Squareview 0045, 0057
SSS 0115, 0128, 0192, 0310
Starlite 0115, 0192
Supra 0193
Supre-Macy 0147, 0175, 0193
Supreme 0028, 0061
Sylvania 0052, 0075, 0097, 0100, 0115, 0124,
0128, 0129, 0142, 0146, 0147, 0177,
0178, 0182, 0188, 0190, 0191, 0297,
0307, 0310
Symphonic 0045, 0057, 0151, 0152, 0163, 0192,
Synco 0029, 0039, 0088, 0213, 0217, 0219,
0221, 0229
Syntaxbrilliant 0347, 0348
Tai Wa h 0079, 0227
Tandy 0024, 0080, 0193, 0221, 0222
Tashir o 0220
Tatung 0020, 0025, 0029, 0035, 0039, 0042,
0056, 0072, 0083, 0087, 0088, 0098,
0116, 0187, 0202, 0214, 0215, 0217,
0219, 0229, 0254, 0309
Tatung L CD T V 0121, 0327, 0338
Techn ic s 0065, 0098, 0123, 0202, 0234, 0237,
Techwo o d 0065, 0098, 0115, 0123, 0128, 0129,
0191, 0202, 0217, 0310
Teco 0017, 0029, 0043, 0044, 0076, 0092,
0093, 0094, 0101, 0106, 0157, 0198,
0202, 0219
Tekni ka 0020, 0052, 0070, 0078, 0115, 0118,
0128, 0129, 0147, 0151, 0172, 0175,
0182, 0186, 0191, 0192, 0193, 0194,
0195, 0203, 0205, 0216, 0310
Telec ap t i on I I 0151, 0177, 0193
Telef un k en 0115
Telere n t 0078, 0193, 0195
Tera 0029, 0091, 0115, 0128, 0191, 0219,
0220, 0229, 0310
Thomson 0066, 0080, 0195
TMK 0113, 0115, 0116, 0128, 0129, 0191,
Tomas hi 0069
Toshi ba 0018, 0025, 0033, 0035, 0039, 0056,
0072, 0116, 0117, 0162, 0165, 0183,
0186, 0187, 0190, 0210, 0214, 0215,
0216, 0222, 0229, 0271
Toson ic 0063
Totev is i o n 0193
Tri-Le x 0086(MPEG Card)
Triump h 0113
Tuntex 0115
U-MEN 0202
Universal 0080, 0146, 0199
UPMOST 0170 (MPEG Card)
Vector Research 0129
Victor 0082, 0096, 0180
Videocon 0018, 0033
Vidikron 0052
Vidtech 0020, 0115, 0128, 0129, 0205, 0310
View Sonic 0052, 0333, 0334, 0335_LCD TV :
0320, 0323, 0339
Viking 0175
Visa 0130
VIZIO PlasmaTV 0287, 0288, 0289, 0290, 0247, 0349
Wards 0020,0052, 0066, 0075, 0078, 0097,
0102, 0115, 0116, 0124, 0128, 0129,
0131, 0146, 0147, 0151, 0152, 0177,
0178, 0190, 0191, 0193, 0195, 0199,
0205, 0222, 0297, 0295, 0310
Warton 0096
Westingh ous e 0250
Whirlpool 0211
White- 0341(LCDTV)
XR-1000 0307
XR-10000 0078
Yamah a 0020, 0115, 0128, 0129, 0191, 0205,
Yorx 0129, 0190
Zenith 0019, 0077, 0078, 0118, 0125, 0195,
0234, 0248, 0250, 0251, 0306, 0307,
0308, 0310
Daewoo 0020, 0101, 0105, 0115, 0118, 0128,
0129, 0133, 0168, 0182, 0189, 0191,
0192, 0193, 0203, 0205, 0209, 0229,
0232, 0250, 0267, 0277, 0310
Daytron 0115, 0118, 0128, 0129, 0190, 0191,
0193, 0203, 0310
Denon 0270
Dimensia 0195
Distar 0076
Dumont 0115, 0234, 0251, 0310
Dwin 0024, 0237
Dynatech 0300
Electroband 0028, 0061, 0063
Electrohome 0059, 0061, 0063, 0083, 0115, 0128,
0129, 0188, 0191, 0193, 0203, 0205,
0210, 0309, 0310
Elektra 0078
Emerson 0063, 0069, 0076, 0099, 0112, 0113,
0115, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0148, 0149,
0150, 0151, 0152, 0153, 0154, 0156,
0163, 0172, 0173, 0184, 0190, 0191,
