Clipcomm BlueStation BS-V100 User Manual

1. GETTING STARTED....................................................................................................................................... 2
2. PRODUCT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 5
3. BS-V100 CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................................... 7
4. MANAGEMENT / MONITORING................................................................................................................ 14
5. FIRMWARE UPGRADE ............................................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX A. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION.............................................................................................. 18
APPENDIX B. TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX C. PHONIZER ............................................................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX D. CHANGES RELATIVE TO PREVIOUS RELEASE............................................................ 24
APPENDIX E. KNOWN PROBLEMS ............................................................................................................. 25
APPENDIX F. TO DO LIST............................................................................................................................... 26
1. Getting Started
1.1. Installation
By default, BS-V100 supports DHCP client management, so a DHCP server in your network sets the
IP address of BS-V100 automatically. The IP addresses for Bluetooth clients are set automatically by
If you do not have a DHCP server, the IP address of BS-V100 should be set manually. About manual
network setting, refer to section IP Setting on page 7 after the following initialization procedures:
a. Connect your BS-V100:
- Connect an Ethernet cable to the RJ-45 port of your BS-V100. Note that there are two RJ-45 ports on
your BS-V100, one of which is for network interface (near to power input jack), and the other is for a
collocated PC.
- Connect the power cable to the power input jack of your BS-V100.
b. Check the status of BS-V100 via indication lights:
- The power indicator should display a steady red light.
- The “Network” indicator should display a yellow light. It sometimes flashes in red when there is a
network activity.
- On power input, the “Activity” indicator should display flashing yellow light for a while. When DHCP
is used, this means that both the dynamic IP configuration and Bluetooth initialization have been
1. Getting Started
successfully performed. When DHCP is not used, this is the indication of successful Bluetooth
initialization only. The “Activity” light toggles when there is a Bluetooth activity. (In case of firmware
upgrade, this indicator also shows upgrading progress. Please refer to sectionBS-V100 Firmware
Upgrade on page 15.)
Now, your BS-V100 is in normal state and able to accept incoming connections.
1.2. Using BS-V100 as a Bluetooth LAN Access Point
Any Bluetooth client device can access the Internet through the BS-V100 if only it supports LAN
access profile (LAP). Please refer to the user’s manual of your Bluetooth client software to get
information on how to connect with a Bluetooth LAN access point.
General procedure of using a Bluetooth LAP client is like this:
a. Start your Bluetooth LAP client application.
b. Start an inquiry for neighboring Bluetooth devices.
c. Select your BS-V100 from the list of discovered devices.
- Your BS-V100 will appear as “BS-V100 <IP-address-of-BS-V100>” if your client software displays the
friendly name.
d. If a dialog window for PIN number appears in the Bluetooth LAP client, type PIN number “12345”.
This is the default value and can be reconfigured through the BS-V100 web interface.
e. Set up a PPP connection with your BS-V100.
Now, your Bluetooth client is connected to the Internet through the BS-V100.
1.3. Using BS-V100 as a Bluetooth VoIP (H.323) gateway
Any Bluetooth client device supporting the Cordless Telephony Profile can make a VoIP call via BS-
V100. Current implementation of the BS-V100 supports H.323 protocol. It can be registered in a
‘H.323 Zone’ by accessing H.323 Gatekeepers. CLIPCOMM provides bundling software named
‘Phonizer’ to test the gateway functionality. It can be downloaded
at To get information on how to use the Phonizer and the BS-
V100 as a Cordless Telephony VoIP gateway, please refer to the Appendix C.Phonizer on page 18.
1.4. Configuration of the BS-V100
Your BS-V100 can be configured through the internal Web interface. Enter the IP address of BS-V100
in the location field of web browser to access the interface. For the detailed description of the internal
Web interface, please refer to section refer to section 3.2 Web Interface on page 8). For network mask
and gateway address, consult your network administrator or ISP.
2. Product Overview
2.1. Package Contents
Item Quantity
BS-V100-DS 1
UTP cable (Ethernet cable) 1
Serial cable 1
5V power adaptor 1
2.2. External Interface
2. Product Overview
Name Explanation
COM COM port for external management
Internal Internal Ethernet port for collocated PC
External External Ethernet port for uplink
Power Power input
2.3. Indicator
BS-V100 developer’s sample has three LED indicators.
LED Behavior Description
Steady red light Power input is OK
No light No power or error
Steady yellow light Link is up
Flashing red light Link activity
Flashing yellow light
(on power up)
Successful Bluetooth initialization
Flashing yellow light
(in normal operating state)
Bluetooth activity
Steady turned-off after periodic
flashing yellow light
(in firmware upgrade state)
Firmware upgrade is finished
3. BS-V100 Configuration
You can configure your BS-V100 regarding TCP/IP and Bluetooth related parameters. Most
parameters can be configured through the internal Web interface of your BS-V100 except for initial IP
address setting when there is no IP address assigned to the BS-V100.
3.1. IP Setting
3.1.1. arp-ping method
If a DHCP server exists in your network, your BS-V100 can get its IP configuration from the DHCP
server during initialization. The assigned IP address can be identified by Bluetooth inquiry procedure.
After automatic IP setting, the friendly name of your BS-V100 is changed to “BS-V100 <IP-address-of-
BS-V100>”, which is shown in the list of discovered devices in your Bluetooth client software.
When there is no DHCP server in your network and your BS-V100 cannot obtain its IP address from a
DHCP server, you can use ‘arp’ and ‘ping’ commands to set its initial IP address. You should be aware
of the Ethernet MAC address of your BS-V100 to use this method, which can be found on the bottom
of your BS-V100. (arp/ping works only when the BS-V100 is in DHCP mode.)
At DOS command line or Unix shell, type
> arp –s <IP address> <MAC address>
> ping –l 100 <IP address> -- (DOS command line)
> ping –s 100 <IP address> -- (Unix shell)
3. BS-V100 Configuration
<IP address> is a static IP address that is used for your BS-V100. You should specify a valid one. If
you do not know a valid IP address of your network, consult with your network administrator.
After this procedure, your BS-V100 can be accessed by the static IP address. Now, the network mask
and gateway address should be set and this can be performed through the internal Web interface of
your BS-V100 (refer to section 3.2 Web Interface on page 8). For network mask and gateway address,
consult your network administrator or ISP.
3.1.2. IP setting using collocated PC
If you are not familiar with shell commands such as ‘arp’ or ‘ping’, use the collocated PC for BS-V100
Connect your PC and BS-V100’s PC port with a LAN cable
Set PC IP assignment method as ‘automatic’. ( Rebooting is required for Win98 platform)
Your PC will get IP from BS-V100. The IP address would be 192.168.0.xx.
Open browser and type ‘’
Then, you can enter into BS-V100’s network configuration page.
Refer chapter 3.2.1 for further network setting.
Example (Windows/PC user)
C:\> arp –s 00-07-88-44-22-84
C:\> ping –l 100
Example (Unix/Linux user)
mypath> arp –s 00:07:88:44:22:84
mypath> ping –s 100
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