
Intro du ct io n
The M L-D10 0 equip ped wit h lates t Bluet ooth wi reles s techn ology
all ows you t o acces s to your i Pod /iP hone ac cesso ry spea kers an d
eve n lets yo u contr ol the mu sic any where i n the roo m wirel essly .
High Sound Mus ic Streaming
The ML-D10 0 receiv es music from your Bluetoo th-enabled sma rt
phone or iPod and send out hig h-quality ster eo music. You can
wirele ssly enjoy your favori te tunes through your iPod /iP hone
access ory speakers.
Remote Con trol
The ML-D10 0 recogn izes the music Play/St op/Next/Pr ev controls on
speake r's buttons or wireles s remote con trol.
Automa tic Reconnecti on
Once the ML-D1 00 is paired wit h any of Bluetoo th devices, you do not
need to re-pai r it.
Compac t Design
The ML-D10 0 size is small as iPod and goes alo ng with any types of
iPod acces sories.
Descripti on of Parts
Con necti ng Poin t
Siz e (Dept h x Width x H eight ): 27x4 0x7 mm
Wei ght: 8g
Connectin g iPod/iPh one Dock Speaker
Once you put the ML-D1 00 into iPod/iPhon e Dock Speak er, the MLD100 is automa tically powere d on. And the LED indicato r on the MLD100 will show a solid blu e light.
Conne ct in g mo bile ph on es o r Bl uetooth
enabl ed m us ic d evice s
Ini tial Pa iring
The M L-D10 0 need to b e “pair ed” wit h Bluet ooth- enabl ed musi c
dev ices be foreh and.
On th e pairi ng mode , you can p air the M L-D10 0 with an y types o f
Blu etoot h-ena bled ph one or mu sic dev ices
How t o start i nitia l pairi ng
① Go to t he Blue tooth m enu in yo ur Blue tooth d evice s
② Usi ng the St ereo He adset f ind “Se arch fo r devic es”
③ Sel ect the ” ML-D1 00” fro m the lis t of sear ched de vices .
④ Whe n promp ted for r equir ing a pas s code, p lease e nter “0 000”
⑤ Onc e the ML- D100 is s ucces sfull y conne cted, t he LED
ind icato r will fl ash 2 tim es.
Aut omati c Recon necti on
The M L-D10 0 will be a utoma tical ly reco nnect ed with t he l ast
dev ice und er the fo llowi ngs;
① Wit h the Pow er-On m ode, th e ML-D1 00 is con necte d to your
iPo d / iPhon e acces sory sp eaker s.
② Whe n your Bl uetoo th devi ces are o ut of req uired r ange.
Playi ng m us ic
Onc e Bluet ooth de vices a re succ essfu lly con necte d, the ML -D100
rec eives m usic fr om your B lueto oth-e nable d smart p hone or i Pod
and d elive r high- quali ty ster eo musi c. You can wi reles sly enj oy
you r favor ite tun es thro ugh you r iPod/ iPhon e acces sory sp eaker s.
The M L-D10 0 recog nizes t he musi c Play/ Stop/ Next/ Prev co ntrol s.
The M L-D10 0 works w ell wit h aviat ion but tons or r emote c ontro ls
as lo ng as you r iPod/ iPhon e acces sory sp eaker s featu re the mu sic
Pla y/Sto p/Nex t/Pre v butto ns.
LED Sta tu s
The M L-D10 0 LED sho ws diff erent ly unde r the bel ow stat us
ML- D100 St atus
Not connecting properly
Disconnecti ng
On connecting
LED O perat ion
The blue light flashes on
The blue LED light
flickers 2 times
The blue LED light flashes on
every 6 seconds
Problem Solvi ng
Pro blems Sol ution s
The ML-D100 is not powering
on even if it is connected with
the speakers
When it is not connecting
with the Bluetooth devices
The M L-D10 0 will be n ot conn ect som e of the sp eaker s which
sup port US B commu nicat ion sys tems si nce it is n ot supp ortin g
(eg . iF360 /Edif ier, WHG -SL1i /Sony, Ze ppeli ne mini /B&W et c.)
Check if the ML-D100 is fully
powered from the speakers
Check if Bluetooth devices
support A2DP,AVRCP profile
Stora ge a nd P re cauti on s
Ple ase use t he ML-D 100 as pe r indic ated in u ser man ual and d o
not u se it for o thers .
Ple ase wip e out wit h dry clo th when i t is cont amina ted.
Kee p the ML- D100 of f the fla mmabl e and dir ect ray s of the sun o r
low t emper ature s. It wil l affect t he ML-D 100 ope ratio n.
Do no t expos e direc tly to wa ter or ra ining .
Your ML -D100 h as a 1 year w arran ty.
Pro duct Na me
Mod el Name
Warr anty
※ Warn ing: Th e warra nty onl y cover s manuf actur e defec ts.
Any da mage do ne to the p roduc t by misu se or neg ligen ce, suc h
as dr oppin g or brea king it , will no t be cove red und er the wa rrant y.
Any m odifi catio ns made t o the uni t or cabl e assem blies b y
any one oth er than C lipco mm inc. w ill voi d warra nty.
Blu etoot h Music L ink Adap tor
ML- D100
1 yea r
A/S inq ui ry
Tel: 07 0-814 5-010 9 / Fax: 07 0-814 5-012 5
E-m ail: te chsup port@ clipc omm.c o.kr