D4 HP Dimmer
D4 HP Dimmer Quick Start Guide
The D4 HP Dimmer can be quickly set up to control your lights:
1. Connect your D4 HP Dimmer to your DMX controller by using either the DMX ve pin input, or the RJ-45 DMX input.
DMX out can be either the ve pin XLR output, or the RJ-45 output. Note, there can only be a total of one DMX input,
and one DMX output per device.
2. Connect your load to the output channels with either screw terminals (PN5750) or Anderson Powerpole connectors
3. Connect 100 - 240VAC to the D4 HP Dimmer power input.
4. Set a DMX start address to meet the needs of your installation.
5. Use your bump buttons to check that your output is correctly wired. The DMX LED will blink when not receiving DMX,
and will be solid when receiving DMX.
6. See the full manual for information on dimming curves, modes, and smoothing, which will insure optimum dimming
quality when set to suit your specic dimming needs (LED, incandescent, icker candles, etc).

Turn power off before removing or connecting your loads
5750 Output Terminals
5752 Output Terminals
Connecting 12V Three Color RGB Tape
12 Volt three color LED tape is provided with a single +12VDC circuit and a –VDC circuit for each color.
1. Connect the +12VDC circuit to any one of the eight + output terminals. The + terminals are bussed, and provide constant voltage. Note that some tape comes pre-wired with Black wire for the +12VDC circuit while other tape comes
pre-wired with White wire.
2. Connect the R, G and B circuits each to one of the four – output terminals (in the case of four color tape, connect the
A or W circuit to the fourth – output terminal). The – terminals are the PWM dimmed outputs of the D4 Dimmer. Note
that some tape comes with the R, G and B (and A or W) circuits in a different order than others.
3. Select the LED Curve for each dimmer channel used. (Curve dip switches on-on for each channel)
4. Power up your Dimmer and test your load connections with the bump buttons.
5. If you wish to change the PWM frequency, use RDM or the MOD DIP switch to select the TV/Film mode desired.
Connecting Single Color Tape
12 Volt single color tape is provided with a single +VDC circuit and a –VDC circuit.
1. Connect the +VDC circuit to one of the + output terminals and connect the -VDC circuit to the accompanying – output
2. For LED tape, select the LED Curve (Curve dip switches on-on for each channel) and set LED smoothing, if needed.
(see manual)
3. If you wish to change the PWM frequency, use RDM or the MOD DIP switch to select the TV/Film mode desired.
Scan the QR Code for quick reference to the D4 HP User Manual