ready to use!
Note 1: The first connection of the Bitstream 3X to the USB port will install automatically the generic
drivers. After the first connection, the Bitstream 3X will be immediately recognized.
Once the Bitstream 3X is recognized by the computer to which it is connected, the display screen will
indicate the connection by the USB bitmap on the top right.
Once the Bitstream 3X is recognized, the supplementary MIDI peripherals will be listed. These
correspond to the Bitstream 3X like this:
Peripheral listedName associated by default Corresponding to the Bitstream 3X
USB MIDI IN 1 USB audio deviceUSB MIDI OUT 1
USB MIDI IN 2 USB audio device [2] USB MIDI OUT 2
Note 2: Windows 98 and 2000 do not support MIDI-USB standards, if the Bitstream 3X is going to be
used with one of these systems, contact the support team at Wave Idea.
Note 3: Windows should be installed with the latest Windows update so that the communication MIDI
– USB functions perfectly. (Example Windows Xp service pack 2)
Note 4: A special Windows Xp driver is available from the Wave Idea website, it allows to change the
generic devices names listed above ( USB audio device) to a more convenient name “Wave Idea
Bitstream 3X”. This driver is optional and not required for the proper operation under Windows Xp.
Getting started with the Bitstream 3X
Connection to a computer
Connecting the Bitstream 3X to a computer can simply done via the USB port. This port is capable of
transferring MIDI data to the Bitstream 3X, as well as powering the controller without requiring the
transformer that came with the machine.
The Bitstream 3X can also be connected to a computer via standard MIDI ports, if the computer is
equipped with MIDI ports, the Bitstream should then be connected to these, being sure to connect the
input « MIDI In » on the Bitstream to the « MIDI Out » of the computer and vice-versa as with any
other MIDI gear.
In this case, the user can chose to connect the USB port to add supplementary MIDI inputs and
outputs, and to power the Bitstream via the same USB port.
The user can also decide to not connect the USB port, and in this case, the usage of the external
transformer is required.
Note 1: The connection of the USB port powers the Bitstream 3X, in this case the connection of the
external electricity source is not required.
Note 2: The external transformer could be connected at the same time as the USB port as the
Bitstream 3X has an intelligent power supply system which allows it to accept the two sources at the
same time.
Example of the complete connection between MIDI and a computer
V 1.2 - Page
Connection without a computer
The Bitstream 3X can beconnected to all musical instruments which are MIDI via the standard MIDIports, if the instrument is equipped with MIDI ports with DIN-5 connectors, the Bitstream should be
connected to these, taking care to connect the MIDIInput of the Bitstream to the MIDI Output of theinstrument, and vice versa.
Connecting without a computer requires the usage of the external transformer that came with themachine.
Note 1: The usage of an external transformer other than the one delivered with the machine is notrecommended. However, a transformer with the same characteristics could be used:
- Output Voltage 9V DC
- Curent of 400 mA minimum
- Any Polarity (The Bitstream adapts itself to the polarity of the external transformer)
V 1.2 - Page
Description of the front and rear panels of the Bitstream 3X
Front: Type of controls and numbering
1 Ribbon
Hold Key
1 Joytsic
- 2 axes
- 1 button
Up-Down Selection
Shift Key
5 Transport
5 assignable
EDIT Buttons
Mode Key
35 rotary
1 Button
Contrast control
MIDI channels
Selection of scenes
Access to scenes
Access to Automations
8 Buttons
1 Cross-Fade
8 linear sliders
V 1.2 - Page
The white numbers on the machine in the preceding image are the numbers associated to each
control. These are the numbers of the CC or Note associated to the control in « normal mode » of the
Bitstream 3X, and this for the group « 0 ».
Each incrementation of group number increases by 8 the CC/Note generated by the Bitstream 3X in
standard mode.
Example 1: CCs generated by the 2
Group 0: CC or Note # 41
Group 1: CC or Note # 49
Group 2: CC or Note # 57
Example 2: CCs generated by the first button in Standard mode:
Group 0: CC or Note # 58
Group 1: CC or Note # 66
Group 2: CC or Note # 74
Note: the numbers of the CC’s generated are « modulo 128 », as defined by the MIDI standard
Summary of the controls numbers assigned to the Bitstream 3X controls
The following table illustrates the huge number of controls available on the Bitstream 3X. Each of
these controls is able to generate MIDI events in Standard mode (CC or Note numbers listed here,
depending on selected group), as well as in User mode.
