This section covers unpacking your IP Security System with HPGW Series IP Panel and
Security Sensors. Refer to later chapters for information on setting up and configuring the
system over the Web Page in more detail.
The advanced IP Security System with fully integrated TCP/IP technology and Ethernet
connectivity is able to take full advantage of new advances in IP Home Security and Home
Automation and multi-path signalling.
The HPGW Series include the following models:
HPGWL-1 & HPGW-G1: IP Reporting.
HPGW-G1D: IP Reporting, built-in DECT compatibility, VOIP
HPGWL-3 & HPGW-G3: IP + GSM/GPRS, built-in DECT compatibility, VOIP (HPGW-G3 only)
HPGWL-5 & HPGW-G5: IP + GSM/GPRS, built-in Z-wave compatibility
2. Panel Information
2.1. Identifying the parts:
Case A
1 LED 1 (Red/Green)
LED 1 Red On – Area 1 in the Full Arm mode
LED 1 Red Flash – Area 1 in the Home 1/Home 2/Home 3 mode
LED 1 Green On – System in the learning mode
LED 1 Green Flash – System in the Walk Test mode
2 LED 2 (Red/Green)
LED 2 Red ON – Area 2 in the Full Arm mode
LED 2 Red Flash – Area 2 in Home 1/Home 2/Home 3 mode
LED 2 Green On – System in the learning mode
LED 2 Green Flash – System in the walk test mode
3 LED 3 (Red/Yellow)
LED 3 Red ON – Alarm in memory
LED 3 Red Flash – Alarm
LED 3 Yellow On – system fault
4 Buzzer
5 Ethernet Port
6 Reset/Learn Button
7 SIM Card Compartment (Optional)
8 DC Jack
9 Battery Switch
10 USB Port
Case B
1 LED 1 (Red/Green)
LED 1 Red On – Area 1 in the Full Arm mode
LED 1 Red Flash – Area 1 in the Home 1/Home 2/Home 3 mode
LED 1 Green On – System in the learning mode
LED 1 Green Flash – System in the Walk Test mode
2 LED 2 (Red/Green)
LED 2 Red ON – Area 2 in the Full Arm mode
LED 2 Red Flash – Area 2 in Home 1/Home 2/Home 3 mode
LED 2 Green On – System in the learning mode
LED 2 Green Flash – System in the walk test mode
3 LED 3 (Red/Yellow)
LED 3 Red ON – Alarm in memory
LED 3 Red Flash – Alarm
LED 3 Yellow On – system fault
4 Buzzer
5 Internet Connection
6 Reset/Learn Button
7 SIM Card Compartment (Optional)
8 DC Jack
9 Battery Switch
10 USB Port
11 Tamper Switch
12 Wall Mounting Bracket
Case C
1 LED 1 (Red/Green)
LED 1 Red On – Area 1 in the Full Arm mode
LED 1 Red Flash – Area 1 in the Home 1/Home 2/Home 3 mode
LED 1 Green On – System in the learning mode
LED 1 Green Flash – System in the Walk Test mode
2 LED 2 (Red/Green)
LED 2 Red ON – Area 2 in the Full Arm mode
LED 2 Red Flash – Area 2 in Home 1/Home 2/Home 3 mode
LED 2 Green On – System in the learning mode
LED 2 Green Flash – System in the walk test mode
3 LED 3 (Red/Amber)
LED 3 Red ON – Alarm in memory
LED 3 Red Flash – Alarm
LED 3 Yellow On – system fault
4 Buzzer
5 Top Fixing Screw x 2
6 Bottom Fixing Screw x 2
7 Standing Base
For desktop deployment, attach the base to bottom of panel.
8 Wall Mounting Knockouts x 4
9 Breakaway Area for Wiring
10 Side Knockout for Wiring
11 SIM Card Compartment
12 USB Port
13 Learn/Rest Button
14 Ethernet Port
15 DC Jack
16 Battery Switch
17 Tamper Switch
2.2. The Power Supply:
An AC power adapter is required to connect to a wall outlet. Be sure only to use an adapter with
the appropriate AC voltage rating to prevent component damage. DC 12V 2A switching power
output adaptor is generally used to power the Control Panel for standard version.
Rechargeable Battery
In addition to the adapter, there is a rechargeable battery inside the Control Panel, which
serves as a back up in case of a power failure.
During normal operation, the AC power adapter is used to supply power to the Control
Panel and at the same time recharge the battery.
Low battery/ restore information will be displayed under the Panel section in the web
configuration page.
It takes 72 hours to fully charge the battery.
