Clemco BLAST HELMET APOLLO 600 CE Owner's Manual

Germany Web:
Supplied air respirator
with continuous air flow
Cat. III
Equipment class 4 B
in acc. with DIN EN 14594:2018
International GmbH Carl-Zeiss-Straße 21 Tel.: +49 (0) 8062 – 90080
Revision: 3
Page 2
2.1 General description 4
2.2 Restrictions and information in acc. with DIN EN 14594:2018 4
2.3 Toxic dust poisoning 6
2.4 Ear protectors 7
2.5 Expiry date of the PPE or certain of its components 7
5.1 Air quality 8
5.2 Air volume, pressure and line length 9
7.1 Control valve (Art. no. 100074) 10
7.2 Adjusting the helmet suspension 11
8.1 Replacing the inner lens 12
8.2 Replacing the outer lens and cover lenses 12
8.3 Replacing the helmet suspension 13
8.4 Cape 13
8.5 Replacing the inner collar (nylon and ASS cape only) 14
8.6 Replacing the lens frame 14
8.7 Replacing the chin strap 14
9.1 Filter 14
Page 3
Nylon cape 14
9.3 Leather cape 14
9.4 Inner collar 14
9.5 Sweatband/helmet suspension 14
9.6 Blast helmet 15
9.7 Inner lens 15
10.1 Daily storag e 15
10.2 Long-term storage 15
11.1 Helmet 16
11.2 Air control valve 16
11.3 Individual components 16
11.4 Additional parts 19
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Article no.
Installation between air supply and air sup-
Clem Cool air conditioner
In place of the pressure regulation valve to cool the air
Climate control
In place of the pressure regulation valve to heat or cool the air as required
These additional components are installed between the air supply and the air supply line.
DLX padded suspension kit
Additional componen t for a better an d more comfortable fit
Leather cape for Apollo 600
In place of the nylon cape (e.g. if a lot of blast media rebounds)
Rubber cape 4436
In place of the nylon cape (e.g. if a lot of leather cape
ASS cape 4436 RA
In place of the nylon cape if using fall pro­tection during blasting, rubber
CMS-2 carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide monitor - located outside
CMS-3 carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide monitor - integrated in the

1 Scope of manual

This manual covers the sta rtup, op eration, m ainten anc e, replac em ent of parts and m easures that ensure the safe operation of the Apollo 600 CE protect iv e helmet.
Read the entire manual before startup or oper ation of the equipment.
The following additional components may be used in conjunction with the Apollo 600 CE blast helmet:
03580 D or 03527 D CPF-20 or CPF-80 air

2 Application and Limita ti ons

ply line
blast media rebounds); lighter than the
the helmet

2.1 General description

The Apollo 600 CE blast helm et was d evel oped es pecial ly for us e in blas ting o perat ions an d is ap proved in accordance with DIN EN 14594:2018 ( and MSH A-NIOSH).

