CLARE MXED202 Datasheet

The MXED202 Row Driver supports up to 128-row OLED panel displays. The MXED202 has low "on" switch resistance, and support of voltage precharge options, ensures uniform luminance at rapid row scan rates. This is the first ASSP production row driver for OLED display OEM's, enabling the development and manufacture of this new standard in flat-panel display technology.
CMOS High Voltage Process: 9V-30V Display Panel
Supply Compatible
128 Output Channels, Cascadable; Configurable
120-Output Mode
150mA Maximum Current Capability per channel
(two channels maximum active simultaneously)
20 Ohm Maximum Row Switch “On” Resistance
Token-Based Control: Bidirectional data transfer;
Single and Dual-Token Mode
Current Source Magnitude User Control:
4 µA to 1 mA
6-Bit Monochromatic/Color Gray-Scale User Control
Monochromatic Voltage Precharge Options
3.3 V to 5 V logic supply
Up to 100kHz clock frequency
Gold-Bumped Die @ ~ 60 micron Output Pitch
TCP packaging
Companion to MXED102
240-Channel OLED Column Driver
128-Channel OLED Row Driver
For All Passive-Matrix Organic-Light-Emitting­Diode Displays
Monochrome and Color
Small-Molecule and Polymer
Common-Cathode Row Switching
Functional Block Diagram
Rev. 2
A row-scan token bit is passed along the length of MXED202 shift register to successively activate the row switch­es. The OLED cathodes of the active row(s) are switched to RTN, a low impedance return, ground or 0V typically, while the companion column drivers source data-driven currents through each OLED to be illuminated. Inactive rows are connected to a programmable "Off" (or Precharge) voltage to ensure the OLED's are not forward-biased. A pro­grammable precharge interval and programmable precharge voltage are available to set initial conditions for the next active row(s).
In normal, or single token mode, the token may be entered at either end of the MXED202 row shift register (SRIN or SLIN), depending on the shift direction selection Shift Right (SHR). The token is shifted one row (one channel) per clock cycle, CLK. One row maximum is active at a time. In dual mode (DUAL), the token is entered at one end and
automatically in the center, and again the tokens may be selectively shifted left or right at the CLK rate; two rows maximum are active at a time. The MXED202 has options for 128- and 120-row display panels. When the Select 128 (S128) pin is tied low, the token is also automatically entered at the fifth cell from the entry direction end; only the 120 middle outputs, Rows 4 through 123, should be used. Note that a lesser number of rows may be used by resetting the MXED202 (RSTB) at any time, truncating the shift cycle.
Overview of Operation
A row-scan token bit is passed along the length of MXED202 shift register to successively activate the row switch­es. The OLED cathodes of the active row(s) are switched to RTN, a low impedance return, ground or 0V typically, while the companion column drivers source data-driven currents through each OLED to be illuminated. Three suc­cessive row activations, N-1, N, N+1, are depicted in the simplified timing diagram below. Inactive rows are con­nected to a programmable "Off" (or Precharge) voltage to ensure the OLED's are not forward-biased. A programmable precharge interval and programmable precharge voltage are available to set initial conditions for the next active row(s). Precharge is described on page 9.
The MXED202 is a row-multiplexed display driver, for Passive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) and Polymer Light Emitting Diode arrays (PLED, PolyLED, LEP, . . .), with anodes connected to current-sourcing column data drivers. The common cathode rows (channels) of the display matrix are activated by sequentially switching them to a low impedance voltage source (ground/0V, typically) in synchronism with the digital data column current drive. The MXED202 supports precharging options to improve luminance control. It is manufactured in a high volt­age (30 V) CMOS process and provided in bumped die and TCP (Tape Carrier Package) form.
Rev. 2
Simplified Timing Diagram
The row-scan token(s) activate row switches. Token entry positions, 0 to 127, are defined in the table below:
S128 DUAL • SHR Outputs Used
00 01 10 11
0 127,123 0,4 127,123,63 0,4,64 Rows 4-123
(Rows 0-3, 124-127 N/C)
1 127 0 127,63 0,64 Rows 0-127
Rev. 2
This drawing illustrates the pin ordering and relative locations of the bond pads, only. See the MXED202 Semiconductor Die specification
for exact coordinates.
Top View:
Rev. 2
Name I/O/A Description
RTN I ReTurN for all display current. (Low impedance ground connection, typically)
GND I GrouND, the negative return for all chip current and the digital logic "zero" refer
ence level.
VCC I The logic voltage positive supply. MXED202 logic operates between VCC and
VSS. Digital inputs should not exceed VCC, VSS
oltage MAXimum is the highest positive power supply voltage present on the chip, and supplies the display panel precharge current either directly or at derived voltage VOH. Inputs to the chip should not exceed VMAX to avoid for ward biasing substrate diodes.
oltage Output High supply. This pin is normally connected to an external
[Page 12] power supply pin VMAX with bypass capacitor, and to pin DRV. Alternatively, an
internal amplifier can generate VOH from an input voltage DRV.
erting input to Voltage Regulator Op Amp, to which an input Resistor RI and
[Page 12] feedback Resistor RF may be connected to develop VOH from VDRV; see DRV
DRV I When not connected to VOH and VMAX, a D
rive Reference Voltage >1V can be
[Page 12] connected to the DRV pin.Note: If VDRV <0.3V, all row circuitry is powered
SHR I Active high static SHift Right control input: When SHR=1, the token bit travels
from R0 to R127, with SRIN being the token input, SLIN the token output. When SHR=0, the token bit travels from R127 to R0, with SLIN being the token input, SRIN the token output. SHR should always be driven to the desired logic level.
SRIN I/O Shift Right INput. This bi-directional pin is the token input when SHR is high, and
the token output (for synchronization or cascading) when SHR is low. When con figured as an input, this pin should always be driven. Normally low, SRIN should be driven high once per frame to enter the token into the shift register.
hift L
eft INput. This bi-directional pin is the token input when SHR is low, and the token output (for synchron- ization or cascading) when SHR is high. When configured as an input, this pin should always be driven. Normally low, SLIN should be driven high once per frame to enter the token into the shift register.
tokens are seeded into the first and middle shift register cells from SRIN
or SLIN when DUAL is static active high. When low, a single token is active.
CLK I The rising edge of the CL
ocK input shifts the token along the internal shift regis ter to activate successive rows. The display Row Scan Rate is the CLK frequen cy times the number of tokens.
PCB I If the P
reCharge Bar input is low on the rising edge of CLK, all row outputs will
[Pages 9-11] be switched to the same voltage (see MONO) to enable display panel precharg
ing until PCB returns high. Holding PCB high disables MXED202 precharge.
MONO I Enables MXED202 row driver precharge of MONOchromatic displays, if PCB=0.
[Pages 9-11] The MONO input has no effect if PCB=1.
MOD I This input MODifies precharge timing
[Pages 9-11]
S128 I Select 128 row driver output mode when static active high. When low, 120 row
driver output mode is selected.
+ 11 hidden pages