Available in English
now. Other languages
will be added soon.
Go back to Reseller Portal
to access other cases.
Search for your currency of
choice. The selected currency
is also the currency used in
the Output files.
The Dashboard has 8 TABs to work the whole case and is covering what is called the steps of “Customer Cloud Journey”. Go through every TAB even if
you don’t change any variable. It is important to save any inputted fields as applicable. If you don’t, the graphs and tables in the Output files could
have another outcome.
The Dashboard explained
Within the Dashboard, some fields are in blue.
Move your cursor over the blue-text fields to
show relevant explanation accordingly.
If you update any input field or section,
always press “Save” before moving on.
Switch to End-Customer views to
hide margin related content
when reviewing the App side-byside with your end-customers.
Migration and Optimization
are mandatory TABs to tune
Azure infrastructure before
extending your cost analysis.
Before you start the case,
double check if selected
Azure Region is the correct
one. Change as required and
the price plan of selected
Azure Region will be loaded
Microsoft Partners can choose
to source software licenses via
the CSP program. Select the CSP
Country of your choice or select
‘Neutral’ for global pricing.
Name of the Reseller
and Customer
Click these TABS if you want to analyze the
total cost of ownership (TCO) of available
Modernization (PaaS) options; Azure SQL /
Windows Virtual Desktop or SaaS options;
Business Central / Dynamics 365.