Mobile Phone
Plum Model:Caliber
User Manual
User Manual ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Safety and Maintenance------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Basic Knowledge -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
RIEF INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 10
Your Mobile Phone------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
PPEARANCE ................................................................................ 11
1.1 A
EY DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 12
1.2 K
TATE ICONS................................................................................. 13
1.3 S
1.4 S
CREEN BACKGROUND LIGHT .......................................................... 13
Instructions before Use ----------------------------------------------------------- 14
NSTALL AND CHARGE THE PHONE .................................................... 14
2.1 I
OWER ON/OFF ............................................................................. 14
2.2 P
2.3 S
ECURITY PASSWORD .................................................................... 14
Quick Guide --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
IAL NUMBERS .............................................................................. 16
3.1 D
MERGENCY CALL.......................................................................... 18
3.2 E
3.3 A
NSWER CALL ............................................................................... 18
3.4 T
ERMINATE CALL ........................................................................... 19
3.5 C
ALL OPTIONS ............................................................................... 19
EYBOARD LOCK ........................................................................... 20
3.6 K
Basic Functions---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
IAL PHONE .................................................................................. 21
4.1 D
4.2 A
NSWER INCOMING CALL ................................................................ 22
4.3 M
AKE EMERGENCY CALL ................................................................. 22
AKE INTERNATIONAL LONG-DISTANCE CALL..................................... 23
4.4 M
4.5 T
ALK OPTIONS ............................................................................... 23
4.6 TEXT EDIT ..................................................................................... 24
ASIC ENGLISH AND NUMBER INPUT MODE ........................................ 25
4.7 B
4.8 Q
UIT FROM THE MENU .................................................................... 25
Menu Function List ----------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Menu Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
HONEBOOK ................................................................................. 28
6.1 P
ALL HISTORY ............................................................................... 29
6.2 C
6.3 M
OBILE INTERNET.......................................................................... 31
UN & GAMES ............................................................................... 31
6.4 F
ESSAGING .................................................................................. 32
6.5 M
6.6 V
IDEO CALL ................................................................................... 34
RGANIZER................................................................................... 35
6.7 O
6.8 S
ETTINGS ..................................................................................... 36
ULTIMEDIA .................................................................................. 39
6.9 M
MAIL ......................................................................................... 42
6.10 E
6.11 M
Y FAVORITES ............................................................................ 42
6.12 E
XTRA ........................................................................................ 42
6.13 MSN .......................................................................................... 43
EBUDDY...................................................................................... 43
ACEBOOK .................................................................................. 43
6.15 F
FAQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 T-Flash Card Introduction -------------------------------------------------------- 47
LASH CARD INSTALL/REMOVE .......................................................... 47
LASH CARD USE ............................................................................. 47
Safety and Maintenance
While using the cell phone, please check it with the following table:
• Before use, please read instruction manual carefully.
• Do not power on the cell phone when use of cell phone is prohibited or it may cause interruption or danger.
• Please keep your cell phone off when you are on a plane. If functions that will automatically power on your cell phone, such as alarm clock or calendar, are setup, please check and cancel the configuration before boarding the plane.
• While using the cell phone, please keep away from heat source and high voltage environment, such as electric appliances or electric cooking devices. Please use the cell phone under normal temperature. Use it under temperature above 55or below -10may damage the phone.
• Pay attention to fire pre vention. Power off the phone while near flammable materia ls, such as gas-filli n g st at io n and fuel storage.
• Do not hold the cell phone in your hand while driving. Do not put the phone above air bag or within reach of airbag so as to prevent damage when airbag is infla ted.
• Standard battery, charger and accessories approved by Novo should be used. Novo is not responsible for any consequence caused by use of thir d par ty ac ce ss ories.
• Cell phone may cause interference to nearby electronic devices, so keep it away from electronic devices such as TV set, radio, PC, pacemaker and hearing aid, etc. Do not place the cell phone near cred it ca rd or mag net ic fiel d. Plea se powe r o ff you r c el l ph on e in
hospital and other special places according to specific regulations there.
• Keep the cell phone away from mechanic vibration or shaking. Do not hit the screen of your phone with sharp tool.
• If plastic cover or case is used for cell phone, surface coating may be damaged.
• Do not disassemble the cell phone boldly.
• Do not use benzene, thinner or alcohol to clean the cover of your cell ph one. Keep you r cell ph one away fro m corrosive che micals such as detergent. Use clean and soft cloth instead and wipe gently.
• Prevent your cell phone from insulation or places with excessive smoke or dust.
• Your cell phone is not water-proof, so please keep it dry. Do not use it in damp environment, such as bathroom. Keep it away from rain and moisture.
• If your cell phone has external antenna, do not touch the antenna when it is not necessary. Use original antenna only, for use of unauthoriz ed a nten na may cause dam age to the phon e.
• When you are to pull the charger away from your cell ph one or cut off power supply of charger, please hold the connec tor tightly and then pull out. Do not drag the pow er cabl e.
• Do not rely on cell phone only as communication device for emergency, such as medica l res cue .
• Keep the cell phone out of reach of children so as to avoid danger.
While using battery, please observe following points:
• Before use, please read instructions for use and as well as label on the surface of battery.
• Please charge the battery in a cool and well-ventilated room. Otherwise, high environment temperature may lead to overheat, smoking, burning, distortion or even explosion of battery.
• There are special protec tion circuits and devices inside battery, so do not open the battery; Otherwise it may lead to short circuit or electrolyte leak. If electrolyt e enters eyes, there is danger of blindness. In such case, immediately wash eyes with clean water (Do remember not to rub the eyes with hands) and then go to hospital for treatment.
• Do not squeeze the battery and keep it away from mechanical vibration and shaking. Do not short connect the battery, for this may damage the battery and components connected to it. Short circuit may be caused by coin or clip directly connecting anode and cathode of the battery, so do not put the battery together with metal objects.
• Please keep the metal contac t points and battery clean.
• Do not use damaged or deplet ed battery.
• The battery should be replaced when it can not meet the requirement for performance. Battery can be charged hundreds of times before it should be replaced. Battery belongs to consumables. Though it can be charged hundreds of times, its quantity of electric charge may decrease gradually. When service time (talk time and standby time) is found to have decreased, the battery shall be replaced.
• Prevent the battery from exposure to the sin or places with excessive smoke or dust. Do not use it in damp environment, such as bathroom. The battery is not waterproof; so keep it away from rain and moisture.
• Do not put the battery in places that are too hot or too cold. Temperature above 55or below -10may affect performance of the battery.
• Do not put the battery in fire so as to avoid explosion.
• Do not put the battery in water so as to avoid short circuit inside, resulting in battery overheat, smok ing, distortion, damage or even explosion.
• Treat battery according to local regulations (for exampl e, recycling). Do not treat battery as domestic garbage so as to avoid explosion and pollution.
• Special charger should be used for this battery for charging, and charging time should not exceed 12 hours.
• Keep battery out of reach of children to avoid danger.
While using battery charger, please observe following points:
• Before use, please read instructions for use and as well as label on the surface of the charger.
• Do not disassemble or modify the charger or use it when power cable is damaged; otherwise there will be electric shock or fire, or the charger may be damaged.
• Do not touch the charger with wet hands. If the charger contacts water or other liquid, immediately cut off the power supply.
• Do not short connect the c harger and keep it a way from mechanical vibration or shaking and direct sun shine. Do not use it in damp environment, such as bathroom. The battery charger is not waterproof; so keep it away from rain and moisture.
• Do not use the charger near electric appliances such as TV set and radio.
• When to pull out the plug, hold the charger instead of dragging the power cable so as to avoid damage of power cable.
• Keep the charger out of reach of children so as to avoid danger.
Basic Knowledge
Thank you for choosing the GSM/WCDMA function cell phone. You will know how to use this phone roundly after reading the manual. Design this cell phone is aim at WCDMA network environment, except the call function, there are basic English input mode, contacts, individuated ringtone/image, MP3 ringtone, short message, multime dia m essage, cam era, me di a player, alarm, calcul at or, auto on /of f , cal en da r, world cl oc k, st opwatch, E-book, T-Flash, link internet in GPRS, keyboard lock, video recorder, etc. This cell phone interface is individual, the function of design is perfect. It can satisfy your deferen t demand.
Your Mobile Phone
1.1 Appearance
1.2 Key description
Key Description
Send key
End key
Left soft key
Right soft key
Shortcut key
OK key Confirm operations you have operated.
Number key
* key # key
Making or answering a call. In standby mode, press this
key to access the Call History.
End calls or reject calls. Long press: Power on, power
In standby mode, press left soft key to enter main menu.
In standby mode, press right soft key to Phonebook. In standby mode, press the key to enter media player.
Input numbers, letters, and some special characters.
In standby mode, continuous press this key to input the
symbol ‘*, +, p, w’; and input symbol in input interface.
In standby mode, long press this key to activate silent
mode, and to switch input method in input interface.
1.3 State icons
<Icons on the screen: >
Indicates SIM Card signal strength. That is using 3G network of USIM. SIM card received new short message(s) New multimedia message(s) received. Received new emails
Missed phone.
Alarm clock has been activated. Indicate Bluetooth Indicates a headset is connected to the phone.
Indicates vibration mode has been activated. Keypad has been locked.
Indicates battery power level.
1.4 Screen background light
Background light can illuminate the screen. When you power on your cell phone, background light will turn on for a certain period. If no key is pressed within the period, the background light will turn off automatically so as to save battery. Setup background light brightness in [Settings] –[Phone Setup] – [Misc settings] – [LCD Backlight].
Instructions before Use
2.1 Install and charge the phone
1. Remove the battery cover
2. In sert the S IM card
3. Install the battery
4. Plug t he tr avel adapter i nto the phone
2.2 Power on/off
Long press the End Key to power on / off the phone.
2.3 Security password
You can set access password to avoid your SIM card is used by others.
2.3.1 PIN code
If your cell phone has enabled PIN code protection, there will be prompt for entering PIN code. If wrong PIN code is entered for three times, SIM card will be automatically locked. You have to enter PUK code so as to unlock it. PIN code is related to SIM card instead of the cell phone, and is provided by network service operator.
2.3.2 PUK code
PUK code, r e fe r ri ng to personal unlock code, is used to unlock SIM card that is locked because of wrong input of PIN code. If
wrong input of PUK code amounts t o ten times, SIM card will lose efficacy. PUK cod e is provided by network service operator.
Quick Guide
3.1 Dial numbers
When logo of network provider appears on the screen, you can dial or answer calls. Information bars at upper right corner of the screen show intensity of network signal. (Four information bars represent most intense signal.)
Since quality of call is greatly affected by barrier, movement in small ran ge ca n ef fec t iv ely im prove quality of call.
3.1.1 Make domestic phone call Use number keys to input phone number in standby state and then press send key to start the call. If the phone number needs to be changed, please delete characters by pressing right soft key. After the call, please pres s End key to hang up the call.
You can enter domestic phone numbers according to the followings:
Area code Phone number Send key
3.1.2 Call extension of fixed phone Some fixed phone extension cannot be put through directly. Instead, you need to enter exchange number first and then press [*] key, then enter extension number when “p” appears on the screen.
You can dial fixed phone extension number according to following consequence:
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