Clifford SMARTWINDOWS 4 User Manual

SmartWin dows 4 Op er at ing Instructions
ongratulations on your purchase of the Clifford SmartWindows 4, a G4 system accessory. Your
Clifford G4 system is SmartWindows 4 ready and will automatically close your car’s power windows every time you arm your Clifford G4 vehicle security system with the system’s remote control.
Auto Close upon re mote arming
When you arm your G4 system with the system’s remote control, SmartWindows 4 will automatically close the two power windows it controls. If you have two SmartWindows 4 modules installed (to control four power windows), the second set of windows will AutoClose when the first pair have completely shut. For safety reasons, the windows will not AutoClose when your Clifford system AutoArms.
One- time by pass of Auto Close
To arm your system without closing the windows, turn the ignition on and off rapidly. You’ll hear a siren chirp to confirm the windows will not AutoClose when you remotely arm. (This also invokes the AutoArming Bypass feature noted in your G4 system manual.) Normal operation is restored when you next disarm.
Re mote con trolled vent ing
To vent the windows on hot days, press button combination
+ (or LevelShift once, then button 1 on the 5-button remote, if so equipped) within 10 seconds of remotely arming the system. Your installing dealer can adjust the ventilation opening to the exact amount you desire.
Mul ti ple vent ing
Pressing this button combination again within the same 10 seconds will further vent the windows by the same increment.
Re mote con trolled open ing
Press the button combination noted above within 10 seconds of remotely disarming the system to fully open the windows.
Re mote Quick Stop
For safety purposes, you can instantly reverse window closure by disarming with button or button 1.
In te rior fea tures
Touch Down
Inside the vehicle, simply tap the down-side of the window switch to fully open the window without having to continuously hold the switch.
Similarly, a tap up of the switch will fully close the window.
In te rior QuickStop
A tap of the window switch (in either direction) while it is moving will immediately halt movement. To roll a window halfway down, for example, you may tap the down-side of the window’s switch (invoking TouchDown), then tap again and the window will halt.
Safety Fea tures
SmartWindows 4, in addition to the QuickStop safety features, can detect obstructions and electromechanical failures. In such cases, it will automatically halt movement.
Lim ited fac tory war ranty terms & con di tions
Clif ford ve hi cle se cu rity sys tems and ac ces so ries re quire pro fes sional in stal la tion by an Authorized Clif ford Dealer. Un less the sys tem is sold and in stalled by an Authorized Clif ford Dealer, all prod uct war ran ties and guar an tees are void. (UK: This does not affect your statutory rights.) As the manu fac turer, Clif ford Elec tron ics war rants to the origi nal con sumer pur chaser, the sys tem con trol unit to be free from de fects in ma te rial and work man ship for one (1) year from the date of pur chase. Clif ford Elec tron ics will re pair or re place, at its op tion and free of charge dur ing the war ranty pe riod, any sys tem com po nent that proves de fec tive in ma te rial or work man ship un der nor mal in stal la tion, use, and serv ice, pro vided the prod uct is re turned to our fac tory by an Authorized Clifford Dealer, trans por ta tion charges pre paid. Prod ucts re turned to our fac tory must be ac com pa nied by a pho to copy of the pur chase re ceipt. In the ab sence of such pur chase re ceipt, the war ranty pe riod shall be one (1) year from the date of manu fac ture. Any dam age to the prod uct(s) as a re sult of mis use, abuse, ne glect, ac ci dent, in cor rect wir ing, im proper in stal la tion, de struc tion or al tera tion of the se rial number, re pair or al tera tion out side our fac tory, or any use vio la tive of in struc tions fur nished by us will void the war ranty. This war ranty is lim ited to de fec tive parts and spe cifi cally ex cludes any in ci den tal or con se quen tial dam ages con nected there with. This warranty is not transferable. Clif ford Elec tron ics makes no war ranty against theft. This war ranty is not to be con strued as an in sur ance pol icy against loss. War ranty on in stal la tion la bor, re moval and re in stal la tion charges are not the re spon si bil ity of Clif ford Elec tron ics, Inc.
© Copyright Clifford Electronics 1999 31-293A/SW4om/0399