ClearOne Collaborate Desktop User Manual

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Collaborate Desktop
DOC-0074-001 Rev 1.0 - November 2012
© 2012 ClearOne and NetStreams document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from ClearOne and NetStreams. Printed in the United States of America. ClearOne and NetStreams reserves speci
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
- All rights reserved. No part of this
c privileges.
WAR NING : This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this
roduct may caus e radio interference in which case the us er may be
p r
equired to take adequate measures .
© 2012 ClearOne. All Rights Reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical ­for any purpose without written permission from ClearOne.
Collaborate Central is a registered trademark of ClearOne.
All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Limited Warranty
ClearOne warrants that SOFTWARE will perform according to accompanying user documentation for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of receipt; replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for 90 (ninety) days from the date of receipt. This Limited Warranty shall not apply to any product that in the opinion of ClearOne has not been installed or upgraded according to accompanying documentation from ClearOne or been subject to misuse, misapplication, negligence or accident while in the hands of the purchaser.
GRANT OF LICENSE ClearOne grants the Purchaser a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the SOFTWARE product and to make one copy solely for backup or archival purposes, which may include user documentation provided via online or other electronic form. Additional copies may not be made nor may anyone else be allowed to copy or otherwise reproduce any part of the licensed software without prior written consent of ClearOne
COPYRIGHT All trademarks), logo(s), name(s), software, documentation and other supporting materials relating to the Product are trademarked, copyrighted or owned by ClearOne as proprietary information protected by United States copyright laws and international and applicable national treaty provisions and laws. Software protection extends beyond its literal code to structure, sequence and organization; any unauthorized use or modification would constitute a misappropriation of ClearOne’s proprietary rights and a violation of the License agreement.
LIABILITIES ClearOne’s entire liability and the Purchaser’s exclusive remedy shall be at ClearOne’s option, either return of the price paid or repair/replacement of the Product not meeting ClearOne’s declared Limited warranty. ClearOne or its suppliers shall not be liable in any event to anyone for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages including without limitation damages for loss of business profits, business interruptions, business information or other pecuniary loss arising out of the use of or inability to use the said Product even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, ClearOne’s entire liability under any provision of this agreement shall be limited to the amount actually paid by the Purchase for the Product.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Welcome to Collaborate Desktop Help! ........................................ 13
In this Chapter .................................................................................................................................. 13
Welcome to Collaborate Desktop Documentation! ......................................................................... 13
Using the Online Help ...................................................................................................................... 14
Contacting ClearOne Technical Support ......................................................................................... 15
Chapter 2: Starting Collaborate Desktop ........................................................ 17
In this Chapter .................................................................................................................................. 17
Starting Collaborate Desktop ........................................................................................................... 17
Logging into Collaborate Central ..................................................................................................... 18
Changing Your Collaborate Central Password ................................................................................ 19
Collaborate Desktop Setup .............................................................................................................. 20
Multiple IP Address .......................................................................................................................... 21
User Profiles List ............................................................................................................................... 22
Adding a New User Profile ............................................................................................................ 22
Editing a User Profile ..................................................................................................................... 22
Deleting a User Profile ................................................................................................................... 23
Showing Profile List During Collaborate Desktop Startup ............................................................ 23
Chapter 3: Making Videoconferences ............................................................. 25
In this Chapter .................................................................................................................................. 25
Making Videoconferences ................................................................................................................ 25
Starting Videoconferences ............................................................................................................... 26
Manually ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Personal Phone Book .................................................................................................................... 27
Speed Dial ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Online Directory ............................................................................................................................. 27
Chairing an Interactive Multicast ................................................................................................... 27
Participating in an Interactive Multicast ......................................................................................... 28
Watching a Multicast ..................................................................................................................... 28
Audio only Call .............................................................................................................................. 28
Outgoing Call Message .................................................................................................................... 29
Answering Videoconference Calls ................................................................................................... 30
Automatically Accepting Incoming Calls ....................................................................................... 30
Accepting Calls Manually .............................................................................................................. 30
Incoming Call Message .................................................................................................................... 31
Ending a Videoconference ............................................................................................................... 32
Opening the Conference Moderator ................................................................................................ 33
Desktop Sharing ............................................................................................................................... 34
Data Sharing Option ......................................................................................................................... 35
The Conference State ...................................................................................................................... 36
Grabbing Pictures ............................................................................................................................ 37
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 7
Grabbing Pictures ......................................................................................................................... 37
Saving a Grabbed Picture ............................................................................................................. 37
Telephony Exchange Functions....................................................................................................... 38
Telephony Exchange Functions .................................................................................................... 38
