SD-8ZBS-EL Smoke Detector
SD-8ZBS-EL is a ZigBee Smoke Detector. It is capable of sending wireless signals to the coordinator in
the ZigBee network upon detection of smoke particles. The Smoke Detector is designed to be mount ed
on ceiling or top of stairwells when smoke would concentrate to raise alarm timely and protect your
home from fire hazards.
The Smoke Detector utilizes ZigBee technology for wireless signal transmission. ZigBee is a wireless
communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption an d high transmis sion efficiency.
Based on IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network
and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission
The Smoke Detector serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in the ZigBee
network to transmit signal upon activation, but cannot permit any other ZigBee device to join the
network through the Smoke Detector.
Parts Identification
1. Function Button
- Press the button once to send a supervision signal.
- Press the button once during alarm to silence the alarm.
- Press and hold the button for 10 seconds then release to reset
the Smoke Detector.
- Press and hold the button for 20 seconds then release to
recalibrate the Smoke Detector.
2. LED indicator
The LED indicator lights up in the following conditions:
- Continuous quick flashes
The Smoke Detector is alarming.
- Two quick flashes
The Smoke Detector has successfully joined a ZigBee network
after factory reset.
- Flashes once every 20 minutes:
The Smoke Detector has lost connection to its current ZigBee
- Flashes every 2 seconds:
Battery Exhausted
- Flashes every second:
The Smoke Detector is performing self-calibration
The Smoke Detector is in Alarm Silence mode.
Function Button Usage:
- Press the button once to send a supervision signal.
- Press and hold the button for 10 seconds then release to reset
the Smoke Detector.
3. Battery Compartment
The Smoke Detector is powered by three AA Alkaline
1.5V batteries.
4. Mounting Hole
5. Mounting Bracket
6. Hooks

SSmmookkee DDeetteeccttiioonn
z The Smoke Detector will be activated whenever the smoke concentration exceeds the
detection threshold. After activation, the Smoke Detector will transmit signal to the ZigBee
network coordinator and raise alarm with its built in buzzer for 10 seconds. The LED Indicator
will flash quickly.
z The Smoke Detector will check smoke concentration every 10 seconds, if the smoke
concentration still exceeds detection threshold after 10 seconds, the buzzer will continue to
sound alarm and the LED will continue to flash.
z If the smoke concentration drops below detection threshold, the Smoke Detector will stop
alarming and transmit a restore signal
AAllaarrmm SSiilleennccee
z When the Smoke Detector is alarming, you can press the Function button once on Smoke
Detector to enter Alarm Silence mode for 10 minutes
z Under Alarm Silence mode, the Smoke Detector will not sound alarm; the LED Indicator will
flash every second to indicate it is under Alarm Silence mode.
z After 10 minutes, if the smoke concentration still exceeds detection threshold, the Smoke
Detector will raise alarm and send alarm signal again.
The Smoke Detector will calibrate its sensor every time when p ower is applied to ensure optimal
smoke sensitivity. After installation, the operation condition of the Smoke Detector may vary after
some time, which may affect its smoke detection function. As a result, the user may need to
recalibrate the sensor occasionally maintain its effective working condition.
To recalibrate the Smoke Detector:
1. Press and hold the function button for 23 seconds.
2. The Smoke Detector will emit 2 short beeps at after 10 seconds and 3 short beeps after 23
seconds. Keep holding the function button and release until you hear the 3 short beeps after 23
3. The Smoke Detector will enter calibration process. The LED Indicator will flash every second.
4. After the Smoke Detector finishes recalibration, it will emit two quick beeps to indicate. The LED
will turn off.
5. If calibration process fails, Smoke Detector will emit alarm sound. Plea se remove and reinsert
battery to restart process again.
z After first installation, the Smoke Detector will perform auto-calibration after 4 hours.
z After the first auto-calibration, the Smoke Detector will perform auto-calibration once every
month. During the auto-calibration process, the Smoke Detector will not emit any sound. Each
calibration sampling process takes 2 minutes, if the process fails, it will be retried. The Smoke
Detector will sample for a maximum of 5 times. If the 5th sampling fails, the LED will flash
rapidly and the Smoke Detector will send a calibration fail signal to the ZigBee Network
coordinator. To stop the LED from flashing, remove and reload the batteries or start a new
calibration process manually. If the manual calibration fails again, Smoke Detector will emit
continuous beeps. To stop the beepin g sound and the flashing LED, remove and reload the
batteries (please wait for 30 seconds after removing batteries before reloading them).
z When Smoke Detector auto calibration fails, the smoke alarm function will still work normally
using the threshold value taken from the last successful calibration.
BBaatttteerryy aanndd LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn
z The Smoke Detector uses three 1.5 V Alkaline battery as its power source. The batteries are
included in the package.
z The Smoke Detector feature Low Battery Detection function. When the battery voltage is low,
the Smoke Detector will transmit Low Battery signal to the coordinator in ZigBee network.
z If batteries are not changed after low battery, the Smoke Detector will stop all function when
batteries are exhausted and flash LED every 2 seconds to indicate failure.
z When changing batteries, after removing the old batteries, press the Function Button twice to
fully discharge before inserting new batteries.