Status Display (SSL-1)
SSL-1 is a Status Display designed to display the current status of the system.
Device Introduction
1. LED Display (Red/ Green)
System Status:
- Keep flashing Red: Alarming.
- Keep flashing Green: Armed or Home Armed Mode.
- Off: Disarmed Mode or Disarmed Mode with alarm
2. Cover-Fixing Screw
3. Fixing Hook
4. Battery Compartment
5. DIP Switch (Currently Reserved)
6. Test/ Learn Button
- Press once to send a learning code to the Control Panel.
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The Status Display is powered by one CR123A 3V Lithium battery.
The Status Display features Low Battery Detection function. When the battery voltage is low, the Status Display will
transmit Low Battery signal to the Control Panel.
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The Status Display will transmit a supervision signal to report its condition at random intervals of 30-50 minutes.
Getting Started
1. Loosening the Cover-Fixing Screw using a Phillips screwdriver and remove the cover.
2. Insert one CR123A battery to provide power to the device.
3. Put the Control Panel into Learning Mode (please refer to panel operation manual).
4. Press the learn button once to send a learn code to the Control Panel.
5. Refer to your Control Panel operation manual to complete the learn-in process.
6. After the Status Display is learned-in, place the Control Panel into (Walk Test) mode, hold the device in the
desired location, and press the Test button to transmit test signal to Control Panel. If the Control Panel is within
Status Display signal range, the panel will display Status Display information accordingly.
7. Proceed with mounting and installation once you are satisfied the location.
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The Status Display can be mounted using two methods: Self-adhesive or Screw mounting.
Self adhesive mounting
1. Clean the surface with a suitable degreaser.
2. Remove the protective covering from one side of double-sided adhesive pad and firmly apply to the back of the
3. Remove the other covering and firmly place/press the device in the desired location.
Do not use the Self-adhesive mounting method on poorly painted and/or rough surfaces.

Screw Mounting
The base of the Status Display has two screw knockouts, where the plastic is
thinner for mounting purposes. To mount the Status Display:
1. Detach the Top Cover and Base assembly by loosening the Cover-Fixing
Screw using a Phillips screwdriver.
2. Break through the knockouts on the base.
3. Use the holes as a template to drill two holes and insert the wall plugs.
4. Screw the base into the wall plugs.
5. Replace the top cover over the base by hooking the base onto the fixing
hook and pushing the cover towards the base.
6. Secure and screw the top cover back on to its base using a Philips
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.