All the controls mentioned with « depends on group number » are able to generate 21 different MIDI
events corresponding to the 21 Bitstream 3X groups.
Number Description Note
Record button Shift function not active
Play button Shift function not active
Backward button Shift function not active
Stop button Shift function not active
Forward button Shift function not active
Ribbon controller Depends on group number
Joystick Axis X Depends on group number
Joystick Axis Y Depends on group number
32 Rotary potentiometers Depends on group number
8 linear sliders Depends on group number
Cross-fader left Depends on group number
Cross-fader right Depends on group number
Backward button Shift function active
Forward button Shift function active
Stop button Shift function active
Play button Shift function active
Record button Shift function active
Joystick button Depends on group number
Footswitch input Depends on group number
Encoder button Depends on group number
Buttons 1 to 8 Depends on group number
LFO Depends on group number
slider in Standard Mode:
Depends on group number
Depends on group number
Depends on group number
Depends on group number
Depends on group number
V 1.2 - Page
Description of the LCD Screen
The LCD Screen in « Normal Mode »
Curve Model
MIDI channel
Group number
Group name
Diplay for the 8 other
assignable digital controls
Display for the 8
assignable buttons
Assigned LCD
Hook mode display
Display for the 3 automations
Scene number
Extension and USB
Ribbon and sync-24 states
Transport Bar
Operating Mode
Ribbon Bargraph & value
Description of the different zones
MIDI Channel Indication of the current MIDI channel (1-16)
Value Current control value (0-127)
State of Hook mode Direction to give to the control in order to unblock the hook
Scene Number of the current scene (0-99)
Expansion + USB Display State of the extension port and of the presence of the USB
Ribbon + SYNC-24 Display State of the ribbon controller and of the output sync-24
Transport bar (Play/Pause/Stop/Rec)
Mode Value of the operating mode (Standard/User)
Value ribbon + Hold Hold value and bar graph of the ribbon controller
LCD Chain Alphanumeric chain assigned to each control (16 char.)
Switch Display Display for the 16 digital controls present on the Bitstream 3X
Name of the group Chain assigned to each of the 21 groups (14 char.)
Group Currently selected group (0-20)
Display for the 3 automations Display for the 3 automations (LFO, Arpp, sampler)
Model of the curve of evolution Curve Model of the current control being changed
V 1.2 - Page
Rear panel: description of the inputs and outputs
Main power
Power supply
USB port
Footswitch pedal
Expansion port
MIDI Outputs 1
& 2
MIDI Output
MIDI Input Sync-24 Output
The expansion port
The Bitstream 3X has an expansion port for receiving analog or digital peripherals such as sliders,
buttons, and joysticks …
When a peripheral is connected to the Bitstream 3X, it is automatically detected and managed in the
same manor as the controls on the Bitstream itself.
This expansion port uses a protocol owned by Wave Idea and in no case should be connected to an
unknown peripheral, as doing so can cause damage.
The connection is « plug and play », for more information about this expansion port, refer to the
documentation of the connected module.
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Operating Modes of the Bitstream 3X
Differences between Standard mode and User mode
The Bitstream 3X has 2 operating modes: Standard and User.
Depending on the software or machine to control, one of the two modes will be used, it can be
changed at any time by pushing the button « Mode »
Standard Mode
The standard mode is pre-programmed, no configuration is required.
This mode is principally used by users who are used to the music software Propellerheads Reason,
Ableton Live, Native Instruments, or all other synthesizer software responding to MIDI.
Propellerheads Reason Mode
In addition to the “Standard Mode”, a new “Reason Mode” has been added from firmware version 1.1
and higher. This mode is pre-programmed for Propellerheads reason 3.0 and higher versions, fully
compatible with the Reason remote technology, the Bitstream 3X will be fully recognized by Reason
and pre-programmed.
For further information about this mode, please refer to the dedicated application note.
User Mode
The user mode gives access to all MIDI parameters which will be generated by the Bitstream 3X. The
user can thus configure complex parameters into the Bitstream 3X, either by using the menus or by
using configuration software.
Among the available parameters, there are Min & Max values for each control, the MIDI delays to
insert, the exclusive systems management, the chaining of controls and many others.
