successfully performed. When DHCP is not used, this is the indication of successful Bluetooth
initialization only. The “Activity” light toggles when there is a Bluetooth activity. (In case of firmware
upgrade, this indicator also shows upgrading progress. Please refer to sectionBS-V100 Firmware
Upgrade on page 15.)
Now, your BS-V100 is in normal state and able to accept incoming connections.
1.2. Using BS-V100 as a Bluetooth LAN Access Point
Any Bluetooth client device can access the Internet through the BS-V100 if only it supports LAN
access profile (LAP). Please refer to the user’s manual of your Bluetooth client software to get
information on how to connect with a Bluetooth LAN access point.
General procedure of using a Bluetooth LAP client is like this:
a. Start your Bluetooth LAP client application.
b. Start an inquiry for neighboring Bluetooth devices.
c. Select your BS-V100 from the list of discovered devices.
- Your BS-V100 will appear as “BS-V100 <IP-address-of-BS-V100>” if your client software displays the
friendly name.
d. If a dialog window for PIN number appears in the Bluetooth LAP client, type PIN number “12345”.
This is the default value and can be reconfigured through the BS-V100 web interface.
e. Set up a PPP connection with your BS-V100.
Now, your Bluetooth client is connected to the Internet through the BS-V100.
1.3. Using BS-V100 as a Bluetooth VoIP (H.323) gateway
Any Bluetooth client device supporting the Cordless Telephony Profile can make a VoIP call via BS-
V100. Current implementation of the BS-V100 supports H.323 protocol. It can be registered in a
‘H.323 Zone’ by accessing H.323 Gatekeepers. CLIPCOMM provides bundling software named
‘Phonizer’ to test the gateway functionality. It can be downloaded
at http://clipcomm.co.kr/product/phonizer. To get information on how to use the Phonizer and the BS-