Clout X425 User Manual

1. De vi ce Sp ec ifi ca ti on .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2
2. Know your phone…………………......... 3
3. SIM/SD card installation................... 5
4. Ma ke C alls………… ……… ………… 6
5. Me ss ages……… …… …… …… …… …7
6. Ca me ra…………… …… …… ……… 8
7. P h ot o s … … …… … … … …… … … … 9
8. Wi-Fi…………………… ……………… 10
10. Taking care of Your Device…………12
11. SAR ……… …… ……… …… ……… …1 3
12. RoHS………………………………….... 14
13. Ba tt er y Recomm en da ti ons…… …1 5
14. Di sclai me r…… …… …………… ……16
15. Copyrights…………………………… 17
On dialing interface, enter a complete phone number and hit a call button to make a new call.
Notification icons inform you of new messages and events.
You can use messages to exchange text and multimedia messages with your friends.
6. Camera
Touch the Camera icon in the main menu interface or on the home screen, camera opens in Landscape mode, ready to take a picture. In this mode, you can touch the “Camera” icon to take a photo, tap on Video icon to switch to Video mode. Slide right on screen to enter in camera mode and slide left on screen to enter in filter mode.
Tap on the setting icon to change the settings of camera.
Note: Tapping on camera icon on upper right corner open up front camera to take
You use Google photos app to view pictures that you have taken with camera, downloaded,or copied onto your SD card or USB storage. You can perform basic editing tasks on pictures and set them as your wallpaper or contact pictures. You can also share your pictures with friends, via email or messaging, or by uploading them to the Picasa and YouTube web sites.
Click on the buttons can vie w, edi t and set the images
8. Wi-Fi
Go to Settings>Network>Wi-Fi. Check Wi-Fi to turn it on. The phone scans for available Wi-Fi networks and displays the names those are in the range. Secured networks are WPA2 protected; you need password to connect to secured networks.
If the network is open, you are prompted to confirm that you want to connect to that network by touching Connect. If the network is secured, you're prompted to enter a password or other credentials.
Note: If the phone finds a network that you connected to previously, it connects to it automatically.
To open Play Music and view your music library, tap the music icon in the main menu interface or on the home screen.
Music plays audio files that are stored on your phone's SD card, so before you open Music, you must copy audio files from your computer onto the SD card. Music supports a wide variety of audio file formats, so it can play music that you purchase from online stores, music that you copy from your CD collection, and so on.
This mobile phone is well designed with fine art. Please exercise special care when using it. The following suggestions will help you protect your phone:
Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all
types of liquid or moisture can contain minerals that will rust electronic circuits. If your device gets wet, remove the battery and refrain from turning on the device, wipe it with dry cloth and take it the service center.
Do not store the device in high or cold temperature. High temperature can shorten the life of electronic devices and damage batteries
Do not use or store the device in dusty or dirty areas.Its moving parts and electronic components may be damaged.
Do not attempt to open the device other than as instructed in this guide. Repairing your phone by yourself and others than our authorized service agent/center is against the warranty rules.
Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics.
Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the device. Use a soft, clean and dry cloth to clean the surface of the device.
Phone does not support SD card hot swap, please do not unplug the SD card during power on.
11. SAR
The highest SAR value for this mobile phone is <1.6 W/Kg, in accordance with the requirements of the ICNIRP, which recommended the limit for exposure to radio waves is 1.6 watts/kilogram(W/kg) averaged over 1 gram of human tissue.
Safety Precautions:
a) Use wireless hand s-free system (headphone, headset) with a low power Bluetooth emitter.
b) Make sure the cell phone has a low SAR.
c) Keep your calls short or send a text message (SMS) instead. This advice applies especially to children, adolescents and pregnant women.
d) Use cell -phone when signal quality good.
e) People having active medical implants should preferably keep the cell phone at least 15 cm away from the implant.
We at Clout take our social responsibility seriously and are committed to the cause of saving our environment; it is in keeping with these commitments that we are pro ud to sta te th at C LOUT phone s ar e RoH S complaint.
Please put the battery in a well-ventilated piece out of di rect s unl igh t. C harge th e b att er y at ro om temperature range.
If the time span of the battery after charging becomes much shorter than usual, the battery life is at an end. Replace the battery with a new battery of the same make and specification.
Do not discard the battery with household trash. Please dispose of used battery according to your local environmental laws and guidelines.
Use ma nufacturer approved batterie s, charge rs, accessories and supplies. We will not be responsible for user's safety when using unapproved batteries or accessories.
The colors and specification shown/mentioned in the
user manual may differ from the actual product Images shown are for representation purpose only. Ot he r p rod uct lo go s a nd com pan y n ame s mentioned herein may be trad emarks or trade names of their respective owners.
The content of this manual may vary from the actual content displayed in the mobile phone. In such a case, the latter shall govern.
We keep the right to make modifications to any of the co nt en t i n t hi s u se r g ui de wi th ou t p ubli c announcement or prior notification.
For devices with external power supplies , plug
should be placed in short distance and easil y accessible.
Using the wrong type battery replacement, there is a
danger of explosion, be sure to follow the instructions disposal of used batteries.
All rig hts rese rved . Re prod uction, transfe r, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in this doc ument in an y for m wit hout the pr ior w ritte n permission is strictly prohibited.
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels of long periods.
To use the device only with the earphones included, never change the earphones included for another one.
Android, Google, Google Play and other marks me trademarks of Google Inc.