CLARE MXED102 Datasheet

The MXED102 is Clare’s second-generation OLED col­umn driver offering, which supports up to 240-mono­chromatic or 80-color OLED pixels. The MXED102's exceptionally tight current-matching of adjacent and cascaded outputs, precharge options, and OLED moni­toring capability, ensures uniform luminance and high­quality greyscaling in both monochromatic and RGB mode. This is the first ASSP production driver for OLED module OEM's building a new standard in flat-panel dis­plays.
CMOS High Voltage Process: 9V-30V Display Panel
Supply Compatible
240 Output Channels, Cascadable
Token-Based Bidirectional Data Transfer: Direct User
Control of Scan Rate
Current Source Magnitude User Control: 4 µA to 1 mA
6-Bit Monochromatic/Color Gray-Scale User Control
Current matching accuracy: ± 2% ± 1.5 µA intra-die
± 1% inter-die
Monochromatic/Color Voltage Precharge Options
Built-In A-to-D Converter Monitoring of Display Panel
3.3 V to 5 V logic supply
Up to 35 MHz clock frequency
Gold-Bumped Die @ 60 micron Output Pitch
TCP packaging
Companion to Clare Micronix MXED202
128-Channel OLED Row Driver
240-Channel OLED Column Driver
For All Passive-Matrix Organic-Light-Emitting­Diode Displays
Monochrome and Color
Small-Molecule and Polymer
Current-Sourcing Anode Drivers
Column Driver Block Diagram
Rev. 2
This document is a specification for a digital data driver for Passive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) and Polymer Light Emitting displays (PLED, PolyLED, LEP, . . . ,etc) with anodes connected to the columns. The output stage of each channel has a resistive switch to an on chip generated voltage used during precharge and a current source used during data output to minimize non-uniformity caused by spatial and temporal variations of the LED characteristics and by line resistances. The data driver chip is manufactured in a high voltage (30 V) CMOS process and provided in bumped die and TCP (Tape Carrier Package) form.
Description of Operation:
: The MXED102 is configured via a serial port, and pixel data is updated on a per-row basis via a parallel
data bus.
Dynamic Pixel Control: Gray-Scale Control data is loaded into the 6-bit Column Exposure Counters each row scan time, while the previously loaded data is being output to the OLED Display Panel. The control data sets the expo­sure time from 0 to 63 Exposure Clock times. Successive counters are accessed upon coincidence with the token bit, which is shifted the length of the MXED102 by the Token Shift Clock. In 6-bit Data Mode, Databus C {DC(5-0)} is used to enter per-pixel data, and the Token traverses length of the Chip in 240 Token Shift Clocks. In 18-bit Data Mode, Databusses A, B, and C are used to load three successive pixels in parallel, and the Token traverses length of the Chip in 80 Token Shift Clocks.
Chip Configuration: A display controller may use the serial bus to set the characteristics of all column driver ICs by writing to all column driver ICs in parallel. During write, the controller writes the entire data packet. The controller can also interrogate a single column driver IC, whose MASTER pin is pulled high. Only one column driver IC on a given bus can be designated as master. During read, the controller writes the preamble, start of frame delimiter, reg­ister address, and turn around bits. It then tri-states for the bus tri-state and data bits and reads the data.
Color/Monochrome: The MXED102 supports three-each interleaved column Current Magnitude settings and three Precharge Voltages, A,B and C, which may be mapped to R,G,B. Monochrome mode is selected by setting the Color control bit to zero, in which case the Current Magnitude and Precharge Voltage is common.
Package and Pin Out
Below is a diagram of the chip pinout:
MXED102 OLED/PLED Column Driver IC Pad Order
Rev. 2
Pin List
Name I/O/A Description
VDDA, High voltage supply A/B/C:
VCC - Logic supply:
GND - Ground:
GNDA - Analog ground:
ISHRT - Ground used to short output channels: There can be high currents on this line. It
should be separated from the circuit ground pads (GND) to prevent ground bounce.
MASTER_IN I Master In: High input implies chip is master. This input is pulled low internally.
MASTER_OUT O Master Out: MASTER_IN delayed by 1 LE clock cycle, sampled on rising edge of LE.
RSTB I Reset Bar: Input signal used to reset digital logic for test purposes. This input is
pulled high internally.
CLKSH I Token Shift Clock: Input signal used to shift tokens down the length of the driver IC
and latch data into the corresponding columns. The direction of token shift is deter mined by DIRTKN pin.
LTKNB I/O Left Token Bit: Input for shift right, output for shift left. Signal is used to pass the
tokens into and out of the driver IC. High state represents the presence of token.
RTKNB I/O Right Token Bit: Input for shift left, output for shift right. Signal is used to pass the
tokens into and out of the driver IC. High state represents the presence of token.
DIRTKN I Token Direction Input: Input signal which, when high, causes the token to shift left to
right in the driver IC. A low signal causes the token to shift right to left. In the paral lel data mode the token passes through the chip in 80 CLKSH clocks, in the serial data mode the token passes through the chip in 240 CLKSH clocks. This input is pulled high internally.
LE I Latch Enable: Input signal used to begin data output. When data output begins, new
data input for the following row can begin.
DA(5-0), I Data A/B/C: Signal buses used to input the exposure data.
CLKEX I Exposure Clock: Input signal used to clock the driver IC's exposure counter from 0 to
63 for a row exposure. The signal must be cycled at least 64 times between LE pulses to completely cycle the counter. Cycles of CLKEX beyond 64 will have no effect.
CLKSER I Serial Clock: Clock to write serial data into all column drivers or read serial data from
the master column driver.
