CLARE M-986-2R2PL, M-986-2R2P, M-986-1R2P, M-986-1R2PL Datasheet

Part # Description
M-986-1R2P 40-pin plastic DIP, Single Channel M-986-1R2PL 44-pin PLCC, Single Channel M-986-2R2P 40-pin plastic DIP, Dual Channel M-986-2R2PL 44-pin PLCC, Dual Channel
Block Diagram
Pin Assignments
Ordering Information
Direct A-Law PCM digital input
2.048 Mb/s clocking
Programmable forward/backward mode
Programmable compelled/direct control
Operates with standard codecs for analog
Microprocessor read/write interface
Binary or 2-of-6 data formats
Single- or dual-channel versions
5 volt power
Test equipment
Trunk adapters
Paging terminals
Traffic recorders
The M-986-1R2 and -2R2 MFC Transceivers contain all the logic necessary to transmit and receive CCITT R2F (forward) and R2B (backward) multifrequency signals on one 40-pin integrated circuit (IC). M-986­1R2 is a single-channel version; M-986-2R2 provides two channels. R1 single and dual multifrequency transceivers are also available as M-986-1R1 and ­2R1.
Operating with a 20.48 MHz crystal, the M-986 is capable of providing a direct digital interface to an A­law-encoded PCM digital input. Each channel can be connected to an analog source using a coder-decoder (codec) as shown in the Block Diagram below.
The M-986 can be configured by the customer to operate with the transmitter and receiver either cou­pled together or independently, allowing it to handle a compelled cycle automatically or via command from the host processor. For the R2 versions of the M-986, A-law is used for coding/decoding. The M-986 is con­figured and controlled through an integral coprocessor port.
Configuration Bytes
Configuration Byte 1
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
ECLK Channels 1 & 2 1 = External codec clock; 0 = Internal codec clock
IOM Channels 1 & 2 1 = Binary input/output; 0 = 2-of-6 input/output
ENC1 Channel 1 1 = Enable channel; 0 = Disable channel
EOD1 Channel 1 1 = Indicate end of digit; 0 = No end of digit indication
CMP1 Channel 1 1 = Automatic Compelled mode; 0 = Manual mode
FB1 Channel 1 1 = Forward mode (Tx forward frequencies and Rx backward frequencies)
0 = Backward mode (Tx backward frequencies and Rx forward frequencies)
Configuration Byte 2
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 1 0 0 ENC2 EOD2 CMP2 FB2
ENC2 Channel 2 1 = Enable channel; 0 = Disable channel
EOD2 Channel 2 1 = Indicate end of digit; 0 = No end of digit indication
CMP2 Channel 2 1 = Automatic Compelled mode; 0 = Manual mode
FB2 Channel 2 1 = Forward mode (Tx forward frequencies and Rx backward frequencies)
0 = Backward mode(Tx backward frequencies and Rx forward frequencies)
Rev. 3
Function Description
The M-986 can be set up for various operating modes by writing two configuration bytes to the coprocessor port.
Configuration Options
External/Internal Codec Clock (ECLK): If external codec clocking is selected, an external clocking source provides an 8kHz transmit framing clock and an 8kHz receive framing clock. It also provides a serial bit clock with a frequency that is a multiple of 8 kHz between
2.496 MHz and 216 kHz for exchange of data via the serial ports. When internal codec clocking is selected, the M-986 provides an 8kHz framing clock and a 2.048 MHz serial bit clock.
Binary/2 of 6 Input/Output (IOM): When the 2-of-6 input/output is selected, the M-986 encodes the received R2 MF tone pair into in a 6-bit format, where each bit represents one of the six possible frequencies. A logic high level indicates the presence of a frequen­cy. The digital input to the M-986 that selects the trans­mitted R2 MF tone pair must also be coded in the 2-of-6 format.
When binary input/output is selected, the M-986 encodes the received R2 MF tone pair into a 4 bit bina­ry format. The digital input to the M-986 that selects the transmitted R2 MF tone pair must also be coded in a 4 bit binary format.