The table below lists the principle differences between the Standard and User modes:
Mode standard Mode User
Programming Required - √
MIDI Generated Events Note / CC All (Including Sysexs)
Access to MIDI Parameters - √
For more information, concerning User mode, see the chapter entitled « Assignment of MIDI
Parameters »
Menus associated to modes
Operating mode Standard
Selection of standard mode (pre
Selection of User mode
Selection of Reason mode
V 1.2 - Page
Configuration and usage of the Bitstream 3X
The Ribbon Controller
The Bitstream 3X is equipped with a ribbon controller allowing control from the user finger. This control
is, from the point of view of functionality, considered like a slider or button, and thus it is configured in
the same manor, and is capable of generating any MIDI event.
The ribbon controller calculates the position of the user finger, and transforms that position into a
value between 0-127, assignable in a MIDI event. The user can put his finger above the controller
and see the «ribbon bar graph » which will adjust according the movements of the finger.
The MIDI will thus be generated automatically.
The « Hold » Key allows the temporary saving of an ribbon value with a simple touch. In this way, any
value of the ribbon controller can be saved and then modified again later at any moment. This hold
key allows the user to fix the ribbon controller to a desired value before relaxing his hand from the
This key also works as the on/off switch for the controller (3 seconds long push). The LCD screen
shows whether the controller is on or off.
To use the ribbon controller, follow these steps:
- Put your finger above the controller, which will generate the MIDI events associated with the
- When a desired position is reached, push the « Hold » button and the value will be saved
- You can then remove your hand and see the saved value appear on the bar graph on the LCD
- Upon the next usage of the ribbon Controller, you can get back the saved value with the
« Hold » button and re-generate the MIDI events assigned to the controller. This mode
functions similar to the « Hook » mode used by the sliders.
V 1.2 - Page
Menus associated to the ribbon Controller
ribbon On/Off
State of the infrared controller
The Cross-Fader
The Bitstream 3X is equipped with a digital cross-fader, which allows the generation of 2 distinct MIDI
events, sending opposing values.
The cross-fader can be seen as 2 sliders, each having his MIDI assignment. These 2 virtual sliders
send opposing values #1 and #2 to create the function of cross-fader.
The schematic below shows the values generated by the 2 MIDI events associated with the crossfader.
Value #1
Value #2
Position of cross-fade
Cross-fader Screen
The Joystick
V 1.2 - Page
The Bitstream 3X is equipped with a dual axis joystick, allowing the generation of 2 distinct MIDI
events, in the same manor as the cross-fader.
These 2 MIDI events are considered as 2 distinct sliders, covering the X and Y axes (horizontal and
vertical respectively).
So, with one finger on the joystick, the user can generate 2 different MIDI events, for example, a
panoramic and volume, or other filter parameters… The joystick features a “No Lever reset” option
that allows to avoid a return to center once relaxed.
Joystick Screen
Value of joystick on horizontal
Representation of
Joystick, and
Value of joystick on vertical
Selection of the «Current Function»
Role of the up-down buttons and the encoder
The up-down and encoder buttons have the same role: the selection of parameters or the changing of
the value of a parameter.
Along with modifiable parameters, which help the non-assignable controls, there are:
− The groups
− The memorized scenes
− The MIDI channels
Finally, to improve the ergonomy of the Bitstream 3X, the notion of « Current Function » is introduced.
This « current function» will be the actual function selected (along with the three listed above), which
responds to the up-down and encoder buttons.
One of these functions is simply activated by the touch of the corresponding button. The screen will
indicate the active function by showing two brackets around the value of the function.
V 1.2 - Page
Example: Current function is “selected group”
Group with indicating
Note 1: While the Bitstream 3X is in Menu Mode, the up-down and encoder button allow the navigation
of different menus as well as permit the changing of parameter values.
Selection of the group
The Bitstream 3X has 21 groups, accessible directly via the up-down and encoder button (while the
current function selected is that of the groups).
A group is a « layer » of configuration of the ensemble of the Bitstream 3X controls.
Each control included on the Bitstream 3X can generate 21 different MIDI events without being
The Bitstream 3X can be reprogrammed whenever desired by sending sysexs, without any
interruption in the music, so the assignment possibilities are therefore endless.
Note 1: the number of CC and Note controllers assigned in the standard mode are shown on the face
of the Bitstream 3X. Each increase or decrease in the group increases or decreases by 8 the Note or
CC generated.
The standard mode, therefore allows the coverage of 128 numbers of notes or CC available in MIDI.
Menus associated with the group
Group select 001 - 021
Selection of the group
Selection of the MIDI channel
The Bitstream 3X can generate MIDI events on all 16 different MIDI channels, as defined by the norm.
