PIR Motion Sensor (IR-16SLZW / IRP-16SLZW)
Our Digitalized Adaptive Signal Processor algorithm enables this Z-wave based PIR to pick up movements within an assigned
area and signals the control panel or gateway to activate the alarm if an intruder crosses its’ path of detection.
The PIR is a Z-Wave enabled device and is fully compatible with any Z-Wave enabled network.
Z-Wave is a wireless communication protocol that uses a low-power RF radio. By taking advantage of the Z-Wave mesh
network, commands can be routed to their destination via intermediary “listening” Z-Wave products.
The PIR consists of a two-part design made up of a cover and a base. The cover contains all the electronics and optics and the
base provides a means of fixing. The base has knockouts to allow mounting on either a f lat surface or in a corner situ ation with
a triangular bracket for corner mounting.
The PIR includes a tamper switch that will be activated when the cover is detached from the base to prevent unauthorized
access and removal from the mounting surface. The PIR can also alert you to signal communication problems and low battery
The PIR is designed to give a typical detection range of 12 meters when mounted at 2 meters above ground.
The pet-immune model of the PIR (IRP-16SLZW) has pet-immune range of 7 meters and will not detect pet within this distance.
IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg tthhee ppaarrttss..
11.. FFuunnccttiioonn BBuuttttoonn//LLEEDD iinnddiiccaattoorr
The Function Button is used for testing the radio performance and for adding PIR to the Z-Wave
gateway or control panel.
The LED indicator is used to indicate the status of system.
22.. TTaammppeerr SSwwiittcchh
The Tamper Switch protects the PIR from unauthorized cover opening.
33.. BBaatttteerryy IInnssuullaattoorr
44.. CCoorrnneerr mmo
55.. SSeennssiittiivviittyy IInnccrreeaasseerr JJuummppeerr SSwwiittcchh ((JJPP33))
It is a 2-pin jumper switch
- If the jumper is OFF (if the jumper link is removed or “parked” on one pin), the PIR’s
detection sensitivity is in normal level. (Factory default for IR-16SLZW)
- If the jumper is ON (if the jumper link connects the two pins), the PIR’s detection
sensitivity is high. (Factory default for IRP-16SLZW)
66.. BBaatttteerryy CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt
SSlleeeepp TTiimmeerr
The PIR has a “sleep time” of approximately 1 minute to conserve po wer. After transmitting a detected movement, the
PIR will not retransmit for 1 minute. Any further movement detected during this sleep period will extend the sleep time b y
another minute. In this way continuous movement in front of a PIR will not unduly exhaust the battery.
ouunnttiinngg bbrraacckkeett
SSuuppeerrvviissiioonn FFuunnccttiioonn
This function uses the Z-Wave Wake Up Command Class. The Wake Up Command Class allows the battery-powered PIR
to notify the Control Panel/Gateway that it is awake and ready to receive any queued commands. The wake up interval
time period is programmed automatically according to Control Panel’s setting when The PIR is included. The
recommended setting of the interval time is between 30 to 60 minutes.
SSeennssiittiivviittyy IInnccrreeaasseerr FFuunnccttiioonn
You can use the sensitivity increaser function to increas e the IR’s detection sensitivity. To increase detection sensitivity,
please enable the Jumper to ON position. To maintain the normal detection sensitivity, enable the Jumper to OFF position
TTeesstt mmooddee
The PIR can be put into Test mode by pressing the Function Button. During Test mode, sleep timer is disabled and will
enable the LED indicator to flash every time a movement is detected.
Each time the Function Button is pressed the PIR will transmit a test signal to the Control Panel for radio range test and
enter the test mode for 3 minutes. It will exit Test Mode automatically after 3 minutes and returns to normal mode.
LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorr
The LED Indicator lights up in the following situations:
z When movement is detected under low battery condition.
z When the tamper switch is triggered.
z When movement is detected while the Tamper condition persists.
z When movement is detected under Test mode

z When the Function Button is pressed under tamper condition, test mode, or if PIR is under low battery condition.
z The PIR uses one 3V Lithium battery as its power source. A low battery signal will be sent to the Control Panel
z The PIR will report its battery percentage to the Control Panel respectively at 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%. If the battery
z The battery is pre-inserted by the factory before shipment with a battery insulator inserted.
along with regular signal transmissions for the Control Panel to display the status accordingly.
voltage is low (25%), a Low Battery signal will be sent to the Control Panel to notify the user.
) When changing battery, after removing the old battery, press the Tamper Switch twice to fully
discharge before inserting new battery.
AAddddiinngg DDeevviiccee ((IInncclluussiioonn))
This product can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other
manufactures and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the net work will act as repeaters regardless
of vendor to increase reliability of the network.
z Pull out the battery Insulator steadily.
z The LED indicator will flash for 30 seconds (The PIR is warming up). During the warm up period, the P IR will not be
activated. It is recommended that you stay away from the detection area during this time. After the warming period is
over, the LED will turn off and the PIR will be ready for operation.
z Put the Z-wave control panel into Inclusion mode (please refer to the Z-wave control panel manual).
z Within 1.5 seconds, press the Function Button 3 times.
z Refer to the operation manual of the Z-wave gateway or control panel to complete the adding process.
z Please press and release the Tamper Switch once after inclusion is completed to ensure the Gateway/Control Panel
recognizes the current Tamper condition.
z If the device has already been added (included) into another Z-wave Gateway/Control Panel, or if the device is
unable to be added into the current Z-wave Gateway/Control Panel, try removing it first (see Removing Device).
RReemmoovviinngg DDeevviiccee ((EExxcclluussiioonn))
The device must be removed from existing Z-wave network before being added into another.
Exclusion Mode
z Put the Z-wave gateway or control panel into Exclusion mode (please refer to the Z-wave or control panel manual).
z Within 1.5 seconds, press the Function Button 3 times and the device will be removed from the Z-wave network.
Factory Reset
Factory resetting the device will restore it to factory default settings (i.e. n ot included into any Z-wave network). Please only
use this procedure if the Z-Wave gateway or control panel is lost or otherwise inoperable.
z Press and hold the Function Button of the device for 12 seconds to factory reset.
RRaannggee TTeesstt
To test whether the device is able to communicate with the Z-wave gateway or control panel:
z Put the gateway / panel into range test mode (Walk Test).
z Press the Function Button on the device
z The gateway / panel should display if the device is within th e operation range (pleas e refer to the operation manual
of the gateway / panel).
ZZ--wwaavvee SSlleeeepp MMooddee
z The PIR will enter Z-wave Sleep mode (to conserve power) after waking up for a short period of time (~10 seconds).
While in Z-wave sleep mode, Z-wave gateways or control panels are unable to send commands to the PIR.
z To program the PIR using the Z-wave Gateway/Control Panel, please send command(s) to the PIR within the
wake-up period.
MMoouunnttiinngg MMeetthhoodd
z The PIR is designed to be mounted on either a flat surface or in a corner situation
with fixing screws and plugs provided.
z The base has knockouts, where the plastic is thinner, for mounting purpose. Four
knockouts are for surface fixing.
z For corner mounting, an optional triangular bracket is provided to add Back Tamper
Protection. Mount the triangular bracket on the wall first with the two pointing stick s
on top facing you. Fit the PIR onto the hooks of the triangular bracket or screw the
PIR onto it.
z Surface mounting:
I. Remove the fixing screw and cover assembly.
II. Break through the appropriate knockouts on the base.
III. Using the holes as a template, drill holes in the surface.
IV. Insert the wall plugs if fixing it into plaster or brick.
V. Screw the base into the wall plugs.