Call Point ((CCPP--2233))
I. Identifying the Parts
11.. AAccttiivvee BBuuttttoonn
Press the Active Button once will activate the Control Panel, causing it to dial
emergency call or alarm. Once the button is pressed, the Green LED lights on for 3
sec and then becomes flashing to indicate alarm signal transmission to the Control
Panel is in progress. During signal transmission, the CP-23 will emit continuous
When there is an incoming phone call, you can press the Active Button to answer it.
If the two way communication is enabled, CP-23 will stop emitting beeps. CP-23 will
open a remote two-way voice communication. The length of the communication
period is determined by the Control Panel.
To terminate both the reporting and the two-way communication, press and hold the
Active Button for 8 seconds. One long beep will be emitted.
22.. DDuuaall CCoolloouurr RReedd && GGrreeeenn LLEEDD
LED OFF: In Standby Mode
RED LED ON: Registering CP-23 to the Control Panel; CP-23 is triggered when low
on battery
RED LED FLASHES: Having transmitted a signal to the Control Panel; providing
two-way voice communication when CP-23 is low on battery
GREEN LED FLASHES: Having transmitted a signal to the Control Panel; providing
two-way voice communication
GREEN LED ON: Receiving a learning signal from the Control Panel; CP-23 is
33.. MMiiccrroopphhoonnee
44.. SSppeeaakkeerr
II. Battery
CP-23 uses 2 x 1.5V AA lithium batteries as its power source. Please note: ALWAYS
replace battery with the correct size and voltage.

CP-23 features auto low battery detection. When battery voltage is low, CP-23 will send a
low battery signal to notify the Control Panel of its status. Its red LED will show 3 flashes
every 3 minutes until the battery is replaced.
If CP-23 is in the low battery status, when you press the Active Button to dial an
emergency call or alarm, the green and red LEDs will be turned on. CP-23 will emit
continuous beeps until two-way communication is opened. The green and red LEDs flash
during the two-way communciation.
It is prohibited to learn-in the CP-23 to the Control Panel when the CP-23 is in low
battery status.
To replace the battery:
1. Open the back cover.
2. Remove the old batteries and press the Active Button several times to fully discharge.
3. Put a new batteries into the battery compartment.
4. Replace the back cover.
III. Learn In CP-23
For Medical Panels CTC-1052RV and CTC-1041RV:
Each CP-23 comes with a unique numeric code called “ID code”. The ID code enables the
Control Panel to identify the signal is transmitted from a particular CP-23. It at the same time
prevents interference from outside sources.
Step 1. Please refer to the Control Panel manual and put the Control Panel into Learning
Step 2. Press and hold the CP-23 button for 8 seconds until you hear a long beep. The red
LED of CP-23 is turned on. CP-23 is now in learning mode.
Step 3. Now the LED of CP-23 turns from red to green. The green LED blinks. The Control
Panel will emit two quick beeps. Afterwards CP-23 will emit one beep and its green
LED will be turned on and then go off instantly. CP-23 has been successfully learned
Step 4. Check if CP-23 has been learned in successfully. Press the CP-23 button and you will
Step 5. Exit the Control Panel out of Learning Mode. The Learning process is now complete.
You cannot learn in the same CP-23 twice.
hear continuous beeps from CP-23. When CP-23 beeps, the Control Panel will
respond with one long beep to indicate that CP-23 is within the operation range.
Re-learning is only required if the CP-23 is removed, but not required after battery
replacement. To remove CP-23, you have to remove it from the Control Panel.
For Mobile Pers Base Stations and MX Control Panels:
Step 1. Please refer to the Mobile Pers manual or the MX manual and put the Base
Station/Control Panel in learning mode.
Step 2. Press the green reset button on the Base Station/Control Panel once to learn