CLC PLUMZ350 User Manual

User Manual
1 Basic Knowledge..........................................................................
1.1 Brief Introduction.....................................................................
1.2 General Considerations..........................................................
1.3 Battery Precautions..................................................................
1.4 Charge Mobile Phone.............................................................
1.6 Cleaning and Maintenance.................................................
2 Introduction...................................................................................
2.1 Icons.............................................................................................
2.2 Phone Layout..............................................................................
2.3 Boot Using................................................................................
2.3.1 Insert and Remove SIM Card..........................................
2.3.2 Power On/Off........................................................................
2.3.3 Unlock SIM Card..................................................................
2.3.4 Unlock Screen.......................................................................
3 Basic Functions...........................................................................
3.1 Dial................................................................................................
3.2 Contacts......................................................................................
3.3 Messages....................................................................................
3.4 File Management....................................................................
3.5 Camera........................................................................................
3.6 Images........................................................................................
3.7 Video Player..............................................................................
3.8 Music Player.............................................................................
3.9 FM Radio....................................................................................
3.10 Recorder..................................................................................
3.11 Clock.........................................................................................
3.12 Calendar..................................................................................
3.13 Calculator...............................................................................
3.14 Notepad...................................................................................
3.15 Flashlight.................................................................................
3.16 E-mail........................................................................................
3.17 Browser....................................................................................
3.18 Searching................................................................................
3.19 Download................................................................................
3.20 ToDo..........................................................................................
3.21 Compass..................................................................................
3.22 Play Store...............................................................................
3.23 Intercom..................................................................................
3.24 Wan Chen Remote Control.............................................
3.25 Software Update..................................................................
4 Settings..........................................................................................
4.1 SIM Card Management.......................................................
4.2 WIFI..............................................................................................
4.3 Bluetooth...................................................................................
4.4 Mobile Network......................................................................
4.5 Flight Mode..............................................................................
4.6 Scense Mode...........................................................................
4.7 Display.........................................................................................
4.8 Storage........................................................................................
4.9 Battery.......................................................................................
4.10 Application.............................................................................
4.11 Security.....................................................................................
4.12 SOS Setting...........................................................................
4.13 Language and Input Methods.......................................
4.14 Backup and Reset................................................................
4.15 Date and Time.....................................................................
4.16 Schedule Power On/Off...................................................
4.17 Auxiliary Functions.............................................................
4.18 About the Mobile Phone.................................................
5 Common Problems & Solutions........................................
1 Basic Knowledge
1.1 Brief Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this digital mobile phone. This instruction manual special used to guide you to understand the functions and features.
In addition to common call functions and records, this phone also provides you a variety of useful features and services. It will bring you more convenience and pleasure for your work and life.
Some of the services and functions described in this manual depend on the network and reservation service. Therefore, the menu items in the phone may not be available, various menus and functions of the phone may have different shortcut number.
Our company reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual without prior notice.
1.2 General Considerations
Your phone can only use our designated batteries and chargers. Using other products may cause battery leakage, overheating, explosion and fire.
Do not put the battery, mobile phone and charger in a microwave oven or high-pressure equipment, or may cause circuit damage and fire and other accidents.
Keep the phone away from children's reach to avoid they lest it as a toy, causing personal injury.
On airplanes, in hospitals and other places prohibit the use of mobile phones, please turn off the phone.
Do not use the mobile phone near the weak signal or high-precision electronic equipments. Radio wave interference may cause incorrect operation of the electronic equipment and other problems.
Do not disassemble or modify the phone, otherwise it will cause damage, leakage and circuit faults to the phone. Avoid mobile phone too close to magnetic objects such as magnetic cards, mobile phone radiation wave may clear floppy disk, saving card, credit card information stored on.
1.3 Battery Precautions
The use of mobile phone battery life is limited. In frequent charging battery time gradually shortened. The multiple charging is invalid, the battery life has been, you should replace the specified type of new battery.
