TO: Owners, Operators and/or Maintenance Personnel
This operating manual presents information that will help to properly operate and care for the equipment. Study its contents carefully. The unit will provide good service and continued operation if proper operating and maintenance instructions are followed. No attempt should be made to operate the unit until the principles of operation and all of the
components are thoroughly understood.
It is the responsibility of the owner to provide training and advice in all aspects of safety not only to his or her personnel,
but to any contractors' personnel who will be servicing, repairing, or operating the equipment.
Cleaver-Brooks equipment is designed and engineered to give long life and excellent service on the job. The electrical
and mechanical devices supplied as part of the unit were chosen because of their known ability to perform; however,
proper operating techniques and maintenance procedures must be followed at all times.
It is solely the operator’s responsibility to properly operate and maintain the equipment. No amount of written instructions
can replace intelligent thinking and reasoning and this manual is not intended to relieve the operating personnel of the
responsibility for proper operation. On the other hand, a thorough understanding of this manual is required before attempting to operate, maintain, service, or repair this equipment.
The operation of this equipment by the owner and any operating personnel must comply with all requirements or regulations of the insurance company and/or other authority having jurisdiction. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency
between such requirements and the warnings or instructions contained herein, please contact Cleaver-Brooks before proceeding.
Thank you for purchasing the ProtoNode for Cleaver-Brooks products. For the latest edition of this
Startup Guide, go to:
For ProtoNode Gateway technical support, please contact your Cleaver-Brooks authorized service
representative. C-B representative contact information is available at
Sierra Monitor Corporation does not provide direct support. Should circumstances require, CleaverBrooks will contact Sierra Monitor Corporation on your behalf.
Support Contact Information:
221 Law Street
Thomasville, GA 31792
Below is a basic sequence of steps required to configure and register a ProtoNode. It is recommended to
become familiar with the manual in its entirety before beginning the registration process.
If using the ProtoNode for cloud-based data monitoring only (without protocol translation), steps 4, 5, 6, 8,
and 13 below may be skipped.
1. First determine the configuration method (Auto-Discovery or Web Configurator) for devices to be connected
to the ProtoNode (Section 1.2).
2. Record the ProtoNode part number in case needed for technical support (Section 2.1).
3. Set the device's COM settings and Node-ID for each of the devices that are to connect to the ProtoNode
RER or LER (Section 2.3).
4. RER: Select the field protocol on the S Bank DIP Switches (Section 2.4).
5. BACnet MS/TP (RER): Set the MAC Address on the A Bank DIP Switches (Section 2.5.1).
6. BACnet MS/TP, Modbus RTU (RER): Set the baud rate of the field protocol on the B Bank DIP Switches
(Section 2.5.2).
7. Connect ProtoNode 6 pin RS-485 connector to the RS-485 network that is connected to each of the C-B
serial devices (Section 3.2).
8. Connect ProtoNode RER's 3 pin RS-485 port to the field protocol cabling, (Section 3.3) or connect the
ProtoNode LER's 2 pin LonWorks port to the field protocol cabling (Section 3.4).
9. Connect power to the ProtoNode 6 pin connector (Section 3.6).
10. Optional, for Falcon controls only - Enable the ProtoNode “Auto-Discovery” mode on S Bank DIP Switches
(Section 2.4.1). When power is applied it will take about 3 minutes for all the devices to be discovered
and the configuration file to be built. Once Auto-Discovery is complete turn OFF the S3 DIP switch to save
the configuration settings (Section 3.5).
11. Web Configurator Devices: Use a web browser to access the ProtoNode Web Configurator page; select the
profiles of the devices attached to the ProtoNode and input the Node-ID from each device. Once devices
are selected, the ProtoNode automatically builds and loads the appropriate configuration (Section 4).
12. BACnet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, or cloud (RER): Use a web browser to access the ProtoNode Web Configurator
page to change the IP Address. No changes to the configuration are necessary (Section 4.4).
13. LonWorks (LER): The ProtoNode must be commissioned on the LonWorks Network. This needs to be done
by the LonWorks administrator using a LonWorks commissioning tool (Section 7).