Picking Up a Call For a Specific User ........................................................................................... 39
Picking Up Any Ringing Call ......................................................................................................... 40
Setting Call Forwarding ................................................................................................................. 41
Selecting a Call Forward Destination ............................................................................................ 42
Transferring a Call to Another Contact .......................................................................................... 43
From the Manual Dialer ............................................................................................................. 43
From the Personal Phone Book, Speed Dial, or Online Directory ............................................ 43
Inviting Another Contact Into an Ad-hoc Conference ................................................................... 44
Manually .................................................................................................................................... 44
From the Dialer .......................................................................................................................... 44
Interactive Multicast .......................................................................................................................... 45
Interactive Multicasts ..................................................................................................................... 45
Chairing an Interactive Multicast ................................................................................................... 46
Chairing an Interactive Multicast ............................................................................................... 46
Starting an Interactive Multicast ................................................................................................ 47
Multicast Session Properties ..................................................................................................... 48
Calling Participants to an Interactive Multicast.......................................................................... 49
The Outgoing Tab - Interactive Multicast .................................................................................. 50
The Control Tab - Interactive Multicast ...................................................................................... 51
Ending an Interactive Multicast ................................................................................................. 53
Participating in an Interactive Multicast ......................................................................................... 54
Participating in an Interactive Multicast ..................................................................................... 54
Entering an Interactive Multicast ............................................................................................... 55
Requesting the Floor ................................................................................................................. 56
ClearOne Multicast Viewer ............................................................................................................ 57
ClearOne Multicast Viewer ........................................................................................................ 57
The Multicast Viewer List ........................................................................................................... 58
Chapter 4: Controlling Video ........................................................................... 59
In this Chapter .................................................................................................................................. 59
The Camera Controller ..................................................................................................................... 60
The PTZ Camera Controller ............................................................................................................. 61
Adjusting the Color of the Local Video ............................................................................................. 62
Controlling a Pan / Tilt / Zoom (PTZ) Camera .................................................................................. 63
Preset Camera Positions .................................................................................................................. 64
Saving a Preset Position ............................................................................................................... 64
Moving to a Preset Position ........................................................................................................... 64
Switching Between Video Sources .................................................................................................. 65
Muting the Outgoing Video .............................................................................................................. 66
Adjusting Call Properties .................................................................................................................. 67
Synchronizing Video and Audio .................................................................................................... 67
8 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
Video Frame Rate / Quality ........................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 5: Controlling Audio........................................................................... 68
In this Chapter .................................................................................................................................. 68
Adjusting the Volume ....................................................................................................................... 69
Muting the Audio .............................................................................................................................. 70
Muting Outgoing Audio ................................................................................................................. 70
Muting Incoming Audio ................................................................................................................. 70
Audio Tuning Wizard ........................................................................................................................ 71
Chapter 6: Application Configuration .............................................................. 73
In this Chapter .................................................................................................................................. 73
Accessing Collaborate Desktop Configuration Settings .................................................................. 74
Calls Settings.................................................................................................................................... 75
Calls Settings ................................................................................................................................. 75
General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 76
Ringing Settings ............................................................................................................................ 78
Multicast Settings .......................................................................................................................... 80
Call Forwarding Settings ............................................................................................................... 82
General Settings ............................................................................................................................... 83
General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 83
User Info Settings .......................................................................................................................... 84
License Details .............................................................................................................................. 85
Shortcuts Settings ......................................................................................................................... 86
Display Settings ............................................................................................................................. 87
Hardware Settings ............................................................................................................................ 88
Hardware Settings ......................................................................................................................... 88
Audio Settings ............................................................................................................................... 89
ISDN Settings ................................................................................................................................ 90
