1. The part with stalks, managed upward, has to slide towards the
outside of the cellar, the other part has to be screwed in the small
round holes situated between the notches in the vertical rails, were
the shelves supports will be inserted.
2. Sliding right rail: once chosen the wished height, put one screw in
the second hole from the right of the part to be fixed.
Right rails
Left rails
4. Screw without tightening too much, with the screwdriver passing
through the widest hole of the sliding part.
5. Make slide towards the outside the part with stalks and put the
screw in the corresponding hole, as indicated, at the same height of
the precedent, and screwing
6. Tight both screws
7. Do the same for left rail.
8-9 once rails are fixed choose the shelf side to be used, position it
so that the poker-work is visible in the opening and so that the stalks
of rails go into places dedicated on the shelf.