Climax Technology Co BXZW Users manual

BX-32ZW Outdoor Bellbox
BX-32ZW is a Z-Wave Outdoor Bellbox. It is capable of raising alarm upon receiving alarm signal from the Z-Wave network when an alarm is activated. During the alarm, the Bellbox will sound alarm with its built-in siren and also flash the strobe light to attract attention.
the Z-Wave mesh network, commands can be transmitted to their destination via intermediary “listening” Z-Wave products.
Parts Identification
1. Tamper Switch
The Tamper switch will be activated when the Bellbox is removed from mounted surface, or it cover opened.
2. Battery Compartment
The Bellbox is powered by two 1.5V D-Cell alkaline battery.
3. Battery Switch
The battery switch is used when battery is installed in the Outdoor Bellbox. To power on/off the Outdoor Bellbox, switch the ON/OFF button.
4. Mounting Holes x 3
5. Function Button
- Press the button 3 times within 1.5 seconds to send a learn code.
- Press and hold the button for 10 seconds, Refer to Removing Device (Exclusion) for details.
6. LED 3 & 2 & 1 (From left to right)
z LLEEDD SSttrroobbee LLiigghh
1. The strobe light includes 3 LEDs (From right to left: LED 3-> LED 2->LED 1). Refer to below table for LED and siren beep for status indication.
Arm 1 beep All 3 LED flash once Home 1 beeps All 3 LED flash once Disarm 2 beep Sequentially flash for 1 cycle Entry/Exit Count Down 1 beep per second None Door Chime 2 tone beeps None Alarm in Memory 5 beeps None
SSiirreenn AAuuddiioo
SSttrroobbee lliigghhtt iinnddiiccaattiioonn
) Arm/Home/Disarm LED and siren beep behaviour are the same under fault conditions
(Tamper Fault/Low Battery).
AAllaarrmm AAccttiivvaattiioonn
When an alarm is activated, the Bellbox will activate its siren and strobe light according to different alarm type:
z Burglar and Emergency alarm: Continuous alarm, all LED flashes. z Fire alarm: 2-second alarm with1-second interval, all LED flashes.
AAllaarrmm LLeennggtthh SSeettttiinngg
When the Bellbox receives an alarm signal via Z-Wave network, it will activate siren and strobe light according to the alarm length set by the system control panel (default is 10 minutes).
BBaatttteerryy aanndd LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn
The Bellbox uses two 1.5V alkaline D-cell batteries as its power source. With the battery, use the battery switch to power on/off the Bellbox manually.
The Bellbox features Low Battery Detection function. When the battery voltage is low, the Bellbox will transmit Low Battery signal to the coordinator in Z-Wave network.
The Bellbox will report its battery percentage to the Control Panel respectively at 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%. If the battery voltage is low (10%), a Low Battery signal will be sent to the Control Panel to notify the user.
When changing battery, after removing the old battery, press the Tamper Switch twice to fully discharge before inserting new battery.
TTaammppeerr PPrrootteeccttiioonn
The Bellbox is protected by a tamper switch which is compressed against the mounting surface when mounted. Whenever the Bellbox is removed from mounted locatio n, or its cover opened, the tamper switch will be activated and the Bellbox will send a tamper open signal t o remind the user of the condition and activate an alarm immediately.
AAddddiinngg DDeevviiccee ((IInncclluussiioonn))
This product can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufactures and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the net work .
z Insert the two 1.5V D-Cell alkaline batter ies into the battery compartment connecting the
correct polarity as shown on the battery compartment lid.
z The Bellbox will emit a 2-tone beep. z Put the Z-Wave gateway or control panel into Inclusion or Learning mode (please refer
to the Z-Wave gateway or control panel manual).
z Within 1.5 seconds, press the Function Button 3 times. z Refer to the operation manual of the Z-Wave gateway or control panel to complete the
learn-in process.
z If the sensor has already been included (learnt) into another Z-Wave Gateway/Control
Panel, or if the sensor is unable to be learnt into the current Z-Wave Gateway/Control Panel, please exclude it first (see Exclusion) before attempting to include it into the current Z-Wave Gateway/Control Panel.
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