ClimateMaster Tranquility Water-to-Water THW 008, Tranquility Water-to-Water THW 010, Tranquility Water-to-Water THW 012, Tranquility THW Series Installation Operation & Maintenance

(THW) Series
Residential High
Geothermal Heat Pumps
(Heating Only) - 50Hz
Installation, Operation
& Maintenance
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Model Nomenclature 3 General Information 4 Physical Data 5 Dimensional Data 6 Installation 7 Load Plumbing Installation 7 Ground-Water Heat Pump Application 9 Water Quality Standards 10 Ground-Loop Heat Pump Application 11 Electrical - Line Voltage 13 Electrical - Low Voltage 15 Electrical - Controls 17 User Interface 20 Installer Interface 21 Wiring Diagram Matrix 22 Typical Wiring Diagrams 23 CXM Controls 31 Unit Commissioning
& Operating Conditions 33 Unit & System Checkout 34 Unit Start-Up Procedure 35 Preventive Maintenance 36 Warranty 37 Revision History 38
Table of Contents
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
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Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Warnings, cautions, and notices appear throughout this manual. Read these items carefully before attempting any installation, service, or troubleshooting of the equipment.
DANGER: Indicates an immediate hazardous situation, which if not avoided will result in death or serious injury. DANGER labels on unit access panels must be observed.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unsafe practice, which if not avoided could result in minor or moderate injury or product or property damage.
NOTICE: Notifi cation of installation, operation, or maintenance information, which is important, but which is not hazard-related.
Model Nomenclature
WARNING! To avoid the release of refrigerant into the atmosphere, the refrigerant circuit of this unit must be serviced only by technicians who meet local, state, and federal profi ciency requirements.
WARNING! All refrigerant discharged from this unit must be recovered WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Technicians must follow industry accepted guidelines and all local, state, and federal statutes for the recovery and disposal of refrigerants. If a compressor is removed from this unit, refrigerant circuit oil will remain in the compressor. To avoid leakage of compressor oil, refrigerant lines of the compressor must be sealed after it is removed.
WARNING! Units are shipped with R-410A (EarthPure®) refrigerant. The EarthPure® Application and Service Manual should be read and understood before attempting to service refrigerant circuits with R-410A.
TH W A0 0 8 QT 0 0 C S A S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9101112 131415
TH = Tranquility High Temperature
Heating Only
Model Type
W = Water-To-Water
Unit Size
Revision Level
A = Current
0 = Residential Standard w/UltraQuiet
Cabinet Insulation
Domestic Hot Water Heating Options
C = Copper Source & Braze Plate Load
Source & Load Water Coil Options
N = Cupro-nickel Source & Braze Plate Load
A = None
Hydronic Options
B = Load Pump W/Expansion Tank
S = Standard
0 = None
Paint Options
S = Stainless Steel & Pewter (Black)
1 = 3-Way Valve
C = Load Pump & Source Pump(S) W/Expansion Tanks
Q = Standard
V = Standard With VSFP
= 200-220/50/1 (THW008-010 Only)
= 380-420/50/3 (THW012 Only)
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Upon receipt of the equipment, carefully check the shipment against the bill of lading. Make sure all units have been received. Inspect the carton or crating of each unit, and inspect each unit for damage. Assure the carrier makes proper notation of any shortages or damage on all copies of the freight bill and completes a common carrier inspection report. Concealed damage not discovered during unloading must be reported to the carrier within 15 days of receipt of shipment. If not fi led within 15 days, the freight company can deny the claim without recourse. Note: It is the responsibility of the purchaser to fi le all necessary claims with the carrier. Notify the ClimateMaster Traffi c Department of all damage within fi fteen (15) days of shipment.
Equipment should be stored in its shipping carton in a clean, dry area. Store units in an upright position at all times. Stack units a maximum of 3 units high.
