Clover Electronics DV1670D, DV1670 User Manual

Stand-Alone 16Channel
MODEL DV1670, DV1670D
Ver. 010312
System Users Manual
Version 1.1
Manual created in summer of 2011. This user manual contains instructions for operations for DVR Unit, Client Application, Mobile Device Application and other helpful tips.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1. Preface ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1. About This Guide ................................................................................................................................. 10
2. Precautions - Before You Start! .......................................................................................................... 11
3. Precautions – After Powering On! ...................................................................................................... 13
4. Precautions – Routine Maintenance! ................................................................................................. 14
5. Contents of Items Included ................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2. Hardware Description ............................................................................................................... 17
1. Technical Specification ........................................................................................................................ 17
2. Rear Panel ........................................................................................................................................... 19
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples ............................................................................. 21
Power input ......................................................................................................................................... 21
VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port ........................................................................................................ 21
Main Monitor Output ......................................................................................................................... 23
SPOT Monitor Output ......................................................................................................................... 23
Camera Input ...................................................................................................................................... 24
RS-232 Serial Connector ...................................................................................................................... 24
Optional Alarm Sensor Extension Box ................................................................................................ 26
10-Way Terminal Block ....................................................................................................................... 27
RS-485 Connections ............................................................................................................................ 28
Alarm Out ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Sensor Input ........................................................................................................................................ 29
USB Connection .................................................................................................................................. 32
Ethernet Port....................................................................................................................................... 32
3. Front Panel .......................................................................................................................................... 36
4. Remote Controller............................................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 3. Quick Setup .............................................................................................................................. 39
1. Placement ........................................................................................................................................... 39
2. Connection .......................................................................................................................................... 39
3. Quick Power On .................................................................................................................................. 41
4. Initial Boot ........................................................................................................................................... 42
5. Setup Screen ....................................................................................................................................... 43
6. Change Password and Enable Auto Lock ............................................................................................ 44
7. Labeling Camera .................................................................................................................................. 48
8. Enable Recording ................................................................................................................................ 49
9. Prepare Network ................................................................................................................................. 51
Chapter 4. Main Menu (Root Menu) .......................................................................................................... 53
1. Main Items. ......................................................................................................................................... 53
2. Sub operational items. ........................................................................................................................ 54
Chapter 5. The “System” Root Menu Item ................................................................................................. 55
Convention of Menu Tree ....................................................................................................................... 55
1. The “System” Branch .......................................................................................................................... 56
2. The “Record” Branch ........................................................................................................................... 58
3. The “Network” Branch ........................................................................................................................ 59
4. The “Camera” Branch.......................................................................................................................... 60
5. The “Display” Branch .......................................................................................................................... 61
6. The “Alarm” Branch ............................................................................................................................ 62
Chapter 6. The “Search” Root Menu Item .................................................................................................. 63
1. The “Calendar” Search Branch ............................................................................................................ 63
2. The “Event” Search Branch ................................................................................................................. 64
3. The “Date / Time” Search Branch ....................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 7. The “Backup” Root Menu Item ................................................................................................. 66
1. Calendar, Quick and List Branch ......................................................................................................... 66
Chapter 8. The “ER”, “PTZ”, and “Sound” Root Menu Items ...................................................................... 67
Chapter 9. Systems Section In-Depth ......................................................................................................... 68
1. INFORMATION GUI ............................................................................................................................. 68
Language ............................................................................................................................................. 68
Remocon ID (Remote Controller ID) ................................................................................................... 69
Mouse Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................ 71
Video Standard .................................................................................................................................... 71