ISDN Adapter Settings .................................................................................................................. 91
Camera Settings ............................................................................................................................ 92
Network Settings .............................................................................................................................. 93
Network Settings ........................................................................................................................... 93
Login Settings................................................................................................................................ 93
Firewall & NAT Settings ................................................................................................................. 95
Directory Settings .......................................................................................................................... 99
SIP Settings ................................................................................................................................. 100
Chapter 7: Setting Up the Dialer ................................................................... 101
In this Chapter ................................................................................................................................ 101
Setting Up the Dialer Overview ...................................................................................................... 101
Adding a Personal Phone Book Contact ....................................................................................... 103
During a Videoconference........................................................................................................... 103
Manually ...................................................................................................................................... 103
Editing a Personal Phone Book Contact ........................................................................................ 104
Personal Phone Book Contact Details ........................................................................................... 105
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 9
Adding a Picture to a Personal Phone Book Contact .................................................................... 106
From the Grabbed Picture Window............................................................................................. 106
Through the Personal Phone Book Contact Details ................................................................... 106
Deleting a Personal Phone Book Contact...................................................................................... 107
Adding and Removing a Speed Dial Contact ................................................................................ 108
Removing a Speed Dial Contact ................................................................................................. 109
Adding an Online Directory Contact to the Personal Phone Book ................................................ 110
Online Directory Contact Details .................................................................................................... 111
Chapter 8: The Main Viewer .......................................................................... 112
In this Chapter ................................................................................................................................ 112
Normal Mode .................................................................................................................................. 112
Customizing Collaborate Desktop ................................................................................................. 114
Customizing Collaborate Desktop .............................................................................................. 114
Customizing Shortcut Buttons .................................................................................................... 115
Customizing the Shortcut Tray ................................................................................................ 115
Changing a Shortcut's Location in the Shortcut Tray ............................................................. 115
Restoring the Default Shortcut Tray Configuration ................................................................. 115
Shortcuts Settings ....................................................................................................................... 116
General Settings .......................................................................................................................... 117
Resizing the Video Window ............................................................................................................ 118
Resizing the Video Window ......................................................................................................... 118
Normal Mode ............................................................................................................................... 120
Mini Mode .................................................................................................................................... 121
Large Mode ................................................................................................................................. 122
Full Screen Mode ........................................................................................................................ 123
Application Elements...................................................................................................................... 124
Application Elements ................................................................................................................... 124
The Video Window ...................................................................................................................... 125
The Manual Dialer ....................................................................................................................... 126
The Call Log ................................................................................................................................ 128
Dialing a Contact from the Call Log ........................................................................................ 128
Adding a Contact to the Phone Book ..................................................................................... 128
Deleting a Contact from the Call Log ...................................................................................... 129
The Drawer .................................................................................................................................. 130
The Drawer Tab ....................................................................................................................... 130
The Dialer ................................................................................................................................ 131
The Conference Tab ................................................................................................................ 135
The Settings Tab ..................................................................................................................... 136
Main Viewer Menus ..................................................................................................................... 137
Main Viewer Menus ................................................................................................................. 137
The Control Menu .................................................................................................................... 139
The Dialer Menu ...................................................................................................................... 140
The View Menu ........................................................................................................................ 142
The Help Menu ........................................................................................................................ 143
10 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
Conferencing Controls and Command Buttons ......................................................................... 144
Shortcut Buttons .......................................................................................................................... 146
Chapter 9: Glossary ...................................................................................... 147
Chapter 10: Index ............................................................................................ 149
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 11
Starting Collaborate Desktop
Setting Up Collaborate Desktop's Configuration
Making Videoconferences
Setting Up the Dialer
Controlling Video
Resizing the Video Window Controlling Audio
Multi-Party Conferencing with Interactive Multicast
Telephony Exchange Functions
Desktop Sharing
Data Sharing Option