Unit Protection
Cover units on the job site with either shipping cartons, vinyl fi lm, or an equivalent protective covering. Cap the open ends of pipes stored on the job site. In areas where painting, plastering, and/or spraying has not been completed, all due precautions must be taken to avoid physical damage to the units and contamination by foreign material. Physical damage and contamination may prevent proper start-up and may result in costly equipment clean-up.
Examine all pipes, fi ttings, and valves before installing any of the system components. Remove any dirt or trash found in or on these components.
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance instructions are provided with each unit.. The installation site chosen should include adequate service clearance around the unit. Before unit start-up, read all manuals and become familiar with the unit and its operation. Thoroughly check the system before operation.
Prepare units for installation as follows:
1. Compare the electrical data on the unit nameplate with ordering and shipping information to verify that the correct unit has been shipped.
2. Keep the cabinet covered with the shipping carton until installation is complete and all plastering, painting, etc. is fi nished.
3. Verify refrigerant tubing is free of kinks or dents and that it does not touch other unit components.
4. Inspect all electrical connections. Connections must be clean and tight at the terminals.
5. Locate and verify any HWG or other accessory sensors located in the compressor section.
General Information
CAUTION! DO NOT store or install units in corrosive environments or in locations subject to temperature or humidity extremes (e.g., attics, garages, rooftops, etc.). Corrosive conditions and high temperature or humidity can signifi cantly reduce performance, reliability, and service life. Always move and store units in an upright position. Tilting units on their sides may cause equipment damage.
CAUTION! CUT HAZARD - Failure to follow this caution may result in personal injury. Sheet metal parts may have sharp edges or burrs. Use care and wear appropriate protective clothing, safety glasses and gloves when handling parts and servicing heat pumps.
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Physical Data
Model 008 010 012
Compressor (qty) Scroll (1)
Factory Charge HFC-410A (kg) 2.51 2.50 2.84
Indoor/Load Water Connection Size
FPT (in) 1 1 1
Outdoor/Source Water Connection Size
FPT (in) 1 1 1
Domestic Hot Water Connection Size
FPT (in) 1 1 1
Weight - Operating, (kg) 207 207 234
Weight - Packaged, (kg) 214 214 241
Dual isolation compressor mounting Balanced Port Expansion Valve (TXV) Insulated Source and Load Water Coils FPT - Female Pipe Thread
Maximum Working Pressure (Water Side)
Base Unit (kPa) 2068 2068 2068
DHW Option (kPa) 2068 2068 2068
Internal Source Pump w/Expansion Tank (kPa)
310 310 310
Internal Load Pump w/Expansion Tank (kPa)
310 310 310
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Dimensional Data
1. Front, Side, and Top access is preferred for service access. However, all components may be serviced from the front and Top access panels if side access is not available.
2. While clear access to all removable panels is not required, installer should take care to comply with all building codes and allow adequate clearance for future fi eld service.
Overall Cabinet
Water Connections
Electric Access Plugs
Water In
Water Out
Water In
Water Out
Return In
Water Out
008 cm. 68.1 65.1 124.2 8.6 20.6 56.6 28.7 45.0 36.6 85.3 90.4 96.5
010 cm. 68.1 65.1 124.2 8.6 20.6 56.6 28.7 45.0 36.6 85.3 90.4 96.5
012 cm. 68.1 65.1 124.2 8.6 20.6 56.6 28.7 45.0 36.6 85.3 90.4 96.5
1.9” [4.9cm]
2.1” [5.3cm]
4.9 cm
5.3 cm
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
The applications are too varied to describe in this document, however some basic guidelines will be presented. All plumbing should conform to local codes and consider the following:
Wide temperature variation applications such as heating/cooling coils
- Employ piping materials that are rated for the maximum temperature and pressure combination. This excludes PVC for most heating applications.
Insure load water fl ow in high temperature heating applications is at least 3.2 l/m per kW to improve performance and reduce nuisance high pressure faults.