MAC Address ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Webcode ............................................................................................................................................. 72
Versions ............................................................................................................................................... 72
2. DISK MANAGER GUI ............................................................................................................................ 73
Adding, installing HDD and other drives ............................................................................................. 73
Installing ODD (Optical Disk Drive)...................................................................................................... 74
Configuring HDD1 and HDD2 .............................................................................................................. 76
CD / DVD RW ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Overwrite ............................................................................................................................................ 77
Auto Delete ......................................................................................................................................... 77
Error List .............................................................................................................................................. 77
S.M.A.R.T(Disk Management) ............................................................................................................. 78
3. DEFAULT SETTING GUI ........................................................................................................................ 79
Configuring Year/Month/Day ............................................................................................................. 80
Configuring Date & Time ..................................................................................................................... 81
Configuring Daylight Saving Time ....................................................................................................... 81
Configuring Time Server ...................................................................................................................... 82
4. UPGRADE GUI...................................................................................................................................... 83
5. CONFIGURATION GUI .......................................................................................................................... 84
Configuration Download ..................................................................................................................... 84
Configuration Upload .......................................................................................................................... 85
6. PASSWORD GUI ................................................................................................................................... 86
Configuring User ID ............................................................................................................................. 86
Modifying User Information ............................................................................................................... 87
Configuring User Authority ................................................................................................................. 87
Configuring Network Covert ............................................................................................................... 88
7. BUTTON SETTING GUI ......................................................................................................................... 89
Configuration of audible beep ............................................................................................................ 89
Configuration of Auto Key Lock .......................................................................................................... 89
Configuration of Emergency Lock ....................................................................................................... 90
Chapter 10. Record Section In-Depth ......................................................................................................... 91
1. Compression, Resolution, Quality, and Speed of Video ..................................................................... 91
Video Compression ............................................................................................................................. 91
Video Resolution ................................................................................................................................. 91
Video Quality ....................................................................................................................................... 92
Speed of Video .................................................................................................................................... 92
2. Calculating Storage Required .............................................................................................................. 94
4 Channel DVR Storage Reference Chart ............................................................................................ 95
9 Channel DVR Storage Reference Chart ............................................................................................ 96
16 Channel DVR Storage Reference Chart .......................................................................................... 97
3. EVENT RECORDING GUI ...................................................................................................................... 98
Configuring Pre Recording .................................................................................................................. 98
Configuring Event Recording............................................................................................................... 98
4. SCHEDULE RECORDING GUI .............................................................................................................. 100
Chapter 11. Network Section In-Depth ..................................................................................................... 105
1. About Network Section and Clients .................................................................................................. 105
2. IP ADDRESS GUI ................................................................................................................................. 106
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) ............................................................................................ 106
Transmission Option ......................................................................................................................... 108
Web Server Port ................................................................................................................................ 108
3. E-MAIL SETUP GUI ............................................................................................................................. 110
4. DDNS OPTION GUI ............................................................................................................................ 112
Built in DDNS Server setup ................................................................................................................ 112
DDNSIP.Net example......................................................................................................................... 113
5. EMAIL NOTIFICATION GUI ................................................................................................................. 120
6. NETWORK FRAME GUI ...................................................................................................................... 121
Chapter 12. Camera Section In-Depth ...................................................................................................... 122
1. CAMERA SETTING GUI ....................................................................................................................... 122
2. PTZ SETTING GUI ............................................................................................................................... 123
Additional PTZ setting ....................................................................................................................... 124
3. CONTROLLER GUI .............................................................................................................................. 126
4. CAMERA TITLE GUI ............................................................................................................................ 127
