CLC Z404 Users Manual

User Manual
ABOUT AN DROI D...........................................................................................................................................................................3
AP PLI CAT I O NS................................................................................................................................................................................3
YOUR PH O N E....................................................................................................................................................................................3
GET T I N G STARTED........................................................................................................................................................................4
TOUCH SCREEN & KEY S...............................................................................................................................................................4
ZOOMI NG TI PS.................................................................................................................................................................................................5
ROTATE THE SCREEN.......................................................................................................................................................................................5
KEY TI PS............................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................5
HOM E SCREEN .................................................................................................................................................................................5
QUI CK START: HOME SCREEN........................................................................................................................................................................5
WORKI NG WI TH MENUS.................................................................................................................................................................................6
ARRANGI NG YOUR HOME SCREEN..................................................................................................................................................................7
CHANGI NG THE BACKGROUND OF YOUR HOME SCREEN...............................................................................................................................7
AP PLI CAT I ON M EN U.....................................................................................................................................................................8
APPLI CATI ON MENU.........................................................................................................................................................................................8
PH ON E STATUS BAR AN D N O T I FI CAT I O N S.......................................................................................................................8
CHECKING NOTI FI CATI ONS AND ONGOI NG ACTI VATES................................................................................................................................8
TOOLKI TS.........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
DI AL PAD ...........................................................................................................................................................................................9
MAKE A CALL....................................................................................................................................................................................................9
OPTIONS AVAI LABLE DURI NG A CALL.............................................................................................................................................................9
TEXT EN TRY....................................................................................................................................................................................10
ON- SCREEN KEYBOARD.................................................................................................................................................................................10
ENTER TEXT...................................................................................................................................................................................................10
SELECT TEXT.................................................................................................................................................................................................10
CUT / COPY/ PASTE TEXT..............................................................................................................................................................................11
COM M UN I CATI ON ........................................................................................................................................................................11
MESSAGI NG...................................................................................................................................................................................................11
EMAI L.............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
MU LTI MED I A..................................................................................................................................................................................14
MUSI C............................................................................................................................................................................................................15
FM RADI O......................................................................................................................................................................................................17
SOUND RECORDER........................................................................................................................................................................................18
BROW SER........................................................................................................................................................................................20
CON N ECT TO N ETW ORKS AND D EVI CES...........................................................................................................................20
DETERMI NE THE NETWORK YOU ARE USI NG..............................................................................................................................................20
EDI T OR CREATE NEW ACCESS POINTS......................................................................................................................................................20
WI -FI NETWORKS.........................................................................................................................................................................................20
CONNECT TO A COMPUTER VI A USB............................................................................................................................................................21
WORKI NG WI TH SECURE CERTIFICATES.....................................................................................................................................................21
I NSTALL SECURE CERTIFI CATE FROM SD CARD........................................................................................................................................21
SET T I N GS........................................................................................................................................................................................22
ACCESSI N G PASSW ORD ............................................................................................................................................................22
PIN CODE......................................................................................................................................................................................................23
PIN2 CODE...................................................................................................................................................................................................23
PUK CODE.....................................................................................................................................................................................................23
PUK2 CODE..................................................................................................................................................................................................23
PR ECAU TI ON S...............................................................................................................................................................................23
FREQU EN TLY ASKED Q U ESTI ON S AN D TROUBLESH O O TI N G...................................................................................25
SAFETY I NFORM ATI ON AN D N OTI CES...............................................................................................................................26
USI NG THE MOBI LE PHONE AND CHARGER.................................................................................................................................................26
USI NG THE MOBI LE PHONE..........................................................................................................................................................................27
USI NG THE BATTERY.....................................................................................................................................................................................27
USI NG THE CHARGER....................................................................................................................................................................................28
REQUIREMENTS FOR MOBI LE PHONE...........................................................................................................................................................28
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BATTERY..............................................................................................................................................................28
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CHARGER AND AC ADAPTER..............................................................................................................................28
CLEANI NG AND MAI NTENANCE.....................................................................................................................................................................28
Abo ut An droid
An An dr oid p h one can p erf or m m any of t he sam e funct ions as a com put er. But you can also adj ust it t o bett er
suit y ou r needs, to r eceive the inform at ion you w ant , and have fun at t h e sam e t im e. You can add and delet e
applicat ions, or en h ance t hem to im prove fun ct ionalit y. At Andr oid Mar k et you can dow nload a range of
applicat ions and gam es fr om a const an tly g r ow in g collect ion. You can also in tegrat e applications on y our
Andr oid ph on e w it h your p er sonal dat a and on line accoun ts. For exam ple, you can back up y our t rack of you r
appoint m ent s, and engage in as m uch social n et work ing as you like.