- DO NOT employ plastic to metal threaded joints
- Utilize a pressure tank and air separator vent system to equalize pressure and remove air.
Swimming Pool Hot Tub Applications
Recommended application includes a brazed plate heat exchanger to isolate pool water from the unit heat exchanger.
Potable Water Applications
- Insure load water fl ow in high temperature heating applications is at least 3.2 l/m per kW to improve performance and reduce nuisance high pressure faults.
- A secondary heat exchanger must always be used between the water-to-water heat pump and potable water tank. Either an indirect water heat or brazed plate heat exchanger (with a secondary pump) will isolate the potable water from the heating water.
Load Plumbing Installation
THW Unit Location
These units are not designed for outdoor installation. Locate the unit in an INDOOR area that allows enough space for service personnel to perform typical maintenance or repairs.
The installation of water source heat pump units and all associated components, parts and accessories which make up the installation shall be in accordance with the regulations of ALL authorities having jurisdiction and MUST conform to all applicable codes. It is the responsibility of the Installing Contractor to determine and comply with ALL applicable codes and regulations. Locate the unit in an indoor area that allows easy removal of access panels, and has enough space for service personnel to perform maintenance or repair. Provide suffi cient room to make water and electrical connections. Any access panel screws that would be diffi cult to remove after the unit is installed should be removed prior to setting the unit. These units are not approved for outdoor installation and, therefore, must be installed inside the structure being conditioned. Do not locate in areas where ambient conditions are not maintained within 4-38°C and up to 75% relative humidity.
/RDG+; EU]SOW
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+7* '+:
Load Piping Connections
Load piping connections are designated ‘Load Water In and Out’ for the radiant heating system piping, and ‘DHW Water In and Out’ (optional) for connection to the domestic hot water piping. Any unused piping connections on the load side of the THW unit will allow spillage of the load circuit fl uid, as the radiant and DHW circuits are connected internally.
If a unit is ordered with the DHW option and is not being connected to a radiant heating system, the ‘Load Water In and Out’ (radiant heating circuit) connections must be connected to the ‘DHW In and Out’ piping using tees as shown in Figure 1a. Failure to do so will lead to nuisance high-pressure faults.
THW Unit Load Plumbing
Figure 1a: THW DHW Only Piping
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Load Plumbing Installation
/RDG+; EU]SOW
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+7* '+:
3 5 9 
Figure 1b: THW Typical Load Piping
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Typical open loop piping is shown in Figure 2. Shut off valves should be included in case of servicing. Boiler drains or other valves should be ‘tee’d’ into the line to allow acid fl ushing of just the heat exchanger. Pressure temperature plugs should be used so that fl ow and temperature can be measured. Piping materials should be limited to PVC SCH80 or copper. Due to the pressure and temperature extremes, PVC SCH40 is not recommended. Water quantity should be plentiful and of good quality. Consult Table 2 for water quality guidelines. The unit can be ordered with either a copper or cupro-nickel water heat exchanger. Copper is recommended for closed loop systems and open loop ground water systems that are not high in mineral content or corrosiveness. In conditions anticipating heavy scale formation or in brackish water, a cupro-nickel heat exchanger is recommended. In ground water situations where scaling could be heavy or where biological growth such as iron bacteria will be present, a closed loop system is recommended. Heat exchanger coils may over time lose heat exchange capabilities due to a build up of mineral deposits inside. These can be cleaned only by a qualifi ed service mechanic as acid and special pumping equipment are required.
Expansion Tank and Pump
Use a closed, bladder-type expansion tank to minimize mineral formation due to air exposure. The expansion tank should be sized to handle at least one minute run time of the pump to prevent premature pump failure using its drawdown capacity rating. The pump should be sized to the home’s domestic water load 19-34 l/m plus the heat pump water load. Discharge water from the unit is not contaminated in any manner and can be disposed of in various ways depending on local building codes; i.e. recharge well, storm sewer, drain fi eld, adjacent stream or pond, etc. Most local codes forbid the use of sanitary sewer for disposal. Consult your local building and zoning department to assure compliance in your area.
