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Tuesday, June 15, 1999 4:59:15 PM
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Ta ble of Con tents
Stan dard Fea tures of the Cy ber 9................... 3
Wel come................................. 9
Your 4- button/12- channel re mote con trols .............10
How to use your key chain re mote con trol................. 10
What each but ton/chan nel does...................... 11
How to in ter pret the chirps and park ing light flashes ........ 12
Anti- CodeGrabbing™ (ACG) with Ran dom Code En cryp tion ... 13
En hanced AutoArming™.......................13
AutoArming en able/dis able ........................13
Vis ual ac knowl edg ment .......................... 13
AutoArm & Lock ............................... 13
In stant AutoArming by pass.........................13
Smart trunk re lease op tion ...................... 13
Ul traSe cure™ valet mode .......................14
Defi ni tions ..................................14
To en able valet mode ...........................14
To exit valet mode .............................15
Set ting your own se cret valet code .................... 15
Re mote con trolled valet mode en try and exit............... 15
Key less en try in valet mode......................... 15
FACT — False Alarm Con trol and Test ................16
Se lecta ble starter/ig ni tion in ter rupt ................. 16
Ta ble of Con tents (cont.)
How to in ter pret the LED status in di ca tor ...............16
Auto mat ic Battery- Saving Mode ...................... 16
AutoLock and Aut oUn Lock™ ..................... 16
Re mote con trolled sen sor ad just ments................ 17
Smart Au toTest ing™ .......................... 17
Spe cific mal func tion iden ti fi ca tion ..................... 18
Auto mat ic mal func tion by pass ....................18
Multiple- event To tal Re call™ .....................18
Smart prior in tru sion at tempt alert .................. 18
High- output In sig nia™ Si ren ..................... 19
Long- term chirp si lenc ing .......................... 19
Re mote con trolled chirp mut ing ...................... 19
Si ren du ra tion................................. 19
q✔ A Pair of 4-Button /12-Channel Remote Controls —Fingertip command from a
typical range of 100 feet.
q✔ AntiScan™ — Some car thieves still use “scanners” that transmit one
digital code after another until they hit the one code that disarms the
alarm. AntiScan blocks thieves’ scanners to prevent disarming by anyone
other than you.
q✔ Anti-CodeGrabbing™ (ACG) with Random Code Encryption — A
code-grabber is a new device that lets a thief record and capture off the air
from a distance the digital code transmitted by your remote control
whenever you arm your car. When you leave, the thief replays the code to
disarm the alarm and unlock your car’s doors. ACG with Random Code
Encryption makes thieves’ code-grabbers completely useless, because
each time you press the button on your remote control a different random code is transmitted, yet the system will flawlessly recognize and respond
to your transmitter’s new code and ignore all others.
q✔ Full-Time Remote Panic with Automatic Door Locking and Unlocking— If
you feel threatened, you can, with just a fingertip touch on your remote
control, sound the siren, flash the parking lights and unlock your vehicle’s
power locks for quick entry into your car without fumbling with your
keys. If you press the panic button while driving, the siren will sound, the
lights will flash and the doors will lock to shield you from the assailant.
q✔ UltraSecure Coded Valet Mode™ — Ensures that no thief can turn off
your Cyber 9 like they can all other brands of alarms.
n Re mote Con trolled Valet Mode En try and Exit — With just a press of a
button on your remote control from up to 100 feet away, you can enter or exit
valet mode. Parking light flashes visually confirm valet mode entry and exit.
Stan dard Fea tures of the Cy ber 9 (cont.)
q✔ Remotely Adjustable Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor™ — With just a touch on the
remote, you may, at any time or place, adjust and test the sensitivity of
this microprocessor-controlled solid-state sensor. The two sensor zones
provide full perimeter protection: If someone bumps into your car, the
system will sound a distinctive warning tone; if forced entry is detected,
the full alarm will sound.
n Audi ble Con fir ma tion of Sen sor Ad just ments — Issues two chirps for
each incremental increase and a single chirp for each incremental
decrease in sensitivity.
n Un prece dented Re li abil ity — There are no moving mechanical parts to
wear out and the entire electronic circuitry resides in the passenger
compartment, not in the engine well where it would be exposed to
temperature extremes, water, vibration and dirt.
n Ad just and Test Un ob tru sively — No repeated arming and disarming,
and no siren wailing. You set and test sensitivity without activating the
q✔ Dual-Mode “Chirp” Silencing—Whenever you remotely arm or disarm, the
siren “chirps” and the parking lights flash to confirm system status.
