Fire Alarm Audio Detector (SAMS-1)
PPaarrttss IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn
SSuuppeerrvviissiioonn FFuunnccttiioonn
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
The Audio Detector is designed to be used with any smoke detector compliant with UL 985 standard. The
Audio Detector detects alarm sound raised by the smoke detector and transmits wireless alarm signal to
notify Climax security system control panel upon detection.
1 Red Indicator (Inside)
The LED indicators are inside the front cover and only visible when activated.
Briefly On: Transmitting signal.
Continuous quick flash: Alarming
Flashes every 4 seconds: Battery Exhausted.
2 Microphone
3 Learn / Test Button
Press the button once to send a learn code.
4 Battery Compartment
5 Wall Mounting Knockouts
When the Audio Detector is in normal operation, it will transmit a supervision signal regularly every
30~50 minutes.
The Audio Detector uses a 3V CR123A Lithium battery.
The Audio Detector can detect low battery voltage. When low battery voltage is detected, a low battery
signal will be sent to the Control Panel along with regular signal transmissions for the Control Panel to
display the status accordingly. When the battery is exhausted, the device will stop all function and the
LED will flash every 4 seconds to indicate.
When changing battery, press the learn/test button a couple times to discharge after removing battery
before inserting a new one.
1 Insert the battery to power on the device.
2 Put the Control Panel into learning mode, refer to panel manual for detail.
3 Press the Learn/Test button once to transmit learn code to panel.
4 Refer to panel manual to complete learning process.
When learnt into the alarm system, the Audio Detector is recognized as a Smoke Detector in the

AAllaarrmm DDeetteeccttiioonn aanndd RReessttoorree
The Audio Detector recognizes alarm sound pattern raised by UL certified Smoke Detector. When
activated, the Audio Detector will transmit alarm signal to notify the Control Panel of smoke detection.
The LED indicator will flash rapidly.
When the alarm sound from Smoke Detector has stopped, the Audio Detector will check alarm for 12
- If the alarm sounds again within the 12-second period, the Audio Detector will not perform any
- If the alarm does not sound again within the 12 second period, the Audio Detector will wait for
another 160 seconds. If 160 seconds passes without any alarm, the Audio detector will transmit an
alarm restore signal
- If the alarm sounds again after the 12-second period, the Audio Detector will resend alarm signal.
The Audio Detector should be mounted on ceiling or wall. The Detector back cover has mounting
knockouts which can be broken for screw mounting. Alternatively, you may also mount the detector
with double side adhesive tape provided.
The Audio Detector should be mounted within 15 cm of the Smoke Detector
Screw Mounting
1 Break through the knockouts on back cover and use them as template to mark position on wall/ceiling.
2 Drill holes at marked location and screw the back cover onto the wall/ceiling, insert wall plug if needed.
3 Replace the Detector main body onto the back cover. Make sure the cover is properly closed and the
device is fixed to the wall tightly.
Adhesive Tape Mounting
When using provided double side adhesive tape, make sure to install the detector on flat surface. Do not I
install on uneven surface or location with cracking paints.
1 Clean both the detector back cover and mounting location with suitable degreaser.
2 Apply the double side adhesive tape to back cover of detector, then apply to mounting location.