By simply pressing the up-down buttons, while the « current function» is the MIDI channel selected,
allows the modification of the MIDI channel on which the Bitstream 3X generates its messages.
V 1.2 - Page
The Bitstream 3X, has 2 MIDI output ports that can be selected independently by each control, it
therefore has 32 virtual MIDI channels (16 in each port).
The selection of the output port for each control is done via the « assign » menus of the Bitstream 3X,
as well as by the configuration software.
The MIDI channel of 1 to 16 can be selected directly from the user interfaces of the Bitstream 3X.
Note 1: To program a MIDI event generated on a fixed MIDI channel, independent of the Bitstream 3X,
User mode is required, the value of the MIDI channel being directly programmed in the MIDI message.
Note 2: The MIDI channels are generally numbered from1 to 16, and correspond to the MIDI channel
numbers varying from 0 to 15, or 0 to F in hexadecimal, standard notation in MIDI.
For example, a CC numbered 10 to generate on a fixed MIDI channel numbered 2 will have a
message like this: B1 0A VV with B1 = CC on MIDI channel 2, 0A = 10 in decimal, VV = value of the
Menus associated to the MIDI channel
MIDI channel001 - 016
Selection of the MIDI channel
Selection of the scene memories
The Bitstream 3X has 100 available scene memories, also called « snapshots ».
When activated, the selection of the number of the scene memory is done by using the up-down
buttons, as well as the encoder.
To save a snapshot, it is necessary to select a number via the up-down buttons or the encoder before
saving or sending the scene. After the scene is saved or sent (via the save/send button), the Bitstream
3X will show the number chosen.
For more information on this subject, refer to the dedicated chapter.
Menus associated to scene memories
Scene select000 - 099
Selection of the number of the scene
Analog behaviour
Besides the joystick, which doesn’t need the analog function, all the analog function of the Bitstream
3X can be configured in 2 modes: Hook mode or Jump mode.
Jump mode allows the instantaneous sending of MIDI data no matter what position the control is in at
the time of the change.
This mode could provoke undesirable jumps in the values when the user uses the different groups of
the Bitstream 3X, the physical value of the control may not correspond to the value of the same control
in a new group.
Hook mode allows the user to avoid any undesirable jump in values: After any group change, if the
physical position of the analog control doesn’t correspond to the value of the same control in the newly
selected group, the MIDI data is not sent while the physical position and the value are different. Thus,
no jump in value is obtained.
The LCD screen of the Bitstream 3X indicates the direction to move the control to finally generate the
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Examples of what can be shown on the screen:
Here the physical position is
higher than the value in the
selected group
Here the physical position is
lower than the value in the
selected group
Note 1: The following analog controls involved in Hook mode:
- 32 rotatives potentiometers
- 8 sliders
- 1 ribbon controller (by using the Hold key)
Note 2: The selection of the analog behaviour is done via the menus of the Bitstream 3X
Note 3: This parameter concerns the 2 modes of the Bitstream 3X, Standard and User.
Note 4: The Hook mode is the default mode
Note 5: The Hook mode is an excellent alternative to the motorized MIDI controllers.
Menus associated to the analog behaviour
Analog mode Jump
Selection of Jump mode
Selection of Hook mode
Digital Behaviour
Each of the 16 digital assignable controls presented on the Bitstream 3X independently have 2
behavioural modes: the modes « Push » and « Toggle ».
Push mode is the « instantaneous » mode where all the changes of the state of digital control
produces a MIDI message.
State of digital
Send Max
value (127)
Send Min
Value (0)
Send Max
Value (127)
This mode is principally used as a mute function for the short term or to trigger an action to the
software / material being used.
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Button Pushed
Toggle mode can also be programmed. In this case, at each transition from 0 to 1
(released/pressed), the MIDI will be sent and the opposite value will be assigned.
State of the
digital control
Send Max (127)
Send Min (0)
Toggle mode is the default. It will probably be used when the buttons are programmed for the
standard mute functions.
List of the 16 digital controls concerned by the modes Push / Toggle:
- 8 assignable buttons
- 1 button on the joystick
- 1 button on the encoder
- 1 footswitch
- 5 transport buttons (used with SHIFT active)
Button Pushed
Curve Models
Another strength of the Bitstream 3X: each analog control can vary according to the 7 curve models.
