ClimateMaster CM3500 Series Installation And Operaion Manual

CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
defects in material and workmanship which may be disclosed under normal use and service within
two years from date of shipment. In order for warranty to be valid, a START-UP REPORT must be
completed and returned to the factory. If the report is not sent back, warranty will be voided on the
equipment. If it is found that the goods contained defects at the time such goods were furnished by
the seller, seller will either repair or replace the defective part or parts at sellers option. This warranty
to repair or replace is the exclusive remedy and is expressly limited to the materials furnished by the
seller. All replacements or repairs shall be F.O.B. Oklahoma City, OK. The seller shall not be liable
for labor cost incurred in diagnosing the problem, in removal or replacement of the part or parts so
repaired or replaced. Accordingly, seller shall not be liable for any consequential damages, whether
to person or property, caused by defects in goods. This warranty does not apply to any goods which
may have been repaired or altered in any way outside of our factory, so as to affect its stability in
our judgment, nor does this warranty apply to any goods which have been subjected to misuse,
negligence or accident. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including
any implied warranty of merchantability, and extends only to the original purchaser.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
1 - Installation................. ......................................................................................................................8
1.2 - Sensor Installation ............................................................................................................................8
1.2.1 - Duct-Mount Sensor .............................................................................................................8
1.2.2 - Remote Room Sensor(s)......................................................................................................9
1.3 - Auxiliary Air Heating Control Wiring .................................................................................................9
1.3.1 - Auxiliary Heating - Dry Contact Closure ..............................................................................9
1.3.2 - Auxiliary Heating - Proportional Signal ................................................................................9
1.4 - Wiring for Ventilation Air ...................................................................................................................10
1.5 - Mounting the Remote Terminal ........................................................................................................10
1.5.1 - Installing the Remote Terminal ............................................................................................11
1.6 - Overview.............. .............................................................................................................................11
1.7 - Remote Terminal Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................11
1.7.1 - Troubleshooting the Remote Terminal .................................................................................11
2 - IAQ Controller Details ......................................................................................................................12
2.1 - Menu Overview and General Instructions ........................................................................................12
2.2 - Main Menu........................................................................................................................................13
2.2.1 - Temperature Settings ..........................................................................................................13 - Supply Air Temperature Setpoint ..........................................................................14 - Zone Reset Setpoints ...........................................................................................14 - Operation of the Remote Room Sensor ...............................................................15
2.2.2 - Un-Occupied Settings ..............................................................................16
2.2.3 - Temporary Occupancy ........................................................................................................17
2.2.4 - Occupancy Schedule ..........................................................................................................17 - Schedule Options .................................................................................................18 - Current Schedule ................................................................................ 18 - Temporary Holidays ..............................................................................................19 - Annual Holidays ....................................................................................................19 - Set Time ................................................................................................................20
2.2.5 - Unit Revision ........................................................................................................................20
2.3 - Service Menu............. ......................................................................................................................21
2.3.1 - Unit Status ...........................................................................................................................22 - Modes & Time ....................................................................................................... 22 - Outside Air Dewpoint ............................................................................................ 23 - Outside Air Temperature Setpoints .......................................................................23 - I/O Status .............................................................................................................. 24 - Digital Inputs (Binary) .......................................................................... 24 - Analog Inputs ...................................................................................... 25
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
5 - Digital Outputs (Binary) .......................................................................25 - Analog Outputs ................................................................................... 26 - Room Sensor Data ..............................................................................26
2.3.2 - Parameter Settings ..............................................................................................................27 - Hot Gas Control .................................................................................................... 27 - Auxiliary Heat Control ...........................................................................................27 - Un-Occupied Deadbands ..................................................................................... 28 - Room Reset of Leaving Air Temperature Control .................................................28 - Heat Wheel Control Setpoints...............................................................................29
2.3.3 - Sensor Offsets.. ...................................................................................................................30