Only ZigBee and RF modules function normally
2.3. System Requirements:
The system requires a TCP/IP network environment for you to connect to the Control Panel for
system programming.
Hardware requirement for programming the panel vial LAN webpage:
Microsoft Windows 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000, XP, Windows 7 or 8operating system.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x, or later and Mozilla Firefox 3.0 compatible.
CD-ROM drive
CPU: Intel Pentium II 266MHz or above
Memory: 32MB (64MB recommended)
VGA resolution: 800x600 or above
3. Getting Started
Read this section of the manual to learn how to set up your Control Panel and program System
Settings over the Web page.
3.1. System Deployment
The Control Panel is designed to be wall mounted, follow guidelines below when planning
installation location:
Depend the Control Panel requires Ethernet and/or PSTN connection and may require a
SIM card depending on the model.
The Control Panel should be installed at a location that is hidden from outside view.
Avoid mounting the Control Panel near large metal objects which may affect wireless radio
The Control Panel should be protected by sensors so that no intruder can reach the Control
Panel without first activating a sensor.
When using ZigBee routers to improve ZigBee network coverage, remember to use only
ZigBee Router with backup batteries for security sensors. If you use a Router without
backup battery for security sensors, the Router will be powered down in case of AC failure,
and you security sensors will lose connection with the ZigBee network.
Home Automation devices (Power Switches…etc) do not have this limit and can be used
with any Router.
3.2. Hardware Installation
Step 1. For configuration and operation of Control Panel via Ethernet, connect the IP cable to
the RJ-45 connector.
Step 2. For HPGWG/L- /2/3/5, insert the SIM card to the SIM card holder. (Optional) Before
inserting a SIM card, please make sure the pin code is deactivated and SMS
messages are removed first.
Step 3. Connect the Power Adaptor to a Wall Outlet and the other end to the Control Panel.
After several seconds, the Control Panel will emit 2 beeps to indicate that the system
is now operational.
Please make sure the GPRS/MMS function of GSM SIM Card is open.
If the SIM Card is changed or removed, please power off the panel then power on
If a GSM fault occurs, please re-insert the SIM card and then reset the GSM in GSM
setting page.
3.3. Software Installation
The Finder software is required for your computer to identify the control panel on the LAN. To
install the “Finder” software”
Step 1. Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
Step 2. Find the Finder software in the CD-ROM.
Step 3. Double click on the Finder_v1.x to initiate the installation.
Step 4. Follow on screen instruction to complete installation
Step 5. Once complete, the Finder icon will be displayed on your desktop.
Step 6. Double click on the “Finder.exe” to start the software. Finder will automatically search
for control panel on the LAN and display its information. If available, the panel’s LAN
IP address, Firmware version and MAC address will be displayed
Step 7. If the panel information is not displayed, check panel power and Ethernet connection
and click on “Search” to update the panel information.
Step 8.(Optional)You can choose to edit the panel’s network setting by clicking on the panel
column, then click “Configure Setting”
The LanType is default to DHCP and does not require manual input of
IP/Netmask/Gateawy/DNS setting. If you wish to configure these setting manually,
change LanType to Static.
After finish changing network setting, enter the user name (default: admin) and
password (default:admin1234) then click OK to confirm. The user name and
password can be changed later in panel configuration webpage
Step 9. Click the panel information column and click on “Open Web Page”, or double click on
the panel column to link to the panel configuration webpage. Your default browser will
start automatically to connect to the LAN IP displayed in Finder.
4. Connection to Panel Webpage
For first time setup, webpage connection is only available within 1 hour after the panel is
powered on; if the panel has been powered on for more than 1 hour . Webpage access will
be disabled. Reboot the panel to enable webpage function again.
Change default password after login to gain unrestricted webpage access.
Step 1. Select the Control Panel in the Finder software and click on “Open Webpage” to
connect to panel webpage.
Alternatively, enter the Control Panel IP address displayed in Finder into your
browser’s address section and proceed.
Step 2. Enter the User name & Password to proceed
Default user name: admin
Default password: cX+HsA*7F1
Step 3. You will enter change password page. Enter and repeat a new password (username
change is optional), take care that both username and password are case sensitive.
Click OK to confirm.
Step 4. Upon confirming new username and password. You will enter panel Welcome page.
The panel will prompt you to re login with new username and password.
Step 5. You will enter panel Welcome page. The Control Panel’s information will be displayed.
Click on the pages and folders on the left to access the Control Panel’s various
The Welcome page displays current control panel firmware version information
according to different panel model and MAC address.
If the default login password is not changed, webp age access will be disabled 1 hour
after power on. Reboot the panel and changed password to allow unrestricted
webpage access.
