CLARE M-8888-01T, M-8888-01P, M-8888-01SM Datasheet
DTMF Transceiver
Advanced CMOS technology for low power con­sumption and increased noise immunity
Complete DTMF transmitter/receiver in a single chip
Standard 8051, 8086/8 microprocessor port
Central office quality and performance
Adjustable guard time
Automatic tone burst mode
Call progress mode
Single +5 Volt power supply
20-pin DIP and SOIC packages
2 MHz microprocessor port operation
Inexpensive 3.58 MHz crystal
Paging systems
Repeater systems/mobile radio
Interconnect dialers
PBX systems
Computer systems
Fax machines
Pay telephone
Credit card verification
The M-8888 is a complete DTMF Transmitter Receiver that features adjustable guard time, auto­matic tone burst mode, call progress mode, and a fully compatible 8051, 8086/8 microprocessor interface. The receiver portion is based on the industry standard M-8870 DTMF Receiver, while the transmitter uses a switched-capacitor digital-to-analog converter for low­distortion, highly accurate DTMF signaling. Tone bursts can be transmitted with precise timing by mak­ing use of the automatic tone burst mode. To analyze call progress tones, a call progress filter can be select­ed by an external microprocessor.
Ordering Information
Pin Connections
Block Diagram
Part # Description
M-8888-01P 20-pin plastic DIP M-8888-01SM 20-pin plastic SOIC M-8888-01T 20-pin plastic SOIC,Tape and Reel
Rev. 1
ing the amplifier inputs at VDD/2. Provisions are made for the connection of a feedback resistor to the op-amp output (GS) for gain adjustment. In a single-ended configuration, the input pins should be connected as shown in the Single-Ended Input Configuration above. Differential Input Configuration above shows the nec­essary connections for a differential input configura­tion.
Receiver Section
The low and high group tones are separated by apply­ing the DTMF signal to the inputs of two sixth-order
Single-Ended Input Configuration Differential Input Configuration
Functional Description
M-8888 functions consist of a high-performance DTMF receiver with an internal gain setting amplifier and a DTMF generator that contains a tone burst counter for generating precise tone bursts and paus­es. The call progress mode, when selected, allows the detection of call progress tones. A standard 8051, 8086/8 series microprocessor interface allows access to an internal status register, two control registers, and two data registers.
Input Configuration
The input arrangement consists of a differential input operational amplifier and bias sources (V
) for bias-
Pin Functions
Name Description
IN+ Noninverting op-amp input.
IN- Inverting op-amp input. GS Gain select. Gives access to output of front end differential amplifier for connection of feedback resistor.
Reference voltage output. Nominally VDD/2 is used to bias inputs at mid-rail.
Negative power supply input. OSC1 DTMF clock/oscillator input. OSC2 Clock output. A 3.5795 MHz crystal connected between OSC1 and OSC2 completes the internal oscillator circuit. TONE Dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) output.
WR Write input. A low on this pin when CS is low enables data transfer from the microprocessor. TTL compatible.
CS Chip select. TTL input (CS = 0 to select the chip).
RS0 Register select input. See Internal Register Functions on page 7. TTL compatible.
RD Read input. A low on this pin when CS is low enables data transfer to the microprocessor. TTL compatible..
IRQ /CP Interrupt request to microprocessor (open-drain output). Also, when call progress (CP) mode has been selected and
interrupt enabled, the IRQ/CP pin will output a rectangular wave signal representative of the input signal applied at the
input op-amp. The input signal must be within the bandwidth limits of the call progress filter. See Timing Diagrams on
page 11.
D0-D3 Microprocessor data bus. TTL compatible.
ESt Early steering output. Presents a logic high once the digital algorithm has detected a valid tone pair (signal condition).
Any momentary loss of signal condition will cause ESt to return to a logic low.
St/GT Steering input/guard time output (bidirectional). A voltage greater than V
detected at St causes the device to register
the detected tone pair and update the output latch. A voltage less than V
frees the device to accept a new tone pair. The
GT output acts to reset the external steering time-constant; its state is a function of ESt and the voltage on St.
Positive power supply input.
Rev. 1
switched capacitor bandpass filters with bandwidths that correspond to the low and high group frequencies listed in the Tone Encoding/Decoding below. The low group filter incorporates notches at 350 and 440 Hz, providing excellent dial tone rejection. Each filter out­put is followed by a single-order switched capacitor fil­ter that smoothes the signals prior to limiting. Limiting is performed by high-gain comparators with hysteresis to prevent detection of unwanted low-level signals. The comparator outputs provide full-rail logic swings at the incoming DTMF signal frequencies.
A decoder employs digital counting techniques to determine the frequencies of the incoming tones, and to verify that they correspond to standard DTMF fre­quencies. A complex averaging algorithm protects against tone simulation by extraneous signals (such as voice), while tolerating small deviations in frequen­cy. The algorithm provides an optimum combination of immunity to talkoff with tolerance to interfering fre­quencies (third tones) and noise. When the detector recognizes the presence of two valid tones (referred to as signal condition), the early steering (ESt) output goes to an active state. Any subsequent loss of signal condition will cause ESt to assume an inactive state.
Steering Circuit:
Before a decoded tone pair is registered, the receiver checks for a valid signal duration (referred to as “char­acter recognition condition”). This check is performed
by an external RC time constant driven by ESt. A logic high on ESt causes V
(see the Basic Steering Circuit above) to rise as the capacitor discharges. Provided that the signal condition is maintained (ESt remains high) for the validation period (t
), VCreaches the
threshold (V
) of the steering logic to register the tone pair, latching its corresponding 4-bit code (see the Tone Encoding/Decoding on left) into the receive data register.
At this point the StGT output is activated and drives V
to VDD. StGT continues to drive high as long as ESt remains high. Finally, after a short delay to allow the output latch to settle, the delayed steering output flag goes high, signaling that a received tone pair has been registered. It is possible to monitor the status of the delayed steering flag by checking the appropriate bit in the status register. If interrupt mode has been selected, the IRQ/CP pin will pull low when the delayed steering flag is active.
The contents of the output latch are updated on an active delayed steering transition. This data is pre­sented to the 4-bit bidirectional data bus when the receive data register is read. The steering circuit works in reverse to validate the interdigit pause between sig­nals. Thus, as well as rejecting signals too short to be considered valid, the receiver will tolerate signal inter­ruptions (dropout) too short to be considered a valid pause. This capability, together with the ability to select the steering time constants externally, allows the designer to tailor performance to meet a wide vari­ety of system requirements.
Guard Time Adjustment: The simple steering circuit shown in the Basic Steering Circuit above is adequate for most applications. Component values are chosen according to the formula:
= tDP+ t
TID= tDA+ t
Tone Encoding/Decoding
Digit D3 D2 D1 D0
697 1209 1 0 0 0 1 697 1336 2 0 0 1 0 697 1477 3 0 0 1 1 770 1209 4 0 1 0 0 770 1336 5 0 1 0 1 770 1477 6 0 1 1 0 852 1209 7 0 1 1 1 852 1336 8 1 0 0 0 852 1477 9 1 0 0 1 941 1336 0 1 0 1 0 941 1209 * 1 0 1 1 941 1477 # 1 1 0 0 697 1633 A 1 1 0 1 770 1633 B 1 1 1 0 852 1633 C 1 1 1 1 941 1633 D 0 0 0 0
0 = logic low, 1 = logic high
Basic Steering Circuit
Rev. 1
The value of tDPis a device parameter and t
is the minimum signal duration to be recognized by the receiver. A value for C1 of 0.1 µF is recommended for most applications, leaving R1 to be selected by the designer. Different steering arrangements may be used to select independently the guard times for tone present (t
) and tone absent (t
). This may be nec­essary to meet system specifications that place both accept and reject limits on both tone duration and inter­digit pause. Guard time adjustment also allows the designer to tailor system parameters such as talkoff and noise immunity. Increasing t
improves talkoff performance since it reduces the probability that tones simulated by speech will maintain signal condition long enough to be registered. Alternatively, a relatively short t
with a long tDOwould be appropriate for extreme­ly noisy environments where fast acquisition time and immunity to tone dropouts are required. Design infor­mation for guard time adjustment is shown in the Guard Time Adjustment above.
Call Progress Filter
A call progress (CP) mode can be selected, allowing the detection of various tones that identify the progress of a telephone call on the network. The call progress tone input and DTMF input are common; however, call progress tones can only be detected when the CP mode has been selected. DTMF signals cannot be detected if the CP mode has been selected (see the Actual Frequencies vs Standard Requirements on page 5). The Call Progress Response above indicates the useful detect bandwidth of the call progress filter. Frequencies presented to the input (IN+ and IN-) that are within the accept bandwidth limits of the filter are hard-limited by a high-gain comparator with the IRQ/CP pin serving as the output. The square wave output obtained from the schmitt trigger can be ana-
yzed by a microprocessor or counter arrangement to determine the nature of the call progress tone being detected. Frequencies in the reject area will not be detected, and consequently there will be no activity on IRQ/CP as a result of these frequencies.
DTMF Generator
The DTMF transmitter used in the M-8888 is capable of generating all 16 standard DTMF tone pairs with low distortion and high accuracy. All frequencies are derived from an external 3.58 MHz crystal. The sinu­soidal waveforms for the individual tones are digitally synthesized using row and column programmable dividers and switched capacitor digital-to-analog con­verters. The row and column tones are mixed and fil­tered, providing a DTMF signal with low total harmonic distortion and high accuracy. To specify a DTMF sig­nal, data conforming to the encoding format shown in the Tone Encoding/Decoding Table on page 3 must be written to the transmit data register. Note that this is the same as the receiver output code. The individual tones that are generated (f
and f
) are referred to as low-group and high-group tones. Typically, the high­group to low-group amplitude ratio (twist) is 2 dB to compensate for high-group attenuation on long loops.
During write operations to the transmit data register, 4­bit data on the bus is latched and converted to a 2 of 8 code for use by the programmable divider circuitry to specify a time segment length that will ultimately deter­mine the tone frequency. The number of time seg­ments is fixed at 32, but the frequency is varied by varying the segment length. When the divider reaches the appropriate count as determined by the input code, a reset pulse is issued and the counter starts again.
Guard Time Adjustment
Call Progress Response
Control Register A Description
Bit Name Function Description
b0 TOUT Tone output A logic 1 enables the tone output. This function can be implemented in either the burst
mode or nonburst mode.
b1 CP/DTMF Mode control In DTMF mode (logic 0), the device is capable of generating and receiving DTMF signals.
When the call progress (CP) mode is selected (logic 1), a 6th-order bandpass filter is enabled to allow call progress tones to be detected. Call progress tones within the specified bandwidth will be presented at the IRQ/CP pin in rectangular wave format if the IRQ bit has been enabled (b2 = 1). Also, when the CP mode and burst mode have both been selected, the transmitter will issue DTMF signals with a burst and pause of 102 ms (typ) duration. This signal duration is twice that obtained from the DTMF transmit­ter, if DTMF mode had been selected. Note that DTMF signals cannot be decoded when the CP mode has been selected.
b2 IRQ Interrupt enable A logic 1 enables the interrupt mode. When this mode is active and the DTMF mode has
been selected (b1 = 0), the IRQ/CP pin will pull to a logic 0 condition when either (1) a valid DTMF sig­nal has been received and has been present for the guard time or (2) the transmitter is ready for more data (burst mode only).
b3 RSEL Register select A logic 1 selects control register B on the next write cycle to the control register address. Subsequent
write cycles to the control register are directed back to control register A.
Active Cell Output Frequency(Hz) % Error
Specified Actual
L1 697 699.1 + 0.30 L2 770 766.2 - 0.49 L3 852 847.4 - 0.54 L4 941 948.0 + 0.74 H1 1209 1215.9 + 0.57 H2 1336 1331.7 - 0.32 H3 1447 1471.9 - 0.35 H4 1633 1645.0 + 0.73
Rev. 1
The divider output clocks another counter that addresses the sinewave lookup ROM. The lookup table contains codes used by the switched capacitor D/A converter to obtain discrete and highly accurate DC voltage levels. Two identical circuits are used to produce row and column tones, which are then mixed using a low-noise summing amplifier. The oscillator described needs no startup time as in other DTMF generators, since the crystal oscillator is running con­tinuously, thus providing a high degree of tone burst accuracy. When there is no tone output signal, the TONE pin assumes a DC level of 2.5 volts (typically). A bandwidth limiting filter is incorporated to attenuate distortion products above 4 KHz.
Burst Mode:
Certain telephony applications require that generated DTMF signals be of a specific duration, determined
either by the application or by any of the existing exchange transmitter specifications. Standard DTMF signal timing can be accomplished by making use of the burst mode. The transmitter is capable of issuing symmetric bursts/pauses of predetermined duration. This burst/pause duration is 51 ms ± 1 ms, a standard interval for autodialer and central office applications. After the burst/pause has been issued, the appropriate bit is set in the status register, indicating that the trans­mitter is ready for more data.
The timing described in the previous paragraph is available when the DTMF mode has been selected. However, when call progress (CP) mode is selected, a secondary burst/pause time is available that extends this interval to 102 ms ± 2 ms. The extended interval is useful when precise tone bursts of longer than 51 ms duration and 51 ms pause are desired. Note that when CP mode and burst mode have been selected, DTMF tones may be transmitted only and not received. In applications where a nonstandard burst/pause time is desirable, a software timing loop or external timer can be used to provide the timing pulses when the burst mode is disabled by enabling and disabling the trans­mitter.
The M-8888 is initialized on powerup sequence with DTMF mode and burst mode selected.
Single-Tone Generation:
A single-tone mode is available whereby individual tones from the low group or high group can be gener­ated. This mode can be used for DTMF test equipment applications, acknowledgment tone generation, and distortion measurements. Refer to the Control Register B Description below for details.
Actual Frequencies vs Standard Requirements
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