Cloudlab Smart Azure Calculator User Manual

We Azure you; we’ll make it simple.
Nov 2020
Smart Azure Calculator User Manual
Congratulations on your subscription to the Smart Azure Calculator! This will allow you to develop much faster, more accurate and above all, more convincing price proposals for Azure Migrate projects. It's going to help you win more Azure Migrate deals!
If you follow this guide, you will get the most out of the Smart Azure Calculator. If you prefer to watch demos instead, go to:
We also keep a blog explaining Azure pricing development, explaining new programs and sharing our experience on how to sell Azure Migrate projects. If you, as an Azure professional, want to stay informed about all the commercial aspects of Azure, follow our blog: Blog – The CloudLab
After subscribing via Azure Marketplace to the Smart Azure Calculator, you get access to the homepage of the Smart Azure Calculator.
The Smart Azure Calculator begins at "My Cases" homepage where you have an overview of all your cases. You can start new cases, clone or delete them if they are no longer needed.
Home page -My Cases
All cases can be arranged by pressing the column names.
Search your cases.
Start a new case.
Cloning the selected case will create another case with same case data, useful as a second scenario, an alternative offer or as a template to start a quick specific
calculation, for example, WVD.
Modify the case name.
Delete the case.
Drilldown to the case of the Smart Azure Calculator and start working on building your case to establish the Azure price estimate and offer.
Every case has a unique number. Reference ID if Support is required.
You can return to My Cases homepage at any time by clicking on your name in the top right corner and selecting this button.
Available in English now. Other languages will be added soon.
Go back to Reseller Portal
to access other cases.
Search for your currency of
choice. The selected currency
is also the currency used in the Output files.
The Dashboard has 8 TABs to work the whole case and is covering what is called the steps of “Customer Cloud Journey”. Go through every TAB even if you don’t change any variable. It is important to save any inputted fields as applicable. If you don’t, the graphs and tables in the Output files could
have another outcome.
The Dashboard explained
Within the Dashboard, some fields are in blue.
Move your cursor over the blue-text fields to
show relevant explanation accordingly.
If you update any input field or section, always press “Save” before moving on.
Switch to End-Customer views to hide margin related content when reviewing the App side-by­side with your end-customers.
Migration and Optimization are mandatory TABs to tune Azure infrastructure before extending your cost analysis.
Before you start the case,
double check if selected
Azure Region is the correct one. Change as required and the price plan of selected Azure Region will be loaded automatically.
Microsoft Partners can choose to source software licenses via the CSP program. Select the CSP Country of your choice or select ‘Neutral’ for global pricing.
Name of the Reseller
and Customer
Click these TABS if you want to analyze the total cost of ownership (TCO) of available Modernization (PaaS) options; Azure SQL / Windows Virtual Desktop or SaaS options; Business Central / Dynamics 365.
Input tab is where you load your case data. There are two options for loading case data into the Smart Azure Calculator; manual or automated via imports. Watch these instructional demos: and
Delete row.
For ‘Configure’ source, specify the VM size.
Select the source of VM specification before adding.
Instant summary to assist data input.
Select OS for the VM.
Save input for editing later.
Upon completing input, choose to insert or update all into VM grid.
Overview of data input, grouped over KPIs, to quickly understand current infrastructure dynamics.
Storage Input Summary; manually filled or Imported.
When Import is initiated, an import Validation screen opens (see next page).
Click imported filename to re-open import screen (see next page).
Add lines or Import from file for different VM
Automatically import Azure Migrate Excel output files.
Assign Purpose to
VM(s) to estimate
the best-matched Azure VM.
Once Import is initiated, the App opens the Import Validation screen. Here you can select the scope of business case based on the Azure VM readiness. The important step is to define as much as possible the Purpose of all VMs and VM groups.
Import Validation
Select the set of VMs to include in business case.
Indication of the monthly Azure VM cost.
Review the details of the original and recommended VM sizing.
Aggregated storage volumes for Primary Storage based on Import options.
After Submit, return to
Input page to review Customer cost.
Select which data set you will use to continue to build the business case. We advise to take the Original sizing because the Right Sizing effort in later steps within the App will be better understood by the customer.
Use the available filters to further verify and complete VM Purpose setup.
Search for VM(s) by keywords.
Select all or some records, choose the Purpose value to update to and click save.
Repeat as necessary for next groups.
Based on the Input variables, the App estimates the Benchmark cost for an infrastructure of the same size running in a legacy hosting environment. The benchmark calculation is built from data set of more then 800 Azure migrate viability studies. Going forward, the benchmark cost estimate will be referred to as "Customer Cost“ and shall become your guide in building a competitive business case and prompting the customer to share his real cost
levels to get an even more valuable Output.
If the Customer is still running v2008 or Win7 workloads, fill in the details and calculated ESU cost will be added to Customer Cost.
Input -Customer Benchmark Cost
Turn off if you are not interested in comparing Azure cost evaluations against Customer Cost.
Monthly benchmark cost is calculated for
key cost types. All
fields are editable in case the customer is willing to share his actual costs, to make the business case more relevant.
Reset all fields back to zero.
Add the monthly audit cost if applicable.
Application license costs are added here as soon they are entered in the Application TABs, such as Azure SQL, WVD, BC or D365.
The total absolute and relative margin you
have built into the
Azure consumption estimate you present to the customer.
If you are working an end-customer case and want to make a margin on your Azure offering, manage within this table. All the presented graphs in the App will include the margin set here. ‘Sharing’ discount or incentive means the percentage of your CSP/EA discount and/or incentive you leave for your customer. The end-customer margins appear in the ‘Adjusted’ column in the first table.
In this table, you can adjust the applicable
costs, via the Input column.
In the Azure Consumption Estimate (ACE) Comparison graph, the monthly ACE is presented compared with the monthly current Customer Cost. The Azure estimate displays the end-customer net price, including shared discount/incentives, along with, your service margin, if added.
In this step, the cost comparison is built between the monthly estimated Customer Cost and Azure Cost, assuming the customer’s workloads are already running on an Azure infrastructure today with the same size and utilization, in terms of CPU/Cores and RAMs, without any of Azure benefits: the so-called “lift and shift” scenario.
Migration (IaaS) - Pricing variables and adjustments
You can influence the calculated Customer Indirect cost distribution over Compute and Storage cost.
Add VM lines as applicable in respective VM
In this section you manage the mixture of VMs you want to build the comparison with. Azure VM series differs based on GBRAM/Core ratios and price. The VM Grid is filled with a mixture of VMs based on the Input. Building the right mix of VMs can bring big savings.
Migration (IaaS) - The VM grid
Total GBRAM from VM grid
VM grid contain records derived automatically from Input. Review and edit VM grid records as applicable.
Customer’s Windows
and Linux GBRAM
You can split and detail to every workload/purpose as needed. For example, SQL Enterprise workload can be split into 3 lines, total number of GBRAM remains the same (2,756 GBRAM) but by selecting better suited VM series and be smart in sourcing Operating System, the ACE for SQL Enterprise environments can drop by USD 17,666 or 32%.
Understand CPU benchmark rating of each VM-series as a guide to configuring VMs.
Create custom Purpose ‘labels’ to detail each VM infrastructure.
Estimate Windows Subscription and Other Linux (RH, SUSE, Ubuntu Advantage) OS Costs based on number of Core/VM and # VM.
The pricing of Azure VM can be complex. To learn the secrets of developing a competitive Azure price offer, watch
+ 18 hidden pages