WT-300, WT-600 and WT-900
Pan Number 98-0800

Installation Requirements 1
Space Requirements 1
Operating Parameters 1
Feedwater Chemistry 2
Electrical 2
Installation Drawings
Space Requirements, Figure 1. 1
Typical Installation, Figure 2 4-5
SteamerGard Detail, Figure 3 6-7
Installation Procedure
Positioning equipment. 8
Wall Mounting RO. 8
Wall Mounting Filter Assy. 9
Feedwater Connection. 9
Drain Connection 10
Product Water Connection 10
Electrical Connection 10
Storage Tank Installation Procedure 11
Contol-Bypass Panel Installation Procedure 12
Final Connection to Steamer 12
Start-UP Procedure
Start-up Procedure 13
Final Inspection. 13
Routine Maintenance
Depressurization Procedure 14
Sediment Filter Replacement 14
Carbon Filter Replacement 15
Post Treatment Filter Replacement 15
Final Inspection 15
Restarting and Purging the RO 15
Wiring Diagram 16

Installation Requirements
Before beginning the installation, review the criteria below to make sure that the requirements have been or will be met when the
installation is complete. Also,confirm that the feed water falls within the limits shown below. If you're not sure if this has been done,
check with your SteamerGard distributor or the factory before installing the system. This is important because failures caused by
water related problems are not covered under the system warranty.
Operating paramet ers:
Operating pressure 175 psi
Typical TDS rejection >96%
Feed Temperature 40- 100° F (4-38° C)
Feed pressure 25 - 85 psi (1.4 - 5.9 bar) at 3 gpm
Production* WT-300, WT -600, WT-900
*Model number equals nominal production in gallons per day @ 77°F (25°C) @ 500 ppm based on 24 hr day. Actual output may vary
according to local water conditions and membrane variations.

Installation Requirements, Cont'd
Feedwater chemistry:
Feed TDS Up to 2000 ppm Feed pH 5-11
Hardness 20 grains or less Free chlorine <2mg/l
Iron (Fe) . 1 mg/I maximum Manganese .05 mg/1 maximum
Hydrogen sulfide none allowable Turbidity <5NTU
If your water analysis indicates that any of these parameters are not in range, additional pretreatment or higher frequency
of maintenance may be required. Contact your SteamerGard distributor or the factory for assistance. NOTE: The presence
of silica or flocculants (e.g. alum or cationic polymers) in the feedwater can cause membrane fouling and may require
special chemical pretreatment or periodic membrane cleaning.
Electrical requirements:
Electrical 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 6.2 Amp. 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 7.5 Amp.
Motor 1/3 HP 1/2 HP
Pump Rotary vane type Rotary vane type
WT-300, WT-600
Drain must allow a minimum flow of 5 gallons per minute.
Follow local plumbing codes for connection of drain line. Most plumbing codes require the installation of an
approved air gap in the drain line.

Getting to Know the SteamerGard System
Before beginning the installation, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the SteamerGard system by studying the
drawings on the following pages. Figure 2 shows a typical SteamerGard installation. Figure 3 shows a detailed view of the
SteamerGard RO, pretreatment and post treatment system.