United Kingdom customers: Please pardon our American English references and spellings. Trunk and ho od
references indicate the boot and bonnet, respectively; parking lights are indicator lights; gasolin e is petrol.
Stan dard Fea tures
The fol low ing are stan dard fea tures of this sys tem. Some ve hi cles may re quire op tional par ts/wir ing and a few are in com pati ble with some fea tures.
þ EC-approved (Europe)
þ Lifetime warranty (see terms & conditions)
þ Two remote controls
n Extended range
n ACG 2™ Anti-CodeGrabbing protection
n Low remote control battery warning
þ PlainView 2™ coded valet mode
n Select your own secret code
þ Remote controlled valet mode
þ Built-in two-point AutoImmobilizer
þ Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor detects both minor impacts and
theft-related tampering
þ Glass Tampering Sensor detects attempts to break windows
þ Smart DataPort input
n For complete optional control of your system via your
Windows PC
n For smart accessory interfacing
þ FACT anti-false alarm circuitry
þ Smart optional remote trunk release prevents falsing
þ Ignition-switch controlled AutoLocking/AutoUnlocking
þ Remote panic feature
n Smart panic locking/unlocking based on whether the engine is
þ Built-in timer circuit for optional timed headlight activation
or turbo timer
þ Built-in parking light flasher
þ Courtesy light(s) turn on when you disarm with the remote
þ Smart AutoTesting self-diagnostics
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ Malfunction AutoBypass
nAutomatic trigger remonitoring if trunk/hood was open when
þ Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ TotalRecall 8-event trigger/sensor memory report
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ Passive AutoArming if you forget to arm with the remote
þ Remote control code learning
n Lock upon AutoArming self-locking
n Visual AutoArming countdown confirmation
n Instant AutoArm bypass
þ High-Output Insignia Siren
n Remote controlled chirp muting
n Selectable QuietChirps/LoudChirps
n Long-term selectable chirp muting
n Remote siren silencing without disarming if falsely triggered
þ Power door lock control (some vehicles may require
optional relays)
NOTE: Your sys tem MUST be in stalled by an Authorized Clif ford Dealer in ac cor dance with the in struc tions we sup ply
them. The sys tem is in tended for auto mo biles with a 12- volt bat tery and gasoline- or diesel- powered en gine. Other
than the re mote con trols, this sys tem has no user- serviceable parts. Your Authorized Clif ford Dealer can cor rect any
sys tem wir ing prob lems and, if ever needed, can re turn any mal func tion ing com po nent to Cli f ford Elec tron ics for
re pair/re place ment un der the warranty terms and conditions noted in this manual.
þ Clear all remotes if ever lost or stolen
þ LED status indicator
n Flash indications reveal status
n Automatic battery saving mode
þ Multiple vehicle control from the same remote control
þ Multiple sensor/trigger inputs
þ User-programmable features
n SecureAccess coded programming
n Programmable even while driving

Main te nance
Your Clifford system requires no maintenance except for periodic replacement of the remote control batteries. This product, like any electrical device in
your vehicle, requires your car battery be in proper working order and fully charged. To ensure pro per operation, periodically have your vehicle battery
“load-checked” at any local garage/mechanic. Also make sure the battery cables and connections are tight and free from corrosion.
Wel come to the world of
high- technology ve hi cle se cu rity and con ven ience
ongratulations on the purchase of your Clifford Electronics mobile security/convenience system. Clifford Electronics has long been recognized as the
leading manufacturer of high-technology vehicle security systems. Our commitment to technological innovation, quality and reliability is clearly evident
in your Clifford system. Yet despite all its sophistication, your system is amazingly easy to use, never more difficult than a few presses of a button.
Your re mote con trols
The two 4-button remote controls are sophisticated miniature radio transmitters each powered by a 3 -volt lithium battery. A weak remote control battery
will reduce range (the system will warn you if the battery in your remote is nearing the end of its useful life, see the Low battery warning section for details).
Electrical/radio frequency interference, obstructions, weather conditions and even sunspots can interrupt the signal from your remote to the system.The
remote controls are the keys to your system. But these remote controls are much more secure than ca r keys because each incorporates our ACG 2
(Anti-CodeGrabbing 2) technology with trillions of digital codes for the ultimate protection agains t remote control cloning devices. You will use your
Concept 100 remote control to arm and disarm the system, lock and unlock the doors, activate/deacti vate the panic feature, enable/exit valet mode and
command options such as a remote trunk release, power window control, electric garage door interface or even remote starting of the engine and heater or air
conditioner, among other options.
Re motely con trol ling your Clif ford system
Press button . Upon arming: two siren chirps, two parking light flashes, dashboard LED flashes repeatedly and doo rs lock.
Press button . Upon disarming: one chirp, one parking light flash, LED turns off, doors unlock and the interior l ights turn on.
Simultaneously press both the button and the ✱ button to arm or disarm without chirp acknowledgments.
For three seconds, continually press button . The parking lights will flash repeatedly and the siren will blare for 30 seconds
(American model) or until you press the button again (European model). If the ignition is on (indic ating you are in the car), the
doors will automatically lock to prevent an assailant from entering (note: some vehicles are unable to lock the doors while the
ignition is on). If the ignition is off, the doors will unlock, allowing you to enter immediately without fumbling with your keys.
If you have this option, press button while the system is in its disarmed state.
If you have this option, press button to turn on the headlights for 10-seconds.
If you have this option, press button ✱ to remotely start the engine (or shut it down if idling under the control of IntelliStart 4).
Before remote starting, be sure to see the Remote Engine Starting DOs and DON’Ts noted in the IntelliStart 4 user’s manual.
Simultaneously press buttons and ✱ to enable/exit valet mode.
If you have this option, press buttons and after disarming to fully open the windows controlled by SmartWindows 4.
On hot days, press this button combination right after arming to vent the windows slightly while th e system remains armed.
ACG 2 (Anti- CodeGrabbing 2™)
ACG 2 protects you and your automobile from code-grabbing devices. Code-grabbers record, from hundr eds of feet away, the code sent by your car alarm
remote control (code-grabbers are very similar to, but simpler than, cellphone “cloning” devices). The thief then plays back the code when you’re gone,
instantly disarming the alarm and unlocking the doors. It’s like leaving your keys and remote in th e door. Many non-Clifford alarms can be defeated that
easily, and some of the latest “smart” code-grabbers can even decipher the code hopping/jumping seq uence used by other car alarm manufacturers. In
contrast, your Concept 100 uses complex digital signal processing and unbreachable code encryption to randomly change the digital code every time you
use the remote control. Your remotes will never transmit the same code twice, and the control unit will never accept the same code twice. Thus the code
played back by the code-grabber — even the latest generation smart code-grabbers — will never be accepted by your Concept 100 system.
Auto matic re mote con trol low- battery warn ing
If your remote control battery is low, you’ll hear a rapid 5-chirp sequence when you disarm instead of the usual one chirp (with the Self-Powered SmartSiren 4
option, you’ll hear a low-pitched chirp). Replacement batteries are available from any Authorized Clifford Dealer.