14. Complete the registration process for the FieldPoP device cloud (Section 8).
In order to complete the ProtoNode registration and setup process, the following are required:
•A laptop computer for Internet access
•Ethernet cable
•IP address(es) to identify the ProtoNode and connected devices on plant network (NOTE - all devices
connected via Ethernet to the ProtoNode will need an IP address on the same subnet)
•Email address for site/end user contact that will be the Enterprise Customer Admin for the site
The startup technician must be registered on the FieldPoP site as an OEM Manager.
ProtoNode Gateway
The BTL Mark on ProtoNode RER is a symbol that indicates that a product
has passed a series of rigorous tests conducted by an independent laboratory
which verifies that the product correctly implements the BACnet features
claimed in the listing. The mark is a symbol of a high-quality BACnet product.
Go to for more information about the
BACnet Testing Laboratory. For the Protocol Implementation Conformance
(PIC) statement go to:
LonMark International is the recognized authority for certification, education,
and promotion of interoperability standards for the benefit of manufacturers,
integrators and end users. LonMark International has developed extensive
product certification standards and tests to provide the integrator and user
with confidence that products from multiple manufacturers utilizing LonMark
devices work together. Sierra Monitor Corporation has more LonMark Certified
gateways than any other gateway manufacturer, including the ProtoCessor,
ProtoCarrier and ProtoNode for OEM applications and the full featured, configurable gateways.
ProtoNode is an external, high performance Building Automation multi-protocol gateway that is configured to automatically communicate between any of Cleaver-Brooks' products (hereafter called
“device”) to various building automation protocols. These protocols include BACnet® MS/TP, BACnet/IP, Metasys® N2 by JCI, Modbus TCP/IP, Modbus RTU, Ethernet/IP and LonWorks®.
It is not necessary to download any configuration files to support the required applications. The ProtoNode is pre-loaded with tested Profiles/Configurations for the supported devices.
We use 2 methods to dynamically configure the ProtoNode to support the devices with the selected
Auto-Discovery: Supported RS-485 devices can be automatically detected and identified for addition
to the ProtoNode's configuration. (Section 1.2)
Web Configurator: Ethernet devices connected to the ProtoNode can not be Auto-Discovered. To add
Ethernet devices to the gateway, profiles must be selected in the ProtoNode's Web Configurator. The
Web Configurator shows all the stored profiles/devices on the ProtoNode. It will also show all the RS485 devices that were previously discovered. After selecting the device, the Modbus Node-ID and,
only for Ethernet Devices, the IP Address must also be entered. Once all the devices are selected and
saved, the ProtoNode automatically builds and downloads the configuration for the desired protocol.
ProtoNode Applications
BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE
Metasys is a registered trademark of Johnson Controls Inc.
LonWorks is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation
ProtoNode Gateway
1.2 Methods of Configuration - Cleaver-Brooks' Devices
The ProtoNode offers two methods of configuration:
•Auto-Discovery for RS-485 devices listed below in Figure 1.
•Web Configurator for Ethernet devices and RS-485 devices that cannot be identified by Auto-Discovery
A list of C-B products for use with the ProtoNode, together with their respective means of configuration, is shown in the table below.
FIGURE 1 - Method of configuration for the devices
ProtoNode Gateway
2.1 Record Identification Data
Each ProtoNode has a unique part number located on the underside of the unit. This number should
be recorded, as it may be required for technical support. The numbers are as follows:
2.3.1 Input COM Setting s on all Seria l De vice s C onnect ed to the Pro to Node
All of the connected serial devices MUST have the same Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity settings as the ProtoNode.
Figure 5 specifies the device serial port settings required to communicate with the ProtoNode.
Port SettingFalcon Steam & Hydronic
ProtocolModbus RTUModbus RTU
Baud Rate384009600
Data Bits88
Stop Bits11
FIGURE 5 - COM Settings
2.3.2 Set Modbus Node-ID for each device attached to the ProtoNode
Other Serial Devices
Set Modbus Node-ID for each of the devices attached to ProtoNode. The Modbus Node-ID's need to
be uniquely assigned between 1 and 255. The Modbus Node-ID that is assigned for each device needs to be documented. The Modbus Node-IDs assigned are used for designating the Device
Instance for BACnet/IP and BACnet MS/TP (Section 2.5.2)
The Metasys N2 and Modbus TCP/IP Field Protocol Node-IDs are automatically set to the same
value as the Node-ID of the device.