0192, 0193, 0194, 0203, 0210, 0221,
0224, 0249, 0250, 0292, 0294, 0301,
0310, 0315
Envision 0128, 0129, 0191, 0310, 0343, 0344,
Ether 0104, 0115, 0217
Finlux 0151
Fisher 0132, 0183, 0190, 0210
Funai/Fullness 0026, 0044, 0045, 0054, 0055_0057,
0151, 0163, 0192
Futuretech 0192
G.E. 0024, 0066, 0069, 0076, 0080, 0083,
0098, 0115, 0123, 0128, 0129, 0146,
0156, 0158, 0160_0161, 0191,0195,
0199, 0202_0237, 0250, 0254, 0280,
0309, 0310
General (Fujitsu) 0048, 0151
Gibralter 0115, 0129, 0234, 0310
Gintai 0220
Goldstar 0019, 0020, 0111, 0115, 0122, 0128,
0129, 0172, 0186, 0190, 0191, 0193,
0194, 0199, 0203, 0205, 0206, 0234,
0238, 0263, 0279, 1307, 0310
Goodmans 0151
Go Video 0186
Gradiente 0115, 0180, 0322(LCDTV)
Granada 0179
Grandin 0069, 0192
Grunpy 0151, 0192
Hallmark 0115, 0128, 0129, 0151, 0191_0310
Harman Kardon 0052
Harvard 0115, 0151, 0192
HCM 0069
Hinari 0151
Hisawa 0069
Hitachi 0019, 0029, 0034, 0049, 0078, 0084,
0101, 0110, 0114, 0115, 0122, 0128,
0129, 0172, 0177, 0179, 0188, 0191,
0193, 0194, 0199, 0203, 0216, 0218,
0219, 0222, 0229, 0239, 0240, 0253,
0270, 0294, 0299, 0308, 0310, 0315,
Hypson 0069
Ima 0192
Innity 0052,0097,0182
Inteo 0234
Janeil 0175
JBL 0052,0097,0175,0182
JCB 0028,0061
JC Penney 0020, 0062, 0065, 0066, 0080, 0115,
0116, 0122, 0123, 0128, 0129, 0146,
0156, 0160, 0186, 0190, 0191, 0193,
0195, 0199, 0202, 0205, 0216, 0217,
0237, 0280, 0293, 0310
Jean 0029, 0072, 0104, 0115, 0217_0219,
0220, 0229
Jensen 0128, 0129, 0191, 0310
JVC 0037, 0038, 0039, 0082, 0090_0096,
0108, 0122, 0144, 0172, 0181, 0202,
0216, 0276_0180(LCDTV)
Kaisui 0069
Kawasho 0128, 0129, 0191, 0310
KEC 0186, 0192
Kenwood 0115, 0128, 0129, 0191, 0310
Kloss Novabeam 0075, 0124, 0129, 0175
KMC 0193, 0194, 0203
Kolin 0020, 0029, 0035, 0039,
0056_0088, 0096, 0136, 0205,
KONKA 0258
KTV 0063, 0128, 0129, 0143, 0192, 0193,
0194, 0203, 0224, 0300
LG 0115, 0129, 0171, 0194, 0238, 0263,
0274, 0331(LCDTV)
Lloytron 0193
Loewe 0097
Lodgenet 0078, 0195
Logik 0078, 0192, 0195
Luxman 0115, 0128, 0129, 0191, 0310
LXI 0052, 0072, 0080, 0097, 0115, 0116,
0129, 0190, 0195, 0210, 0221, 0234,
0237, 0280, 0307
Magnavox 0052, 0057, 0075, 0097, 0115, 0124,
0128, 0129, 0142, 0146, 0147, 0151,
0177, 0178, 0182, 0190, 0191, 0193,
0194, 0297, 0302, 0310
Majestic 0078, 0195, 0251
Marantz 0052, 0075, 0097, 0124, 0128, 0129,
0140, 0191, 0205, 0310
Matsui 0113, 0193
Matsushita 0065, 0123
Megatron 0115, 0129, 0179, 0217, 0270, 0310
MEI 0063
Memorex 0020, 0065, 0078, 0115, 0129, 0186,
0190, 0195 ,0210, 0310
MGA/Mitsubishi 0020, 0014, 0035, 0036, 0059, 0112,
0115, 0128, 0129, 0132, 0151, 0156,
0190, 0191_0203, 0205, 0221,0241,
0242, 0278, 0284, 0310
Midland 0080, 0122, 0123, 0193, 0202, 0234,
0251, 0280
Mitsui 0192, 0291
Motorola 0014, 0052, 0098, 0202, 0221, 0254,
Montgomery Ward 0078 ,0195
