D:...irtualKey 2 complete owners.vp
Mon Apr 12 18:11:02 1999

D:...irtualKey 2 complete owners.vp
Mon Apr 12 18:11:03 1999

Stan dard Fea tures
þ Thatcham-Evaluated — The VirtualKey 2 AutoImmobiliser complies with the British
Insurance Industry’s Criteria for Vehicle Security as evaluated by Thatcham, the Motor
Insurance Repair Research Centre.
þ Lifetime Warranty — For as long as you own the vehicle, Clifford Electronics will repair
or replace the control unit free of charge.
þ A Pair of VirtualKeys™ —These ingenious proximity keys communicate with the engine
immobilisation system even before you insert your car key into the ignition switch. There is
nothing you need to do in order to either arm or disarm your VirtualKey 2 AutoImmobiliser.
n 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 Digi tal Codes — Each VirtualKey utilises a truly
unique digital code selected from a code universe of more than
18,000,000,000,000,000,000 digital codes. No two VirtualKeys will ever have the
same code. Even if a thief had the ability to rapidly create codes at the maximum
speed, it would still take billions of years of constant work!
n User- Transparent Arm ing and Dis arm ing — There are no remote controls, no
personal codes to remember, no receptors to touch, no trouble whatsoever. The driver
of the vehicle does absolutely nothing in order to arm or disarm the VirtualKey 2
AutoImmobiliser. It’s all automatic and user-transparent.
n In credi bly Rug ged — These little keyfobs have no battery to run down nor
mechanical parts to wear out.
þ MultiPoint™ Immobilisation with On-Board Relays — Two on-board circuits
electronically interrupt the ignition system and starter motor or electric fuel pump or other
device to make it virtually impossible for a thief to start your vehicle.
þ MultiKey™ Recognition — Accepts up to 15 different VirtualKeys.
þ MultiCar Protection — For more than one car, you can use any of the VirtualKeys to
control any or all of your other vehicles.
þ AutoArming™ — The system arms itself automatically (passively) 30 seconds after the
ignition is turned off and the doors are closed. There is nothing that you need to do or
remember to make sure your valuable vehicle is protected.
þ Instant Code Learning — You can easily add new VirtualKeys in seconds.
þ Triple Earths — To thwart tampering and assure unfailing operation.
þ Non-Volatile Memory — The VirtualKey 2 AutoImmobiliser remembers all the
VirtualKey codes associated with your system even if the power is disconnected.
þ Fault-Proof Driving Safety — Clifford’s unique circuitry assures the VirtualKey 2
AutoImmobiliser cannot inadvertently shut down the engine whilst the owner is driving.
þ Sabotage-Proof Electronics — Since no thief can outsmart the VirtualKey 2
AutoImmobiliser, what about brute force? That won’t do it either. Even if the thief found
the system control unit and ripped it out of the car, the engine still won’t start!
þ High-Luminescence LED Status Indicator — Indicates system status and provides
visual deterrence.
D:...irtualKey 2 complete owners.vp
Mon Apr 12 18:11:05 1999