App lica t io ns
An applicat ion is a phone pr ogr am t hat help s you perfor m a task . For exam ple, t here ar e applicat ion s t o m ake
calls, t ak e phot os an d dow nload m ore ap p licat ions.
N ot e: Th e color s an d sp ecificat ion s show n/ m ent i oned in t he user m anu al m ay differ f r om t he act u al produ ct . I mages sh ow n are
fo r r epresen t at ion purpose only.
The cont ent o f t he m anual is co r r ect w hen it is r eleased , b u t we r eserv e t h e right t o m od ify t h e t echnical specification w it h o ut
addition a l not if icat i on.
Som e cont ent in t he m anu al m ay be dif f eren t from t he m obil e pho n e, as t h e accessory so f t war e, SI M car d or ser v i ce v aries by
pr ov ider s.
Your ph on e
the im por t ant key s & conn ect ors
Phone overv iew
Char g e/ USB Port To con nect ch ar ger or USB dat a cable for d at a exchange.
Earphone Jack To con nect an ear ph one so y ou can list en to m usic/ r adio.
Fron t Cam era
Receiv er To hear t he voice of t he ot h er side w hen calling.
Men u Key Open a list of opt ion s available in t he cur ren t screen or applicat ion.
Hom e Key Go t o Hom e screen;
Allow y ou t o t ak e pict ur es while f acin g the screen .
Press an d h old t o open a w indow showing y our m ost r ecent ly used applicat ions.
Back Key
Volu m e Key s
Shut t er key
Back Cam er a
1 0
1 1
Flashlight To take phot os in low -light condit ions.
1 2
Speak er To list en t o m usic, and ot her sounds offer ed by y ou r phone.
1 3
Power/ Lock Key
Go b ack t o t he previous scr een;
Close t he on- screen k eypad , a dialog b ox , an op t ions m enu, or t he Not ificat ion panel.
To adj ust t he r in g er volum e, ad j ust t he voice volum e d ur in g a call, and adj ust m edia
volum e.
Lon g p r ess t o ent er cam er a applicat ion; I n cam er a applicat ion, short press t o t ak e
pict u re.
For t aking phot os.
Swit ch t he ph on e on and off;
Press an d h old t o open ph on e opt ions m enu .
Ge t t ing st arted
let's ge t y ou u p an d run n ing
Assem ble & char ge
SI M ca rd i n
Mak e sure t hat t he clipped cor ner of t he SI M car d is f acing t he corr ect direct ion an d the m etallic con tact s are
facin g the cor r ect d ir ect ion . Slide t he SI M car d int o t h e car d slot unt il it st ops.
SD ca rd i n
Slid e t he SD car d int o t he SD car d slot with t he m et allic pins f acing d ow nwards. Push t he car d unt il it lock s
in to place.
Ba t t e ry in
Wit h t he m et allic cont act s of t he b at t er y facing t he m et allic cont act s in t he b at t er y slot , press the bat t ery
dow n unt il it locks int o place.
Cha rg e u p
Ensu re the bat t ery is in ser ted in t he han d set . To char ge t he bat tery , plug in t he charger con nect or at y ou r
phone ( USB int er f ace) and t hen plug t he ot her end int o an AC pow er socket .
The bat tery sym bol indicat es the ch ar ging stat us. While charging, the ch ar ge indicat or s will scr oll. When all
t he scroll bar s ar e st ead y, t he bat ter y is fully ch arged. Disconnect t he charg er fr om t he phone. Disconn ect t he
charger f rom t he AC power socket .
N o te : I f t he b at ter y is powerless, t he bat t er y icon w ill reappear aft er a f ew m inut es of ch ar ging.
Touch scr e e n & k e y s
a f ew essen t ials
Tou ch t ips
Here ar e som e t ips on how t o navigat e aroun d your ph one.
To choose an icon or opt ion , touch it .
Touch & h old
Open special fu n ct ions or addit ional opt ion s. Tr y it : From Ap plica t i o n m e nu , t ouch M usic icon to ent er
Music libr ar y , t hen touch and h old an art ist , a son g, or an album , som e opt ions will be av ailable t o y ou. For
ex am ple: play , add t o playlist , delet e, et c.
Dr ag
To scroll t hrough a list or m ov e slow ly , drag acr oss t he t ouch scr een. Tr y it : on t he Hom e screen, t ouch
Peop le icon t o ent er con tact s list , y ou can d rag con tact s list up or dow n to scroll list .
Slid e
To slide by m oving y ou r finger up or d ow n on t he t ou ch screen qu ickly. Scroll t hr ou gh a list or m ov e qu ickly,
slid e acr oss t he t ouch scr een ( drag quick ly and r elease) .
Dou ble - tou ch
Tou ch quick ly tw ice t o zoom in / out . For ex am ple, double- t ouch a pict ure in Galler y t o zoom in/ out .