Whenever you wish, you may silence the chirps with either of these two
n Re mote Con trolled Chirp Mut ing —Just a press of remote control button
3 will arm and disarm the system silently. It’s perfect when parking at
night in a quiet residential area.
n Long- Term Chirp Si lenc ing —A few flicks of a switch silences the
chirps until you choose to reactivate them.
q✔ Remote Controlled Courtesy Lighting —For your personal safety and
convenience, when you remotely disarm your Cyber 9, the interior lights
turn on and stay on until you start the engine or 30 seconds, whichever
occurs first.
q✔ Built-In Parking Light Flasher —Visually confirms door lock and system
Stan dard Fea tures of the Cy ber 9 (cont.)
q✔ Remote Door Locking/Unlocking with Built-in Relays — No more fumbling
with keys in the dark or bad weather! A press of a button on the remote
control simultaneously arms your system and locks your vehicle’s power
locks. Another press disarms and unlocks.
n User- Selectable AutoLock™ — Automatically locks the doors the
instant you turn on the ignition to start the engine.
n User- Selectable Aut oUn Lock™ — Automatically unlocks the doors
when you turn off the engine.
n De luxe Re mote Key less En try in Valet Mode — Use your remote
control to lock and unlock the car doors and remotely activate system
accessories even while the system is in valet mode.
Remote Headlight Activation Capability
— Remotely turn on the
headlights to illuminate your way to and from your vehicle (requires an
optional relay).
q✔ Remote Window/Sunroof Closure Capability — On certain vehicles
(including several models of Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Volkswagen and
BMW), the system’s integrated timer and an optional relay can be used to
automatically close the power windows and sunroof every time you
remotely arm your system.
q✔ Patented Smart AutoTesting™—Automatically tests all system triggers and
sensors every time you remotely arm and warns you if you accidentally
arm your Cyber 9 system with the hood or trunk open. If there is a
genuine trigger or sensor malfunction, the system will specifically
identify the problem, thereby eliminating time-consuming and costly
q✔ Patented Malfunction AutoBypass™ with Automatic Monitoring —In the
unlikely event of a trigger or sensor malfunction, your Cyber 9 will
automatically bypass the malfunction and arm all other points to continue
relentless protection of your vehicle. If you simply left the hood, trunk or
a door open when you armed, just close it and the system will again
monitor that trigger point.
Stan dard Fea tures of the Cy ber 9 (cont.)
q✔ Multiple-Event TotalRecall™ — Cyber 9’s memory stores the identity of the
last eight triggers and/or sensors activated. This provides an invaluable
diagnostic means, since, whenever you wish, the system will visually
identify the activated triggers and sensors in reverse chronological order.
q✔ Patented Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert — When you return to your
vehicle and remotely disarm your Cyber 9, a special chirp and parking
light flash sequence will audibly and visually alert you from a distance if
an intrusion attempt was foiled while you were away. Your Cyber 9 will
even identify the specific trigger or sensor that detected the intrusion
q✔ High-Output Insignia Siren — A loud yet compact siren designed
exclusively by Clifford Electronics for far superior performance, features,
reliability and even aesthetics to all other manufacturer’s look-alike,
sound-alike sirens.
n Ultra- Reliability — Since sirens are installed in the engine
compartment, they’re continually exposed to an unforgiving
environment of extreme temperatures, vibrations, dirt, dust and water,
which may cause the siren’s electronics to fail. But the entire
electronic circuitry of the Cyber 9 siren and all of its components have
been designed into the underdash control unit. Consequently, the
electronic circuitry is sheltered from the harsh environment and is no
longer the weakest link of the alarm system. In fact, the calculated
mean time between failure (MTBF) of the Cyber 9 Insignia Siren is 10
times better than that of conventional sirens.
n User- Selectable Si ren Du ra tion — You may set the siren wail for your
choice of either 30 or 60 seconds.
n Pat ented Auto mat ic Noise Abate ment —Cyber 9 siren electronics limit
alarm sounding to five siren duration cycles even if a door is left open
in the wake of an intrusion attempt. This ensures against battery drain
or towing of your vehicle due to noise pollution. The system then
automatically resets and re-arms all other points.
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