Minutz 0146, 0199
MTC 0020, 0063, 0115, 0128, 0129, 0186,
0191, 0205, 0310
Multitech 0151, 0192, 0300
Multivision 0139
NAD 0072, 0107, 0115, 0116, 0129, 0310
NEC 0020, 0046, 0047, 0056, 0076, 0083,
0094, 0095, 0115, 0128, 0129, 0175,
0190, 0191, 0202, 0205, 0303,
0310_0326 (LCDTV)
Nesco 0151
Newave 0104, 0121, 0220, 0221
Nikko 0115, 0116, 0118, 0129, 0190, 0234,
0237, 0280, 0310
Norcent 0324(LCDTV), 0346
NTC 0118
Olevia 0347, 0348
Onking 0224
Onwa 0192
Optimus 0065, 0107, 0190, 210, 0222
Optonica 0024, 0221, 0222
Orion 0151, 0192, 0249, 0301
Panasonic(N ation al) 0020, 0024, 0025, 0030, 0031, 0032,
0043, 0052, 0065, 0073, 0083, 0085,
0097, 0098, 0103, 0104, 0109, 0116,
0123, 0129, 0137, 0145, 0160, 0174,
0176, 0180, 0182, 0186, 0190, 0202,
0222, 0237, 0238, 0254, 0262, 0269,
0270, 0280, 0283, 0308, 0309
PBI 0122
Philco 0020, 0052, 0075, 0083, 0097, 0115,
0124, 0128, 0129, 0142, 0147, 0169,
0172, 0177, 0178, 0182, 0191, 0193,
0194, 0205, 0249, 0270, 0297, 0309,
Philips 0028, 0051, 0052, 0057, 0071, 0075,
0083, 0097, 0115, 0124, 0128, 0129,
0137, 0146, 0147, 0169, 0171, 0172,
0177, 0178, 0182, 0191, 0193, 0194,
0199, 0213, 0230, 0231, 0234, 0271,
0293, 0295, 0309, 0310
Pilot 0115, 0129, 0186, 0193, 0310
Pioneer 0089, 0107, 0115, 0123, 0128, 0138,
0191, 0202, 0243, 0294, 0310,
0315_0340(Plasma TV)
Polariod 0325(LCDTV)
Polestar 0118
Portland 0020, 0115, 0118, 0128, 0129, 0191,
0193, 0194, 0203, 0205, 0310
Praxis 0226
Priceclub 0186
Proscan 0129, 0195, 0237,
Proton 0029, 0056, 0091, 0115, 0119, 0128,
0129, 0141, 0172, 0191, 0193, 0203,
0211, 0217, 0219, 0220, 0229, 0295,
Prism 0098, 0123, 0202
Pulsar 0115, 0118, 0234, 0251, 0310
Pulser 0115, 0118, 0251
Quasar 0065, 0083, 0098, 0123, 0161, 0202,
0222, 0254, 0309
Radio Shack 0066, 0080, 0102, 0115, 0122, 0129,
0163, 0172, 0190, 0192, 0193, 0195,
0210, 0222, 0280, 0307, 0310
RCA 0020, 0024, 0062, 0066, 0080, 0081,
0083, 0115, 0120, 0123, 0128, 0129,
0158, 0167, 0191, 0195, 0205, 0221,
0228, 0237, 0244, 0245, 0250, 0280,
0293, 0294, 0296, 0309, 0310, 0311,
0312, 0313, 0314, 0315, 0316
Realistic 0115, 0122, 0129, 0184, 0190, 0192,
0193, 0195, 0210, 0222, 0307, 0310
Rhapsody 0063
Runco 0129, 0186, 0234, 0251, 0303, 0304
Saisho 0113
Sampo 0039, 0056, 0057, 0067, 0088, 0101,
0115, 0121, 0122, 0128, 0129, 0157,
0190, 0191, 0193, 0202, 0221, 0229,
0263, 0275, 0295, 0310,
Samsung 0020, 0085, 0115, 0122, 0128, 0129,
0155, 0159, 0172, 0182, 0185, 0186,
0190, 0191, 0193, 0194, 0203, 0204,
0205, 0212, 0215, 0229, 0252, 0255,
0264, 0265, 0279, 0285, 0310
Samsux 0193
Sansui 0249, 0250
Sanyo 0029, 0039, 0040, 0041, 0042, 0049,
0050, 0055, 0056, 0064, 0066, 0125,
0132, 0135, 0183, 0188, 0190, 0201,
0210, 0219, 0229, 0233, 0246, 0247,
0256, 0310, 0336_PlasmaTV)
Scimitsu 0115
Scotch 0115, 0129