5. PTZ TOURING GUI ............................................................................................................................. 128
6. SERIAL PORT SETTING GUI ................................................................................................................ 129
7. How to operate PTZ camera ............................................................................................................. 130
Chapter 13. Display Section In-Depth ....................................................................................................... 132
1. OSD GUI ............................................................................................................................................. 132
2.SPLIT / SEQUENCE GUI ....................................................................................................................... 134
3. TV ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................................... 138
Chapter 14. Event Section In-Depth ......................................................................................................... 139
1. SENSOR GUI ....................................................................................................................................... 139
2. ALARM GUI ........................................................................................................................................ 140
3. MOTION DETECTION GUI .................................................................................................................. 141
4. SPOT OUT GUI ................................................................................................................................... 143
5. INTERNAL BUZZER GUI ...................................................................................................................... 144
6. EXTENDED GUI .................................................................................................................................. 145
Alarm Sensor extension box setting ................................................................................................. 146
Chapter 15. Search Operation .................................................................................................................. 147
1. Getting to Search Screen .................................................................................................................. 147
2. Calendar Search ............................................................................................................................... 148
3. Event Search ...................................................................................................................................... 151
4. Date and Time Search ....................................................................................................................... 153
5. Playback Control Menu Bar .............................................................................................................. 154
Playback Controls .............................................................................................................................. 154
Play and Pause operation ................................................................................................................. 155
Fast Play, Rewind Operation ............................................................................................................. 155
Mouse Only Operation ...................................................................................................................... 157
De-Interlacing Option........................................................................................................................ 158
Quick Backup During Playback .......................................................................................................... 159
Chapter 16. Backup Operation.................................................................................................................. 161
1. Calendar Backup ............................................................................................................................... 161
2. Backup Viewer .................................................................................................................................. 167
Chapter 17. Mobile and Remote Client Applications ............................................................................... 169
1. iPhone ............................................................................................................................................... 169
iPhone Application Installation ......................................................................................................... 169
Adding a DVR To Your iPhones MPRMS Application ........................................................................ 169
Search from iPhone ........................................................................................................................... 174
Controlling Relay-Out from iPhone ................................................................................................... 177
PTZ control from iPhone ................................................................................................................... 177
2. Android Phone .................................................................................................................................. 179
Program Installation for Android ...................................................................................................... 179
Application Execution for Android .................................................................................................... 179
Register the product information for Android .................................................................................. 180
Modify/Delete of Registered Information for Android ..................................................................... 181
Remote connection for Android ....................................................................................................... 182
Live view on Android ......................................................................................................................... 183
Main menu view on Android ............................................................................................................ 183
PTZ control for Android ..................................................................................................................... 184
PTZ Preset for Android ...................................................................................................................... 186
Search on Android ............................................................................................................................. 187
Relay Out for Android ....................................................................................................................... 188
Information display option on Android ............................................................................................ 189
End the connection for Android........................................................................................................ 190
3. Windows Mobile ............................................................................................................................... 191
Install the program to Windows Mobile ........................................................................................... 191
Execute the program for Windows Mobile ....................................................................................... 191
Register the Product Information on Windows Mobile .................................................................... 192
Connect / Disconnect on Windows Mobile ...................................................................................... 194
Search on Windows Mobile .............................................................................................................. 196
PTZ Control for Windows Mobile ...................................................................................................... 197
Remote Alarm Control for Windows Mobile .................................................................................... 199
4. Internet Explorer Version 7 and later ............................................................................................... 200
Initial Connection .............................................................................................................................. 200
Display Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 202
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 10
1. About This Guide