5. Device Management
The Device Management section allows you to learn in, edit, control and view all available
accessory devices that can be included in the HPGW Series Control Panel.
5.1. Learning
Use this function to add new devices into the Control Panel. HPGW Series supports up to 160
zones of accessory devices, in 2 areas, up to 80 zones each area.
The following types of accessory devices are supported:
RF device: All Climax RF devices are supported. (For ZigBee only model, RF devices are
not supported.)
ZigBee device: All ZigBee device with ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 profile are supported.
The Control Panel built-in ZigBee module supports up to 40 ZigBee devices by itself. If
you wish to include more than 40 ZigBee devices into the Control Panel, you must add
extra ZigBee Routers into the Control Panel’s ZigBee network to increase the network’s
maximum device capacity.
IP Cameras: The Control Panel is compatible with Climax VST -1818 Series IP Camera. Up
to 6 IP Cameras are supported.
DECT Device: HPGWL-3, HPGW-G1D and HPGW-G3 only only. Up to 4 Climax DECT
device are supported.
Z-Wave Device: Available for HPGWL-5 and HPGW-G5, other models requires additional
USB Z-Wave Dongle.
5.1.1. Add Sensor
Step 1. Click on “Learning” on the tool bar and then the following screen will be displayed.
Step 2. Click on “Start” to enter learning mode.
Step 3. Press the test or learn button on the each device or any button on the Remote
Controller. (Please refer to each sensor’s user manual for test or learn button position).
For ZigBee sensors, press and hold the learn button for 10~12 seconds to transmit a
learn code.
For IP Camera VST-1818 Series, press and hold the Privacy button for 10 seconds.
Step 4. When the system received the signal transmitted from device, the screen will display its
information for selection.
It takes 5-10 seconds for the Control Panel to receive a learn code from ZigBee or
Z-Wave Sensor.
Step 5. Click “Add” to include selected device into panel. If the sensor you wish to learn into
already exists in the system, the sensor information will be displayed in the Learned Device section. If not, the sensor information will be displayed in the Detected Device
Step 6. If the device is successfully learnt into the system, the added device will be displayed in
the “Learned Device” section.
Step 7. Repeat Step 3~5 to learn in all device, click Stop to exit learn mode when complete.
5.1.2. Local Learning
Instead of learning devices via configuration webpage, you can also learn in devices by using
the learn button located on the back of Control Panel.
Step 1. Press and hold the Learn Button on the back of Control Panel for 10 seconds, release
when the Control Panel emits one short beep. LED 1 and LED 2 Green will turn ON to
indicate the Control Panel is now in learning mode
Step 2. Press the test or learn button on each device to transmit signal, refer to device manual
for detail.
Step 3. When the Control Panel receives signal from device, it will emit 2 beeps to confirm. The
device will be included in the panel automatically.
Step 4. After finish learning all devices, press and holde the Learn button for 1 second. The
Control Panel will emit 2 short beeps to indicate it has returned to normal mode. LED1
and LED 2 will dim.
Device learnt in via Local Learning will be assigned to Area 1 only , which is limited to 80
The Control Panel cannot enter learning mode when under Away Arm/Home Arm or
Walk Test mode. The Control Panel will emit 5 beeps to indicate error.
5.1.3. Edit Devices
After finish learning devices, proceed to edit the device setting.
Step 1. Click Panel to enter Panel webpage. All learnt in devices will be displayed under
Device List section.
Step 1. To edit the device setting or information, click “Edit” at end of device entry.
Step 2. You will enter Device Edit webpage
Step 3. Edit your device setting and information according to instruction below. Click “OK” to
save your new changes when finished. Alternatively, click “Default” to reset all
parameters to default values or click “Reset” to re-enter all the information.
Name: Enter a name for the device.
Area: Select the area which the device belongs to.
Zone: Select the Device zone number.
Attribute List:
The attribute list determines panel behaviour when the panel receives trigger signal from
the device. There are
General Attribute:
This function allows user to deactivate (bypass) the selected device.
If bypassed, then the Control Panel will not respond at all when the sensor is
If bypassed, the system can be armed directly regardless the device’s fault
situation. However, its fault situation will still be monitored, logged and displayed
in the webpage.
This function ONLY applies to Remote Control or Door Contact with Set/Unset attribute
Latch Report ON: When the device is used to change systm arm mode, the
Control Panel will report the arm/disarm action by the particular device.
Latch Report OFF: When the device is used to change systm arm mode, the
Control Panel will not report the arm/disarm action by the particular device.
This function is for Door Contact only. This function allows Door Contact to control
system mode.
