Climax Technology Co PBZB Users manual

Panic Button (PB-15ZBS)
PB15-ZBS is a ZigBee Panic Button designed to activate the system to call for help during emergency situation and support Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update capability.
The Panic Button utilizes ZigBee technology for wireless signal transmission. ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and high transmission efficiency. Based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission
The Panic Button serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in the ZigBee network to transmit signal upon activation, but cannot permit any other ZigBee device to join the network through the Panic Button.
Device Introduction
1. Active Button / LED Indicator
Active Button:
- Press the button to signal for help.
- Press and hold the button for 6 seconds before performing firmware update.
LED Indicator:
- One Flash: The Active Button is pressed. The device is reset
- Two Flashes: The Panic Button has successfully joined a ZigBee Network.
- Flashes: During OTA updates.
2. Battery Compartment
3. ZigBee Button
- Press and hold the button for 10 seconds to reset the device.
BBaatttteerryy aanndd LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Panic Button is powered by one CR123A 3V Lithium battery. The Panic Button features Low Battery Detection function. When the battery voltage is low, the Panic Button will
transmit Low Battery signal to the ZigBee network coordinator.
The Panic Button will transmit a supervision signal to report its condition regularly according to user setting. The factory default interval is 30 minutes. The user can also press the Active Button once to transmit a supervision signal manually.
ZigBee Network Setup
ZZiiggBBeeee DDeevviiccee GGuuiiddeelliinnee
ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and high transmission efficiency. Based on IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
Due to the fundamental structure of ZigBee network, ZigBee device will actively seek and join network after powering on. Since performing a task in connecting network may consume some power, it is required to follow the instructions to avoid draining battery of a ZigBee device
- Ensure your ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on before inserting battery into ZigBee device.
- Ensure the ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on and within range while a ZigBee device is in use.
- Do not remove a ZigBee device from the ZigBee network router or coordinator without removing the battery from a ZigBee device.
JJooiinniinngg tthhee ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk
As a ZigBee device, the Panic Button needs to join a ZigBee network to connect to the power device. Please follow the steps bellow to join the Panic Button into the ZigBee network.
1. Press and hold the ZigBee Button for 10 seconds for the Panic Button to search and join an existing ZigBee
network. At the 10 on the router or coordinator of your ZigBee network
2. If the Panic Button successfully joins a ZigBee network, the LED Indicator will flash twice to confirm.
3. After joining the ZigBee network, the Panic Button will be registered in the network automatically. Please check
the ZigBee network coordinator, system control panel or CIE (Control and Indicating Equipment) to confirm if joining and registration is successful.
4. If network joining and registration is unsuccessful, please check your ZigBee network coordinator, control panel or
CIE setting to ensure the permit-join function is available, and then use the Factory Reset function below to join the ZigBee network.
RReemmoovviinngg DDeevviiccee ffrroomm ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk ((FFaaccttoorryy RReesseett))
To remove the Panic Button from current ZigBee network, the Panic Button must be put to Factory Reset to complete device removal. Factory Reset function will clear the device of its stored setting information and prompt the Panic Button to search for new ZigBee network.
Before removing device, make sure the Panic Button is within current ZigBee network signal range
1. Press and hold the ZigBee function button for 10 seconds, then release the button to reset Panic Button.
2. Upon reset, the Panic Button will clear current ZigBee network setting and transmit signal to ZigBee coordinator
to remove itself from current ZigBee network. It will then actively search for available ZigBee network again and join the network automatically.
OOTTAA FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppggrraaddee
The Panic Button supports OTA firmware upgrade feature via ZigBee network, which can be initiated from the ZigBee network coordinator. Follow steps below to perform OTA firmware upgrade.
1. Press and hold the Active Button for 6 seconds. Release the button when the LED flashes once.
2. You have to access your ZigBee Coordinator to perform the firmware upgrade on the air.
3. On the configuration webpage, select the device that you wish to upgrade and select the new ZigBee firmware file
provided. Please refer to ZigBee Coordinator User Manual for detail.
4. Press OK to start upgrading process, and the LED will keep flashing. During the OTA process, please do not
perform any other actions, or power down the panel.
5. The length of an upgrade will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Please note that the duration may vary based
on file size or distance between your accessory and coordinator.
6. Wait for firmware to complete update. When the progress reaches 100%, the Device will reset automatically. You
can also refresh the webpage again to ensure if the device firmware is successfully updated with the newest version displayed.
second, the LED indicator will flash once. Please make sure to enable the permit-join feature
Press the Active Button to transmit signal to ZigBee network coordinator / gateway and activate alarm. If the Panic Button is disconnected from the ZigBee network (e.g. being too far away from the ZigBee
network), the Panic Button needs to rejoin the ZigBee network by pressing the button.
MMoouunnttiinngg tthhee PPaanniicc BBuuttttoonn
The Panic Button can be mounted using two methods: Self-adhesive or Screw mounting.
Self-adhesive mounting
1. Clean the surface with a suitable degreaser.
2. Remove the protective covering from one side of double-sided adhesive pad
and firmly apply to the back of the device.
3. Remove the other covering and firmly place/press the device in the desired
Do not use the Self-adhesive mounting method on poorly painted and/or rough surfaces.
Screw Mounting
The Button base has two screw knockouts, where the plastic is thinner for mounting purposes. To mount the Panic Button:
1. Loosen the screw using a Philips screwdriver and separate the top cover from
the base.
2. Break through the knockouts on the base.
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