2.2 Restrictions and information in acc. with DIN EN 14594:2018

a) The helmet enables th e wearer to be supplied with b reathable air, which m ust comply with EN
12021. The air is f ed at a continuous flow rate to a mask via a breathing line. The equ ipment has an adjustable air flo w valve that is worn b y the operator. An air suppl y line links the equipm ent wearer with the air supply.
b) Excess and exhaled a ir is released to the am bient atmosphere. T he following tem peratures are
prescribed for: Storage: 0°C to +30°C Operation: -6°C to +40°C
Transport and handling: -20°C to +50°C
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c) The length of the line between th e filter and the c ontrol valve on th e helmet m ust not exceed 40
m. We sell the line in pre-c ut lengths of 5, 10, 20 and 40 m. A max imum of three lines can be connected.
d) The supplied air m ust have a pressure between 5 and 8 bar. T his pressure can be ensure d by
using our CPF 20 air filter with integrated pressure regulator. e) The pressure in the air supply line must not exceed 8 bar. f) To ensure that the operat or is supplied with sufficient oxygen, the a ir flow should be between
130 l/min and 190 l/min. The air in dicator will be activated b y the minimum amount, i.e. the flag
will be retracted. g) Warning: The helmet is intended for use in an atm osphere that does not represent an im minent
danger to human lif e or health and contains at least 19.5 % by volume oxygen. The op erator
should be able to escape from this atmosphere without needing to use the helmet.
The Apollo 600CE helmet will not provide adequate protection in certain highly toxic atmos-
pheres caused by e.g. lead-contam inated dust f rom rem oving lead-based pa ints or other paints,
asbestos, heavy metals etc.
Lead poisoning ma y cause death. The maxim um workplace concentration has been defined as
0.1 mg/m³ of air (TRGS 900). For this reason, the blasting contractor must always determine
which type of paint is to b e removed a nd, if neces sary, ensure that opera tors wear a blast hood
or helmet that is appro ved for use with these s ubstances or an additi onal respirator. In accor d-
ance with DGUV R egulatio n 112-190, C lass 4 B blast protection equipm ent can b e used at up t o
500 times the threshold value. h) Warning: During a period of ver y high use, peak respiration may produce nega tive pressure in
the helmet. i) Warning: The air supply must comply with EN 12021.
j) Warning: The moisture content in th e breathing air m ust be kept within the lim its specified in EN
12021 to prevent the s upplied air respirator with continuous air flo w from freezing. If the equ ip-
ment is used at a tem peratur e below 4°C , the m oisture conte nt mus t be limited to prevent freez-
k) Warning: The equipment must not be operated with pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air.
l) Warning: Each operator connected to the air suppl y system must check that the capacity of the
system is adequate as described in the information provided by Clemco.
m) It is imperative th at operators follow the instructions for donning the equipment as provided by
Clemco. These are contain ed in Sections 4 (Preparati on) and 6 (Operat ion) of thi s owner's m an-
n) The air supply line is not r esistant to contact with hot surfaces or boiling water and is t herefore
not labelled accordingl y. o) The air supply line is not antistatic and is therefore not labelled accordingly. p) Do not use aggress ive chemicals or s olvents to clean the e quipment. This m ay irritate or harm
the operator and alter the propert ies of the material us ed. Please also consult the instructions
concerning cleaning products and disinfectants in Section 9 of this owner’s manual.
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q) Not applicable r) Warning: Particular attention must be paid to ensuring that the equipment is not accidentally
connected to other gas supplies, e.g. oxygen, acetylene or nitrogen. Never connect the breathing
air line to an air source that has not been tested for gas or particulate contamination.
s) The operator must assess the risk of potentially dangerous substances (e.g. nitrogen) at the
workplace. t) The blast helmet is labelled in the customary manner. This label is clearly visible and durable.
Explanation of the respirator label (Section 7, EN 14594:2018):
Line 1: Type designation Apollo 600
Line 2: Serial number of the blast helmet currently a five-digit number
Line 3: Number and year of the European standard and equipment class EN 14594 : 2018
Line 4: left - Storage temperatures to which the respirator is resistant – symbol acc. to EN132
0°C to +30°C
Line 4: middle – Month and year of manufacture (MM-YYYY) (example: 04 – 2019)
Line 4: right – Symbol: “See information provided by manufacturer” open book with “i”
Line 5: Name of manufacturer Clemco Internat ion al GmbH
Line 6: Address of manufacturer Clemco International GmbH, Carl-Zeiss Str. 21, 83052
Line 7: Country of manufacture Made in Germany
Line 8: CE symbol and number of the notified monitoring body CE symbol and number of the
notified monitoring body u) The cape and cape fasten er are also labelled. T he blast helmet is no t suitable for use f or other
operations such as welding or painting.
-The helmet is not suitable for use in flammable atmospheres.
-The helmet can be worn with the head in the usual vertical or slightly inclined position.
-The air indicator will not function in forc ed postures, e.g. with t he head in a horizonta l position
when lying down.
-The helmet also protects the skin on the operator’s h ead and neck from gr azing caused by re-
bounding blast media.
-The quality of the air supp ly is critical and very im portant for ensuring the saf ety and wellbeing
of the operator.
Do not use a piston com pressor (oil bath) to generate the br eathing air as there is a great r isk it
may produce high carbon monoxide concentrations.
The presence of excessive carbon monoxide concentrations may result in the operator’s death.
-If special air sources are used, e.g. a cylinder trolley or portable air tanks, these must be
equipped with warning devic es in accorda nc e with EN 1459 4:2 018. v) A maximum of four operators can be connected simultaneously to the CPF filter.

2.3 Toxic dust poisoning

The following applies for model 1 and model 2 protective clothing in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14877:2003 (D):
Research has identifie d the potential risk s of lead poisoning to unpro tected operators and other per­sonnel who may be expos ed to lead-c ontaini ng abrasi ve dust in the vicinit y of abrasive bl asting op er­ations. This dust is prim arily the result of removing lead-containing p aints. A risk to human life and health may also result from paints containing heavy metals, asbestos or other toxic dust.
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