2.3.4 - Pressure Cutouts .................................................................................................................30
2.3.5 - Glycol Ratio...... ...................................................................................................................31
2.4 - Factory Conguration .......................................................................................................................31
2.4.1 - Refrigerant....... .................................................................................................................... 32
2.4.2 - Set as Heat Pump ...............................................................................................................32
2.4.3 - Sequential Heating ..............................................................................................................32
2.4.4 - Room Reset of Leaving Air Temperature Control....... .........................................................32
2.4.5 - Unoccupied Control ............................................................................................................32
2.4.6 - Heat Wheel VFD ..................................................................................................................33
2.4.7 - Dual Refrigerant Circuits ......................................................................................................33
2.4.8 - Room Reset of Leaving Air Temperature Control Settings ..................................................33
2.4.9 - Building Automation Communications ................................................................................34
2.5 - Alarm Menu......... .............................................................................................................................35
2.5.1 - Alarm Screen.... ...................................................................................................................35
2.5.2 - Low Suction Pressure ..........................................................................................................35
2.5.3 - General Fault.... ...................................................................................................................36
2.5.4 - High Discharge Pressure .....................................................................................................36
2.5.5 - Multiple Low Pressure in Heat Pump Mode ........................................................................37
2.5.6 - High Discharge Pressure Circuit B ......................................................................................37
2.5.7 - Low Suction Pressure Circuit B ...........................................................................................37
2.5.8 - Outside Air Temperature Sensor Failure ..............................................................................37
2.5.9 - Supply Air Temperature Sensor Failure ............................................................................... 38
2.5.10 - Room Reset Network Failure .............................................................................................38
2.5.11 - Alarm History Screen ......................................................................................................... 38
2.5.12 - Air Filter Service Required ................................................................................................. 38
2.6 - Air Filter Service Required ...............................................................................................................39
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
3 - Hardware Details ........................................................................................................................... 40
3.1 - Programmable Controller ................................................................................................................. 40
3.2 - Remote Terminal.... ..........................................................................................................................40
3.3 - Remote Room Sensor ......................................................................................................................40
3.4 - Suction Pressure Transducer ...........................................................................................................40
3.5 - Discharge Pressure Transducer .......................................................................................................41
3.6 - Supply Air Temperature Sensor ........................................................................................................41
3.7 - Outside Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor ..................................................................41
3.8 - Air Flow Switch... ..............................................................................................................................41
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
1. - Installation
1.1 - Humidity and Temperature Control Package
Your ClimateMaster controller is designed for precise monitoring and control of air temperature and relative
humidity (RH) within a conditioned environment.
This CM3500 control system is easy to install and operate. It features a wall-mountable remote display
terminal which allows you to view and adjust set points and modes of operation. It also indicates the
operating status of major components inside of the DOAS unit.
Most sensors and inputs have been factory-installed and wired inside of the DOAS unit. In most cases, you
need only mount and wire the supply air temperature sensor and the remote display. The terminal, which is
simply an interface tool, contains no sensors. You do not need to install it in the space. If purchased with
your system, remote room sensors may require mounting as well.
1.2 - Sensor Installation
Your controller is provided with a duct-mount supply air temperature sensor. It may also come with one or
multiple remote room sensors depending on what option was selected when the equipment was ordered.
1.2.1 - Duct-Mount Sensor
A duct-mount sensor is normally used when continuous blower operation is desired or required. A
duct-mount sensor helps ensure consistent temperature and humidity levels throughout the space.
One drawback of this sensor is that it relies on a continuous stream of air moving past it. Using
a duct-mount sensor with a non-continuous blower may lead to short-cycling of the refrigeration
Install the duct-mount sensor in the supply air duct downstream from an auxiliary heater (if used). Do
not mount the sensor in a section of duct where false readings may occur due to dead air regions,
solar heat gain or thermal losses in winter. Do not mount the sensor where water is likely to drip on it.
Liquid moisture may damage the humidity sensing element in the sensor. Run two, 18 gauge (0-500
feet) or two, 24 gauge (0-100 feet) wires from the sensor to the labeled terminal strip in the control panel
of the DOAS unit. See your wiring schematic for connection details. Note that undersized wiring will
cause inaccurate sensor readings. Do not run sensor wiring adjacent to or in the same conduit as
wires carrying more than 24 VAC.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
1.2.2 - Remote Room Sensor(s)
ClimateMaster DOAS units ordered with the room reset of supply air temperature (RRSAT) option are
supplied with a remote room sensor. Up to four of these sensors may be wired to the system.