Water Control Valve
Note the placement of the water control valve. Always maintain water pressure in the heat exchanger by placing water control valves at the outlet of the unit to prevent mineral precipitation. Pilot operated or Taco slow closing valve’s solenoid valves are recommended to reduce water hammer. If water hammer persists, a mini-expansion tank can be mounted on the piping to help absorb the excess hammer shock. Insure that the total ‘VA’ draw of the valve can be supplied by the unit transformer. For instance the Taco slow closing valve can draw up to 35VA. This can overload smaller 40 or 50 VA transformers depending on the other controls employed. A typical pilot operated solenoid valve draws approximately 15VA. Note the special wiring diagram of the AVM valve (Figure 9).
Flow Regulation
Flow regulation can be accomplished by two methods. First, most water control valves have a built in fl ow adjustment. By measuring the pressure drop through the unit heat exchanger, fl ow rate can be determined and compared to Table 8. Simply adjust the water control valve until the desired fl ow is achieved. Secondly, a fl ow control device may be installed. The devices are typically an orifi ce of plastic material that is designed to allow a specifi ed fl ow rate. These are mounted on the outlet of the water control valve. On occasion, these valves can produce a velocity noise that can be reduced by applying some back pressure. This is accomplished by slightly closing the leaving isolation valve of the well water setup.
Low Temperature Cutout
The water low temperature cutout setpoint should be activated to avoid freeze damage to the unit. Consult the low temperature cutout section of the controls description for instructions.
CAUTION! Refrigerant pressure activated water regulating
valves should never be used with this equipment.
Ground-Water Heat Pump Systems
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Table 2: Water Quality Standards
Figure 2: Typical Open Loop/ Well Application
Water Quality
Open Loop and Recirculating Well
Scaling Potential - Primary Measurement
pH/Calcium Hardness
­pH < 7.5 and Ca Hardness <100ppm
Index Limits for Probable Scaling Situations -
(Operation outside these limits is not recommended)
- 6.0 - 7.5
Stability Index If >7.5 minimize steel pipe use.
-0.5 to +0.5
Saturation Index
If <-0.5 minimize steel pipe use. Based upon 66°C HWG and
Direct well, 29°C Indirect Well HX
Iron Fouling
Iron Fe2+(Ferrous)
<0.2 ppm (Ferrous)
(Bacterial Iron potential)
If Fe
(ferrous)>0.2 ppm with pH 6 - 8, O2<5 ppm check for iron bacteria.
Iron Fouling
<0.5 ppm of Oxygen
Above this level deposition will occur .
Corrosion Prevention
6 - 8.5
6 - 8.5
Monitor/treat as
Minimize steel pipe below 7 and no open tanks with pH <8
Hydrogen Sulfide (H
- <0.5 ppm
At H
S>0.2 ppm, avoid use of copper and copper nickel piping or HX's.
Rotten egg smell appears at 0.5 ppm level.
Copper alloy (bronze or brass) cast components are OK to <0.5 ppm.
Ammonia ion as hydroxide, chloride, nitrate and sulfate compounds
<0.5 ppm
Maximum Allowable at maximum water temperature.
Chloride Levels
- <20ppm NR NR
- <150 ppm NR NR
304 S
S - <400 ppm <250 ppm <150 ppm
316 S
S - <1000 ppm <550 ppm < 375 ppm
Titanium - >1000 ppm >550 pp m >375 ppm
Erosion and Clogging
Particulate Size and Erosion
<10 ppm of particles and a maximum velocity of 1.8 m/s Filtered for maximum 841 micron [0.84 mm, 20 mesh] size.
