Climax Technology Co SR Users manual

SR-15ZBS Wireless Indoor Siren
SR-15ZBS is a ZigBee wireless Indoor Siren. It is capable of raising alarm upon receiving a larm signal from the coordinator in the ZigBee network when an alarm is activated. During the alarm, the Indoor Siren will sound alarm with its built-in siren and also flash the strobe light to attract attention.
The Indoor Siren Serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in the ZigBee network to receive alarm signal, but cannot permit any other ZigBee device to join the network through the Indoor Siren.
Parts Identification
1. Mounting Holes X 4
2. Battery Compartment
The Indoor Siren is powered by four 1.5V D-cell alkaline battery.
3. Function Switch Block
The 1-3 DIP Switches can be turned ON/OFF to determine Alarm Length, please see later section.
The DIP Switches 5-7 are reserved.
4. Function Button
5. Red LED
The LED indicator lights up in the following conditions:
- Continuous quick flashes The Indoor Siren is alarming.
- Two quick flashes The Indoor Siren has successfully joined a ZigBee network.
- Flashes once every 20 minutes: The Indoor Siren has lost connection to its current ZigBee network.
The LED also flashes differently according to Siren status (with different siren audio), please refer to the following table:
Arm 1 beep 1 flash Home 1 beep 1 flash Disarm 2 beeps 2 flashes Arm(Low Battery) 3 beeps 3 flashes Home(Low Battery) 3 beeps 3 flashes Disarm (Low Battery) 4 beeps 4 flashes Arm (Tamper) 5 beeps 5 flashes Home (Tamper) 5 beeps 5 flashes Disarm (Tamper) 6 beeps 6 flashes
SSiirreenn AAuuddiiooLLEEDD IInnddiiccaattiioon
6. Tamper Switch
The Tamper switch will be activated when the Indoor Siren is removed from the mounted surface or has its cover opened.
AAllaarrmm AAccttiivvaattiioonn
When an alarm is activated, the Indoor Siren will activate its siren and LED light according to different alarm types:
z Burglar and Emergency alarm: Continuous alarm and LED flash z Fire alarm: 2-second alarm with1-second interval and continuous LED flash
AAllaarrmm LLeennggtthh SSeettttiinngg
z When the Indoor Siren receives an alarm signal via ZigBee network, it will activate alarm
according to the alarm length set by the system control panel.
z If the Indoor Siren receives an alarm sign al, but the alarm length duration is not defined by the
system control panel, the Indoor Siren will activate alarm according to Dip Switch setting:
BBaatttteerryy aanndd LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Indoor Siren uses four 1.5V alkaline D-cell batteries as its power source. The battery is included in the package. Open the battery compartment then insert the batteries to power up the Indoor Siren.
The Indoor Siren features Low Battery Detection function. When the battery voltage is low, the Indoor Siren will transmit Low Battery signal to the coordinator in ZigBee network.
When changing battery, after removing the old battery, press the Tamper Switch twice to fully discharge before inserting new battery
TTaammppeerr PPrrootteeccttiioonn
The Indoor Siren is protected by a tamper switch which is compressed against the front cover when the cover is closed. Whenever the Indoor Siren front cover is opened, the tamper switch will be activated. The Indoor Siren will send a tamper open signal to system control panel and activate alarm immediately according to duration set by the Dip Switches.
The Indoor Siren will transmit a supervision signal to report its condition re gularly according to us er
setting. The factory default interval is 30 minutes. The user can also press the Function Button once to transmit a supervision signal manually.
SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 Siren Duration
3 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
ZigBee Network Setup
ZZiiggBBeeee DDeevviiccee GGuuiiddeelliinnee
ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and high transmission efficiency. Based on IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
Due to the fundamental structure of ZigBee network, ZigBee device will actively seek and join network after powering on. Since performing a task in connecting network may consume some power, it is required to follow the instructions to avoid draining battery of a ZigBee device
- Ensure your ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on before inserting battery into the ZigBee device.
- Ensure the ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on and within range while a ZigBee device is in use.
- Do not remove a ZigBee device from the ZigBee network router or coordinator without removing the battery from a ZigBee device.
JJooiinniinngg tthhee ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk
As a ZigBee device, the Indoor Siren needs to join a ZigBee network to send and receive alarm signal. Please follow the steps bellow to join the Indoor Siren into the ZigBee network. Joining
ZigBee network is only allowed during the first 3 minutes of powering up the Siren. If the Siren has been powered on for more than 3 minutes, please remove and reinsert pow er to power on Siren again.
1. Insert the batteries.
2. Press and hold the function button for 10 seconds w ithin 3 minutes after powering up the
Siren then release to join ZigBee network. Please make sure the permit-to-join feature on the
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