TThhee WWrriisstt TTrraannssmmiitttteerr ((WWTT--221122))
LLoonngg bbaatttteerryy lliiffee// WWaatteerrpprrooooff
AAccttiivvee BBuuttttoonn
z Pressing the Active Button for more than 1 sec
will activate the Main Unit, causing it to dial
emergency call or alarm.
z When the Main Unit receives the alarm signal and
is being activated, you can stop the activity if
desired by pressing this button for more than 8
z Pressing and holding the button for 8 seconds will
cancel the alarm. The Bell Box and Siren will stop
z After learning the WT-212 to the Main Unit,
pressing and holding the button for 15 sec (until
the LED flashes 3 times) will activate the
supervision function. The WT-212 will send a
signal to the Main Unit every 21 hours.
LLeeaarrnn IInn WWTT--221122
Every Wrist Transmitter has a unique numeric code called “ID code”. The ID code
enables the Main Unit to identify the signal is transmitted from the Wrist Transmitter.
At the same time, it also prevents interference from outside sources.
Active Button
Step 1. Put the Control Panel into “Device +/-” menu and then select “Add Device”
menu (or “Learning” Mode).
Step 2. Press the Button on the WT-212, a radio signal will be transmitted to the control
Step 3. Please refer to the operation manual of your control panel under the section of
“Device +/-” to complete the process.
BBaatttteerryy LLiiffee
The Wrist Transmitter uses one CR2032 3V Lithium battery as its power source.
The battery can last for more than 6 years.
If the battery voltage is low, a Low Battery signal will be send to the control panel to notify
the user.
FFCCCC SSttaatteemmeenntt
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
FFCCCC CCaauuttiioonn::
To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance may void the user's authority to operate this eq uipment. (Example - use only
shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices).