MMiinnii SSDD--TTMM ZZBBSS MMiinnii SSmmookkee DDeetteeccttoorr
Mini SD-TM-ZBS Mini Smoke Detector is a ZigBee Smoke Detector with built-in PIR and Temperature sensor, it is capable
of sending wireless signals to the coordinator in the ZigBee network upon detection of smoke particles or abnormal high
heat to protect house from fire hazards. The Mini Smoke Detector’s alarm situations, battery condition, operating conditions,
supervisory data and general fault information are sent to the ZigBee Control Panel wirelessly.
The Mini Smoke Detector also features IR detection. The it detects infrared signature to pick up movements within an
assigned area and signals the Control Panel to activate the alarm if an intruder crosses its’ path of detection.
The Mini Smoke Detector utilizes ZigBee technology for wireless signal transmission. ZigBee is a wireless communication
protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and high transmission efficiency. Based on IEEE802.15.4 standard,
ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal
The Mini Smoke Detector serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in the ZigBee network to
transmit signal upon activation, but cannot permit any other ZigBee device to join the network through the Mini Smoke
PPaarrttss IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn
1. IR lens
2. LED Indicator / Test Button
Turns ON briefly: Transmitting signal.
Quick flash: Alarming.
Flashes every 2 seconds: Mini Smoke Detector under warmup and calibration process.
Flashes every 1 second: Mini Smoke Detector under Sleep Mode
Flashes every 4 seconds: battery exhausted.
Flashes once every 20 minutes: the Mini Smoke Detector has lost connection to its current ZigBee network.
Orange LED
Flash every second: Device power on/Calibration failed.
Flashes every 5 seconds: Detecting smoke failed or device malfunctioning.
Flashes every 4 seconds: battery exhausted.
Flashes every 45 seconds: Low battery condition
Test Button
Press and hold the button for 10 seconds then release to reset the Mini Smoke Detector.
Press and hold the button for 20 seconds to enter calibration process.
Press the button once to send a supervision signal/test Mini Smoke Detector
Transmit a radio signal for testing the radio communication range.
Test if the Mini Smoke Detector is functioning normally.
Silence the Mini Smoke Detector’s alarm.
3. Buzzer
4. Mounting Holes (for Hooks)
The Hooks of the Mounting Bracket can hook into this Mounting Hole.
5. Battery compartment
6. Hooks
7. Mounting Holes

A 3V CR123A Lithium Battery is used to supply power to the Mini Smoke Detector.
The Smoke Detector has a foolproof mechanism which prohibits cover closure without first installing battery.
When the Mini Smoke Detector is low on battery, a low battery signal will be transmitted along with regular
The Red and Orange LED will flash once every 4 seconds when the battery is exhausted.
When changing the battery, after removing the old battery, press the Test Button twice to fully discharge
TTeessttiinngg tthhee MMiinnii SSmmookkee DDeetteeccttoorr
By pressing the Test Button on the Mini Smoke Detector, you can test if the Mini Smoke Detector is functioning
If the Mini Smoke Detector functions normally, the Red LED will be on for 2 seconds followed by a 2-tone
If the buzzer sounds 2-tone beeps 3 times, the “Optical Chamber” on the Mini Smoke Detector is either dirty
If the Red LED doesn’t light and no beep is sounded, it means the Mini Smoke Detector is out-of-order.
SSlleeeepp TTiimmeerr
The Mini Smoke Detector has a “sleep time” of approximately 1 minute to conserve power. After 1 minute any
TTeesstt MMooddee
The Mini Smoke Detector can be put into Test mode by pressing the Test Button. In Test mode, it will disable the
signal transmissions. The Orange LED will flash with accompanying low-volume beep once every 45
before inserting new battery.
or out-of-order.
detected movement will be transmitted.
sleep timer and will enable the LED indicator to flash every time a movement is detected. Every time the Test
Button is pressed, the Mini Smoke Detector will transmit a test signal to the Control Panel for radio range test
and enter the test mode for 3 mins. It will exit Test Mode automatically after 3 minutes and return to normal
The Mini Smoke Detector will transmit a supervision signal to report its condition regularly according to user
setting. The factory default interval is 30 minutes. The user can also press the Test Button once to transmit a
supervision signal manually.
TTeemmppeerraattuurree DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Temperature Sensor will transmit temperature signals regularly according to setting. The factory default
interval is 10 minutes.
The Mini Smoke Detector will also send temperature signal when temperature changes by +/- 2°C.
You can also press the Test Button once to transmit a temperature signal manually.
The temperature detection range is about -10°C ~ 50°C.( 14°F ~ 122°F)
AAllaarrmm DDeetteeccttiioon
The Mini Smoke Detector will activate fire alarm when either of its smoke detection or high heat detection function
is triggered. When an alarm is activated, the Mini Smoke Detector will transmit alarm signal and raise alarm with
its built in buzzer, the Red LED will flash rapidly. The alarm sound will repeat in pattern of 3-second alarm and
1-second pause.
Smoke Detection:
The Alarm is activated whenever the smoke concentration exceeds the detection threshold.
The Mini Smoke Detector will check some concentration every 8 seconds, the alarm will continue until the
smoke concentration drops below alarm threshold.
Heat Detection:
Rate of Rise: When the temperature rises by 8.25°C per minute.
High Heat: When the temperature exceeds 57.3°C
The Mini Smoke Detector will check temperature every 10 seconds. It will only stop alarming if the temperature
drops below alarm threshold:
If the alarm was triggered by Rate of Rise condition (8.25°C per minute or more): The temperature must drop
to 4°C below highest temperature detected for the Detector to stop alarming.
If the alarm was triggered by High Heat condition (57.3°C): The temperature must drop below 49°C for Mini
Smoke Detector to stop alarming.
For both Smoke alarm and Heat Alarm, a restore signal will be transmitted if no smoke is detected again for
160 seconds.
IR Detection:
The Mini Smoke Detector will only transmit burglar alarm signal to the Control Panel if any movement is

picked up within the IR detection coverage, the buzzer will not sound and the LED will not flash. (Please
refer to your Control Panel for details).
AAllaarrmm SSiilleennccee
After alarm activation, the Mini Smoke Detector can be silenced temporarily by pressing the button.
1. If the button is pressed within 1 minute after alarm activation, the alarm will be silenced 1 minute after
button press. E.g. If the button is pressed 30 seconds after alarm activation, then the alarm will be
silenced at 1 minute and 30 seconds after alarm trigger.
2. If the button is pressed when the alarm has been activated for more than 1 minute, the alarm silenced
immediately and will enter Alarm Silence mode for 9 minutes.
The Alarm Silence mode lasts 9 minutes, the Red LED will flash every second during this period.
During the Alarm Silence period, f the smoke concentration or temperature continue to rise, the Mini Smoke
Detector will sound the alarm again and cannot be silenced by button press. The alarm condition must
subside for the alarm to stop
When the 9-minute Alarm Silence period expires:
If the smoke concentration or temperature has dropped below alarm threshold, the Mini Smoke Detector will
sound a 2-tone beep and, transmits an alarm restore signal and returns to normal operation mode.
If the smoke concentration or temperature is still above alarm threshold, the Mini Smoke Detector will sound
the alarm again.
As the operation condition of the Mini Smoke Detector may vary after being installed for some time, you may wish
to recalibrate the Mini Smoke Detector to take a new smoke detection threshold value and ensure optimal
performance of the Mini Smoke Detector. To do this:
Press 20 seconds on the Test Button and hold until the Red LED starts to flash. The Mini Smoke Detector
will sound 3 short beeps then follow the calibration process to take the new reference value with the Red
LED will flash every 2 seconds to indicate.
If calibration fails, the Mini Smoke Detector will continuously beep with Orange LED flashing every second,
you need to remove the battery, press the Test Button twice to fully discharge the battery, then reinsert the
batteries to restart Mini Smoke Detector.
Every time the battery is removed and reinserted, the Mini Smoke Detector will also take the new threshold
value following the warming and calibration process.
The Mini Smoke Detector will perform auto-calibration whenever temperature changes by +/- 5°C. The Mini
Smoke Detector does not give any visual or audio indication during auto-calibration process.
ZigBee Network Setup
ZZiiggBBeeee DDeevviiccee GGuuiiddeelliinnee
ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and high transmission
efficiency. Based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devices to be included in a network
and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
Due to the fundamental structure of ZigBee network, ZigBee device will actively seek and join network after powering
on. Since performing a task in connecting network may consume some power, it is required to follow the instructions to
avoid draining battery of a ZigBee device
- Ensure your ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on before inserting battery into the ZigBee device.
- Ensure the ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on and within range while a ZigBee device is in use.
- Do not remove a ZigBee device from the ZigBee network router or coordinator without removing the battery from a
ZigBee device.
JJooiinniinngg tthhee ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk
As a ZigBee device, the Mini Smoke Detector needs to join a ZigBee network to transmit signal when smoke
concentration or temperature is detected. Please follow the steps bellow to join the Mini Smoke Detector into ZigBee
The Mini Smoke Detector has 3 ZigBee Endpoints for PIR, Smoke Detector and Temperature Sensor function. When
joining ZigBee network, it will be recognized as 3 separate ZigBee devices and will occupy 3 zones in your ZigBee
network coordinator.
1. Insert the battery into the battery compartment to power on the Mini Smoke Detector.
2. The Mini Smoke Detector will emit 2 short beeps, and begin warm up for 1 minute, LED flashes every 2 seconds.
3. After 1-minute warm up period expires, the Mini Smoke Detector will emit a beep to indicate it now enters calibration
process. The calibration process takes 1~7 minutes; the LED will continue to flash during calibration.
Joining ZigBee network is prohibited during warm up and calibration process. After calibration process the Mini
Smoke Detector will emit a 2-tone beep, LED will turn off.
4. The Mini Smoke Detector is only available for joining the ZigBee network after completing calibration.
Press and hold the Test Button for 10 seconds and release to search for existing ZigBee network. Please make sure