2. Acquisition Signals
System User Guide - 03.12.14
Analog and frequency signals
These channels, dedicated to engine or chassis, are part of
the basic system. The processing done on them will be
realized by the ECU (calibration, diagnostics,…)
Engine oil pressure
Engine water pressure
Engine intake pressure
Engine turbocharger pressure
Atmospheric pressure
Barrel position
Pedal position(%)
Throttle position(°)
Clutch pressure
Hydraulic pressure
Wheels speed
Brake pressures
Knock sensor
Signals from Bosch modules
These channels, dedicated to chassis care are part of the
basic system. The processing done on them will be realized
by the Bosch unit (calibration, diagnostics,…)
XY accelerometer
Steering angle
Signals from BRK
These channels dedicated to chassis care are part of the
basic system. The processing done on them will be realized
by the BRK unit (calibration, diagnostics,…)
Front Wheel speeds x2
Rear Wheel speeds x2
A specific signal will be sent to the trip meter
Temperature Processed signals
Four measurements of temperature are acquired by the ECU (Water Temp, Air Temp, Oil Temp, Gbox Temp and Box Temp).
These measurements are done through CTN temperature sensors ,specific type, therefore all the settings done into the
software are adapted to them. The use of a sensor other than the one specified can raise some doubts on the entire system,
anyway against the original setup.