Do not throw old batteries in the general household waste. There is a clear local regulations for battery disposal, please follow the instructions required to do.
Do not throw the battery into fire, otherwise it will cause the battery to ignite and explode. Installing batteries, do not apply pressure to force, otherwise it will cause the battery to leak, overheat, explosion and fire.
If the battery fluid into the eye may cause blindness, then do not rub your eyes, rinse with fresh water , and then immediately to the hospital.
Do not disassemble or modify the battery, otherwise it will lead to battery leakage, overheating, explosion and fire.
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Do not use or leave the battery beside the fire or heater hot place, otherwise it will lead to battery leakage, overheating, explosion and fire.
Do not wet the battery, otherwise it will cause the battery to overheat, smoke and corrosion. Do not use or leave the battery in direct sunlight or near hot car, otherwise it will result in fluid leakage and overheating may degrade performance and shorten the service life.
Do not more than 24 hour continue charge.
1.4 Charge Mobile Phone
The joint is connected to the mobile phone charger, mobile phone battery indicator on the screen will flash cycle; charging if it is turned off, charging indicator will appear on the screen of the screen, the battery charging. If the phone is still excessive use when battery is low, probably over a period of time after charging indicates a symbol will appear on the screen charge. When the on­screen battery indicator shows full, and no longer flashing, indicating that charging has been completed. After charging is complete, disconnect the AC power outlet which connect the phone and charger.
1.5 Charger Precautions
Please use 120V AC. Using other voltage can cause leakage, fire or damage to the phone and charger. Prohibit short-circuit charger, otherwise it will cause electric shock, smoke and damage to the charger. Please do not use the charger in the case of the power cord damage, otherwise
it will lead to a fire and electric shock.
Please clean the dust on the power socket.
Please do not put water container near the charger, to avoid overheating, leakage and malfunction caused by water spills. If the charger come into contact with water or other liquids, immediately unplug the power from the outlet down to prevent overheating, fire, electric shock and malfunction of the charger.
Do not disassemble or modify the charger, otherwise it will lead to personal injury, electric shock, fire and damage to the charger.
Please do not use the charger in the bathroom where high humidity, otherwise it will cause electric shock, fire and damage of the charger.
1.6 Cleaning and Maintenance
Mobile phone, battery and charger without waterproof performance, do not use in the bathroom where high humidity, also avoid being wet. With a soft, dry cloth to clean the phone, battery and charger. Do not use alcohol, thinner or benzene solution to wipe the phone.
2 Introduction
2.1 Icons
In the standby interface, may appear small ICONS, details are as follows:
4 5
Tim e Dis pla y
Alarm c loc k has b een s et an d ac tiv ate d
Show battery level
Vertical bars indicate the signal strength of the GSM network signal
Connect to the wireless network
Activate Bluetooth
Indicates music playing
Receives new message
Missed Call
Meeting Mode
Flight Mode
Mute Mo de
Activate USB
Access Restricted
2.2 Pho ne La yout
12 7 8
Keys Instructions
1.Vo lume Key +
2.Vo lume Key -
3. PT T Key
4. Message Key
5. FM K ey
6. US B/ Earphone
7. Power Key
8. Ca ll Records
9. SO S Ke y
10. Camera Key
11. Camera
12. Flashlight
Press this key to increase volume.
Press this key to decrease volume.
Enter the intercom
Enter the intercom
The FM ra dio s hor tcu t
The charger/USB/Earphone jack
Long press this key to turn off/on. Short press this key to lock the phone. Light the screen.
Call Records shortcut
Long press to dial emergency number and sen d a mes sag e for help.
Press t his b utt on to e nte r th e cam era viewfinder interface, then to take photos.
Camera flashlight, open the flashlight program can be used as a fla shlight lighting.
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2.3 Boot Using
2.3.1 Insert and Remove SIM Card
Turn off the phone, remove battery and other external power supply. According to the mobile phone label inserted SIM card. When you need to take out the SIM card, please turn it off, take out the battery, then remove SIM card from SIM card holder.