Chapter 1: Welcome to Collaborate Desktop Help!


This chapter introduces the Collaborate Desktop documentation and help services and includes the following sections:

Welcome to Collaborate Desktop Documentation!

Using the Online Help
Contacting ClearOne Technical Support
This Help utility explains how to use Collaborate Desktop's features, provides instructions for participating in conferences, and provides details of videoconferencing concepts so that you can get the most out of Collaborate Desktop.
To get started, click one of the following topics:
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 13


This online help was designed to help you use your ClearOne Collaborate Desktop videoconferencing system easily and to enjoy its many features.
You can open Help at any time by:
Opening the Help menu near the top of the Main Viewer and selecting:
Contents to open the Table of Contents of topics and procedures. To open a topic,
click the topic.
Index to open the Index of keywords. To open a topic, double-click the keyword or
Search to search for topics containing a specific word or phrase. Enter the word(s)
you need and select List Topics. All topics that contain at least one match for your word(s) are then listed.
Clicking the ? button to receive information about the open window, dialog box, tab, or function.
Pressing the <F1> key on your keyboard to receive information about the open window, dialog box, tab, or function.
14 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
Type of support
Support Notes
Troubleshoot or receive technical information about specific ClearOne products.
Download a new software release or a free product evaluation.
Demo Numbers
Test your videoconferencing system.
License Key Requests
Request a permanent license key for your organization’s
Collaborate Central(s), if applicable.


This Help utility was designed to help you set up Collaborate Desktop and conduct videoconferences easily so that you can enjoy its many features.
If a situation occurs that is not covered by the Help or the supplied Getting Started Guide, contact your local ClearOne distributor and request assistance from their ClearOne-trained technical support department. Please describe the problem, device, and PC operating system (if applicable), and any other relevant details.
Also, you may access the Technical Support section of the ClearOne website ( in order to check its knowledge base or initiate other customer support processes:
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 15

Chapter 2: Starting Collaborate Desktop


This chapter explains how to access and set up Collaborate Desktop and includes the following sections:

Starting Collaborate Desktop

Logging into Collaborate Central
Changing Your Collaborate Central Password
Collaborate Desktop Setup
Multiple IP Address
User Profiles List
Collaborate Desktop's Start procedure varies, depending on whether or not your system will be in a videoconferencing network managed by Collaborate Central, or if your computer has more than one IP address defined in its Network configuration.
To start Collaborate Desktop:
1. In the Windows Desktop, double-click the ClearOne Collaborate Desktop icon.
2. According to the relevant situation, perform the rest of the startup procedure:
Your system is managed by Collaborate Central. Your system is managed by a non-ClearOne gatekeeper or runs in a standalone
configuration (no gatekeeper management).
Is this the first time that you are running Collaborate Desktop? Enter setup
NOTE: If you want Collaborate Desktop to start automatically whenever your computer starts up, select the Load on Startup (Minimized to Tray) option when you run Collaborate Desktop for the first time or log into Collaborate Central for the first time. Afterwards, you can select or deselect this option in the Display Settings.
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 17


Collaborate Central Login
Name of your computer as listed in Collaborate Central.
If you set a password, the first time you register you must type it twice for verification.
IP address of Collaborate Central. If you do not know it, ask your system administrator.
Automatic Login
Select to log in automatically to Collaborate Desktop using the entered login name and password. This setting takes effect from the next login attempt.
NOTE: This task is only applicable to Collaborate Desktop applications that support management by ClearOne's Collaborate Central.
When you start Collaborate Desktop, log into Collaborate Central to receive management and telephony exchange services: Call Forwarding, Call Pickup, Call Transfer, Invite to Ad-hoc Conference.
Click Connect to complete the login process.
NOTES: If you want to work temporarily without Collaborate Central management and telephony exchange services, click Cancel. To receive these features again, you have to log in again.
If you are running Collaborate Desktop for the first time after installation (or logging into a different Collaborate Central), the Collaborate Desktop
Setup appears. In this dialog box, enter the information required to run
Collaborate Desktop from your specific location.
18 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
Current Password
Current password that you do not want to use anymore.
New Password
Password that replaces the current one.
Verify Password
Confirmation of the new password.