Scott 0115, 0129, 0151, 0152, 0163, 0172,
0190, 0192, 0193, 0301, 0310
Sears 0045,0052,0057,0066,0072,0080,00
Semivox 0192
SET 0113
Sharp 0024, 0053, 0058, 0074, 0102, 0121,
0128, 0129, 0148, 0172, 0188, 0191,
0193, 0194, 0203, 0207, 0221, 0222,
0223, 0302, 0302, 0310,
Shogun 0115
Signature 0052, 0078, 0080, 0115, 0195, 0310
Simpson 0075, 0129, 0147
Singer 0202
Sinudyne 0113
Sony 0015, 0016, 0027, 0028, 0029, 0039,
0060, 0061, 0076, 0088, 0112, 0196,
0213, 0217, 0219, 0229, 0247, 0260,
0261, 0298_0259(LCDTV)
Soundesign 0115, 0128, 0129, 0147, 0151, 0191,
0192, 0310
Sowa 0020, 0029, 0039, 0072, 0083, 0087,
0088, 0187, 0214, 0215, 0219, 0229
Spectricon 0115, 0129, 0192, 0217
Product No. C-01v.2CB/
Manufacturer Code Number Manufacturer Code Number
Continued on other side of this page
Location of Controls
Installing Batteries
Slide open the battery compartment by gently
pushing down on the arrow tab and sliding the battery
compartment cover open. Install two AAA batteries
ensuring that the + and – poles of the Clicker align
properly with the + and – poles of the batteries.
Always install the negative (-) end rst.
Code Setup
1. Direct Code Entry
1) Turn on the device (TV, DVD, etc.) to be controlled.
2) Look for the brand of the particular device you want
to program in the code list and make a note of the rst
code in the list.
3) On your Clicker press the device key you want to
control (e.g. [TV] key) and release. Then press the SET
key for about 3 seconds until the LED light illuminates.
Then release.
4) After the LED light turns on in step 3, enter the
previously identied code (e.g. 0024) from the code
list. If the LED turns o, it indicates that the code was
accepted. If the LED ashes 3 times and then turns on,
it indicates the code was not accepted. Repeat this step
to enter the next code.
5) Then press the POWER button on the Clicker to see
if it can turn o the device. If it can turn o the device,
it means the code is correct. If not, please repeat from
step 2 trying the next code in the list for that device.
The remote control exits programming mode:
If no keys are pressed for 15 seconds.
If any key besides the number keys are accidentally
2. Manual Searching
1) Turn on the device (TV, DVD, etc.) to be controlled.
2) On your Clicker, press the device key you want to
control (e.g. [TV] key) and release. Then press the SET
key for about 3 seconds until the LED light illuminates.
Then release.
3) After the LED illuminates in step 2, hold and aim the
Clicker at the device. Press the [VOL+] key or [VOL-]
key. The LED will ash once.
4) Repeat. Each time you press the [VOL+] key or
[VOL-] button, a code will be transmitted. When the
appliance powers o, it indicates that the code was
5) Press SET key, OK key or any device key immediately
to conrm. The LED turns o.