Normal Close: The system will be armed when the Door Contact is opened, and
disarmed when Door Contact is closed.
Normal Open: The system will be armed when the Door Contact is closed, and
disarmed when Door Contact is open.
This function enables the device to activated selected alarm event whenever it is
triggered regardless of system mode. System mode response will be disabled if 24HR
attribute is enabled.
System Mode Attributes:
The System Mode Attributes determines system behavior under particular arming mode
when the sensor is triggered.
No Response
When a sensor with No Response is triggered, the Control Panel will not
Start Entry Delay 1/ Start Entry Delay 2
When the system is under Full Arm or Home Arm mode, if a sensor with Start
Entry Delay 1/2 attribute is triggered, Control Panel will start an entry countdown
period to give enough time to disarm the system.
When the C ontrol Panel is in the Disarm mode, if a sensor wit h Start Entry Delay
1/2 attribute is triggered, the Control Panel will immediately report a burglar interior alarm (CID code: 132).
When the Control Panel is in the Full Arm mode, if a sensor with Start Entry
Delay 1/2 attribute is triggered, the Entry Delay 1/2 timer starts counting down.
If no correct pin code is entered during the entry delay timer to disarm the system,
the Control Panel will report a burglar perimeter alarm (CID code:131)
immediately after entry delay timer 1/2 expires.
When the Control Panel is in the Home Arm 1/2/3 mode, if a sensor with Start
Entry Delay 1/2 attribute is triggered, the Entry Delay 1/2 timer starts counting
down. If no correct pin code is entered during the entry delay period to disam
the system, the Control Panel will report a burglar interior alarm (CID code: 132)
immediately after entry delay timer 1/2 expires.
When the system is in Arm/ Home Arm 1/ Home Arm 2/ Home Arm 3 mode, if a
sensor set to Chime is triggered, the Control Panel will sound a Door Chime
(Ding-Dong Sound).
Burglar Follow
When the system is in Full Arm or Home Arm mode mode, if a sensor set to
Burglar Follow is triggered, the Control Panel will report a burglar alarm
When a Start Entry sensor is triggered and the system is under Entry Delay Timer
countdown, if a sensor set to Burglar Follow is triggered, the Control Panel will
wait until the Entry Delay Timer expires before activating a burglar alarm. If the
system is disarmed before the timer expires, the Control Panel will not activate
Burglar Instant
When the system is under Full arm or Home Arm/ Disarm / Entry Time mode, if a
sensor set to Burglar Instant is triggered, the Control Panel will report a burglar
alarm immediately.
Burglar Outdoor
When the system is in Full Arm or Home Arm / Disarm / / Entry Time mode, if a
sensor set to Burglar Outdoor is triggered, the Control Panel will report a burglar
outdoor event immediately.
Cross Zone
See 12.2 Appendix – Cross Zone Verification for detail.
Apply Scene
This function is only avaiable for Remote Keypad and Remote Control.
Select a Home Automation Scene number for a Remote Keypad or Remote
Control button. When the button is pressed, the Control Panel will execute the
actions programming in the Scene accordingly. For more information, please
refer to 8.3. Scene.
Home Automation Attributes:
The Home Automation Attributes allows a device to control Home Automation function.
Trigger Response
When the device is triggered, the Control Panel will activated selected Home
Automation Scene number. Please refer to 8.3. Scene webpage for detail.
Restore Response
When the device transmits restore signal after trigger, the Control Panel will
activate selected Home Automation Scene number.
Other Attributes:
Exit (No Response)
If checked, the panel will ignore trigger signal from this sensor during Exit Time
countdown. If deselected, the panel will activated burglar alarm and report
immediately when the sensor triggered during Exit Delay Timer.
Some devices have their own unique functions and will have its own attribute setting
which is not listed in this section. Please refer to the device manual for its setting detail.
5.1.4. Delete Devices
Step 1. To delete a sensor, click “Delete” under “Device List”
Step 2. A message “Delete success” is displayed and the sensor you choose is deleted
5.1.5. Identify ZigBee Device
The Identify function is available for ZigBee device only, it can be used to locate ZigBee devices
after learning.
For battery powered ZigBee devices, the identify fuction should be used within 1 minute after
pressing device button, or 3 minute after learning in the device. Otherwise due to ZigBee
network mechanisms, the device may not be able to receive signal successfullly from panel.
AC powered ZigBee devices do not have such limits and you can use Identify function anytime.
Step 1. Click “Identify” under the Device List after the device column entry.
Step 2. If the ZigBee device receives signal successfully, the webpage will display a success
message and the ZigBee device LED indicator will flash 10 times to confirm.