From the Login settings, you may change your password for logging into Collaborate Central. The next time you log into Collaborate Central, you will need to enter the changed password.
To change your Collaborate Central login password:
1. In the Control menu, choose Settings.
Open the Drawer and click the Settings tab.
2. Select the Network tab, choose one of the Collaborate Central profiles, and then click on
the Details button.
3. Click Change Collaborate Central Password. The Collaborate Central Password dialog
box appears, displaying your User Name as it is listed in the Collaborate Central database and the Collaborate Central Administrator.
4. Change the password information:
5. Click OK.
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 19


User Information
Enter your first name, last name, company name, and email address. Items marked with * are mandatory.
Load on Startup (Minimized to Tray)
Select to open and minimize Collaborate Desktop during your computer's startup. The Collaborate Desktop icon will appear in the icon tray at the bottom of the Windows Desktop. This option takes effect only after restarting your computer.
Tuning Settings
Click Tuning Wizard to test and adjust the level of your microphone and speakers.
If you are running Collaborate Desktop for the first time after installation, the Collaborate Desktop Setup dialog box appears. Enter the information required to run Collaborate Desktop from your specific location.
Click OK to implement the settings and to open the Collaborate Desktop Main Viewer.
20 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide


If your computer has more than one IP address in its network configuration, you can connect to these IP addresses. The application will receive the incoming call that was dialed to these IP addresses.
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 21


A User Profile stores user identification and network connection information, enabling users to log into Collaborate Desktop under various configurations.
The Profiles List shows all user profiles which have been created for this Collaborate Desktop. You can add profiles to the program or edit existing ones.


To add a new user profile:
1. From the Profiles List, click New.
2. In the Profiles Details dialog box, enter a unique Profile Name. To configure the profile, fill
in the appropriate details under the relevant tabs:
3. In the Login tab, define how Collaborate Desktop starts up when this profile is active. For
example, select if Collaborate Desktop operates in Stand Alone mode or logs into Collaborate Central.
4. In the Firewall/ NAT tab, define your system's identification configuration on the local
5. In the Directory tab, define your system's entry and connection in an online directory.
This tab is only available in Stand Alone mode (in Collaborate Central mode, your system is automatically registered to any online directories set up by the Collaborate Central Administrator).
6. In the SIP tab, enter the appropriate details.
7. Click OK. The new profile now appears in the Profiles List.


To edit a user profile:
1. From the Profiles List, click Details.
2. If needed, change the name of the profile in the Profile Name box.
3. In the Profiles Details dialog box, edit Login, Firewall/NAT, Directory and SIP properties
as needed.
4. Click OK.
22 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide


To delete a user profile:
1. In the Profiles List, select a profile. The active profile cannot be deleted.
2. Click Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm.


Since user profiles may vary in their login properties (Collaborate Central Mode, Stand Alone, Gatekeeper, User Name), you can enable the User Profiles List to appear during Collaborate Desktop's startup. From the list, you then choose which profile will be active initially.
To show the User Profile List during Collaborate Desktop startup:
1. Under the Profiles List, select Show Profiles Dialog On Startup.
2. Click Apply.
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 23

Chapter 3: Making Videoconferences


Communicating with other parties in videoconferences is, likely, the activity you will do most in Collaborate Desktop. This chapter provides instructions for:

Making Videoconferences

Starting Videoconferences
Outgoing Call Message
Answering Videoconference Calls
Incoming Call Message
Ending a Videoconference
Opening the Conference Moderator
Desktop Sharing
Data Sharing Option
The Conference State
Grabbing Pictures
Telephony Exchange Functions
Interactive Multicast
Communicating with other parties in videoconferences is, likely, the activity you will do most in Collaborate Desktop.
Click the relevant link for instructions on:
Starting (dialing) a videoconference
Answering an incoming videoconference
Ending (hang up) a videoconference
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 25