2.3.2 Power On/Off
To turn on the phone, please long press the power key on the phone up side.
Turn off the phone, long press the power key. The following message box pops up, select "Off”.
Press the power key to switch phone in addition, you can also choose to reboot the phone, select the flight mode, mute mode, vibration mode and standard mode.
2.3.3 Unlock SIM Card
In order to prevent illegal use, SIM card using PIN1 (Personal Identification Number) code encrypt protection.
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Use the function, every time you must enter PIN1 code when the phone is switched on, so that you can unlock the SIM card, and then send or receive the call.
Press the ON / OFF key to boot the phone; enter PIN1
code, press to clear the error input, press to confirm.
If you enter the wrong PIN1 code in several times, SIM card will be locked, then please contact your SIM card network operator.
2.3.4 Unlock Screen
In order to prevent unauthorized use, you can set your phone screen lock. Elected to use this function, every time you light up the screen, you must draw your unlock pattern, so that you can unlock the phone, and then send or receive calls.
Users can clear the unlock pattern (see "Security
3 Basic Functions
3.1 Dial
In standby interface to click into the dial-up interface, click the digital on the screen to dial the number. If you need to change the phone number, please click back to delete characters, then press to dial the number. Press the Menu key to pop-up menu options, as sh own, you can choose to send SMS, added to the "Contacts" or the Settings, etc.
You can a lso to uch a t the t op of screen, enter to the call records interface to dial out. Or click at the top of the screen, enter the contact interface to dial out. Click . directly in the standby interface, can also into the
contact interface to dial out.
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After the call is connected as shown:
Cl ic k to open the dial pad, according to the call prompted to input the corresponding number, such as 10086 when playing prompts.
Click to open the speaker, amplified voice calls.
Click to mute, do not send local voice. Click to keep current on the phone or restore
is held.
Click to use the keyboard to enter a contact or from call logs, contacts, select the relevant contact, to make a new call.
Click to end the current call.
Interface as shown when a call comes in, tap
.. and drag to an sw er t he p hone, drag to reject a call, drag to send SMS.
3.2 Contacts
You can directly open the "Contacts" on the main screen, or open it in "Dial" app. Enter the contact interface as shown, click on a contact to view the contact information stored, click on to call the contact, click on to send SMS to the
12 13
contact. Press the Menu key to modify, share and delete the contact.
In the con tac t in terface , cl ick on to q uic kly searc h contacts, click on to add a new contact. You can choose to save the newly added contacts to the phone or the SIM card and save the contact name, phone, email, address and other information, as shown:
In the contact interface click menu button will pop up the following menu options, you can according to your need to delete, import, export and share contacts and other operations.
3.3 Messages
Click o n t he h om e screen, enter the message interface. Click to enter the written message interface. In the "input names and numbers" area, input the number, or click on the contact icon, select a number from your contacts. Edit message content in the "input the text mes sa ge " a re a. Tou ch to s end a message after
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Clic k on th e scre en, can insert images, video, audio and other files, SMS will be automatically converted into MMS. In Message interface, click on the menu, you can choose to delete, set up and send message, such as the menu.
3.4 File Management
You can view and management the files which be stored locally on the phone or SD card. You can copy the files, paste, rename, delete, share and other operations.
Long press file or click on menu key , you can select one or more files or folders to share, copy, delete, cut, rename and other operations. You can also reordered folder by name, size or date.
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3.5 Camera
On the main screen, tap into the application, and then cli ck t o enter t he c ame ra viewfinder screen. You can choose various camera mode at the top of the icon, at the bottom right corner, you can choose the flashlight mode, and switch camera mode. Touch the preview area can be adjusted to focus. As shown in figure:
Cl ic k t o e nt er th e c am er a se tt ing mode, you can according to your needs for camera exposure, effects, shooting and other settings. As shown:
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