2.3.3 Set IP Address for each Ethernet Device Connected to the ProtoNode
Ensure devices are set to Modbus TCP/IP to communicate with the ProtoNode.
•The device needs to be on the same IP subnet as the ProtoNode and the configuration PC.
•Record the following device information to start the setup:
IP Address
IP port
NOTE: This information is required for Section 4.
2.4 Selecting the Desired Field Protocol
NOTE: If using the ProtoNode only for cloud-based data monitoring, Sections 2.4 and 2.5 may be
•ProtoNode RER units use the “S” bank of DIP switches (S0 - S2) to select the Field Protocol.
See Figure 6 for the DIP switch settings.
The OFF position is when the DIP switches are set closest to the outside of the box.
•ProtoNode LER units do not use the “S” bank DIP switches to select a Field Protocol. On ProtoNode LER
units, these DIP switches are disabled; the Field Protocol is always LonWorks.
ProtoNode Gateway
ProtoNode RERS Bank DIP Switches
BACnet IPOffOffOff
Metasys N2OffOnOff
Modbus TCP & Modbus RTUOnOnOff
BACnet MS/TP (single node)OnOffOn
S Bank DIP Switches
S3 DIP Switch Auto-Discovery ModeS3
Auto-Discovery ON - Build New ConfigurationOn
Auto-Discover OFF - Save Current ConfigurationOff
NOTE: When setting DIP switches, ensure that power to the board is OFF.
FIGURE 6 - S Bank DIP Switches
2.4.1 Enabling Auto-Discovery
The S3 DIP switch is used to both enable Auto-Discovery of known devices attached to the ProtoNode, and to save the recently discovered configuration.
See the table in Figure 6 for the DIP switch setting to enable Auto-Discovery.
If the ProtoNode is being installed for the first time, set S3 to the ON position to enable Auto-Discovery.
The ON position is when the DIP switches are set closest to the inside of the box.
ProtoNode Gateway
2.5 BMS Network Settings: MAC Address, Device Instance and Baud Rate
2.5.1 BACnet MS/TP (RER): Setting the MAC Address for BMS Network
Only 1 MAC address is set for the ProtoNode regardless of how many devices are connected.
Set the BACnet MS/TP MAC addresses of the ProtoNode to a value between 1 to 127 (MAC Master
Addresses); this is so that the BMS Front End can find the ProtoNode via BACnet auto discovery.
Note: Never set a BACnet MS/TP MAC Address from 128 to 255. Addresses from 128 to 255 are
Slave Addresses and can not be discovered by BMS Front Ends that support auto discovery of BACnet MS/TP devices.
Set “A” bank DIP switches A0 - A7 to assign a MAC Address to the ProtoNode for BACnet MS/TP.
Please refer to Appendix C for the complete range of MAC Addresses and DIP switch settings.
NOTE: When using Metasys N2 and Modbus TCP/IP, the A Bank of DIP switches are disabled
and not used. They should be set to OFF.
FIGURE 7 - MAC Address DIP Switches
NOTE: When setting DIP Switches, please ensure that power to the board is OFF.
2.5.2 BACnet (RER): Calculating the Default Device Instance
The Device Instance value is automatically generated using the following formula:
For example, if Device A has a Node ID of 1 and Device B has a Node ID of 2, then:
BACnet Device Instance A = (1) + (50000) = 50001
BACnet Device Instance B = (2) + (50000) = 50002
NOTE: The Node ID is set in Section 2.3.2.
To reach a specific BACnet Device Instance result, refer to Section 5.
ProtoNode Gateway
2.5.3 BACnet MS/TP: Setting the Baud Rate for BMS Network
DIP switches B0 – B3 can be used to set the field baud rate of the ProtoNode to match the baud
rate required by the BMS for BACnet MS/TP.
