CO-8ZBS Carbon Monoxide Detector
CO-8ZBS is a ZigBee Carbon Monoxide Detector. It is capable of sending wireless signals to the
coordinator in the ZigBee network upon detection of Carbon Monoxide concentration.
The Carbon Monoxide Detector utilizes ZigBee technology for wireless signal transmission. ZigBee is a
wireless communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and high transmission
efficiency. Based on IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of devic es to be included
in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
The Carbon Monoxide Detector Serves as an end device in the ZigBee network. It can be included in
the ZigBee network to transmit signal upon activation, but cannot permit an y other ZigBee dev ice to join
the network through the Carbon Monoxide Detector.
Parts Identification
1. Dual Color LED indicator (Amber/Red)
The LED indicator lights up in the following conditions:
- Red LED flashes twice
The Carbon Monoxide Detector has successfully joined a
ZigBee network.
- Red LED Flashes once every 20 minutes:
The Carbon Monoxide Detector has lost connection to its
current ZigBee network.
- Amber LED flashes every second:
The Carbon Monoxide Detector is in Alarm Silence mode.
2. Function Button
- Press the button once to send a supervision signal.
- Press the button once during alarm to silence the alarm.
- Press and hold the button for 10 seconds then release to reset
the Carbon Monoxide Detector.
3. Battery Compartment
The Carbon Monoxide Detector is powered b y three
AA Alkaline 1.5V batteries.
4. Mounting Hole
5. Mounting Bracket
CCaarrbboonn MMoonnooxxiiddee DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Carbon Monoxide Detector will be activated according to the following table when CO
concentration is detected.
CO concentration
30 ppm None
50 ppm 60-90 minutes
100 ppm 10-40 minutes
300 ppm Under 3 minutes
Once the CO concentration level exceeds the threshold and persists for the time length as
listed in the above table, the Carbon Monoxide Detector will transmit the signal to ZigBee
network coordinator and raise alarm with its built-in siren.
After the alarm has been activated, the Carbon Monoxide Detector will continue to s end the
alarm signal every 2 minutes as long as CO concentration remains above 30 ppm.
If the CO concentration drops below 30 ppm, the Carbon Monoxide Detector will stop alar ming
and transmit a restore signal
Time taken before

AAllaarrmm SSiilleennccee
When the Carbon Monoxide Detector is alarming, you can press the Function button once on
Carbon Monoxide Detector to enter Alarm Silence mode for 10 minutes
Under Alarm Silence mode, the Carbon Monoxide Detect or will not sound alarm; the Amber
LED Indicator will flash every second to indicate it is under Alarm Silence mode.
After 10 minutes, if CO concentration still exceeds 30ppm, the Carbon Monoxide Detector will
raise alarm and send alarm signal again.
BBaatttteerryy aanndd LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Carbon Monoxide Detector uses three 1.5V Alkaline batteries as its power source. The
batteries are included in the package.
The Carbon Monoxide Detector feature Low Battery Detection function. When low battery
voltage is detected, the Carbon Monoxide Detector will transmit Low Battery signal to notify the
When changing batteries, after removing the old batteries, press the Function Button twice to
fully discharge before inserting new batteries.
The Carbon Monoxide Detector will transmit a supervision signal to report its condition regularly
according to user setting. The factory default interval is 30 minutes. The user can also press the
Function Button once to transmit a supervision signal manually.
ZigBee Network Setup
ZZiiggBBeeee DDeevviiccee GGuuiiddeelliinnee
ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is reliable and has low power consumption and
high transmission efficiency. Based on IEEE802.15.4 standard, ZigBee allows a large amount of
devices to be included in a network and coordinated for data exchange and signal transmission.
Due to the fundamental structure of ZigBee network, ZigBee device will actively seek and join
network after powering on. Since performing a task in connecting network may consume some
power, it is required to follow the instructions to avoid draining battery of a ZigBee device
- Ensure your ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on before inserting battery into the
ZigBee device.
- Ensure the ZigBee network router or coordinator is powered on and within range while a ZigBee
device is in use.
- Do not remove a ZigBee device from the ZigBee network router or coordinator without removing
the battery from a ZigBee device.
JJooiinniinngg tthhee ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk
As a ZigBee device, the Carbon Monoxide Detector needs to join a ZigBee net work to transmit
signal when smoke concentration is detected. Please follow the steps bellow to join the Carbon
Monoxide Detector into the ZigBee network.
1. Insert the batteries into the battery compartment to power on the Carbon Monoxide Detector.
2. The Carbon Monoxide Detector will emit two short beeps when it is powered on.
3. Press and hold the function button for 10 seconds then release to join ZigBee network. Please
make sure to enable the permit-join feature on the router or coordinator of your ZigBee network
4. After joining the ZigBee network, the Carbon Monoxide Detector will be registered in the network
automatically. Please check the ZigBee network coordinator, system control panel or CIE
(Control and Indicating Equipment) to confirm if joining and registration is successful. If the
Carbon Monoxide Detector successfully joins the ZigBee network, the Red LED will flash twice to
5. After joining the ZigBee network, if the Carbon Monoxide Detector loses connection with its
current ZigBee network, the Red LED will flash every 20 minutes to indicate. Please check your
ZigBee network condition and Carbon Monoxide Detector signa l range to correct the situation.
RReemmoovviinngg DDeevviiccee ffrroomm ZZiiggBBeeee NNeettwwoorrkk ((FFaaccttoorryy RReesseett))
To remove the Carbon Monoxide Detector from current ZigBee network, the device must be put to
Factory Reset to complete device removal. Factory Reset function will clear the Carbon Monoxide
Detector of its stored setting information and prompt the device to search for new ZigBee network.
Before removing device, make sure the Carbon Monoxide Detector is within current ZigBee
network signal range
1. Press and hold the function button for 10 seconds, then release the button to reset Carbon
Monoxide Detector.