Zoom ing t ips
Wh en looking at
m ap s, w ebpages or ph ot os, place t wo finger s on t he t ouch scr een at on ce and pinch t hem
toget her to zoom out or spr ead t hem apart to zoom in.
N o te : Use t he zoom f un ct ion w hen you view phot os, m aps or when you b r ow sing t he w eb.
Rot at e t he scr een
On som e scr eens, t he orien tat ion of t he scr een rot at es wit h t he ph on e as y ou t ur n it from upr ight t o it s slide
an d back again. You can t ur n this f eatu re on and off .
Key t ip s
Pow er / Lock k e y
Wh en pow er in g off st at us, pr ess and hold t o t urn on t he phone;
Wh en pow ering on st at us, pr ess and hold t o ent er p h one opt ions ( Power off, Reboot , Airplane m ode,
an d so on) ;
To sav e your bat t ery, p r ev ent accident al t ou ches or w hen y ou w ant t o w ip e sm u dges off you r t ouch
scr een, pu t t he t ouch screen t o sleep by p r essing Power/ Lock k ey ;
To w ak e up t he t ouch screen, j u st p r ess Power/ Lock k ey again, and t hen d rag t he lock icon t o t he r ight
on the screen to unlock according t o the clue on t he scr een.
Me nu k e y
Open s a m enu with it em s r elat ed t o t he cur rent scr een/ application.
Ho m e k e y
Press Hom e k ey to close any m enu or app and r et urn t o t he Hom e scr een. I f you ar e v iewing t he left
or right Extended Hom e scr een, open t he cen t ral Hom e screen.
Press an d h old Hom e key t o view t he applicat ions you have used r ecent ly .
Ba ck ke y
Press Back k ey t o ret urn t o t h e pr ev ious scr een y ou wer e w or king on.
Volu m e k e ys
Press Volu m e k eys t o ch ange t he v olum e. When p laying m usic or video f iles, pr ess Volu m e k ey s t o
adj ust m ed ia v olum e.
Sh ut t e r k ey
Lon g p r ess t o ent er cam er a applicat ion. I n cam er a applicat ion, short press t o t ak e p ictu r e.
Ho m e scr e en
quick access t o t he t hin gs you n eed m ost
Quick star t : Hom e screen
Ph o n e st a t us ba r a n d not ifi ca tions
W id g e t s
Ph o n e Pe o p l e La un che r: M ai n m e nu Me ssa g in g Br o w ser
The Hom e screen g iv es y ou all your lat est inform at ion in one place. I t 's w hat you
see w hen you t ur n on t he phone. I t is t he equivalen t of t he d esk top on a com put er . I t ’s y ou r gat eway t o t he
m ain feat u res in y our phone. You can cu st om ize y ou r Hom e scr een w it h sh or t cu t s, w id g et s, f olders, an d
You need slide t he Hom e screen left or right t o v iew m or e con t ent in ot her panels on t he Hom e screen. You
can add shor t cu t s, w id g et s, folder s, et c. t o Hom e scr een.
N o te : Your Hom e screen m ight look a lit tle different .
Wor k in g w it h Menus
The ph on e pr ov ides y ou with Opt ion s m en us an d con text m enu s.
Opt ions m e nu s
Opt ions m enu s cont ain tools t hat apply t o t he act iv it ies of the cu r rent scr een or application, not t o an y
specific it em on t he scr een. You can open opt ions m enu b y pressin g M en u k ey .
Not all scr eens h av e opt ions m enu s. I f y ou pr ess M e n u k e y on
a scr een t hat has n o opt ions m en u , not hin g h appens.
Short cut
To a d d a sh o rt cu t t o H om e scre en
1. From Hom e screen, t ou ch La un ch e r icon .
2. From APPS t ab, y ou w ill see applicat ion m enu.
3. Touch and hold an applicat ion icon u ntil it v ibr at es, t hen back t o t he Hom e screen , an d dr ag it t o t he
desir ed locat ion.
To r e m ov e a sh or t cu t on H om e scr e e n
I f y ou want t o rem ove t he shor t cut , y ou can t ouch and hold t he short cut icon on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es,
an d then dr ag it t o Re m ove t ab.
A w idget is sm all application on t he Hom e screen th at ty pically d isplay s in for m at ion such as Analog clock ,
Music and y ou can u se d ir ect ly on y our Hom e scr een. For ex am ple, t he Music widget allow s y ou to st art
play in g audio files direct ly on Hom e screen . You can also ad d a w idget such as Analog clock t hat shows tim e.
You can also download ad d it ion al widget s from t he libr ary of Android widget s.