Chapter 1. Preface

This manual contains user instruction on how to operate the Digital Video Recording device (DVR Unit), Remote Controller, Client Application, Mobile Application and Central Monitoring Software Application.
This manual also contains cautions and notification regarding safe operating parameters to protect the equipment and equipment operator. Please read this manual and comply with its suggested guidelines for proper operation of this equipment.
For any further concerns and question please inform sellers for further information.
Please properly retain this copy of the manual for future reference.

1. About This Guide

This guide is comprised of Table of Contents where you will find Chapters divided logically discussing about particular topics. Then it is further divided by sections that discuss more detailed discussion pertaining to certain features of Chapter topics.
This manual also includes Index section where popular subjects or key concepts are referenced by page numbers where those topics are discussed.
What this manual is not discussing are topics about upgrades and repairing physical unit. These should be done through seller’s authorized repair centers or by detailed direction from seller. Upgrades and repairs consists of adding and removing Hard Disk Drive, adding and removing other media drive, upgrade or downgrade the Firmware, replace any electronic components inside physical units. These actions should be under the guidance of qualified technician because improper actions may cause permanent damages to the unit. Some drives also have compatibility constraints and they are constantly being updated as new products emerge from drive manufacturers.
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 11
2. Precautions - Before You Start!

2. Precautions - Before You Start!

Item 1. DVR Units power setting must be on POWER OFF position before power adapter is
plugged into the DVR Unit.
Press down on toggle button towards bottom.
This event will prevent electric spark and prevent possible fire,
electrocution and product damages.
Item 2. DVR Unit’s power setting must be on POWER OFFposition before adding cameras,
monitor, Hard Disk Drive and other electronic component to DVR Unit.
Cover of the DVR Unit must be closed while DVR Unit is powered on.
All other external devices should be introduced while DVR Unit is turned off.
Item 3. DVR Unit must have about 15 centimeters (about 6 inches) clearance from the wall.
DVR Unit must have 5 centimeters (about 2 inches) clearance for the side of the DVR Unit of any obstructions.
Item 4. DVR Unit must be installed in none humid place.
Also do not place the DVR Unit near dusty area.
It is also advised that DVR Unit must be away from large power supplies such as power transformers, and also do not install this DVR Unit in closets that does not have temperature control.
Even if DVR Unit may tolerate higher temperature Hard Disk Drives may yield to lower temperature tolerance compared to the DVR Unit.
It is advised that DVR Unit must be kept in standard room temperature whenever possible and any way not to exceed 50C (122F).
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 12
2. Precautions - Before You Start!
Item 5. Never uplift the cover to perform an upgrade, attempt a hardware repair while DVR Unit
is still powered on.
Users should be aware that taking the cover off from the DVR Unit might void the warranty without consulting with seller.
Improper upgrade may result on permanent equipment failure and user must consult with sellers and their skilled technicians before any upgrade.
Item 6. Keep the area clean around where DVR Units will be installed.
In case you need to clean the DVR Unit itself, please use dry cloth. DO NOT use any organic solvent. This will damage the DVR Unit and may cause electronics failure if solvent or fumes are exposed to the DVR Unit.
Item 7. Do not overload the circuit by having multiple devices on one power strip.
Avoid same power circuit input from hair dryer, coffee makers, curling iron, refrigerator or other appliances that may draw concentrated power consumption sporadically.
Uninterruptable power devices such as UPS power surge protectors are recommended and at least the DVR DVR Units must be connected properly approved power surge protector. Input voltage tolerance should be at least 10% of specified voltage level indicated off from included power adapters.
Failure to follow this guideline may cause equipment failure or possibly fire or electrocution.
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 13

3. Precautions – After Powering On!

3. Precautions – After Powering On!
Item 1. If you detect strange odor or detect strange rattling noise immediately turn the DVR
Unit’s power off.
Please contact your seller or service center for further instruction.
Item 2. Avoid shock and keep the DVR unit free from vibration.
Constant vibration and sudden shock will possible damage Hard Disk Drive and may cause bad sectors on Hard Disk Drive, dislodged connectors and may even cause damage to the main board.
Item 3. Make sure any debris does not fall in through ventilation
Also be cautious about other conductive material such as paper clips or other conductive material to have any contact with the main board of the DVR unit.
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 14

4. Precautions – Routine Maintenance!

4. Precautions – Routine Maintenance!
Item 1. Check to see if the LED (Light Emitting Diode) is on.
If DVR unit does not have LED light on please check first if power button is on or off and make sure that it is at POWER ON position.
If you still do not see LED light, then please check power adapter and outlet.
Item 2. Make sure that HDD Overwrite (Hard Disk Drive) is enabled.
If DVR unit does not have HDD Overwrite not enabled HDD
will only write video information until HDD’s capacity
reaches maximum capacity.
This may result in latest recorded video information not being present in DVR unit.
Chapter 9, Section 2. DISK MANAGER GUI on page 77 covers more details about setting HDD Overwrite option.
Item 3. Hard Disk Drive is the only moving devices found on DVR
unit. As with many moving devices users must pay special attention to the wellness and optimal functionality of such devices. Your HDD is where video information is kept for future review.
In the DVR unit there are HDD S.M.A.R.T. features that monitor the wellness of HDD disk itself. The S.M.A.R.T displays the current hard drive condition and temperature of the hard disk drive. The S.M.A.R.T is abbreviated from Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, where hard disk manufacturers have implemented to warn possible failing condition of hard disk drive. It recommended that HDD with bad sectors, broken images when video images are played back, hear clicking noise, and DVR unit indicating that it is no longer recording video, then it may well be that there are defective HDD in DVR unit.
Please contact your seller or their authorized repair center for further instruction.
Later in this manual Chapter 9 section S.M.A.R.T(Disk Management) pages 78 will explain more about HDD S.M.A.R.T. features.
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 15
Stand Alone Digital Video Recorder
1.5V (AAA) 2 pcs.
For HDD mounting
Program CD
Manual and Client program
DC 12V 5A
Power cable
Power cable
Remote controller
For DVR operation
Battery cable
Remote controller
Program CD