SDATA I/O Serial Data: Serial data written to all column drivers or read from the master column
SAMPLE I Initiate A/D sample. This input is pulled low internally.
Precharge A/B/C: Column precharge voltage outputs. PRECHA/B/C should be tied to PRECHA/B/C of all other column drivers to ensure a uniform display precharge and should be bypassed to ground with a capacitor at least 50 times the display capacitance.
Rev. 2
AD_IN A A to D Input: The part can do an A to D conversion on the voltage on this input.
TESTA, A Test Outputs: The A, B, and C driver bank outputs are muxed to the TESTA, TESTB,
TESTB, and TESTC pads respectively when these pads are pulled low. During normal TESTC operation they are left open or tied to VDD.
I1TRIM A Current Source 1 Trim: These pins must be left open. (6:0)
I2TRIM A Current Source 2 Trim: These pins must be left open. (3:0)
VTRIM A Voltage Source Trim: These pins must be left open. (3:0)
I2_TST A Current Source 2 Monitor: This pin must be left open.
IOUT(240-1) A Channel Outputs: The outputs of the driver IC that directly drives the display panel
CLK_ROW O Row Clock: Signal intended to drive the row driver IC shift data clock
PCB_ROW O Row Precharge: Signal intended to drive the row driver IC precharge input
Note: A => analog, I => digital input, O => digital output
Positive currents flow into the part, negative currents flow out of the part, largest currents are currents with the great­est absolute magnitude.
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
Parameter Operating Condition Min Typ Max Units
Ambient temp - -65 - 155
Low voltage supply - -0.3 - 7.0 V
High voltage supply - -0.3 - 35.0 V
Operating Conditions:
Unless otherwise stated, all parameters are specified for the following operating conditions.
Parameter Sym Operating Min Typ Max Units
Ambient temp TA - 0 - 70
Low voltage supply VCC - 3.0 - 5.5 V
High voltage supplies VDDA, - 9.0 - 30 V
Supply Currents:
Parameter Sym Operating Min Typ Max Units
High voltage supply IDD - - - TBD uA current during standby (stby)
Internal high voltage IDD Current from VDD not 14 mA+ mA supply current during (int) flowing out outputs or - - 12xIout operation into precharge circuit
Iout = per channel
Low voltage supply ICC - - - TBD uA current during standby (stby)
Low voltage supply ICC - - - 10 mA current during operation
Pin List (continued)
Rev. 2
Digital Inputs:
Parameter Sym Operating Condition Min Typ Max Units
Input low voltage VIL - - - 0.5 V
Input high voltage VIH - VCC-0.5 - - V
Input current II - -10 - 10 uA
Digital Outputs:
Parameter Sym Operating Condition Min Typ Max Units
Output low voltage VOL Iout = 100 uA - - 0.4 V
Output high voltage VOH Iout = -100 uA VCC-0.4 - - V
Output rise/fall time TRF 10 to 90 %, Cload=5 pF - - 2.0 nS
Serial Configuration Bus:
Bus Operation:
The controller uses the serial bus to set the characteristics of all column driver ICs by writing to all column driver ICs in parallel. During write, the controller writes the entire data packet. The controller can also inter rogate a single column driver IC, who's MASTER pin is pulled high. Only 1 column driver IC on a given bus can be designated as master. During read, the controller writes the preamble, start of frame delimiter, reg ister address, and turn around bits. It then tri-states for the bus tri-state and data bits and reads the data.
Data Packet:
The data packet consists of:
- 14 bit preamble of all 1's
- 2 bit start of frame delimiter (SFD)
- 6 bit register address - MSB first
- 1 turn around bit (TA)
- 1 bus tristate (BT)
- 8 bit data packet - MSB first
Write => write data to all column driver ICs
Read => read data from master column driver IC
Data order => Preamble first, data last; MSB first, LSB last
R/W Preamble SFD Reg Address TA BT Data
write 1111 1111 1111 11 00 AAAA AA 0 0 DDDD DDDD
read 1111 1111 1111 11 01 AAAA AA 0 Z DDDD DDDD
Rev. 2
Input Registers
Register Address 0 - Test Register
Eight bits of data can be written to and read from this register in order to test the serial port. This register has no effect on the column driver.
Register Address 1 - Control Register 1
Bit(s) Name Description Default
7 Freeze Master Modes:
1 => MASTER_OUT pin is not changed 0 0 => Normal, MASTER_OUT is updated to MASTER_IN on rising edge of LE
6 Disable Precharge Driver Modes:
1 => Precharge circuit is disabled 0 0 => Normal
5 Standby Modes:
1 => Part is operating normally 0 0 => Part is in low power standby mode
4 Short Channels Modes:
1 => Channels are all shorted to ground after the 0 CLKEX count reaches 64 0 => Each channel is individually shorted to ground after its current source is tristated
3 Color Mode Modes:
0 => Monochrome mode 0 1 => Color mode
2 Data Mux Modes:
0 => DA(5-0), DB(5-0), DC(5-0) data words are read 0 serially from the DC(5-0) pins. The DA(5-0) and DB(5-0) pins are unused. 1 => DA(5-0), DB(5-0), DC(5-0) pins used to read their respective data words.
1-0 Test Mode(1:0) Modes:
00 => Normal operation 00 01 => Test mode 1 10 => Test mode 2 11 => Test mode 3
Register Address 2 - Control Register 2
Bit(s) Name Description Default
7-2 Undefined - -
1 Fast Conversion Modes: -
- - 0 => Normal operation 0
-- 1 => -
0 High A/D Gain Modes: -
- - 0 => Normal operation 0
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