NOTE: Before you start a video conference, you must first select (or verify) the appropriate communication protocol for your connection. The available protocols are H.323, ISDN, and SIP. H.323 is selected by default. The protocol is selected from a dropdown list in the dialup section
NOTE: If your dialup leads to a voice answering system, you can send DTMF tones (for choice selection) by either typing the desired numbers on your keyboard, or using the Dial pad available from the call log section.
You can start videoconferences by several different methods:


To start a videoconference manually:
1. In the Manual Dialer type the IP address, user number (E.164), or alias of the party you
want to call.
Select the party from the Manual Dialer's Call Log.
Open the on-screen dial pad and dial the desired numbers.
2. To dial to an extension that is registered to a specific Gatekeeper, enter the Gatekeeper
IP followed by ^ and the extension no. e.g.,^1234
3. In the Bandwidth box, choose the bandwidth allotted for this call.
4. Click .
26 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
To start a videoconference from the Personal Phone Book:

1. In the Dialer menu, click Personal. The Drawer opens to the Personal Phone Book.

2. Double-click the name of the party you want to call.


To start a videoconference from the Speed Dial:
1. Click the Speed Dial button to the left of the Manual Dialer.
Select Speed Dial from the Dialer menu.
Open the Drawer, and select the Speed Dial tab.
2. Double-click the name of the party you want to call.
To start a videoconference from the Online Directory:

1. In the Dialer menu, click Online Directory. The Drawer opens to the Online Directory.

2. Double-click the name of the party you want to call.


To start an Interactive Multicast:
1. Check the Multicast settings. If necessary, change them to meet your session's
2. In the Dialer menu, click Start Interactive Multicast.
In the Shortcut tray, click the Multicast button (depending on your shortcut tray's
The Session Information dialog box appears.
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 27
3. Set up the next Interactive Multicast according to its specific requirements, and then click
4. Even though you have not called anyone yet, the Interactive Multicast is now in session.
The Drawer opens to the Chair's Conference Control tab. If the session is available for
third-party viewing, someone with a third-party video viewer can tune in already.
5. Call participants to join in the session. Contacts may also join an open Multicast by
calling the Chair.


To enter an Interactive Multicast
Answer an incoming call from the Chair of an Interactive Multicast.
Call the IP address of the session after the Interactive Multicast starts.


To view an Interactive Multicast:
1. In the Dialer menu, click Multicasts.
In the Shortcut tray, click the Live button (depending on your Shortcut tray's
2. Double-click the Multicast entry.
Click on Multicast and then click View.


Using the Audio-only call option, you can make a regular audio only phone call over IP.
To make an audio only call:
In the Manual Dialer, select Audio Only before initiating the call.
28 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
Click this button to stop dialing and cancel the call.
Click this button to call the contact again.
Click this button to close the message.


After you dial another contact, the Outgoing Call message appears. The name of the contact appears as well as an indication if the contact's side is ringing (Calling) or did not answer (Rejected).
While the message is open, the following tasks are available:
Collaborate Desktop: User Guide 29


When Collaborate Desktop is running but no call is active, you can receive an incoming videoconference call or audio-only call at any time. An incoming call emits a ringing sound ­just like an ordinary telephone ring.


In the Call Settings, define if the system automatically accepts incoming calls or to decide whether to accept or reject each call manually on a call-by-call basis.
To accept incoming calls automatically:
1. Open the Drawer.
2. Click the Settings tab, the Calls tab and then the General tab.
3. Select Auto Answer.
4. Click Apply.
If your system is not in a videoconference, any incoming call will be accepted without requesting your approval.


If Auto Answer is deselected, you decide whether to accept or reject every incoming videoconferencing call. When a call arrives, the system rings. The Incoming Call message states the identity of the caller and provides the choice of accepting or rejecting the call.
To accept or reject an incoming call manually:
In the Incoming Call message, click Accept to receive the call or Reject if you don't want to answer.
NOTE: If you want to automatically accept all subsequent calls, click Auto Answer before clicking Accept or Reject.
30 Collaborate Desktop: User Guide
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