5. Contents of Items Included

5. Contents of Items Included
Chapter 1. Preface
Page 16
5. Contents of Items Included
*If you are missing any components listed above please contact your seller for further instruction.
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 17
1. Technical Specification

Chapter 2. Hardware Description

1. Technical Specification

Operating System: Embedded Linux
Video Recording Compression: H.264
Video Transmission Compression: H.264
Supported Video Standards: NTSC / PAL
Video Output: Composite (main monitor output) via BNC VGA monitor via VGA port TV connection via S-Video SPOT monitor via BNC One to one video loop-out via BNC (equal number as camera input)
Audio Input: Single Mono RCA, 1Vpp, 10k ohm
Audio Output: Four Mono RCA, 1Vpp, 10k ohm
Audio Compression: G723.1
Sensor Input: Four sensor input ports via pluggable 10-way terminal block
Alarm Output: Single alarm output port via pluggable 10-way terminal block
Communication: RS-485 Port – Single TX(+), single RX(-) via pluggable 10-way terminal block RS-232 Port – 9 pole D-Type male connector
Ethernet Port – RJ-45 Type 10/100/1000 Base-T, DHCP, Static IP and DDNS
Recording Resolution: NTSC – CIF(352X240), 2CIF(704X240), D1(704X480) PAL – CIF(352X288), 2CIF(704X288), D1(704X576)
Recording Frame Speed per second: 4ch DVR – CIF resolution 120 frames per second at NTSC (100 fps at PAL) 2CIF resolution 120 frames per second at NTSC (100 fps at PAL) D1 resolution 120 frames per second at NTSC (100 fps at PAL)
9ch DVR – CIF resolution 270 frames per second at NTSC (255 fps at PAL)
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 18
1. Technical Specification
2CIF resolution 240 frames per second at NTSC (200 fps at PAL) D1 resolution 120 frames per second at NTSC (100 fps at PAL)
16ch DVR – CIF resolution 480 frames per second at NTSC (400 fps at PAL) 2CIF resolution 240 frames per second at NTSC (200 fps at PAL) D1 resolution 120 frames per second at NTSC (100 fps at PAL)
Recording Mode: Emergency, Schedule, Sensor, Motion, Sensor + Motion, Pre and Post Alarm Recording
Recording Search Method Type:
Calendar Search, Date and Time Search, Event List Search, First Search (Oldest recording not over written in HDD), Last Search (Newest recording in HDD)
Search Speed: Forward – Normal Speed, 2X, 4X, 8X, 10X fast forward play Rewind – Normal Speed, 2X, 4X, 8X, 10X fast rewind play
* 10X fast forward and fast rewind are shown as MAX indication.
Disk Drive Connection: 2 SATA HDD port 1 SATA optical drive port *only may use 2 ports at any given time. (1 HDD + 1 optical or 2 HDD)
System Control: Frontal key buttons (*Included) USB mouse operation (*Included) IR battery operated remote controller (*Included) External DVR key controller via RS-232 (*Optional)
Operating Temperature: 32°F ~ 104°F (0°C ~ 40°C)
Dimension: Unit – 16.9in (W) X 2.12in (H) X 12.4 (D) or 430mm (W) X 54mm (H) X 315mm (D) Outer Box – 18.5in (W) X 8in(H) X 20.5in (L) or 470mm (W) X 203mm(H) X 521mm (L)
Weight: Unit only – 7.7 lbs (US) or 3.5kg Unit with 2 HDD – 10.5 lbs (US) or 4.77kg Unit with 1 HDD and 1 ODD – 10.9 lbs (US) or 4.94kg Product box without unit – 4.96 lbs (US) or 2.25kg Unit with 1 HDD and 1 ODD, product box and accessories – 15.86 lbs (US) or 7.19kg
*Some drive manufacturer weight will vary. It is always safe to add 1 or 2 lbs or physically measure before shipping.
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 19
Figure 1 (4ch Model)
Figure 2 (9ch Model)
Figure 3 (16ch Model)