Figure 1
This wall-mountable display is an IP30 rated device. Ambient conditions must be between 32.0ºF and
120.0ºF and less than 85% RH. The controller’s RS485 serial interface communicates via three-way
plug-in terminals. Use a twisted pair plus shielded cable, 20-22 AWG. Total length of the network must
not exceed 1,500 feet. The capacitance between the wires must not exceed 90 pF/M. See your wiring
schematic for connection details. Note that undersized wiring will cause inaccurate sensor readings.
These remote devices require a separate 24Vac 50/60HZ 1.5VA power connection. Provide a
dedicated 250mAT fuse for each sensor. Use a class 2 safety transformer with a minimum rating
of 4VA. If the sensor is wired to F1 and F2 of the DOAS unit control panel terminal, G0 must be
connected to F2.
Do not run sensor wiring adjacent to, or in the same conduit as wires carrying more than 24 VAC.
1.3 - Auxiliary Air Heating Control Wiring
Note: You must use the ClimateMaster CM3500 control system to interlock the room heating system. This
prevents wide uctuations in room air temperature. It also prevents the heater from trying to heat the room
while the DOAS unit is running in the cooling mode.
1.3.1 - Auxiliary Heating - Dry Contact Closure
Run two wires from the thermostat terminal blocks on the heater to the labeled terminal strip on the
The standard ClimateMaster CM3500 Controller provides a dry contact closure to operate the auxiliary
space heating. The contact closes to energize a heater (by others) which has its own control transformer.
control panel of the DOAS unit. See your wiring schematic for connection details.
1.3.2 - Auxiliary Heating - Proportional Signal
As an option, ClimateMaster will provide a proportional 0-10 VDC direct-acting signal to modulate a
heating coil control valve or other auxiliary modulating heater. Most proportional valves have either
three or four terminals for eld-installed wiring.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
• Four-terminal valves have two terminals for 24 VAC power and two terminals for the signal input.
• Three-terminal valves have one terminal for the “hot” 24 VAC input, a second terminal for the
“positive” signal input and a third, common terminal for the “neutral” 24 VAC input and the
“negative” signal input.
You must follow the instructions included with the valve cut sheet. Observe the proper polarity or you
may damage both the valve and the controller. See the unit wiring schematic for information on signal
wire connection points.
1.4 - Wiring for Ventilation Air
ClimateMaster DOAS units have a set of dry contacts to interlock with a eld-supplied exhaust blower. The
contacts close during the occupied mode to energize this blower.
See your wiring schematics and the DOAS unit’s installation and operation manual for more details on
installing and controlling ventilation air intakes.
1.5 - Mounting the Remote Terminal
The remote terminal must be located in a dry, non-corrosive environment. Operating conditions must be
between 0.0ºF and 140.0ºF and less than 90% RH. Moisture or chemicals can damage the circuitry of the
display. The display can either be afxed directly to the DOAS unit (indoor models only) or located up to 20
feet away using the cable that came with the display.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
Figure 2
1.5.1 - Installing the Remote Terminal
The remote terminal is an IP40 device and is powered through the cable provided. If a longer length is
required, a standard 24 AWG, 6 conductor phone cable may be used up to 150 feet. For location of the
sensor up to 1,500 feet, use 22 AWG, 3 twisted pair cable. See your wiring schematic for connection
details. Pull the cord and connector through the hole in the back of the mounting bracket. Attach the
bracket to the wall. After plugging the cord into the back of the remote display, feed any extra wiring
back into the hole of the mounting bracket and gently snap the remote display into the bracket.
Caution: Do not run the remote terminal wiring in the same conduit as,
or adjacent to wires carrying over 30 volts!