<10 ppm (<1 ppm "sandfree” for reinjection) of particles and a maximum velocity of 1.8 m/s. Filtered for maximum 841 micron 0.84 mm, 20 mesh] size. Any particulate that is not removed can potentially clog components.
Rev.: 3/22/2012
15Application not recommended. 1RGHVLJQ0D[LPXP
closed pressurized piping system.
Above the given limits, scaling is likely to occur. Scaling indexes should be calculated using the limits below
Scaling indexes should be calculated at 66°C for direct use and HWG applications, and at 32°C for indirect HX use. A monitoring plan should be implemented.
The ClimateMaster Water Quality Table provides water quality requirements for ClimateMaster coaxial heat exchangers. When water properties are outside of those requirements, an external secondary heat exchanger must be used to isolate the heat pump heat exchanger from the unsuitable water. Failure to do so will void the warranty for the coaxial heat exchanger.
1. P/T (pressure/temperature) ports are internal for THW series units.
2. Other components (additional ball valves, unions, etc.) may be required for ease of service. This drawing shows only minimum requirements. Your specific installation will dictate final component selections.
3. Local code supercedes any piping arrangements or components shown on this drawing.
Sound absorbing pad
Source HX
P/T port
To proper discharge location
From pressure tank
Strainer (optional)
Shut-off valve
Boiler drain (for flushing)
Water control valve
High Pressure Switch
Flow regulator
Ground-Water Heat Pump Systems
WARNING! Polyolester Oil, commonly known as POE oil, is a synthetic oil used in many refrigeration systems including those with HFC-410A refrigerant. POE oil, if it ever comes in contact with PVC or CPVS piping, may cause failure of the PVC/CPVC. PVC/CPVC piping should never be used as supply or return water piping with water source heat pump products containing HFC-410A as system failures and property damage may result.
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Piping Installation
The typical closed loop ground source system is shown in Figure 3. All earth loop piping materials should be limited to only polyethylene fusion in inground sections of the loop. Galvanized or steel fi tting should not be used at any time due to their tendency to corrode. All plastic to metal threaded fi ttings should be avoided due to their potential to leak in earth coupled applications and a fl anged fi tting substituted. P/T plugs should be used so that fl ow can be measured using the pressure drop of the unit heat exchanger in lieu of other fl ow measurement means. Earth loop temperatures can range between -3.9 - 43.3°C. Upon completion of the ground loop piping, pressure test the loop to assure a leak free system. Horizontal Systems: test individual loops as installed. Test entire system when all loops are assembled. Vertical U-Bends and Pond Loop Systems: test vertical U-bends and pond loop assemblies prior to installation with a hydrostatic test pressure of at least 689 kPa.
Flushing the Earth Loop
Once piping is completed between the unit, fl ow center and the ground loop (Figure 3), fi nal purging and charging of the loop is needed. A fl ush cart (at least a 1.1 kW pump) is needed to achieve adequate fl ow velocity in the loop to purge air and dirt particles from the loop itself. An antifreeze solution is used in most areas to prevent freezing. All air and debris must be removed from the earth loop piping system before operation. Flush the loop with a high volume of water at a high velocity (0.6 m/s in all piping) both directions. The steps below must be followed for proper fl ushing. Fill loop with water from a garden hose through fl ush cart before using fl ush cart pump to ensure an even fi ll. Once full, do not allow the water level in the fl ush cart tank to drop below the pump inlet line or air can be pumped back out to the earth loop. Try to maintain a fl uid level in the tank above the return tee so that air can not be continuously mixed back into the fl uid. 345 kPa surges can be used to help purge air pockets by simply shutting off the return valve going into the fl ush cart reservoir. This ‘dead heads’ the pump to 345 kPa. To dead head the pump until maximum pumping pressure is reached, open the valve back up and a pressure surge will be sent through the loop to help purge air pockets from the piping system. Notice the drop in fl uid level in the fl ush cart tank. If air is purged
from the system, the level will drop only 25-50mm in a 254mm diameter PVC fl ush tank since liquids are incompressible. If the level drops more than
this, fl ushing should continue since air is still being compressed in the loop fl uid. Do this a number of times.