2. Rear Panel

2. Rear Panel
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 20
2. Rear Panel
Power input connection port for DC 12 volt
Toggle Power Switch POWER ON and POWER OFF switch that turns unit on and off
③ VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port Location where VGA monitor cable must be inserted
④ Audio Out – Mono RCA, 1Vpp, 10k ohm
⑤ S-Video S-Video out connection
⑥ Audio Input – Mono RCA, 1Vpp, 10k ohm, available in 4 channels
Main Monitor Output – BNC main monitor output
SPOT Monitor Output Secondary monitor output for public display
Camera Input / Video Loop Out Analog Type BNC camera plug-in location and video loop out
Serial Connection 9 pole D-Type male connector
PTZ, Sensor, Alarm Out Port Single TX(+), single RX(-), 1 Alarm out, 4 Sensor In via pluggable 10-
way terminal block
USB Port Connection for USB mouse or for small USB memory device
Network Port Ethernet port
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 21
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples

3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples

Power input
Input at 12 volt DC with positive polarity at 5 Amp
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “①” Power input].

VGA (Video Graphics Array) Port

VGA port uses D-subminiature or D-sub, DE-15F (E rated sized D-Sub with 15 pin Female) port.
Connect a VGA monitor to the DVR with a standard VGA Cable. We recommend using a 17” LCD or CRT monitor or above.
Figure 4 VGA Connection Configuration
Supported resolutions for the VGA ports are:
800x600 @ 60Hz/75Hz 1024x768 @ 60Hz/75Hz 1280x1024 @ 60Hz/75Hz
*All resolutions display at True Color 32 Bit
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 22
Signal Type
Pin Number
RED 1 Red video (75 ohm, 0.7 V p-p)
Green video (75 ohm, 0.7 V p-p)
Blue video (75 ohm, 0.7 V p-p)
RES 4 Reserved
Red ground (Red return)
Green ground (Green return)
Blue ground (Blue return)
Key (not used) / +5V DC
Sync ground
Monitor ID bit 0
Bidirectional data line
Horizontal or Composite Sync
Vertical Sync and data clock
Data clock
Figure 5. VGA Pin Configuration
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “③” VGA Port].
VGA Pin Configuration Table
Table 6 VGA Pin Configuration
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 23
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples

Main Monitor Output

BNC (Bayonet Neil Concelman or British Navel Connector) type 75 ohm.
Connect a monitor that supports BNC Inputs or use a “BNC Twist Lock” to Composite Video adapter if your monitor only supports Composite Video Inputs.
Figure 7 Main Monitor Connection
The display resolution for Monitor is at 720x480.
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “⑦” Main Monitor Output].

SPOT Monitor Output

BNC (Bayonet Neil Concelman or British Navel Connector) type 75 ohm.
Connect a monitor that supports BNC Inputs or use a “BNC Twist Lock” to Composite Video.
The display resolution for Monitor is at 720x480.
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “⑧” SPOT Monitor Output].
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 24
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples

Camera Input

The camera connections are the input ports for the video signal(s) used with the DVR. You may use any video source (75ohm) that outputs via a BNC connector (Twist Lock Type). If your video source outputs via RCA/Composite video, the proper adapter must be used when connecting the cable to the camera connection input port(s) of the DVR. Both NTSC and PAL signals are automatically detected by the DVR and requires no further configuration.
Figure 8 Camera Connection
Connect the cameras to the Video In ports located on the rear panel of the DVR using the proper cables and connectors (BNC Twist Lock). The corresponding video channels can be “looped” out using the
“loop out” ports located beneath each video input port. There is no need for terminators to be installed,
each port is self terminated. Both NTSC and PAL signals are automatically detected by the DVR and requires no further configuration.
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “⑨” Camera Input / Video Loop Out].

RS-232 Serial Connector

RS-232 port uses D-subminiature or D-sub, DE-9M (E rated sized D-Sub with 9 pin Male) port.
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 25
Signal Type
Pin Number
Carrier Detection Signal (not used)
Rx 2 RS232 Receive
Tx 3 RS232 Transmit
N/C 4 No Connection
System Ground
N/C 6 No Connection
RTS 7 RS232 Request To Send Signal
CTS 8 RS232 Clear To Send Signal
N/C 9 No Connection
Pin 9
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
The RS-232 COM port is used to connect the DVR to a PC (optional updating procedure) or to connect an external device like a DVR controller (optional). The required settings to use the RS-232 port can be configured in the DVR settings.
Connection Type: 9 pole D-Type male connector
Maximum Input Voltage: +/- 25V
Figure 9 DE-9M Serial Port
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “⑩” Serial Connection].
RS-232 / DE-9M Serial Port Pin Configuration Table
Table 10. RS-232 pin configuration
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 26
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples

Optional Alarm Sensor Extension Box

There is optional Alarm Sensor Extension Box that connects to RS-232 port provided in our DVR unit.
① Power switch
② Power adaptor connector
③ RS-232 port (Port connected to the system)
④ Sensor input (1~16)
⑤ Normal Open alarm output : 1~16
⑥ Normal Close alarm output : 1~16
Figure 11 Connection Example of Extension Box
Sensor 1~16 inputs functions same as the S1~S4 inputs (see next section in 10-way terminal Block). Difference is that every port is issued with its own ground connection located right below. Additionally there are 16 NO (Normally Open) dry contact points with dedicated ground and 16 NC (Normally Closed) dry contact point with dedicated ground per points. These NO, NC points are used in Access control integration.
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 27
Sensor 2
Relay Switch
Alarm Panel
Relay Switch
12V DC
Arm or Dis-Arm information
NC output Dry Contact
NO output Dry Contact
+3V DC
Signal Type
Pin Number
Tx 1 RS-485 Transmit
Rx 2 RS-485 Receive
G 3 Ground (RS-485)
C 4 Common (Ground for Alarm Out)
NO 5 Normally Open (Alarm Out)
G 6 Ground (Sensor)
S1 7 sensor connection port 1
S2 8 sensor connection port 2
S4 9 10
sensor connection port 3
sensor connection port 4
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
Figure 12 Alarm Sensor Extension Box Wire Example

10-Way Terminal Block

There are RS-485, Alarm Output, and Sensor Input (1 to 4 Sensor) all located in 10-Way Terminal Block.
Table 13. 10-Way terminal block pin-out
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 28
Figure 14 10-Way terminal block
S1~S4 port emits +5 volt current out from its ports. Some alarm panels may be damaged if improper voltages are introduced. Please consult your alarm panel documentation for application requiring such connection.
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
Specification for 10-Way terminal block
Rated current: 8A
Contact resistance: 20m
Insulation resistance: 5000M/1000V
Withstanding Voltage: AC1500V/1Min
Wire range: 18AWG 1mm²
Temp. Range: -40ºC~+105ºC
MAX Soldering: +250ºC for 5 Sec.
Strip length: 5-6mm
Alarm Out Voltage: 5vt
[Please refer to the Figure 1 (4ch Model), Figure 2 (9ch Model), Figure 3 (16ch Model) item marked “⑪” PTZ, Sensor, Alarm Out Port].

RS-485 Connections

The RS-485 ports are used to connect external PTZ cameras to the DVR. There is single available port with this DVR. External controllers may be used, however you will not have the ability to control the PTZ cameras remotely if you do so.
There are single RS-485 communications ports, these ports are used to connect external PTZ camera controllers.
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 29
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
Figure 15 PTZ and Keyboard in RS-485

Alarm Out

Connecting the alarm out:
Each alarm output can be controlled/switched by DVR unit and its application software. Each device must be wired to C (Common) and NO (Normally Open). It passes no voltage (dry contact)
Figure 16 Alarm Out

Sensor Input

Connecting the Inputs:
Each alarm input can be controlled/switched by a device such as a motion/IR sensor, door contact sensor, and similar devices. Each device can either be wired as N/O or N/C (Normally Open/Normally Closed).
Alarm Input: +5v
Chapter 2. Hardware Description
Page 30
Sensor 1
+5V DC
Sensor 2
Sensor 3 Sensor 4
+5V DC +5V DC +5V DC
Sensors are outputting no voltage, however DVR unit requires 5 volt DC to get response for sensor.
3. Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
Input Voltage Range: -5VDC (minimum) to 40VDC (maximum)
Example 1. Dry contact sensor direct to DVR
This example is the simplest form of sensor connection for DVR unit. Sensors dedicated only for the function for the DVR and example below depicts that Motion Sensors are not outputting any type of voltage (dry contact).
Figure 17 Basic Sensor Connection
Example 2. Dry contact and 12 Volt DC combination direct to DVR
For some installation you may have sensors outputting different voltage that may require voltage conversion device.
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