The ProtoNode baud rate for Metasys N2 is set for 9600. DIP switches B0 – B3 are disabled for
Metasys N2 on ProtoNode RER.
DIP switches B0 – B3 are disabled on ProtoNode LER (LonWorks).
Table 1: Baud Rate DIP Switch Selection
Baud Rate DIP Switches
*Factory default
FIGURE 8 - Baud Rate DIP Switches
NOTE: When setting DIP switches, ensure that power to the board is OFF.
3.1 ProtoNode Connection Ports
ProtoNode Gateway
FIGURE 9 - ProtoNode
Connection Ports
ProtoNode Gateway
3.2 Device Connections to ProtoNode
ProtoNode 6 Pin Phoenix connector for RS-485 Devices
The 6 pin Phoenix connector is the same for ProtoNode RER (BACnet) and LER (LonWorks).
Pins 1 through 3 are for Modbus RS-485 devices. The RS-485 GND (Pin 3) is not typically connected.
Pins 4 through 6 are for power. Do not connect power (wait until Section 3.6).
Device PinsProtoNode Pin #Pin assignment
Pin RS-485 +Pin 1RS-485 +
Pin RS-485 -Pin 2RS-485 -
Pin GNDPin 3RS-485 GND
Power In (+)Pin 4V +
Power In (-)Pin 5V -
Frame GroundPin 6FRAME GND
FIGURE 10 - RS-485 and Power Connections
3.2.1 Biasing the Modbus RS-485 Network
An RS-485 network with more than one device needs to have biasing to ensure proper communication. The biasing only needs to be done on one device.
The ProtoNode has 510 Ohm resistors that can be used to set the biasing. The ProtoNode's default
positions from the factory for the biasing jumpers are OFF.
The OFF position is when the 2 RED biasing jumpers straddle the 4 pins closest to the outside of the
board of the ProtoNode. See Figure 11.
Only turn biasing ON:
•IF the BMS cannot see more than one device connected to the ProtoNode
•AND all the settings (Modbus COM settings, wiring, and DIP switches) have been checked.
To turn biasing ON, move the 2 RED biasing jumpers to straddle the 4 pins closest to the inside of
the board of the ProtoNode.
ProtoNode Gateway
FIGURE 11 - RS-485 Bias Switch
3.2.2 End of Line Termination Switch for the Modbus RS-485 Device Network
On long RS-485 cabling runs, the RS-485 trunk must be properly terminated at each end.
The ProtoNode has an End Of Line (EOL) blue jumper. The default setting for this Blue EOL switch is
OFF with the jumper straddling the pins closest to the inside of the board of the ProtoNode.
On short cabling runs the EOL switch does not to need to be turned ON.
If the ProtoNode is placed at one of the ends of the trunk, set the blue EOL jumper to the ON position straddling the pins closest to the outside of the board of the ProtoNode.
Always leave the single Red Jumper in the A position (default factory setting).
FIGURE 12 - RS-485 EOL Termination Switch
ProtoNode Gateway
3.3 BACnet MS/TP or Metasys N2 (RER): Wiring Field Port to RS-485 Network
Connect the BACnet MS/TP or Metasys N2 RS-485 network wires to the 3-pin RS-485 connector on ProtoNode RER as shown below.
•Use standard grounding principles for RS-485 GND.
See Section 4.4 for information on connecting to BACnet/IP network.
If the ProtoNode is the last device on the BACnet MS/TP or Metasys N2 trunk, then the End-Of-Line
Termination Switch needs to be enabled (Figure 14).
•The default setting from the factory is OFF (switch position = right side).
•To enable the EOL Termination, turn the EOL switch ON (switch position = left side).
BMS RS-485
RS-485 +Pin 1RS-485 +
RS-485 -Pin 2RS-485 -
-Pin 3RS-485 GND
Pin #
FIGURE 13 - Connection from ProtoNode to RS-485 Field Network
End-of-Line Switch
FIGURE 14 - RS-485 BMS Network EOL Switch
3.4 LonWorks (LER): Wiring LonWorks Devices to the LonWorks Terminal
Wire the LonWorks device network to the ProtoNode LonWorks Terminal.