Using and Adjusting the Remote Display
1.6 - Overview
ClimateMaster’s CM3500 microprocessor controller is a powerful, exible controller with many useful
features including:
• Display of room air temperature, relative humidity and refrigerant pressures;
• Display of equipment operating status such as dehumidication, cooling, and heating modes;
• Display of alarms or abnormal conditions such sensor failures or tripped safety controls;
• An optional seven-day occupancy timer which can control outdoor air dampers;
• A convenient, easy-to-understand person/machine interface, which allows the operator to view and change
set points and time schedules. This interface or “remote terminal” can be installed up to 1,500 feet away
from the DOAS unit.
1.7 - Remote Terminal Troubleshooting
The remote terminal allows the operator to monitor the operation of the DOAS unit and view the alarm
screens and history to insure proper DOAS unit operation. It is important that the remote terminal remains
functional for safe and efcient unit operation. If you think the remote terminal is not functioning correctly,
refer to the table in Section 1.7.1 that follows.
1.7.1 - Troubleshooting the Remote Terminal
Problem Solution
No LEDS lit on the remote terminal No power is getting to the remote terminal.
Remote terminal shows: “NO LINK” The display
address has been altered.
Red alarm LED is lit. The system has experienced an alarm and is waiting for it to be acknowledged.
If the remote terminal is not functioning after review of the above, consult ClimateMaster’s Technical Service
Department at (405) 745-6000.
Check eld wiring between remote terminal and controller.
Press the UP, ENTER and DOWN keys together for 4 seconds and set the display address to 32.
Press ENTER from the Alarm Screen. If the red LED stays lit, clear the alarm condition and then press ENTER from the Alarm Screen.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
2 - IAQ Controller Details
Figure 3
2.1 - Menu Overview and General Instructions
Your ClimateMaster CM3500 Controller is pre-programmed and congured at the factory for use in the
application you have specied. The remote terminal allows the operator to monitor the operation and adjust
the setpoints of the DOAS unit. The remote terminal has an LCD screen and 6 keys. The keys on the left
hand side of the remote terminal, top to bottom, are the ALARM key shown as an alarm bell, PROGRAM key
abbreviated “Prg” and the ESCAPE key abbreviated “Esc.” The keys on the right hand side of the remote
terminal, top to bottom, are the UP key shown as an up arrow, the ENTER key shown as a left arrow and the
DOWN key shown as a down arrow. Pressing the Esc key from the MAIN MENU will display the unit’s menu
selections. Pressing Esc from any other screen will take you back one screen, while pressing ENTER will
select that screen. If setpoints or selections can be altered on a screen, the ENTER key will cycle through
those items. Once the cursor is over an item, the UP and DOWN arrow keys will modify the setting. Numeric
values will require that the ENTER key be pressed to accept the value. An “on” or “off “ selection will be
altered as soon as the UP or DOWN keys are pressed.
To view the alarms from any menu, simply press the ALARM key. The UP and DOWN keys will show any
active alarm. Any time an alarm is triggered, the red LED behind the ALARM key will light. This LED will
remain on until the alarm is acknowledged. Alarm acknowledgement and history instructions are shown on
the main Alarm Screen. To escape from the alarm screens, press the Esc key.
Screens which display a small up arrow in the upper right and a small down arrow in the lower left are part
of a series of screens which can be accessed by pressing either the UP or DOWN arrow keys. If the operator
has not pressed a key for 5 minutes, the remote terminal will return to the Home Screen.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
2.2 - Main Menu
Pressing the Esc key from the Home Screen displays the MAIN MENU. This menu allows the operator to
modify the TEMPERATURE SETTINGS set a Temporary Occupancy, change the Occupancy Schedule and
view the Unit Revision. To return to the Home Screen, press the Esc key.
Figure 4
2.2.1 - Temperature Settings
The temperature settings for your unit can be modied from this menu. Select the appropriate item
with the UP and DOWN keys and press the ENTER key to select. To return to the MAIN MENU, press
the Esc key.
CM3500 Controller - ClimateMaster DOAS Water-Source Heat Pumps - Rev.: 7 Oct, 2008B
Figure 5
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