When the fl uid level drops less than 25-50mm in a 254mm diameter tank the fl ow can be reversed. Finally the dead head test should be checked again for an indication of air in the loop. This fl uid level drop is
your only indication of air in the loop.
Table 3: Approximate Fluid Volume
Table 4: Antifreeze Percentages by Volume
Minimum Temperature for Low Temperature Protection
-12.2°C -9.4°C -6.7°C -3.9°C
Methanol 100% USP food grade Propylene Glycol Ethanol*
25% 38% 29%
21% 25% 25%
16% 22% 20%
10% 15% 14%
* Must not be denatured with any petroleum based product
Fluid Volume (liters per 30 meters Pipe)
Pipe Size Volume (liters)
1” 15.3
1.25” 23.8
2.5” 34.3
Rubber Hose 1” 14.6
3/4” IPS SDR11 10.4
1” iPS SDR11 16.7
1.25” IPS SDR11 29.8
1.5” IPS SDR11 40.7
2” IPS SDR11 67.0
1.25” IPS SCH40 30.9
1.5” IPS SCH40 40.7
2” IPS SCH40 63.4
Unit Heat Exchanger Typical 3.8
Flush Cart Tank [254mm x 91.4cm tall] 37.9
Ground-Loop Heat Pump Applications
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
Tranquility® Water-to-Water THW Series
Revised: 02 January, 2013
Figure 3: Typical Earth Loop Connection.
Antifreeze may be added before, during, or after the fl ushing procedure. However, depending upon which time is chosen, antifreeze could be wasted when emptying the fl ush cart tank. See antifreeze section for more details. Loop static pressure will fl uctuate with the seasons. Pressures will be higher in the winter months than during the cooling season. This fl uctuation is normal and should be considered when charging the system initially. Run the unit in either heating or cooling for a number of minutes to condition the loop to a homogenous temperature. This is a good time for tool cleanup, piping insulation etc. Then fi nal fl ush and pressurize the loop to a static pressure of 275-345 kPa (winter) 100-138 kPa (summer).
After pressurization, be sure to remove the plug in the end of the Grundfos loop pump motor(s) to allow trapped air to be discharged and to insure the motor housing has been fl ooded. This is not required for Taco circulators. Insure the loop fl ow center provides adequate fl ow through the unit by checking pressure drop across the heat exchanger and comparing it to the fi gures shown in Table 8.
In areas where minimum entering loop temperatures drop below 4.4°C or where piping will be routed through areas subject to freezing, antifreeze is needed. Alcohols and glycols are commonly used as antifreezes, however your local territory manager should be consulted for the antifreeze best suited to your area. Freeze protection should be maintained to -9.4°C below the lowest expected entering loop temperature. All alcohols should be premixed and pumped from a reservoir outside of the building when possible or introduced under water level to prevent fuming. Initially calculate the total volume of fl uid in the piping system using Table 3. Then use the percentage by volume shown in Table 4 for the amount of antifreeze. Antifreeze concentration should be checked from a well mixed sample using a hydrometer to measure specifi c gravity.
Low Water Temperature Cut-Out Setting
When an antifreeze is selected the low temperature limit setpoint should be switched to the lower setting to avoid nuisance faults. Consult Low Water Temperature Cut-Out Setting in the controls section for more information.
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Ground-Loop Heat Pump Applications
WARNING! Polyolester Oil, commonly known as POE oil, is a synthetic oil used in many refrigeration systems including those with HFC-410A refrigerant. POE oil, if it ever comes in contact with PVC or CPVS piping, may cause failure of the PVC/CPVC. PVC/CPVC piping should never be used as supply or return water piping with water source heat pump products containing HFC-410A as system failures and property damage may result.
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