•Use approved cable per the FT-10 installation guidelines
•LonWorks has no polarity.
FIGURE 15 - LonWorks Terminal
ProtoNode Gateway
3.5 Auto-Discovery: After Completion - Turn Off to Save Configuration
NOTE: If Modbus TCP/IP was selected for the field/BMS protocol, skip this section. Auto-Discovery
is NOT used for Modbus TCP/IP.
The S3 DIP Switch for Enabling Auto-Discovery should have been set in Section 2.4.1 before applying power to the ProtoNode. Do not Enable Auto-Discovery when the unit is powered.
When power is applied to a ProtoNode that is set to enable Auto-Discovery, it will take about 3 minutes to complete the discovery of all of the RS-485 devices attached to the ProtoNode.
•The “TX” LED will flash during Auto-Discovery
•Once Auto-Discovery is complete, the “TX” and “RX” LEDs should flash rapidly, indicating good communication between discovered devices
•Once the ProtoNode has discovered all of the RS-485 devices, set the S3 DIP switch to the OFF position
to save the current configuration.
ProtoNode RER and LER
S3 DIP Switch Auto-Discovery ModeS3
Auto-Discovery ON - Build New ConfigurationOn
Auto-Discover OFF - Save Current ConfigurationOff
FIGURE 16 - S3 DIP Switch setting for Auto Discovering Devices
3.6 Power-Up ProtoNode
Check power requirements in the table below:
Power Requirement for ProtoNode at 9V through 30 VDC or 12-24 VAC
Current Draw Type
ProtoNode Family12VDC/VAC24VDC/VAC30VDC
RER (Typical)170mA100mA80mA
RER (Maximum)240mA140mA100mA
LER (Typical)210mA130mA90mA
LER (Maximum)250mA170mA110mA
Note: These values are 'nominal' and a safety margin should be added to the power supply of the host system. A safety margin of 25% is recommended.
FIGURE 17 - Required current draw for the ProtoNode
Apply power to ProtoNode as shown below in Figure 18. Ensure that the power supply used complies
with the specifications provided in Appendix E.1.
•ProtoNode accepts either 9-30VDC or 12-24 VAC on pins 4 and 5.
•Frame GND should be connected.
ProtoNode Gateway
Power to
Power In (+)Pin 4V +
Power In (-)Pin 5V -
Frame GroundPin 6FRAME GND
Pin #
FIGURE 18 - Power Connections
ProtoNode Gateway
Use Protonode's Web Configurator to set up the gateway.
4.1 Connect the PC to ProtoNode via the Ethernet Port
FIGURE 19 - Ethernet Port
•Connect a standard CAT5 Ethernet cable (Straight through or Cross-Over) between the PC and ProtoNode.
•The Default IP Address of ProtoNode is, Subnet Mask is If the PC and
ProtoNode are on different IP Networks, assign a static IP Address to the PC on the network.
•For Windows 10:
Right click on >>>
Right-click on Local Area Connection > Properties
Highlight >
Use the following IP Address:
Click twice.
ProtoNode Gateway
4.2 Connecting to ProtoNode's Web Configurator
After setting a local PC on the same subnet as the ProtoNode (Section 4.1), open a web browser on
the PC and enter the IP Address of the ProtoNode; the default address is
NOTE: If the IP Address of the ProtoNode has been changed by previous configuration, the
assigned IP Address can be discovered using the FS Toolbox utility. See Appendix A.1 for instructions.
•Once at the Web App splash page, click the <Login> button.
FIGURE 20 - Web App Splash Page
•Enter the previously set up or default user name and password.
NOTE: The default user name is “admin”. The default password is “admin”.
FIGURE 21 - Login Window
•From the Web App landing page (Figure 22), click the Configure tab.
FIGURE 22 - Web App Landing Page
•Then click the <Profiles Configuration> button to go to the Web Configurator page.
ProtoNode Gateway
FIGURE 23 - Configuration Page
NOTE: The FieldPoP™ tab (see Figure 23) allows users to connect to the SMC Cloud,
Sierra Monitor's device cloud solution for IIoT. The SMC Cloud enables secure remote connection to
field devices through a FieldServer and its local applications for configuration, management, maintenance. For more information about the SMC Cloud, refer to the SMC Cloud Start-up Guide.
