Outdoor PIR Motion Sensor Camera 862EX-F1
862EX-F1 is a passive infrared ( PIR) motion sensor camera. It is capable of send ing wireless signals and captured images
(picture quality of up to 640 x 480 pixels) to the Control Panel upon movement detection.
The PIR Camera is designed to give a typical detection range of 12 meters when mounted at 2 meters above ground.
The Camera also features night illumination capability and F1 technology that accelerates signal transmission speed.
IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg tthhee PPaarrttss
Front View Inside View
1. Inf ra red LE D
The Infrared LED is activated when the PIR Camera is triggered under low light condition to allow picture capture in
the dark.
2. LED Indicator (Red)
The LED indicator is used to indicate the system status.
3. IR Sensor
The sensor is intended to detect moving objects.
4. PIR Camera Lens
5. Test&Learn Button
-Press and hold the button for 3 seconds to send a learn code, and then release the button when Red LED lights up.
-Press the button once to enter test mode for 10 minutes.
6. Internal Tamper
7. DIP Switch Block
There are 8 DIP Switches for setting the function & detection sensitivity levels.
8. Battery Compartment
9. Mounting Bracket
10. Rotating Holder
LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorr
When enabled, the LED Indicator will light up in the following conditions:
When the Tamper Switch is triggered, the LED will flash for 6 times to indicate it is transmitting “Tamper” signal.
When the PIR Camera is in fault conditions (tamper open or low battery condition persists), each time it transmits a
detected movement, the LED will flash for 6 times.
After the Test button is pressed onc e to enter Test Mode, the LED will flash for 60 seconds to indicate that the PIR
motion sensor camera is warming up.
In Test mode, the LED will turn on for 2 seconds whenever a movement is detected.
The LED indicator can be enabled by setting the DIP Switch2 to ON position. Please refer to DIP Switch Position
Table for details.

PIR Camera facing an open
PIR Camera facing a lawn
High; 50 cm / 35 kg pet (default)
Double Knock Enabl e (default)
Pet Immun e Enable (default)
IImmaaggee CCaappttuurree
When the alarm system is ar med, the PIR Camera will capture 1, 3 or 6 alarm images in 640 x 480 or 320 x 240
resolutions (programmable from Control Panel) upon movement detection. You can also manually request the PIR
Camera to take a picture through the Control Panel. The captured images will be transferred to the Control Panel for
visual alarm verification.
Warm Up P eriod
The PIR Camera will warm up for 60 seconds in the following conditions:
When the PIR Camera is turned on by the Control Panel syst em upon entering arm mode or entering ar m mode with
fault conditions.
When the test button is pressed once to enter Test Mode.
The Red LED will flash slowly during war m up period. During the 60-second war m up period, the P IR Camera will not be
TTeesstt MMooddee
The PIR Camera can be put into Test mode for 10 minutes by pressing the Test button once. In Test mode, the sleep
timer and i mage capture functions are disabled. LED indicator is enabled to light up for two seconds whenever a
movement is detected. The PIR Camera will automatically exit Test Mode after 10 minutes, and return to normal mode.
To put the PIR Ca mera into constant Test mode, please adjust D IP switch1 to ON position (Please refer to DIP Sw itch
Position Table), and then press the test button once.
The PIR Camera uses four AAL91 lithium batteries as its power source.
The PIR Camera features low battery voltage detection. When low battery is detected, a low battery signal will be sent
to the Control Panel along with regular signal transmissions for the Control Panel to display the status accordingly.
To Change Battery:
Step 1: Navigate the Control Panel into Programming mode.
Step 2: Remove the PIR Camera from mounting position and unscrew to open back cover.
Step 3: Remove the old batteries and press the test button twice to fully discharge.
Step 4: Insert four new AAL91 lithium batteries.
Step 5: Press the test button once. A battery normal signal will be sent to the Control Panel.
Step 6: Screw back the back cover.
Step 7: Mount back the PIR Camera to mounting location.
Step 8: Navigate the Control Panel to exit Programming mode and return to operation mode. The procedure is complete.
SSuuppeerrvviissiioonn SSiiggnnaall
After installation, the PIR Camera will auto matically transmit Supervisory signals periodically to the Control Panel at
random intervals of 30 to 50 min utes.
If the Control Panel has not received the signal fro m the P IR Camera for the preset period of time, the Control Panel
will indicate on its display that the particular PIR Camera is experiencing an out-of-signal problem.
SSlleeeepp TTiimmeerr
The PIR Camera features an automatic “sleep time” of approximately one minute for power conservation. After
transmitting a detected move ment, the PIR Camera will not retransmit for one minute. Any further movement detected
within this one-minute sleep period will extend the sleep time by another minute. This way, continuous movement in
front of PIR Camera will not unduly exhaust the battery.
DDoouubbllee KKnnoocckk FFuunnccttiioonn
The PIR Camera has a double knock function. If the double knock function is enabled , the PIR Camera will report an
alarm to the control panel only if two movements are detected within 10 seconds. If the double knock function is
disabled, the PIR Camera will report an alarm to the control panel when a movement is detected.
Tamper Protecti on
The PIR Camera is protected by an internal tamper switch which is compressed when the PIR Camera is hooked onto
the mounting bracket. When the PIR Camera is removed from the mounting bracket, the tamper switch will be
activated and the PIR Camera will send a tamper open signal to the control panel to remind the user of this condition.
DDIIPP SSwwiittcchh PPoossiittiioonn TTaabbllee
The function of each DIP Switch is listed in the table below. The DIP Switch is either ON or OFF. Top position indicates ON
and bottom position indicates OFF.
ON LED Indicator Enabl e (default)
space (no wall within 10 m)
PIR Camera facing a
concrete/stone ground
OFF OFF Reserved