If a timeout message is displayed on webpage, it means the device did not receive
signal from Control Panel, please check ZigBee device range from panel and make
sure to follow instruction above about Identifying battery powered ZigBee devices.
5.2. Add RF Device
Besides learning, you can also add RF devices into the system by entering its RF code into the
system with Add RF Device function.
Step 1. Click Add RF Device.
Step 2. Select Area and Zone number for the device you wish to add into system.
Step 3. Enter the device RF code, and preferred device name (up to 31 characters)
Step 4. Press “OK” to save
Step 5. If the RF code you entered is valid, the device will be added into the system according
to the Area and Zone number. You do not need to learn the device as instructed in
5.1.1. Add Sensor.
5.3. Learn Rule
You can enter the sensor RF code or ZigBee MAC address manually to assign area and zone
number to this sensor. Sensors learned with pre-assigned rule will be put under the area and
zone number you specified. This function does not work with Z-Wave devices and DECT device.
Step 1. Click Learn Rule.
Step 2. You will see the Add Learn Rule menu.
Step 3. Select Area and Zone number for this device.
Step 4. Select RF or ZigBee.
Step 5. Key in the RF code or ZigBee MAC info
Step 6. For ZigBee device, select a ZigBee Device Type
Step 7. Enter a preferred name for sensor (up to 31 letters or numbers).
Step 8. Press “OK” to save.
Step 9. If the process is successful, the screen will display “Updated Successfully.” You can
then check, edit or delete the rule under the Learn Rule menu.
Step 10 Repeat the steps to add more rules.
Step 11. Learn in the sensors you have entered rules for according to 5.1.1 Add Sensor.
Learn rule function is only used to pre-assign area and zone number to sensors before
learning. To add senor to control panel, you still need to follow the instruction in 5.1.1
Add Sensor to complete the learning process.
Backup Device List to Learn Rule
You can choose to import learn rule from current learnt in ZigBee devices
Step 1. Click “Backup Device List to Learn Rule”.
Step 2. Click OK to confirm.
Step 3. The Learn Rule page will be updated with new rules according to current ZigBee device
list information. Z-wave device and IP Camera will not be included.
5.4. Walk Test
This is to test the sensor operation range for installation purpose.
Step 1. Click on “Start”. The Control Panel LED 1 & LED 2 Green Flash is now in Walk Test
mode. The system will automatically exit the test mode after 5 minutes
Step 2. Press the test button on the sensor(s) or any button on the Remote Controller or
triggering the sensor.
Step 3. When the Control Panel receives a signal, it will show as below and a 2-tone beep will
be heard to indicate that it is safe to install the particular sensor in the location.
Time: time informaiton
Area: operation area
Zone: device zone
Type: device type
Name : device name
Rssi: the RF signal strength between Control Panel and sensor. The Rssi value here
must be higher than the Rssi value of Panel’s background noise (please refer to 6.1
Panel Condition section for details). If not, you may still learn in the sensor; however,
please relocate the sensor and use Walk test to find a more suitable location.
DeviceID: device’s unique identification code.
Step 4. Once all sensors are tested, click on “Stop” to exit Walk Test mode.
5.5. Program Siren
The Program Siren page include siren learning and setting configuration function.
Learn Siren
The Learn Siren function is designed for single way radio siren (BX-7,8 and SR-7,8)
only. To learn in two-way sirens, please refer to the 5.1 Learning section.
Step 1. Select the Option drop-down menu, choose from All, Area1, and Area2 to determine
which area should the siren below to.
Step 2. Put your Bell Box or Indoor Siren in Learning Mode (Slide B X/SR dip switch 1 to ON.
For more details, please refer to siren manual for detail).
Step 3. Click Learn Siren to transmit learn code, refer to BX/SR manual to complete learning.
Siren Setup
Siren Tamper On/Off
You can enable/disable the siren’s tamper protection with this function. Select to turn
on or off the siren’s tamper function then click “Siren Tamper” to confirm.
When turned off, if siren tamper will be enabled again automatically after one hour if not
turn on manually during the one hour period.
Confirm On/Off
When turned on the siren will emit confirmation beep when the control panel mode is
changed. When turned off, the siren will remain silent. Select to turn on or off the
confirmation function, then click “Siren Tamper” to confirm.
Entry Sound On/Off
When turned on the siren will emit beeps during entry and exit timer. When turned off,
the siren will remain silent. Select to turn on or off the entry sound function, then click
“Siren Tamper” to confirm.
Siren Setting:
Choose to edit individual siren detail setting with the slide down menus. Refer to siren
manual for available options. After finish all settings, click “Submit” to confirm.
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