Climax Technology Co DCS Users manual

Door Contact (DC-15) 433M
The Door Contact monitors the opening/closing of specified devices (e.g. door or window). The Door Contact is fixed to the monitored device frame with an actuating magnet fixed to the device. An internal magnetic switch activates when the corresponding device magnet is present or not transmitting device status to the Central Panel. The device also has the capabilities of communicating signal problems along with low battery situations.
PPaarrttss IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn
LED indicator a.k.a. Learn / Test button
Mounting Holes
Used to fixed and screw the Door Contact directly onto the Door Frame or Wall.
Tamper Switch
Provides tamper protection against unauthorized device opening and/or removal from mounting surface.
Battery Insulator
Fixing Screw
Screw used to secure the top and bottom case of the Door Contact.
AAcccceessssoorriieess IInncclluuddeedd
a) 1 Magnet b) 2 White Caps c) 2 Screws d) 2 Wall Plugs e) 1 Magnet double-sided adhesive tape pad f) 2 Magnet mounting screws
IInntteerrnnaall SSwwiittcchh aanndd TTeerrmmiinnaall
Loosen the bottom fixing screw and remove the cover to reveal terminal as shown.
Extension Terminal
In addition to the built-in magnet switch, an additional 2- pin dry contact terminal is provided for an extensi on magnet switch or any device with N.C. (Normall y Closed) functionality.
JP 2 =
Supervision Enable/Disable Jumper Switch
Jumper ON: the Supervision is disabled. (Factory default) Jumper OFF: the supervision is enabled.
JP 3 = Internal Magnet Switch Bypass Jumper Switch
Jumper ON: the internal magnet switch will be bypassed. Only the device connected to the Extension Terminal will activate the Door Contact.
Jumper OFF: the internal magnet switch is in use. (Factory Default)
Jumper On
The jumper link is inserted
Jumper Off
if the jumper link is removed or “parked” on one pin.
LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorr
In Normal Operation Mode, the LED will not light except in the following situations:
z When the Door Contact is in Low battery condition, every time the Door Contact is activated (device opened/
closed), the LED will light.
z When the cover is opened and the tamper switch is violated, the LED will light. z When a tamper condition persists, every time the Door Contact is activated, the LED will light.
However, if the Device Contact is in Test mode, the LED will flash every time it is activated.
z The Door Contact uses one 1/2 AA, 3.6V Lithium battery as its power source. The Door Contact has a typical
z Low battery detection operates where the Door Contact has enough reserve power to typically operate for 1 month
z When changing batteries, after removing the old batteries, press the Tamper Switch twice to fully discharge before
SSuuppeerrvviissoorryy SSiiggnnaall ((wwhheenn tthhee JJ33 iiss OOFFFF))
z After installation, the Door Contact will automatically transmit Supervisory Signals periodically to the Control Panel at
z Failure of the Control Panel to receive a preset Device Contact signal, the Control Panel will display the particular
battery life of over 3 years at 50 activations a day on average. Please note: ALWA YS replace battery with the correct size and voltage.
before complete exhaustion. When Door Contact is in low battery, the LED will flash and a low battery signal will be sent to the Control Panel along with regular signal transmissions for the Control Panel to display the status accordingly.
inserting new batteries.
random intervals of 30 ~ 50 minutes.
Device Contact is experiencing an out-of-signal problem.
TTeesstt MMooddee
z Each press of the Test Button causes the Door Contact to transmit a radio range test signal to the Control Panel and
will enter the test mode for 3 mins. When the test signal is transmitted, the LED will flash to confirm si gnal receipt by the Control Panel.
z Each additional Test Button press will extend Test Mode another 3 mins.
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
z Remove the fixing screw and cover assembly. z Insert the “1/2 AA” battery into the battery holder connecting the polarity correctly. z The LED indicator will flash briefly, please wait for 10 seconds. z Put the Control Panel into (Device +/-) menu and then select (Add Device) menu. z Press the Door Contact test button. z Refer to your Control Panel operation manual’s section of (Device +/-) to
complete the learn-in process.
z After the Door Contact is learned-in, place the Control Panel into (Walk Test)
mode, hold the Door Contact in the desired location, and press the Test button, the LED will flash to confirm that this location is within signal range of the Control Panel.
z Proceed with mounting and installation once you are satisfied that the Door
Contact location functions properly.
MMoouunnttiinngg MMeetthhooddss aanndd IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
It is recommended that the Door Contact should be placed on the door frame and the
magnet on the door. If the door contact is placed on the door. Step 1: Find a suitable location close to your door/window to install the Door Contact. Step 2: The Door Contact has 2 rib-marks on one side (refer to figure), marking the
internal magnet switch location. The door contact should be installed either upright or inverted, to ensure that the rib-marked side face the magnet.
Step 3: To mount the Door Contact:
(i) Using the 2 Door Contact mounting holes as a template for appropriate
hole positioning.
(ii) Use the provided wall plugs for plaster/brick installation.
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