Climax Technology Co SRACZW Users manual

Wireless AC Powered Indoor Siren (SRAC-23B-ZW)
The Indoor Siren is used to attract attention by sounding an alarm when alarm signal is received from the Z-wave Gateway or Control Panel.
-- Send Status signal: Press the button once.
-- Send Learn Code: Press the button 3 times within 1.5 seconds.
-- Factory Reset: Press and hold for ~10 seconds until LED starts to flash (twice).
-- LED flashes twice: When the Siren is plugged into a power socket or when it has just been factory reset.
-- LED flashes once: Learning is successful or when the Siren transmits an AC Fail/Restore signal.
2. Buzzer
-- One long beep: Learning / Inclusion is successful.
-- 2 short beeps: When the Siren is powered on or when the Siren is factory reset.
3. AC Connect
PPoowweerr SSuuppppllyy
The Siren is powered by AC power; plug the Siren into a power socket to activate the Siren. The Siren will emit 2 short beeps and enter normal operation mode.
There is a rechargeable battery inside the Siren that serves as a backup in case of a power failure. It takes approximately 72 hours to fully charge the battery. During normal operation, AC power is used to power the Siren and at the same time recharge the battery.
LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioon
The Siren will report its battery percentage to the Control Panel respectively at 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%. After AC power failure, the Siren will transmit a Low Battery signal (25%) to The Control Panel when low battery voltage is detected. To restore battery, re-plug AC power into the power socket. After 12 hours, the Siren will transmit a low battery restored notification to the Control Panel.
AACC FFaaiilluurree DDeetteeccttiioonn
Whenever the Siren is removed from the power socket, the siren will transmit an AC Failure signal to the Z-wave Gateway or Control Panel to notify the situation. When the Siren is re-plugged onto the power socket, it will transmit an AC restoration code (the LED will also flash once).
AAddddiinngg DDeevviiccee ((IInncclluussiioonn))
This product can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufactures and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardl ess of vendor to increase reliability of the network.
z Plug the Siren into a power socket. z The LED indicator will flash twice. z Put the Z-Wave gateway or control panel into Inclusion or Learning mode (please refer to the Z-Wave gateway or
control panel manual).
z Within 1.5 seconds, press the Test Button 3 times. z Refer to the operation manual of the Z-wave gateway or control panel to complete the learn-in process. z If the Siren was included successfully, it will emit 1 long beep and the LED will flash once. z If the device has already been included (learnt) into another Z-wave Gateway/Control Panel, or if the device is unable to
be learnt into the current Z-wave Gateway/Control Panel, please exclude it first (see Exclusion) before attempting to
include it into the current Z-wave Gateway/Control Panel.
RReemmoovviinngg DDeevviiccee ((EExxcclluussiioonn))
The Siren must be removed from existing Z-Wave network before being included into another. T here are t wo methods availabl e to exclude a device.
Exclusion Mode
z Put the Z-Wave gateway or control panel into Exclusion mode (please refer to the Z-wave gateway or control panel
z Within 1.5 seconds, press the Test Button 3 times and the Siren will be removed from the Z-wave network.
Factory Reset
(Only use factory reset when network Control Panel/Gateway is missing or inoperable).
z Press and hold the Test Button of the Siren for ~10 seconds until the LED starts to flash (twice) to factory reset. The siren
will also emit 2 short beeps.
) Factory resetting the Siren will restore it to factory default settings (excluded from the Z-Wave network). The Z-Wave
gateway or control panel will still keep its Z-Wave settings. Please refer to the gate way or control panel manual on how to remove the device’s Z-Wave settings.
SSiirreenn SSoouunndd FFuunnccttiioonn
Sound Event Switch Value
Continuous siren Burglar FF
N/A Stop Alarm 00
Table 3: Burglar siren sound with respect to the Switch Value codes the Indoor Siren receives.
ZZ--WWaavvee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Device Type: On/Off Power Switch Role Type: Always On Slave (AOS)
Command Class Support/Control Mandatory CC Support: Association CC, v2 or newer
Association Group Information CC Binary Switch CC Battery CC Device Reset Locally CC Manufacturer Specific CC Notification CC Powerlevel CC Version CC, v2 or newer Wake UP CC Z-Wave Plus Info CC Recommended CC Support: Firmware Update Metadata CC
ZZ--WWaavvee’’ss GGrroouuppss ((AAssssoocciiaattiioonn CCoommmmaanndd CCllaassss VVeerrssiioonn 22))
The Door Contact can be set to send reports to associated Z-Wave devices. It supports one association groups with five nodes each.
Group 1 for “LifeLine”:
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