CV500, 800 & 1000
CV500, 800 & 1000CV500, 800 & 1000
CV500, 800 & 1000
These amplifiers occupy three units of rack space (i.e. 5.25"/133mm). All three amplifiers feature front
entry forced air cooling which enables any number of amplifiers to be racked without the need for
special ventilation provided that a free flow of air is available at the rear of the rack hou sing.
All the CV range of a mpl if i er s ar e d es igned for conti nu ou s ope r ation at high power l evels and will tolerate
a good deal of abuse. Output short circuits or mis-matched loads , can be tolerated without harm.
Input Connections
Input ConnectionsInput Connections
Input Connections
Inputs to all the amplifiers are con nec ted via XLR-3-31 type connectors. The inpu t circ ui t is e lectr onical ly
balanced and where possible, the balanced mode is preferable. If the input is used in the unbalanced
mode, pin 3 must be linked to pin (Ov). The input is then connected to pin 1 (ground) and pin 2 (hot).
When used in the balanced mode, pin 1 is ground, pin 2 is in-phase, pin 3 in non phase.
Input impedance is 20K ohms balanced, 10K ohms unbalanced.
Provided pin 3 is grounded in the unbalanced mode, the input sensitivity is 0dBu (775mV) for both
balanced and unbalanced modes.
Output Connections
Output ConnectionsOutput Connections
Output Connections
The output from all the CV amplifiers is connected via an XLR-3-32 type connector or binding posts. The
minimum recommended load is 4 ohms. The two output channels must never be connected in parallel.
XLR connections are pin 1 = 0v, pin 2 = phase (hot).
Mode of Operation
Mode of OperationMode of Operation
Mode of Operation
All amplifiers have a 3 position mode switch on the rear panel, adjacent to the Ch annel B input socket.
In the centre position marked "Stereo" the amplifier operates as two independent channels for typical
stereo operation.
With the switch in the "Mon o" po si ti on the channel A input is int ern ally connected to driv e bo th ch an ne ls
of the amplifier. The front level controls remain in operation as normal and the limiters also work normally
on each channel. When the " Mono" mode is in use, the appropriate LED on the front panel illuminates,
and channel B input is disabled.
With the switch in the "Bridge" position the load should be connected between the two "Hot" output
terminals (XLR pin 2 or Red binding posts). The amplifier then operates as a single channel unit with a
minimum load impedance of 8 Ω. Channel A input socket, limiter and level control are operative, with
channel B input circuits disabled. The "Bridge" LED on the front panel illuminates when the mode switch
is in this position.
Important. In the bridge mode, the full output of the combined channels is available at the output
terminals and care m us t be taken to ens u re th at th e l ou dsp eakers are ca pable of h an dli ng t h e ava il able