PSS-29ZBS Power Switch
PSS-29ZBS is a ZigBee Power Switch. It is capable of receiving wireless signals from the coordinator in
the Zigbee network to toggle On/Off of appliances that are attached to it.
The Power Switch utilizes ZigBee technology for wireless signal transmission. ZigBee is a wireless
communication protocol that is reliable, has low power consumption and has high transmission
efficiency. Based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be
included in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
The Power Switch serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in the ZigBee
network to transmit or receive signal, but cannot permit any other ZigBee device to join the network
through the Power Switch.
Parts Identification
1. Function Button aka LED indicator
The Function Button also doubles as the LED Indicator. The
function button is used to control the Power Switch. The LED indicator
is used to indicate Power Switch status.
LED Indication:
The LED indicator lights up in the following conditions:
- On:
The Power Switch is turned on.
- Off:
The Power Switch is turned off.
- Flashes twice:
The Power Switch has successfully joined a ZigBee network.
- Flashes once every 20 minutes:
The Power Switch is not joined into any ZigBee network, or has
lost connection to its current ZigBee network.
- Flashes three times
The Power Switch has successfully bound with a controller
- Flashes five times
The Power Switch was unable to bind with a controller
Function Button Usage:
- Press the button to toggle on/off the Power Switch
- Press and hold the button for 10 seconds then release to reset the
Power Switch.
- Press and hold the button for 3 seconds then release to bind with
a controller
Case A
ZigBee Network Setup
ZZiiggBBeeee DDeevviiccee GGuuiiddeelliinnee
ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable, has low
power consumption and has high transmission efficiency. Based on
the IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of
devices to be included in a network and are coordinated for data
exchange and signal transmission.
JJooiinniinngg tthhee ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk
As a ZigBee device, the Power Switch needs to join a ZigBee
network to receive commands and transmit energy consumption
information. Please follow the steps bellow to join the Power Switch
into a ZigBee network.

1. Plug in the Power Switch into a power outlet.
2. Press and hold the function button for 10 seconds as the Power Switch resets and starts
searching for existing ZigBee network. Please make sure the permit-to-join feature on the router
or coordinator of your ZigBee network is enabled.
3. If the Power Switch successfully joins a ZigBee network, the LED Indicator will flash twice to
4. After joining the ZigBee network, the Power Switch will be registered in the network automatically.
Please check the Zigbee network coordinator, system control panel or CIE (Control and
Indicating Equipment) to confirm if joining and registration is successful.
5. If registration and joining to the network is unsuccessful, the Power Switch LED indicator will
flash every 20 minutes after warming up to indicate the situation. Please check your ZigBee
network coordinator, system control panel or CIE setting to ensure the permit-to-join function is
available, and then use the Factory Reset function below to join the ZigBee network.
BBiinnddiinngg wwiitthh CCoonnttrroolllleerr
After joining the ZigBee network, the Power Switch can bind itself with a controller device which
can be used to turn on/off the Power Switch. To bind the Power Switch and the device:
1. Press and hold the Function Button for 3 seconds, then release the button. The Power Switch
will send binding request to the coordinator.
2. Refer to your controller manual to send binding request for the device within 16 seconds.
3. If binding is successful, the Power Switch LED indicator will flash 3 times to confirm. You can
now use the controller to adjust power output level for the Power Switch.
4. If binding is unsuccessful, the Power Switch LED indicator will flash 5 times. Please retry the
binding process.
FFaaccttoorryy RReesseett
If you want to remove the Power Switch from current network and join a new network, you need to
use the Factory Reset function to clear the Power Switch from its stored setting and information
first before it can join another network. To perform Factory Reset:
1. Press and hold the switch button for 10 seconds, release the button until the LED Indicator flash
2. The Power Switch has been reset to factory default setting with all its previous network
information removed. It will now actively search for available ZigBee network again and join the
network automatically.
3. If the Power Switch successfully joins a ZigBee network, the LED Indicator will flash twice to
4. If the Power Switch cannot find an available ZigBee network, the LED Indicator will flash every
20 minutes to indicate.
Plug the Power Switch into a power outlet.
Plug the appliance into the socket of the Power Switch. The appliance must be in ON status.
AApppplliiaannccee CCoonnttrrooll
After the Power Switch has successfully joined a ZigBee network, the coordinator can
remotely turn on/off the Power Switch to control the appliance
You can also press the button on the Power Switch to toggle its on/off status
If you have bound a controller with the Power Switch, you can also use the controller to turn
on/off the Power Switch.
If the Power Switch is removed from power outlet, after replugging the Power Switch, its
previous on/off status will be restored within 1 minute
MMaaxxiimmuumm OOppeerraattiioonn LLooaadd
For 110V: the maximum operation load is 1760W and 16A.
For 230V: the maximum operation load is 3680W and 16A.