WWSS--LLDD WWaatteerr SSeennssoor
Water Sensor is specially designed to detect if the water level is above a certain level that may damage your
protected goods. It is a device that helps to manage your protected place and goods by keeping it nice and
IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg tthhee ppaarrttss::
Learn / Test button
This button is used for testing the radio performance
and for learning purpose.
Battery lid
This Probe is used for detecting the increasing water
Extension black wire with Probe
The WS-LD uses one 9V alkaline battery as its power source. The battery is good for at least 3 years
before it needs changing.
Low battery detection operates at a threshold of 3.3V ±10 % where the WS-LD has enough reserve
power to typically operate for 3 months before complete exhaustion. The WS-LD low battery signal will
be enunciated by one beep for every 45 secs.
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WS-LD.DOC 2006.01.26
WS-LD will perform one beep when the power is on.
WS-LD will only send low battery signal every 24 hrs after continuous 10 hrs of low battery
WS-LD will only detect the low battery when an alarm has been activated. The low battery
signal will be sent to the Control Panel along with the alarm signal transmission for the
Control Panel to display the status accordingly.
Remove the screw to separate the top cover from the base.
Insert the battery with negative of the battery on the spring side.
Place the top case over the base.
Put the Control Panel into “Device +/-“ menu and ten select “Add Device” menu.
Press any buttons on the WS-LD
Refer to the operation manual of your control panel under the section of “Device +/-“ to
complete the learn-in process.

Remove the battery lid by pushing and sliding it with the direction of arrow on the bottom of
Insert the battery with negative of the battery on the spring side.
Clips the battery lid to the base.
Program the VCM by pressing and holding the red button on the bottom for 5 secs, a short
Press the red button on WS-LD.
VCM will perform two beeps with LED flash if the signal received successfully and completes
beep will be sound. Then release the button, VCM will perform a long beep will with LED On..
the learning-in procedures.
VCM will perform one short beep indicating that the WS-LD is already in the system.
I. Clean the surface with a suitable degreaser.
II. Remove the protective covering from one side of the double-sided adhesive pad
and firmly apply to the back of the device.
III. Next remove the other cover and firmly press the item onto the desired location.
Mount the WS-LD on the wall whereas drop the black wire onto the floor level or any height that you
want to detect the increasing water level.
Do not use the adhesive pad method of installation on a surface with peeling or cracked
paint, or on a rough surface.
When the probes first come in contact with water, WS-LD gives out continuous warning
beeps at a 50% duty cycle for every two seconds, and sends an alarm signal to the
control panel every two minutes to notify the user.
With water condition persists, WS-LD will keep performing the warning beeps and
sending the alarm signal to the control panel
After probes are no longer in contact with water, the warning beeps will be eliminated and
WS-LD sends a restore signal to the Control Panel indicating the water condition has been
cleared. WS-LD then enters Normal Operation Mode.
During the alarming period, whenever the water ebbs, WS-LD enters Normal Operation
SSuuppeerrvviissoorryy SSiiggnnaall
After installation, the WS-LD will automatically transmit Supervisory Signals periodically to the Control
Panel at intervals of 24 hrs randomly.
WS-LD.DOC 2006.01.26