The remote control exits programming mode if no
buttons are pressed for 15 seconds.
3. Auto Searching
1) Turn on the device (TV, DVD, etc.) to be controlled.
2) Press and hold the device key (e.g. TV key) for about
3 seconds until the LED illuminates. Then release.
3) After the LED illuminates in step 2), hold and aim
at the device you wish to control. Press and release the
POWER key. A code will be transmitted automatically.
The LED will ash once a second.
4). When the appliance displays a volume symbol (e.g.
TV) or powers o (e.g. DVD) it indicates that the code
is found. Press device key immediately to conrm and
save. LED turns o.
If the URC does not control the device after we nishing setup, please enter manual searching and press the
“VOL-” to nd the right code.
Learning Function Setup
1) Push the device button once for the device you
intend to teach. The device and indicator light will
ash once. (OR: push the OK key so the device that is
intended to go into study mode will ash once.)
2) Push and hold the LEARN key for 3 seconds, the
device and indicator will start blinking, which means it
is in learning mode, point original remote control and
the Clicker at each other 1 to 2 inches apart.
3) Press the key on the Clicker you wish to teach. The
device and indicator light will illuminate. Hold the key
Programming the Clic ker
of the original remote control down and only release
when the above two lights start blinking, which
means learning function for this button is complete.
4) Push LEARN key to exit learning function after each
key learned.
5) Repeat steps 2 through 4 to continue teaching
1) After entering learning mode, indicator will blink
twice and exit learning mode.
2) Any function key of a device (except LEARN, SET,
ALL OFF, FAV, device key) can be taught new functions
again and again, but will only keep the data of the
latest learning.
3) If any device has a new code entered, all data from
learning will be erased.
How to erase learning data:
Push the device key. The indicator light will illuminate.
Push LEARN down and at the same time, push the
device key for about 2 seconds. The LED will blink 3
times and the data is erased.
All O
Press and hold ALL OFF key for about 1 second to enter
‘ALL OFF’, the Clicker transmits the POWER code of each
device automatically. During this time related device
LED lights ash. It will help you to turn OFF or ON all
target devices.
After all target devices are turned OFF by ALL OFF key
press it again to turn ON all target devices, and your
devices will be put on standby mode.
How To Set Up MACRO Keys
MACRO keys are M1, M2.
Each MACRO key can include a maximum of 10 control
commands (SET, LEARN, ALL OFF and device key are
not included). This function can unite several controls
to one key. This can be used for routine commands.
1) Press SET plus M1 or M2, the LED light illuminates.
2) Press the sequence of the keys you want to activate
or emit.
3) Press M1 or M2 immediately to conrm, press M1 or
M2 again, the set macro will be transmitted and the
LED will ash.
1) When setting the Marco key, if the keys entered
exceed 10; or no keys are pressed for over 15 seconds,
the unit will quit the setting automatically (LED o),
the previous setting will remain.
2) Any MACRO key of a device (except LEARN, SET, ALL
OFF, M1, M2, device key are not included.) can be set
again and again, but will only save the data of the
latest setup.
Code identication Feature
After having found the correct code through auto
search or manual search the code can be displayed
using the following procedure.
1) Hold SET and press 1 simultaneously then release.
The number of ashes represents the numeral value
of the rst digit.
2) Hold SET and press 2 simultaneously then release.
The number of ashes represents the numeral value of
the second digit.
3) Hold SET and press 3 simultaneously then release.