Enable/Disable Channel (ENC): When a channel is disabled, the receiver does not process its codec input for R2 MF tones, and the transmitter does not respond to transmit commands. If a transmit command is given while the channel is enabled, the “tone off” command must be given before the channel is disabled. Disabling the channel does not automatically shut off the transmitter. When a channel is enabled, the receiv­er and transmitter for that channel function normally.
End-of-Digit Indication (EOD): The end-of-digit indica­tion option configures the M-986 to inform the host processor when the far end terminates transmission of the R2 MF tone it is sending. If this option is disabled, the host processor will not be notified when tone transmission terminates.
Automatic Compelled/Manual Sequence Signaling (CMP): When manual mode is selected, R2 MF tone
transmission is turned on and off only via command from the host processor.
If the automatic mode is selected, the transmitter and receiver perform the compelled signaling handshake automatically. The specifics of operation are different for the forward and backward configurations.
In forward mode, the transceiver can exist in two states, STATE 1 and STATE 2:
STATE 1: No backward signal detected.
Transmitter under control of the host.
STATE 2: Backward signal detected.
Transmitter off unconditionally.
Rev. 3
A Transmit Tone Command written while the transceiv­er is in STATE 1 will be acted upon immediately. The transmitter is unconditionally disabled upon entry into STATE 2. If a transmit command is written to the trans­ceiver while in STATE 2, that command will become pending. Upon entry into STATE 1, a pending transmit command is acted upon.
In backward mode, the transceiver can exist in two states, STATE 1 and STATE 2:
STATE 1: No forward signal detected. Transmitter off unconditionally.
STATE 2: Forward signal detected. Transmitter transmits backward signal.
A transmit tone command written while the transceiver is in STATE 2 will be acted upon immediately. The transmitter is unconditionally disabled upon entry into STATE 1. If a transmit command is written to the trans­ceiver while in STATE 1, that command will become pending. Upon entry into STATE 2, a pending transmit command is acted upon.
EXAMPLE: Assume that the transceivers at both ends of a link are configured in automatic compelled mode.
Both transceivers are in STATE 1. A compelled signal­ing sequence begins with the R2F host writing a trans­mit command byte to its transceiver via the coprocessor bus. The transceiver immediately begins transmitting the signal.
Automatic Compelled Mode Operation
Binary Coding Format
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Transmit tone command 1 CHN 0 0 A B C D
Receive tone return 0 CHN 0 0 A B C D
CHN: 1 = channel 2; 0 = channel 1
R2 MF Frequencies:
ABCD Forward (Hz) Backward (Hz) ABCD Forward (Hz) Backward (Hz)
0 0 0 0 Tone off Tone off 1 0 0 0 1500 & 1860 1020 & 660 0 0 0 1 1380 & 1500 1140 & 1020 1 0 0 1 1620 & 1860 900 & 660 0 0 1 0 1380 & 1620 1140 & 900 1 0 1 0 1740 & 1860 780 & 660 0 0 1 1 1500 & 1620 1020 & 900 1 0 1 1 1380 & 1980 1140 & 540 0 1 0 0 1380 & 1740 1140 & 780 1 1 0 0 1500 & 1980 1020 & 540 0 1 0 1 1500 & 1740 1020 & 780 1 1 0 1 1620 & 1980 900 & 540 0 1 1 0 1620 & 1740 900 & 780 1 1 1 0 1740 & 1980 780 & 540 0 1 1 1 1380 & 1860 1140 & 660 1 1 1 1 1860 & 1980 660 & 540
2 of 6 Coding Format
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Transmit tone command 1 CHN F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
Receive tone return 0 CHN F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
CHN: 1 = channel 2; 0 = channel 1
R2 MF Frequencies:
Bit name Forward (Hz) Backward (Hz) Bit name Forward (Hz) Backward (Hz) F6 1980 540 F3 1620 900 F5 1860 660 F2 1500 1020 F4 1740 780 F1 1380 1140
Rev. 3
The R2B transceiver detects the signal, enters STATE 2, and outputs the received tone code to its host via the coprocessor port. If the R2B host had determined the next tone to transmit and written a transmit command to the transceiver prior to entry into STATE 2, the state transition will cause this tone to be transmitted. Otherwise, the R2B transmitter waits for a transmit tone command from the host, and starts transmitting a tone once the transmit tone command is received.
The R2F transceiver detects the backward signal, enters STATE 2, and outputs the received tone code to its host. Entry into STATE 2 unconditionally disables the transmitter.
The R2B transceiver detects the absence of signal, enters STATE 1, and informs the host with the end-of­tone code if configured to do so. Entry into STATE 1 unconditionally disables the transmitter.
The R2F transceiver detects the absence of signal, enters STATE 1, and informs the host with the end-of­tone code if configured to do so. If the R2F host had determined the next signal to transmit and written a transmit command to the transceiver prior to entry into STATE 1, the state transition will cause this signal to be transmitted. Otherwise, the transmitter remains silent until the next transmit command by its host.
Forward/Backward Frequencies (FB): When forward mode is selected, the R2F (forward) frequencies are transmitted and R2B (backward) frequencies are received. When backward mode is selected, R2B fre­quencies are transmitted and R2F frequencies are received. The R2F frequencies are 1380, 1500, 1620, 1740, 1860, and 1980 Hertz. The R2B frequencies are 540, 660, 780, 900, 1020, and 1140 Hz.
Initial Configuration: The configuration of the M-986
immediately after a reset will be as follows:
· End-of-digit indication ON
· Forward mode ON
· Channel disabled
· 2-of-6 input/output
· External serial and serial frame clocks.
Also, the M-986 will place 00 hex on the coprocessor port to indicate to the host processor that it is working.
Transmit Tone Command
The transmit tone command allows the host processor to transmit any two of the 6 possible frequencies in the transmission mode the channel has been configured for (forward or backward). The format of the command depends on whether the M-986 is configured for bina­ry format or 2-of-6 format.
Recieved Tone Detection
When a tone is detected by the M-986, the TBLF out­put goes low, indicating reception of the tone to the host processor. The host processor can determine which tone was detected and which channel the tone was detected on by reading data from the M-986 coprocessor port. The M-986 will return a single byte indicating the tone received and the channel that the tone was received on.The format of the returned byte depends on whether the M-986 is configured for bina­ry or 2-of-6 coding.
Coprocessor Port
Commands are written to the M-986 via the coproces­sor port, and data indicating the received R2 MF tone is read from the coprocessor port.
Writing to the Coprocessor Port: The following sequence describes writing a command to the M-986.
(1) The WR signal is driven low by the host processor.
(2) The RBLE (receive buffer latch empty) signal tran­sitions to a logic high level.
(3) Data is written from LD7-LD0 to the receive buffer latch (D7-D0) when the WR signal goes high.
(4) The RBLE signal transitions to a logic low level after the M-986 reads the data. This signals the host processor that the receive buffer is empty.
Note: The RBLE should be low before writing to the coprocessor.
Reading the Coprocessor Port: The following sequence describes reading received tone information from the coprocessor port.
(1) The TBLF (transmit buffer latch full) port pin on the M-986 goes low indicating the reception of a tone.
(2) The host processor detects the low logic level on the TBLF pin either by polling a connected port pin or by an interrupt.
(3) The host processor drives the RD signal low.
(4) The TBLF (transmit buffer latch full) signal transi­tions to a logic high level.
(5) Data is driven onto LD7-LD0 by the M-986 until the RD signal is driven high by the host processor.
Clock Characeristics and Timing
Internal Clock Option: The internal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across X1 and X2/CLKIN. The crystal must be 20.48 MHz, fundamental mode, and parallel resonant, with an effective series resistance of 30 ohms, a power dissipation of 1 mW, and bespeci­fied at a load capacitance of 20 pf.
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