Climax WTRVS User Manual

Voice Reach Talking Pendant ((WWTTRRVVSS))
I. Identifying the Parts
11.. AAccttiivvee//PPeennddaanntt BBuuttttoonn
Press the Active Button once will activate the Control Panel, causing it to dial
emergency call or alarm. Once the button is pressed, the Green LED lights on for 3 sec and then becomes flashing to indicate alarm signal transmission to the Control Panel is in progress. During signal transmission, the WTRVS will emit continuous beeps.
When the Control Panel receives the signal from WTRVS, its red light will go on. It
will then dial the Central Monitoring Station and wait for command. Once the Central Monitoring Station acknowledges the signal, a remote two-way voice communication channel will be opened with the WTRVS.
When there is an incoming phone call, you can press the Active Button to answer it.
If the two way communication is enabled, WTRVS will stop emitting beeps. WTRVS will open a remote two-way voice communication for 30 minutes.
To terminate both the reporting and the two-way communication, press and hold the
Active Button for 8 sec.
22.. DDuuaall CCoolloouurr RReedd && GGrreeeenn LLEEDD
LED OFF: In Standby Mode
RED LED ON: Registering WTRVS to the Control Panel
RED & GREEN LED FLASH: Transmitting signal to the Control Panel
GREEN LED ON: Receives learning signal from the Control Panel
33.. SSppeeaakkeerr
44.. LLaannyyaarrdd LLoooopp
55.. MMiiccrroopphhoonnee
66.. CCRR22 33VV LLiitthhiiuumm BBaatttteerryy
77.. LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn BBuuttttoonn
Press the Low Battery Detection button to test WTRVS’s battery status while
WTRVS is in the stand by mode. If WTRVS emits 3 short beeps after pressing the button, it indicates that WTRVS is in the low battery status. If not, it means WTRVS’s voltage is in the normal state.
If WTRVS is detected in the low battery status, when you press WTRVS to dial an
emergency call or alarm, the Red LED will go on for 3 seconds and WTRVS will emit continuous raipd beeps.
You are not allowed to test the battery status during two-way communication mode
or the period of triggering the emergency alarm.
II. Learn In WTRVS
For Medical Panel (CTC-1041RV/CTC-1052RV):
Step 1. Please refer to the Control Panel manual and put the Control Panel into Learning
Step 2. Press & hold WTRVS ACTIVE/PENDANT button for 5 seconds. The WTRVS’s
Green LED will turn to Red. When hearing a long beep, release the WTRVS button. The WTRVS is now in the learn mode.
Step 3. Press and hold the reset button on the Control Panel for 20 seconds and meanwhile
the WTRVS’s LED will turn from RED, then blink green to steady green. When you hear two beeps and then one long beep emitted from the Control Panel, release the RESET button from the Control Panel. The learning process now is successful.
It is prohibited to learn-in another or the same WTRVS twice, unless the previously
learnt WTRVS is removed first.
Step 4. To check if the WTRVS is successfully learnt in, press the WTRVS ACTIVE button. If
you hear 6 continuous beeps from WTRVS and meanwhile the Control Panel respond two shorts beeps respectively, it indicates that the WTRVS is successfully learnt in. If you don’t hear any corresponding beep from Control Panel after pressing the WTRVS ACTIVE button, it indicates that the learning process fails. Turn the Pedant off and repeat the steps mentioned above until you hear the Control Panel’s corresponding
Step 5. Exit the Control Panel out of Learning Mode. The Learning process is now complete.
Re-learning is only required if the WTRVS is removed, but not required after battery
replacement. To remove WTRV, you have to remove it from the Control Panel first and then reset it to factory default.
Step 1. Please refer to the Control Panel manual and put the Control Panel into the learning
Step 2. Press & hold WTRVS ACTIVE/PENDANT button for 5 seconds. The WTRVS’s
Green LED will turn to Red. When hearing a long beep, release the WTRVS button. The WTRVS is now in the learn mode.
Step 3. After 5 to 20 seconds, the Control Panel will display a message of WTRVS,
indicating the Control Panel receives a learn code form WTRVS. The WTRVS’s LED will turn from Red, then blink green to steady green. Press the Ok button on the main unit or configuration webpage to learn in WTRVS.
It is prohibited to learn-in another or the same WTRVS twice, unless the previously
learnt WTRVS is removed first.
Step 4. To check if the WTRVS is successfully learnt in, enable the Control Panel to get into
the Walk Test Mode first and press the WTRVS ACTIVE button. If you hear 6 continuous beeps from WTRVS and meanwhile the Control Panel responds a ding-dong sound, showing WTRV message on LCD or configuration webpage respectively. It indicates that the WTRVS is successfully learnt in. If not, the learning process fails. Reset WTRVS first and then repeat Step 2 accordingly.
Step 5. Exit the Control Panel out of Learning Mode. The Learning process is now complete.
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