Manufacturer’s Code List
Addsion 0096
Admiral 0024, 0078, 0151, 0192, 0195, 0221,
Adventura 0175, 0307
Aiko 0118
Aiwa 0021, 0022, 0023
Akai 0128, 0129, 0179, 0196, 0205
Allegro 0024, 0237
Alleron 0151
A-Mark 0186, 0193, 0194, 0217
Ambassador 0113
Ampro 0305
Amstrad 0045, 0113
Anam 0083, 0098, 0163, 0192, 0254, 0268,
AOC 0020, 0029, 0044, 0063, 0115, 0128,
0129, 0151, 0167, 0191, 0192, 0203,
0205, 0215, 0217, 0219, 0229, 0293,
0295, 0310
Archer 0217
Audiovox 0118, 0192, 0217, 0250
AWA 0055, 0097, 0208, 0281
Baysonic 0192
Beuamark 0129, 0151, 0156, 0234
Belcor 0115, 0129, 0310
Bell & Howell 0078, 0151, 0190, 0192, 0195, 0210
Blue Star 0069
BPL 0069, 0233, 0271, 0272, 0273
Bradford 0192
Brockwood 0115, 0310
Broksonic 0192, 0217, 0249, 0301
Candle/Citizen 0078, 0101, 0115, 0118, 0128, 0129,
0147, 0163, 0175, 0186, 0191, 0193,
0203, 0224, 0310
Capehart 0295
Carver 0052, 0075
CCE 0300
Celebrity 0028, 0061
Centurion 0129, 0190
Changhong 0033
Chaparral 0225
ChiMei 0275(LCDTV)
Chun Yun 0020, 0029, 0044, 0056, 0091, 0104,
0115, 0128, 0136, 0217, 0219, 0229,
Chung Hsin 0020, 0029, 0035, 0039, 0088, 0096,
0136, 0205, 0219
Cineral 0118, 0250
Clairtone 0063
Color Tac 0282
Colortyme 0128, 0129, 0164, 0191, 0310
Concerto 0115, 0128, 0129, 0191, 0310
Contec/Cony 0063, 0122, 0163, 0172, 0188, 0192,
0207, 0216
Coronado 0193,0194
COX 0280
Craig 0163,0192
Crown 0192,0193
Curtis Mathes 0024, 0052, 0066, 0078, 0080, 0107,
0115, 0123, 0128, 0129, 0144, 0155,
0186, 0190, 0191, 0193, 0195, 0210,
0211, 0237, 0250, 0270, 0280, 0310
CXC 0163, 0192
Manufacturer Code Number
Advent 0000
Hitachi 0009
Marantz 0012
Mitsubishi 0003
Panasonic 0010_0011_0013
Pioneer 0014
Princeton 0007
RCA 0004
Samsung 0006_0005
Sharp 0001_0002
Toshi ba 0008
Manufacturer Code Number
Zonda 0217
Manufacturer Code Number
Admiral 3066
Adventura 3038, 3107
Aiko 3154
Aiwa 3032, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3038, 3107,
3108, 3120
Akai 3000, 3033, 3057, 3084_3100, 3111,
3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3143
Akiba 3119
Allegro 3047, 3160
American High 3045, 3072
Amstrad 3038, 3107
Anitech 3119
ASA 3045, 3047
Asha 3103, 3141
Asuka 3047
Audio Dynamics 3025, 3109, 3113, 3142
Audiovox 3046, 3047, 3109
Baird 3019, 3038
Basic Line 3119
Beuamark 3103
Bell & Howell 3019, 3020, 3066
Blaupunkt 3006, 3083
Broksonic 3035, 3055, 3056, 3110, 3112
Bush 3119
Calix 3046, 3047
Canon 3027, 3047, 3072, 3137
Candle/Citizen 3038, 3046, 3047, 3072, 3103, 3109,
3138, 3139, 3141, 3154
Capehart 3047, 3139
Carver 3045, 3144
CCE 3119, 3154
CGE 3038
Chung Hsin 3049
Cimline 3119
Colortyme 3025, 3109
Colt 3119
Craig 3046, 3047, 3070, 3103, 3119, 3141
Crown 3119
Curtis Mathes 3025, 3027, 3051, 3072, 3094, 3107,
3109, 3111, 3120, 3121, 3137,
Cybernex 3103, 3141
Daewoo 3020, 3046, 3105, 3106, 3138, 3139,
3150, 3152, 3153, 3154, 3155
Dansai 3119
Daytron 3105
DBX 3025, 3109, 3113, 3142
Decca 3038, 3045
De Graaf 3064
Dimensia 3161
Dual 3113
Dumont 3103, 3150
Dynatech 3038, 3066, 3097, 3107, 3109, 3120
Electrohome 3046, 3047, 3049, 3100, 3103
Electrophonic 3046, 3047
Emerex 3060
Emerson 3035, 3038, 3046, 3047_3049,
3052, 3055, 3056_3072, 3079,
3098, 3099_3100, 3101, 3102,
3107_3110, 3111, 3112,
3116_3120, 3130, 3131,
Manufacturer Code Number
3132_3133, 3134, 3135,
3136_3140, 3150
Ferguson 3113
Fidelity 3038
Finlandia 3019, 3045
Finlux 3019, 3038, 3045, 3064, 3107
Firstline 3049, 3119, 3150
Fisher 3019, 3020, 3047, 3070, 3088, 3092,
3093, 3117
Fuji 3000, 3060, 3072, 3083_3084
Funai/Fullness 3038, 3039, 3040, 3103, 3107, 3119,
GAB 3119
Garrard 3038
G.E. 3027, 3051, 3071, 3072, 3085, 3086,
3094, 3098, 3103, 3137, 3141, 3161
GEC 3045
General (Fujitsu) 3043
Goldstar 3025, 3046, 3047, 3091, 3109
Goodmans 3037, 3038, 3047, 3119
Go Video 3103
Gradiente 3038
Graetz 3113
Granada 3066, 3072
Grandin 3038, 3047, 3119
Grundig 3045
Harley Davidson 3038
Harman Kardon 3025, 3109
Harvard 3119
Harwood 3119
Headquarter 3020
Hinari 3103, 3119
Hi-Q 3070
Hitachi 3011, 3038, 3064, 3065, 3069, 3071,
3095, 3107, 3113, 3120
Imperial 3038
Instant Replay 3067, 3072
Inteo 3046
Interfunk 3045
ITT 3019, 3020, 3103, 3113
JCL 3072
JC Penney 3006, 3011, 3025, 3027_3046,
3047, 3064, 3067, 3072, 3088, 3095,
3103, 3109,3 127, 3128, 3137, 3141,
Jensen 3062, 3095, 3113
JVC 3016, 3017, 3018, 3020_3025, 3030,
3046, 3062_3087, 3088, 3096,
3109_3113, 3127, 3139,
3142_3151, 3160
Kaisui 3119
KEC 3047
Kenwood 3016, 3020, 3025, 3030_3062, 3088,
3096, 3109_3113, 3127, 3139, 3142
KLH 3119
Kodak 3046, 3047, 3072
LG 3046
Lloyd 3038, 3107, 3109, 3116_3119, 3120
Logik 3119
Luxor 3019, 3020, 3037, 3049
LXI 038, 046, 047, 107
Magnavox 3027, 3045, 3047, 3072, 3075, 3123,
3137, 3144
Magnin 3103, 3141
Marantz 3025, 3027, 3045, 3072, 3088, 3109,
3127, 3129, 3142, 3144
Marta 3025, 3046, 3047
Matsui 3055, 3116
Matsushita 3045, 3072
MEI 3072
Memorex 3019, 3020, 3027, 3038, 3046, 3047,
3066, 3070, 3072, 3103, 3107, 3108,
3120, 3141
Metz 3006
MGA/Mitsubishi 3014, 3015, 3016, 3029, 3030, 3049,
3062, 3063, 3064, 3087, 3089, 3095,
3096, 3100
MGN Technology 3103, 3141
Midland 3085
Minolta 3011, 3064, 3095
Motorola 3066, 3072
Montgomery Ward 3066, 3097
MTC 3038, 3103, 3107, 3120, 3141
Manufacturer Code Number
Original Remote Control
1” to 2” apart
The number of ashes represents the numeral value
of the third digit.
4) Hold SET and press 4 simultaneously then release.
The number of ashes represents the numeral value
of the fourth digit.
If there is no blinking = the numeral value “0”
Write down the code for your reference.
Restoring factory defaults
Hold SET and press 0 simultaneously for about 3
seconds, the indicator LED blinks 3 times (LED o).
This erases all of the learning data, MACRO commands
and code setting. The Clicker will have restored to
factory defaults.
Manufacturer Code Number Manufacturer Code Number
SET indicator light
SET button
Select buttons
Light or ash during operation
Number buttons
-/-- button
VIDEO button
VOL +/- buttons*
AUDIO button
MENU button*
Cursor Control buttons
DISPLAY button
Player Control buttons
LEARN button
POWER button
ENT (enter) button
ALL-OFF button
CH (channel) +/- buttons
MACRO button
MUTE button
GUIDE button
CLEAR button