CLC PLUMW100 Users Manual

User Manual
Chapter 1 B a s i c kn o w l e d g e o f m o b i l e p h o n e ..............................................................7
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 7
1.3 Common Attention............................................................................................. 8
1.4 Usage Attentin................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Battery Usage Attention..................................................................................... 9
1.6 Charge usage attention ................................................................................... 10
1.7 Clean and repair...............................................................................................11
1.8 General attention..............................................................................................11
Chap ter 2 Befo r e St a r t........................................................................................................ 12
2.1 SIM card .......................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1Input and output of SIM card.......................................................... 13
2.2 Battery ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 open and arrange.......................................................................... 13
2.2.2 charged of battery .........................................................................13
2.3 Power on.......................................................................................................... 14
Chap ter 3 Secti o n Bas e inf o r mati o n ............................................................................... 15
3.1Keypad intro...................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1 Base of keypad.............................................................................. 15
3.2 Phone fuction................................................................................................... 16
3.2.1Dial phone: 16
3.2.2reveive call 17
3.2.3refuse call: 18
3.3 Data cable USE............................................................................................... 18
Chap ter 4 F unct i o n Men u .................................................................................................. 19
4.1 File manage..................................................................................................... 19
4.2Phone book ...................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Fun and games................................................................................................ 20
4.3.1 Game ................................................................................. 20
4.4 Call center..................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1Call history 21
4.4.2General call setting......................................................................... 21
4.5 Messaging............................................................................... 23
4.5.1message 23
4.5.2MMS ................................................................................. 25
4.5.3Broadcast message:....................................................................... 27
4.6 Multimedia............................................................................... 28
4.6.1Mobile TV 28
4.6.2Camera ................................................................................. 28
4.6.3Image viewer 29
4.6.4Video recorder................................................................................ 29
4.6.5Video player 30
4.6.6Audio player 30
4.6.7Sound recorder............................................................................... 30
4.6.8FM RADIO 30
4.7 Organizer................................................................................. 31
4.7.1Calendar 31
4.7.2Tasks .................................................................................31
4.7.3Alarm ................................................................................. 32
4.8 Settings ................................................................................... 32
4.8.1Dual SIM settings ........................................................................... 32
4.8.2 Pen calibration............................................................................... 32
4.8.2 Phone Settings.............................................................................. 32
4.8.3 Network Setup............................................................................... 34
4.8.4 Security Settings ...........................................................................34
4.8.5 Connectivity 37
4.8.6 Restore Factory Settings............................................................... 37
4.9 Profile ...................................................................................... 37
4.9.1 General model............................................................................... 37
4.9.2 Silent ........................................................................ 37
4.9.3 Meeting mode .......................................................... 37
4.9.4 Outdoor mode.......................................................... 37
4.9.5 Indoor mode............................................................. 37
4.9.6 Earphone model....................................................... 38
4.9.7 Lowpower mode....................................................... 38
4.10 Extra........................................................................................ 38
4.10.1 Calculator 38
4.10.2 Currency converter ..................................................38
4.11 Services................................................................................... 38
4.11.1 Internet service............................................................................ 38
4.12 Call Menu................................................................................ 40
Chap ter 5 Input .................................................................................................................40
5.1 Overview of the input....................................................................................... 41
5.2 Input Description ..................................................................... 41
Chapter6 Normal problem ..............................................................................................42
6.1 Why is the phone of "Please insert SIM card" word?...................................... 42
6.2 PIN、PIN2、PUKPUK2 code and Restrictions on inquiries and
password Note: 43
6.3 out networks happen from time to time................................... 43
6.4 the other party can not hear the voice .................................... 43
6.5 does not charge or charge does not show.............................. 43
6.6 Sign is instability...................................................................... 44
6.7 Phone not be able to allocate.................................................. 44
6.8 call phone standby time is short.............................................. 44
Chapter 1 Basic knowledge of mobile phone
1.1 Introduction
Thanks for your choosing the company’s GSM/GPRS mobile
Please read all the information carefully before using the mobile phone for the first time which will help you to better use the mobile phone and to better know about the company’s phone. You will use it without any difficulty.
The phone is a straight model designed focusing on GSM/GPRS network. It supports 850/900/1800/1900. Besides dial function, this models also includes such functions as English input method、 phonebook like name card, chord, 、clock/alarm clock、calendar、 calculator、games、Mp3 player、TV、FM, etc. which make your work and spare time activities more convenience. In addition, the phone adopted human nature UI design which can meet your different requirements.
The phone comply with GSM/GPRS technique regulations and get confirmed by foreign authority organization.
All rights reserved by our company without informing anyone in
advance to make a emendations about this manual.
1.2 Safty procedures
If your mobile is lost or stolen, please inform the Telcom
department or agency in your local place to forbidden the mobile use and SIM card which will prevent you from economical loss caused by others.
Whe n y ou conta ct the lo cal Te lc om or a ge ncy, th ey h av e t o
know your mobile IMEI code(printed on the sticker of mobile body, you will find it when take out the ba tt er y) . Pleas e kee p the IMEI code for future use.
In ord er t o pr even t wr ong use , ple ase tak e mea sur es t o av oid.
For example:
- Se t th e PI N co de o f y ou r SI M ca rd,and modify it in time
before others know it.
- Don't put your mobile phone in view places when you
leave the car. You’d better take it with you anywhere or lock it in your suitcase.
- Set call limit.
1.3 Common Attention
Your mobile phone can only use the specified battery and
charger by our company. Other products may cause battery leak, too hot, explosion and fire.
Don’t hit, shake or throw the mobile phone hardly to avoid
breakdown and fire.
Don’ t put the battery, mobile phone and charger in
microwave oven or high voltage electrical equipments, or it will cause short circuit and fire, etc..
Don’t use the mobile phone in the place surrounded by
combustible and explosive materials , or it may cause breakdown and fire.
Don’t put your mobile phone in high temperature , high
humidity or heavy dusted plac es, or it may ca us e b re ak do wn.
Please put the mobile phone in the place which is out child
reach. Or the child wi ll take it as toy which may hurt its body.
Don’t put the mobile phone in uneven and unstable places, or
it may fall down and break down.
1.4 Usage Attentin
Please turn off your mobile phone when on the plane and
hospital. Mobile phone will affect the electrical equipment and medical equipment. Please follow relative regulations when using mobiles in the above mentioned places. The mobile phone can turn on and turn off automatically. Please check your alarm clock to make sure it won’t turn on automatically when on flight.
Don’t use the mobile phone when in weak signal places or
near by high definition electrical equipment. Radio wave interference can cause electrical equipment wrong use and
other problems. The following equipment must be paid attention to when use the mobile phone:hearing aids、 pacemaker and other medical electronically equipment、fire detector、automatic dorr and other automatic fittings. Please check with the equipment manufacturer or distributor for mobile phones influence to pacemaker and other medical electric equipment.
Don’t force the LCD screen or hit other things, or it may cause
damage to liquid cry stal display screen s and leak of l iquid. It may cause blindness if the liquid enter into your eyes. Please wash your eyes with running water immediately(Don’t rub your eyes!) and go to the hospital in time.
Don't disassembly the or refit the mobile phone, or it may
cause damage, leak and short circuit to the mobile phone.
Sometimes, the mobile phone may affect some electronic
equipment in certain car. Don't use the mobile phone to avoid safety insurance.
Do n’ t u se su ch s ha rp t hi ng s as pi n a nd top of pe n or pe nci l t o
press the keypad,or it may cause breakdown to the mobile phone or disoperation.
If the antenna is damaged, don’t use the mobile phon. Or it
may cause hurt to your body.
Avoid keeping the mobile phone close to the magcard and
magnetic things. The radiation wave may delete the information in the floppy disk, bank card and credit card.
Please keep small metal things like the thumbtack away from
the receiver of the mobile phone. The speak has magnetism when working which may attract the little metal things. It will result in damage to your body or breakdown to your mobile phone.
Keep the mobile phone dry. Water or other liquid will cause
heat, leak and damage to the mobile phone.
1.5 Battery Usage Attention
Don’t throw the battery into the fire, or it will cause fire and
Don’t force it when put the battery in. Or it will cause leak,
overheating, explosion and fire.
Don’t short circuit the battery by metal things like wire, pin.
Don’t put the battery together with necklace, or it will cause leak, overheating, explosion and fire.
Don’t weld the battery end socket, or it will cause leak,
overheating, explosion and fire.
It may cause blindness if the liquid of battery enter into the
eye s. Don’t ru b your ey es. Wa sh your eye s w ith ru nn ing wa te r and go the hospital immediately.
Don’t disassembly or refit the battery, or it will cause leak,
overheating, explosion and fire.
Don't use or put the battery near the hot things like fire or
heater, or it will cause leak, overheating, explosion and fire.
If it heat, change color and transfiguration when using the
battery, please stop use it and change a new battery.
If the battery liquid approach your skin or clothes, it may
cause your skin burnable. Please wash it by running water and turn to the doctor if necessary.
If the battery leaks or smells badly, please put it away from
fire to avoid fire and explosion.
Keep the battery dry, or I will cause overheating, smoke and
Don’t use or put the b attery in the places from direct sunlight
or nearby the car, or it will cause the liquid leak and overheating. It also will lower the performance and shorten the service life.
Don’t keep charging over 24 hours.
1.6 Charge usage attention
Please use 220V alternating current. Other voltage will cause
leak, fire and damage to the mobile and charger.
Don’t short circuit the charger, or it will cause eclectic shock,
smoke and damage to the charger.
Don’t use th e c ha rg er wh en th e p ow er li ne is broken,or it wi ll
cause fire and electric shock.
Please clean the dust on the power socket in time. Don’t put the water container beside the charger to avoid
overheating, leak and breakdown by the spilling water.
If the charger approach water or other liquid, please plug out
it from the power socket to avoid overheating, fire, electric shock and charger breakdown.
Don’t disassembly or refit the charger, or it will cause hurt to
your body, electric shock, fire and charger breakdown.
Don’t use the charger in high humidity places like bathroom,
or it will cause electric shock, fire and charger breakdown.
Don’t touch the charger, power line, power socket with wet
hands, or it will cause electric shock.
Don’t put heavy things on the power line or refit the power line,
or it will cause electric shock and fire.
Please plug out the power pin before clean and repair. Hold the charger when plug out. Pulling the power line will
cause damage, electric shock and fire.
external charger recharging voltage cannot exceed 6.5 V, or
mobile phones can be damaged.
1.7 Clean and repair
Mobile phone, battery and charger are not water-proof.
Pl ea se don ’t use it in h ig h hu mi di ty pl aces like b at hr oom, and avoid getting wet by rain.
Clean the mobile phone, battery and charger with dry soft
Don’t wipe the mobile phone with liquids like al cohol, thinner
or benzene.
Dirty plug will cause bad connection, power failure which will
result in recharge problem. Please clean it regularly.
1.8 General attention
Mobile phone: Please use the mobile phone in 5℃~40℃ temperature and
35%~85% humidity.
Please use the mobile phone in places away from common
telephone, TV, radio and Office Autoimmunization to avoid affecting the equipment and the mobile phone usage.
Battery: Please put the ba tt er y i n s ha do wy an d v en ti la te d p la ces aw ay
from direct sunlight.
Mo bil e ph one bat ter y s erv ic e li fe i s li mit ed. The ser vic e li fe will
shorten after being charged frequently. The service life ends if frequent charge failed, you need to change a new battery of the same model.
Don’t throw the used battery into common household
garbage. Please deal with it in clear marked places which are for used batteries.
Charger: Don’t charge in the following places: places with direct
sunlight; places with outside temperature under5℃ or above 40℃方;places are humidity, dusty, or vibrated(may cause breakdown) ; electronic equipments like TV, radio(may influence the image and sound effect.
Chapter 2 Before Start
2.1 SIM card You must plug in an effective SIM card before using the
mobile phone. SIM card is the key to GSM/GPRS network.
All the information related with network connection and your
call record default all recorded in the metal part of the SIM card together with the name you stored and you received, phone number, and messages in your SIM card phonebook. The SIM card can take out from your mobile phone and put into another GSM/GPRS mobile phone for use ( new mobile phone can read the SIM card automatically)。
In order to prevent from loss and spoil the information in the
SIM card, you’d better avoid touch the metal area and put it in places away from electricity and magnetism. Once the SIM card is damaged, you can not access the GSM/GPRS network.
This mobile phone supports two SIM card at the same time
with two cards standby. *Remark:Power off your mobile phone before output the SIM
card. Plug-in and plug out the SIM card with the power connection on is forbidden. Or the SIM card is damaged.
2.1.1Input and output of SIM card
SIM card often is put in one card slot. You must output it
carefully before assembly.
Power off the mobile phone, and remove the battery and
other outside power.
Before put the SIM card into the socket, please power off,
remove th e bat tery, th en put the SIM card from the card slot.
2.2 Battery Battery with 50% of quantity of electrical, you also can use. If
the new batter have to charge within 14 hours ,then remove ,and use it ,then you return to do for3time enough, the battery will use very well.
2.2.1 open and arrange Open step by step as following:
1. Remove battery cover
2. Remove battery out
Fix step by step as below:
Install batteries
2. Keep back caver
2.2.2 charged of battery
At first the charge connect with power supply Use charge connect with mobile charge cable (note:
arrowhead point up )
Here, the charging marks will shining at right on the mobile
screen , if you switch off mobile phone , also showing charging picture one the screen means it is working ,otherwise , it is not . if battery excess use ,when you ch arge t he pho ne , the s ho wing w il l need take s om e t ime you will see it .
Battery marks showing full at right on the screen and don’t
shine , it has been finished .charge mobile when you switch off , it will show ‘ok’picture. Charge time need 3-4 hours . when mobile have been charged the phone and battery will heat ,this is normal.
Cut off power supply and charge connect cable when
charging has been finished
- When charging please keep a ventilated at+5℃~+40
℃ and have use which supplier who appoint , don’t use charge not allow ,please cause in danger ,and disobey mobile certificate and warranty .
- If the mobile phone switch off or showing warning “no
batt ery ”,you have to c harge your mo bile in time , if th e phone have power , you charge again , the charging time will less .
- Supply offer the mobile phone and battery will work at
good environment, exactly, battery standby how long time deponed on internet and work environment and used method.
- When you need charge battery, at first confirm to fix
well battery, and don’t remove battery.
charge and power supply
-If u didn’t divide charge cable and power supply with 5-8 hours , battery electric quantity will spoiled power , mobile phone will charge again .we hope you don’t use this way ,because of effecting battery capability and use time .
2.3 Power on
Power has been charged fully, please divide
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