To a d d a w id g et t o Ho m e scr e e n
1. From Hom e screen, t ou ch La un ch e r icon .
2. Touch W I D GETS t ab, y ou w ill see widget opt ions m en u .
3. Touch and hold a w id g et icon t o pick up the w idget , t hen b ack t o t he Hom e screen, and dr ag it t o t he
desir ed locat ion.
To r e m ov e a w id ge t on H om e scre e n
I f you w ant t o r em ove t h e w idget , you can touch and hold t he w idg et icon on Hom e scr een, and t hen drag it
to Re m ov e t ab.
Arr anging y ou r Hom e scr een
To m ov e a n it em on H om e scre en
Tou ch and hold an it em on Hom e scr een un t il it vibrat es, t h en dr ag it where you w an t.
To or ga n ize y ou r a p ps w it h f olde rs
To m ak e a new f older on your Hom e screen , st ack one app on t op of anot her.
To na m e f olde r on H om e scr e e n
1. Touch t he apps st ack on Hom e screen t o open
2. Touch t he U nna m e d Fo l d er t o sh ow t he nam e f older field.
3. Edit t he fold er n am e.
To m ov e a pplica t ion sh o rt cu ts on H om e scr e e n t o a fold er
Tou ch and hold t he it em on Hom e screen un til it v ibr at es, an d then stack th e app on top of ot her s.
To m ov e a pplica t ion sh o rt cu ts in a fold er t o H om e scre en
Tou ch and hold t he it em in a folder , an d t hen dr ag t he it em ou t of t he folder.
Changing t he backgr oun d of y ou r Hom e scr een
Adapt t he Hom e screen t o y our ow n st yle u sing wallpapers fr om Galler y , Live w allpap ers, Video wallpaper s,
or Wallpaper s.
Tou ch and hold t he Hom e screen t o select w allpap er f r om Galler y, Liv e w allpaper s, Video wallpaper s, or
Wallpapers. Then set it as w allpaper .
Tip: You can u se cam era t o take a ph ot o, and t hen set it as w allpaper .
App lica t io n m e nu
enj oy applicat ions from t he Applicat ion m enu
Applicat ion m en u
The Applicat ion m enu , which you open from your Hom e scr een, con tains t he applicat ion s t hat com e inst alled
wit h your ph one.
The Applicat ion m enu ext ends beyond t he screen width , so you n eed t o slid e left and r ight t o v iew all con tent .
To ope n t he Applica t ion m en u
1. On Hom e screen , touch La un che r icon .
2. Touch APPS t ab.
To br ow se t h e App lica t ion m en u
Open the Applicat ion m enu, then slide t he screen lef t or r igh t.
Phon e st a t u s b a r a n d not ifica t ions
The stat us bar at t h e t op of t he scr een con t ain s icon s t hat t ell you abou t m essages and phone st atu s and
shows wh at ’s goin g on in y ou r phone. At t he t op y ou g et not if icat ion s w h en t here is som eth ing n ew or
on g oing. For exam ple, new m essag e, m issed call, signal st r engt h, bat tery st at us and ot her in for m at ion
appear her e.
Check in g not ificat ions and ongoing act iv at es
You can dr ag dow n the st at us b ar t o open
th e Not ificat ion panel an d g et m or e
in for m at ion . For ex am ple, v iew m issed calls f rom Not ificat ion p anel. You can also open r unning applicat ion s,
such as the m usic p layer.
To ope n t he N ot i f ica tion pa ne l
Dr ag t he st at us b ar d ow nw ar ds.
To clo se t h e N ot if ica t ion p an el
Dr ag t he bot t om of t he Not ificat ion panel upw ar ds.
To ope n a ru nn in g a pplica t io n fr om t he N o tif ica t ion p an el
From t he Not ificat ion panel, t ou ch t he icon f or th e r unning applicat ion t o open it .
Toolk it s
I n t he t oolkit s y ou can q u ick ly st ar t t he com m on applicat ions such as Bluet oot h, Wi- Fi an d so on.
Open the t oolkit s panel b y t ouchin g
Dia l p a d
Mak e a call
Tou ch Ph on e icon on t he Hom e scr een.
I n dialing screen , input num ber and t ou ch dial icon t o dial t he inpu t t ed n u m b er.
Opt ions av ailable dur in g a call
Du r in g a call, t her e ar e som e call opt ion s av ailab le t o y ou. These call opt ions can b e seen only du rin g a call.
Wh en a call is in pr ogr ess, you can p u t it on h old, init iat e a phone conference, m u t e your m icr op h one et c.
Ke y p a d: Go t o t h e k ey
pa d.
Tou ch
Sp ea ke r: To t urn on / off
th e speaker .
Tou ch
Mu t e : Mut e you r voice
so t hat t h e ot her p ar ty
Tou ch
cannot hear y ou .
Ho l d : To p lace a call on
Tou ch
+ 20 hidden pages