The variation given by an analogue control can evolve according to the model:
- Linear
- Inverse linear
- Logarithmic
- Inverse logarithmic
- Random
- User 1
- User 2
Graphical representation of the curve models
Inv. linearLogarithmicInv. logarithmic
The curve called « Random » allows the sending of a MIDI event, being a random value at each
change of the analog control.
The User 1 and User 2 curves are programmable such that the user can give any value to each of the
128 positions of the analog control.
For more information about the modes User 1 and User 2, see the section for the configuration
software of the Bitstream 3X.
Note 1: The linear curve is the model by default.
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Note 2: The models of the curves are available for the User mode of the Bitstream 3X.
The standard mode allows only the linear variation of the analog controls.
Examples of usage
- Logarithmic variation to control a volume
- Inversion of sent MIDI values
- Generation of random MIDI sequences
MIDI and USB Inputs
The Bitstream 3X has one MIDI input on the standard connector, as well as one USB input.
Each of these inputs plays the same role and could be routed towards:
- MIDI out 1 on connecter MIDI
- MIDI out 1 on USB
- SYNC-24 out
- Internal functions of the Bitstream 3X (LFO, Arppeggiator, …)
Besides the function of MIDI controller, the Bitstream 3X can be used as a:
- USB – MIDI converter
- MIDI – SYNC-24 converter
- USB – SYNC-24 converter
The routing of the different MIDI inputs is done across the menus of the Bitstream 3X for each of these
Each of these MIDI inputs is not exclusive, except for the functions that necessitate a real-time MIDI
Also the 2 inputs MIDI and MIDI USB can be re-routed at the same time towards a MIDI out 1. The
possibilities of the Bitstream 3X extend so that it can be integrated into any MIDI environment.
The MIDI inputs also feature MIDI filters allowing the elimination of real-time messages often unused
which overloads the MIDI bus. The filters are also accessible by the menus; see the complete routing
schematic below.
Note 1: The real-time messages are treated separately from the MIDI messages, allowing a better
fluidity and a further extension the possibilities of the Bitstream 3X.
The real-time messages (clock / start / stop / continue) are necessary for the different functions of the
Bitstream 3X which are synchronisables from an external module (Arppeggiator, LFO, motion
Finally to ensure no limit, each function uses its real-time MIDI source independently. For example the
user could synchronize the arppeggiator from the MIDI connector « In », while synchronizing an
external SYNC-24 synthesizer from the MIDI input on USB.
Note 2: The selected MIDI input, by default, is the one that corresponds to the MIDI connector.
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Routing of the MIDI inputs by the Bitstream 3X menus
MIDI Config
MIDI Merger Merger SrcMIDI InOn/Off
Usage of MIDI In
USB InOn/Off
Merger DstMIDI Out 1On/Off
USB Out 1On/Off
Usage of USB In
MIDI Inputs towards
MIDI Out 1
MIDI Inputs towards
USB Out 1
MIDI Filter Filter stateOn/Off
Filter typeAll events
MIDI Filter
ll MIDI messages are filtered
Realtime MIDI events are filtered
MIDI and USB Outputs
The Bitstream 3X has 2 distinct MIDI outputs, repartees on 2 MIDI connectors and 2 MIDI on USB.
One MIDI output Thru is also available. This Thru output drives the same signals as the MID input,
and allows the user to integrate the Bitstream 3X in its MIDI environment.
Each control (slider, button …) or function (LFO, Arppeggiator …) of the Bitstream 3X can generate
MIDI events through the different MIDI and USB outputs available.
Also, the user could, for example, direct the MIDI events from the slider n°1 towards the USB on MIDI
out 1, the MIDI events of the LFO towards the MIDI out 2, and do this independently for each control
and function integrated into the Bitstream 3X.
The double MIDI outputs offer virtually 32 MIDI channels (16 per output), and again allow the
integration of the Bitstream 3X into a complex MIDI environment.
The configuration of the MIDI outputs for each of the controls is done via the « Assign » menus of the
Bitstream 3X, as well as via the dedicated configuration software.
Note 1: The choice of the MIDI outputs for each control is available in each of the 2 modes, Standard
and User.
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(ctrl assign)
Midi out 2 enable
T 2
USB out enable
(ctrl assign)
Midi out 1 enable
(ctrl assign)
Sync24 source
Sync24 state
Midi filte
arpp source
realtime source
Lfo frequency
Internal sync
Complete Schematic of the MIDI and USB Routing
+ 56 hidden pages
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