NOTE: For Web App instructions to the System View, Historian and Event Logger functions, see the
SMC Cloud Start-up Guide.
ProtoNode Gateway
4.3 Selecting Profiles for Devices Connected to ProtoNode
In the Web Configurator, the Active Profiles section is shown on the lower left side of the screen.
The Active Profiles section lists the currently active device profiles, including previous Web Configurator additions and any devices identified by Auto-Discovery configuration methods. This list will be
empty for new installations, or after clearing all configurations.
FIGURE 24 - Web Configurator Showing no Active Profiles
To add an active profile to support a device, click the <Add> button under Active Profiles. This will
present a drop-down box underneath the Current Profile column that lists all the available profiles.
For every device that is added, assign a unique Modbus Node-ID. This specification must match the
device's network settings.
NOTE: If multiple devices are connected to the ProtoNode, set the BACnet Virtual Server Nodes
field to “Yes”; otherwise leave the field on the default “No” setting.
Once the Profile for the device has been selected from the drop-down list, enter the value of the
device's Node-ID which was assigned in Section 2.3.2
ProtoNode Gateway
FIGURE 25 - Web Configurator
•Then press the <Submit> button to add the profile to the list of devices to be configured.
•Repeat this process until all the devices have been added.
•Completed additions will be listed under Active Profiles as shown in Figure 26.
•After adding profiles press <System Restart>
FIGURE 26 - Web Configurator Showing Active Profile Additions
showing available profiles for selection
NOTE: If the device is connected via EtherNet/IP, the “IP_Addr” under the Parameters heading
must be gathered from settings on the device. This corresponds to the device IP Address (Section
ProtoNode Gateway
4.4 BACnet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP: Setting IP Address for Field Network
After setting a local PC to the same subnet as the ProtoNode (Section 5.1), open a web browser on
the PC and enter the IP Address of the ProtoNode; the default address is
The Web Configurator is displayed as the landing page (Figure 27).
To access the FieldServer Graphic User Interface (FS-GUI), click on the “Diagnostics & Debugging”
button in the bottom right corner of the page.
FIGURE 27 - Web Configurator Screen with Active Profiles
ProtoNode Gateway
From the FS-GUI landing page, click on “Setup” to expand the navigation tree and then select “Network
Settings” to access the IP Settings menu.
FIGURE 28 - Changing IP Address via FS-GUI
Modify the IP Address (N1 IP Address field) of the ProtoNode Ethernet port.
If necessary, change the Netmask (N1 Netmask field).
If necessary, change the IP Gateway (Default Gateway field).
DHCP Client State should remain disabled; Domain Name Server 1 and 2 should be left at their current values.
NOTE: If the ProtoNode is connected to a managed switch/router, the IP Gateway of the ProtoNode
should be set to the IP Address of that managed switch/router.
Click the “System Restart” button at the bottom of the page to apply changes and restart the ProtoNode.
Unplug Ethernet cable from PC and connect it to the network switch or router.
Record the IP Address assigned to the ProtoNode for future reference.
NOTE: The FieldPoP™ button (see Figure 28) allows users to connect to the SMC
Cloud, Sierra Monitor's device cloud solution for IIoT. The SMC Cloud enables secure remote connection to field devices through a FieldServer and its local applications for configuration, management, maintenance. For more information about the SMC Cloud, refer to the SMC Cloud Start-up
ProtoNode Gateway
After setting a local PC to the same subnet as the ProtoNode (Section 4.1), open a web browser on
the PC and enter the IP Address of the ProtoNode; the default address is
•If the IP Address of the ProtoNode has been changed by previous configuration, the assigned IP Address
will need to be obtained from the network administrator.
•The Web Configurator will be displayed as the landing page.
Node_Offset field will be presented displaying the current value (default = 50,000). The values
allowed for a BACnet Device Instance can range from 1 to 4,194,303.
•To assign a specific Device Instance (or range); change the Node_Offset value as needed using the calculation below: