CLC E500 Users Manual

Our company reserves the right to modify or improve any product described in this document without prior notice. In any case, our company shall not be liable for any loss of data or income, or any special, incidental, incidental or consequential loss, no matter what the cause of the loss.
The description of the user's mobile phone and the phone's operating interface may exist some access, depending on the software version of your phone or a particular operator services.
At the same time the company has maintained the right to update the content of the product, all content, please prevail in kind.
Eye book
1Basic knowledge ....................................................................................................................... 3
2Mobile phone appearance and press key .................................................................. 8
2.1 Left soft key .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Shutdown key ............................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Navigation key ........................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Numbers, symbols, letter keys .................................................................... 9
2.5 Dial key ...................................................................................................................... 9
3Information symbol ............................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Display ......................................................................................................................... 9
4instructions for use ......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 how to install SIM card ................................................................................ 10
4.2 How to take out SIM card .............................................................................. 10
4.3 How to install the battery ......................................................................... 10
4.4 How to remove the battery ............................................................................ 10
4.5 How to charge the battery ............................................................................ 11
4.6 How to turn on / off the phone power supply ................................. 11
4.7 How to install a memory card ..................................................................... 11
5Call and answer the phone ............................................................................................. 12
5.1 call .............................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Call an emergency number .............................................................................. 13
5.3 dial the international telephone number ..........................................
5.4 Answer incoming calls ..................................................................................... 13
5.5 Adjust volume ........................................................................................................ 14
5.6 Call options ........................................................................................................... 14
5.7 Missed calls ........................................................................................................... 14
6Names ............................................................................................................................................ 15
6.1 Search ......................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 New ................................................................................................................................ 15
6.3 Write message ........................................................................................................ 15
6.4 Copy .............................................................................................................................. 15
6.5 Others ......................................................................................................................... 16
6.6 Delete multiple .................................................................................................... 16
7Message ........................................................................................................................................ 16
7.1 Write message ........................................................................................................ 16
7.2 Inbox ........................................................................................................................... 17
7.3 Outbox ......................................................................................................................... 19
7.4 Drafts ......................................................................................................................... 19
7.5 Sentbox ....................................................................................................................... 19
7.6 Security inbox ...................................................................................................... 19
7.7 Templates ..................................................................................................................
7.8 SMS settings ........................................................................................................... 20
8Call logs ................................................................................................................................... 21
9Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 23
9.1 Call settings ........................................................................................................ 23
9.2 Phone settings ...................................................................................................... 25
9.3 Display ....................................................................................................................... 27
9.4 Security .................................................................................................................... 27
9.5 Profiles .................................................................................................................... 29
9.6 Connections ............................................................................................................. 31
10Application .............................................................................................................................. 31
10.1 Internet .................................................................................................................... 31
10.2 Calendar .................................................................................................................... 32
10.3 Calculator................................................................................................................ 32
10.4 Alarm ........................................................................................................................... 32
10.5 Ebook ........................................................................................................................... 32
10.6 Unit conversion .................................................................................................... 32
10.7 Bluetooth .................................................................................................................. 33
11Multimedia ................................................................................................................................. 33
11. 1 Camera ......................................................................................................................... 33
11. 2 DV .............................................................................................................................. ..... 33
11. 3 Recorder .................................................................................................................... 34
11.4 image viewer ........................................................................................................... 34
11. 5 Audio player ........................................................................................................... 35
11. 6 Video player ........................................................................................................... 35
11. 7 FM radio .................................................................................................................... 36
11.8 My files .................................................................................................................... 36
12input method ............................................................................................................................
12.1 Input method key ................................................................................................. 37
12.2 English input method ........................................................................................ 37
12.3 Clear the input word ........................................................................................ 38
13 USB connection ..................................................................................................................... 38
14 Help ............................................................................................................................................... 38
15 Term ............................................................................................................................................... 40
1 Basic knowledge
1.1 Safety warnings and precautions
Before you use your mobile phone please read these notes carefully to ensure that you are using your mobile phone safely and correctly.
1.2 General considerations
Mobile phone
Please - 55 DEG C to 35% ~ 85% of the temperature
and humidity environment using a mobile phone.
Please as far as possible away from ordinary
telephone, TV, radio and office automation equipment in place to use the phone, so as not to affect the use of these devices and mobile phones.
SIM card can be removed, please pay attention to
avoid the child swallowed such a small part.
Please place the battery in a place that is not under
direct sunlight, cool and ventilated place.
Cell phone battery life is limited, the battery's
use of time in the frequent charging gradually shorten. Multiple charging is invalid, that the battery life has been done, it should be replaced by the specified model of the new battery.
Do not throw old batteries in the general life
garbage. Please do it in accordance with the regulations where there are clearly defined requirements for the disposal of waste batteries.
Please don't in the following places charge: direct sunlight; the outside temperature lower than - 10 DEG C or above the 45 DEG C; damp, dusty place or vibration of place (caused by fault); television, radio and other electrical appliances near (will affect the image, sound effects).
1.3 Note on the use of mobile phones
In the plane, a hospital at the prohibition of the
use of mobile phones, please turn off the phone. Mobile phones will be the normal work of the electronic equipment and medical instruments, in these places use mobile phones, please follow the relevant provisions of the. Mobile phone has timing and automatic starting and alarm clock function, please check the phone settings, to confirm in the flight process does not automatically boot. At any time aboard the aircraft must be shut down, so the phone jamming system, causing the accident aircraft.
Please do not use mobile phones in the vicinity of the weak signal or high precision electronic equipment. Radio interference may cause electronic equipment malfunction and other problems. Especially in the following equipment near the need to pay particular attention to: hearing aids, pacemakers and other medical electronic equipment, fire detector, automatic doors and other automatic control device. The impact of pacemakers and other medical electronic equipment, please consult the manufacturer of the device or local vendors. Mobile phones may interfere with television, radio, or personal computers electrical equipment
The risk of not on liquid crystal display force or hitting other things with it, otherwise it will causes the liquid crystal plate breakage and LCD liquid leakage. Liquid crystal into the eyes will be blind, then please immediately flush with plenty of water for eye (do not rub the eye) and to the hospital.
Do not remove or modify the phone, otherwise it will cause damage to the phone, leakage and circuit failure.
In very few cases, the phone in some models of the car when it may have a bad effect on the car's electronic equipment, please do not use the phone to avoid losing the security assurance.
Do not use needles, etc. written something sharp button, otherwise it will damage the mobile phone or misoperation.
If the antenna is damaged, please do not use the phone, otherwise it may cause harm to the human body.
When refueling should be shut down, in the gas station, near the chemical plant or explosive job do not use the phone, and do not remove the battery, because the phone will affect the technical installation operation.
Avoid mobile phones with damp, water or other liquids into the phone will cause the phone overheating, leakage and failure.
1.4 Battery safety instructions
Note on the use of batteries
Do not throw the battery into the fire, or it will
cause the battery to fire and burst.
When the battery is installed, do not force the
pressure, otherwise it will cause the battery leakage, overheating, burst and fire.
Do not use wires, needles and other metal objects
will short-circuit the battery, nor will the battery with necklaces and other metal objects together, otherwise it will cause battery leakage, overheating, and burst into flames. Not in excess of the power system voltage is specified, and please using the provided external devices.
Do not solder the battery head, otherwise it will
lead to leakage, overheating, burst and fire.
If the battery liquid into the eyes, there will be
the risk of blindness, then please do not rub your eyes, rinse with water, and then immediately to the hospital for treatment.
To ensure safety, do not put the battery into the
mouth or use the damaged battery.
Do not remove or modify the battery, otherwise it
will cause the battery leakage, overheating, burst and fire.
Do not use or place the battery at a high temperature,
such as the side of the fire or the heater, otherwise it will cause the battery to leak, overheat, burst and burst into flames.
If the battery is in use, charge or save the process
of heating up, discoloration, deformation and other abnormal phenomena, please stop using and replacing the new battery.
If the battery liquid touches the skin, clothing,
which may cause
skin burns, should immediately rinse with water, if necessary, please consult a doctor immediately.
If the battery leakage liquid or a strange smell,
please immediately put it away from the open fire, to avoid the fire and burst.
Do not allow the battery to be affected with damp,
otherwise it will cause the battery to overheat, smoke and corrosion.
Do not in direct sunlight or near a car hot place
to use or placed in the battery, otherwise it will
lead to leakage of liquid and overheating, may reduce performance, shorten service life. Only use the approved accessories and batteries do not connect the matching products.
Do not charge more than 24 hours in a row. In any
case, you can not open the phone or battery, and it is strictly prohibited to change these devices.
Battery performance
Make a call, turn on the background light, use the
game function will consume more power, with the longer call time, standby time will be shortened.
Standby time in a non service area is shorter than
the standard standby time.
The performance of the battery with the state of
charge, temperature, local network signals and the status of the background lights change.
1.5 Treatment of waste battery
Waste batteries in MSW is negligible, but the harm is very great, battery containing mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals, harm human health. If the battery waste mixed with garbage landfill together, with the passage of time, the leaching may pollute the groundwater and soil. So to rationally deal with the scrap mobile phone battery.
Do not landfill, because the heavy metal of the used battery can pollute water and soil through the osmosis. It is not to be burned, because if the steam is formed by incineration, it may be used to catalyze the formation of harmful gas, which will cause the pollution of the atmosphere. Non composting. May lead to excessive levels of heavy metals in the material. Do not discard the waste battery, so as not to pollute the environment. As far as possible, the waste battery is separated from the domestic waste to reduce the pollution to the environment.
1.6 Note on the use of the charger
Use the charger can quickly charge for mobile phone battery. Before charging, please confirm that the battery has been properly installed on the phone,
do not remove or mobile phone battery charger. Please use the AC power provided by the charger. The use of other voltage will cause leakage, fire and damage to the phone and charger. After the end of the charge, if the charger is still plugged in the phone, the phone will automatically check the battery status, if the battery is still below the full capacity of the test, it will automatically charge again. Please put your mobile phone in a place where children can't touch. Short circuit of the charger, otherwise it will cause electric shock, smoke and damage to the charger. Please do not use the power cable in the case of the use of the charger, otherwise it will lead to fire and electric shock. Please do not put containers of water on the charger next to the water to avoid spills caused the charger to overheat, leakage and fault. If the charger comes into contact with water or other liquid, immediately pull the power off the socket to prevent overheating, fire, electric shock and charger failure. Please do not remove or modify the charger, otherwise it will lead to personal injury, electric shock, fire and charger damage. Please do not use the charger in the bathroom, such as high humidity, otherwise it will lead to electric shock, fire and charger damage. Please do not use wet hands to touch the charger, wire and power outlets, otherwise it will lead to electric shock. Do not put heavy objects on the power line or modify the wire, otherwise it will cause electric shock and fire. Unplug the power plug from the outlet before cleaning and maintenance. Pull the plug to seize the charger, pull the power cord will damage the wire, causing electric shock and fire.
1.7 Cleaning and maintenance
Mobile phone, battery and charger is not waterproof, do not use the high humidity in the bathroom, and also to avoid the rain.
Clean mobile phone, battery and charger with a soft
dry cloth.
Do not use alcohol, thinner or benzene solution to
wipe the phone.
z A dirt socket can lead to poor contact, power off,
and can not be charged, please clean regularly. If
the content of this manual is not in conformity with
your phone, please refer to the phone as the right
to the final interpretation of this manual.
2 Mobile phone appearance and press key
Right soft key
Right soft key button for the mobile phone into
the phone book and return key function
Enter the phone number to dial the user interface
or phone book, SMS and other editing state, press
the return key, can clear the character of the
After entering the multi-level operation menu,
press the return key and return to the first level
2.1 Left soft key
The left soft key to determine the key, select
and determine the function
2.2 Shutdown key
Press the hang up button to achieve mobile phone
on / off / return
2.3 Navigation key
Up key
Specify function keys Down key:alarm
Left soft key
calendar Right soft key
2.4 Numbers, symbols, letter keys
Keyboard a total of 12 letter keys: letter keys
to achieve the corresponding keys on the
corresponding screen printing numbers, symbol
When dialing, press the corresponding key to
display the corresponding number;
In pinyin, strokes, English and digital input
state, according to the input of the state display
different characters, such as letters, symbols or
2.5 Dial key
Under open cover to check the phone records and
3 Information symbol
3.1 Display
Open cover main display includes three parts:
The top of a behavior status icon, indicating the
received signal strength and battery power and
other residual state.
The middle part is the text, including the date,
time menu icon.
The next act, "menu", "phone book" icon, or as a
lock screen prompt display area.
4 instructions for use
4.1 how to install SIM card
When the following steps are carried out, make sure
that the phone's power is off, in case of no charge.
Take out the battery.
The SIM card is inserted into the fixed SIM
connector, ensure card missing angle and the
missing angle alignment card
Put on batteries.
4.2 How to take out SIM card
When the following steps are carried out, first
off the phone power.
Take out the battery.
Take the SIM card out of the SIM card slot.
Put on batteries.
4.3 How to install the battery
1. The battery is placed on the back of the phone,
the tab is facing up, the connector is aligned with
each other.
2. Put the battery cover, the alignment card stuck.
4.4 How to remove the battery
1. Press the key to shut down.
2. Open cell phone battery cover and remove the
battery from the bottom of the battery.
4.5 How to charge the battery
Plug one end of the charger into the household
power outlet and the other end is inserted into
the mobile phone charging jack. (note that the
plug is in line with the direction of the jack).
When charging the battery indicator on the screen
to start scrolling, until the battery is full.
After the end of the charge, pull out the plug
and remove the charger from the power outlet.
4.6 How to turn on / off the phone power supply
Determine the battery has been installed, and the
battery has electricity.
Open the phone, long press the hang up button 3-5
seconds until you hear the sound signal's power
is turned so far. After opening, the phone will
automatically search system.
Turn off your mobile phone, press the hang up
button 3-5 seconds until you hear a sound signal
4.7 How to install a memory card
You can install the mobile phone memory card, please
check carefully before installation, must be consistent
with the TF card machine.
Turn off your cell phone, the memory card is
inserted into the fixed memory card down sliding
sheet metal will fixed. To ensure the storage card
gold contact portions toward the, and card
missing angle with booth's lack of angle
5 Call and answer the phone
5.1 call
To make a phone call, you can use the keyboard number
keys to enter the number directly.
1. If the input number is not correct, right softkey
press "clear" to delete the last input a number;
if clears all the input number, press and hold
the right soft key until all the numbers to delete
2. Enter the correct number, and then press the dial
key. If the card has this number, it will display
the number of users.
Quick dial phone number by name card folder
1. Enter the business card folder to find, enter the
name of the first letter of the name to find the
name of the pre dial (telephone number).
2. Click "options" to call the phone.
3. In the telephone directory menu options and click
the left key to determine the function, press the
left soft key button below for dialing phone
4. Speed dial in the call record list
1. Enter the call record. Select the SIM card 1 call
record or the SIM card 2 call record.
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