Shutter Control (SCM-1ZBS)
SCM-1ZBS is a ZigBee Shutter Control. The user can control the SCM via ZigBee network at a remote distance
or manually by linking a switch to the Shutter Control.
The Shutter Control utilizes ZigBee technology for wireless signal transmission. ZigBee is a wireless
communication protocol that is reliable, has low power consumption and has high transmission efficiency. Based
on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network and
coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
The Shutter Control serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in the ZigBee network to
transmit or receive signal, but cannot permit any other ZigBee device to join the network through the Shutter
Parts Identification
1. LED indicator
The LED indicator is used to indicate Shutter Control status:
- Flashes once: The Shutter Control has reset.
- Flashes twice: The Shutter Control has successfully joined a
ZigBee network.
- Flashes once every 20 minutes:
The Shutter Control has lost connection to its current ZigBee
2. Function Button
- Press once: Transmit a supervision signal.
- Press and hold for 3~10 seconds: Enter calibration mode.
- Press and hold for 10 seconds: Reset the Shutter Control to
join ZigBee network.
3. Insertion Hole Clipper Opener
Press the button to open the clipper of the respective insertion
4. Wire Insertion Holes (With clippers)
5. Power Input Terminal L
6. Pow
7. Local Sw
er input Terminal N (Neutral
itch Te
Connect an external switch to this terminal. Activate this switch to control
the shutter to roll toward “Open” direction by activating the Motor Output O1
Activating this switch when the shutter is rolling towards the “Close”
direction will stop the shutter.
rminal S1 (Open Direction)
(Live Lead)
8. Local Switch Terminal S2 (Close Direction)
Connect an external switch to this terminal. Activate this switch to control the
shutter to roll toward “Close” direction by activating the Motor Output O2
Activating this switch when the shutter is rolling towards the open direction
will stop the shutter.
9. Motor Output O1 (Open Direction)
Connect to the Open terminal of the Shutter Motor.
10. Motor Output O2 (Close Direction)
Connect to the Close terminal of the Shutter Motor.
ZigBee Network Setup
ZZiiggBBeeee DDeevviiccee GGuuiiddeelliinne
ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable, has low power consumption and has high
transmission efficiency. Based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to
be included in a network and are coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.

JJooiinniinngg tthhee ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrk
As a ZigBee device, the Shutter Control needs to join a ZigBee network to receive commands. Please
follow the steps bellow to join the Shutter Control into a ZigBee network.
1. Connect the power cable to AC Input connector on Shutter Control.
2. Press and hold the function button for 10 seconds as the Shutter Control resets and starts searching for
existing ZigBee network. Please make sure the permit-to-join feature on the router or coordinator of
your ZigBee network is enabled.
3. If the Shutter Control successfully joins a ZigBee network, the LED Indicator will flash twice to confirm.
4. After joining the ZigBee network, the Shutter Control will be registered in the network automatically.
Please check the ZigBee network coordinator, system control panel or CIE (Control and Indicating
Equipment) to confirm if joining and registration is successful.
5. After joining the ZigBee network, if the Shutter Control loses connection to the current ZigBee network,
the LED indicator will flash every 20 minutes. Please check your ZigBee network condition and Shutter
Control signal range to correct the condition.
Removing Device from ZigBee Network (Factory Reset)
To remove the Shutter Control from current ZigBee network, the Shutter Control must be put to Factory
Reset to complete device removal. Factory Reset function will clear the Shutter Control of its stored setting
information and prompt the device to search for new ZigBee network.
Before removing device, make sure the Shutter Control is within current ZigBee network signal
1. Press and hold the function button for 10 seconds, then release the button to reset Shutter Control.
2. Upon reset, the Shutter Control will clear current ZigBee network setting and transmit signal to ZigBee
coordinator to remove itself from current ZigBee network. It will then actively search for available
ZigBee network again and join the network automatically.
Please use the recommended wire size of AWG 16-26 or Ø 1.31-0.129 (mm²).
Connect SCM according to the diagram below:
Connect L terminal of SCM to the L terminal of Power Supply.
Connect N terminal of SCM to the N terminal of Power Supply.
Connect O1 terminal of SCM to the Open terminal of the Shutter Motor.
Connect O2 terminal of SCM to the Close terminal of the Shutter Motor.
(Optional local switch) Connect S1 and S2 terminals of SCM to the L terminal of Power Supply.
The Shutter Control default activation time is 4 minutes. When the Up/Down button is pressed or the
ZigBee network coordinator transmits Up/Down command, it will activate the Shutter Motor for 4
For the Shutter Control to work properly, its activation time must be calibrated. There are two ways to
adjust the activation time:
ZigBee Command: The activation time can be adjusted by sending command from the ZigBee
network coordinator. (See Appendix – Level Cluster Attribute – OnTransitionTime /
OffTransitionTime, minimum adjustable unit 100ms)